The Pro Wrestling Thread

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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by Froggy »

Kevin Steen is finally officially signed. This picture is really surreal for me to look at.

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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by skullman80 »

I just came to post the same thing. That picture is very surreal.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by CERV96 »

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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by Defence21 »

skullman80 wrote:I just came to post the same thing. That picture is very surreal.
For a relative newbie -- or I should say hardcare fan from the 90's regaining interest -- can you explain why this is so surreal?

Also, is it common for the WWE to sign as much high-end talent in such a short time as they have recently with Devitt, Kenta, and now Steen?

Lastly, I watched some NXT stuff on the Network over the weekend and found the VaudeWillians to be extremely entertaining. I love their entrance, and they seem to be good in the ring as well. Would like to see the gimmick stick if/when they transition to the WWE.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by SolidSnake »

CERV96 wrote:
Haha Darth Burius, Armbar :lol:

I want that heel turn shirt
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by DudeMan2766 »

Defence21 wrote:
skullman80 wrote:I just came to post the same thing. That picture is very surreal.
For a relative newbie -- or I should say hardcare fan from the 90's regaining interest -- can you explain why this is so surreal?

Also, is it common for the WWE to sign as much high-end talent in such a short time as they have recently with Devitt, Kenta, and now Steen?

Lastly, I watched some NXT stuff on the Network over the weekend and found the VaudeWillians to be extremely entertaining. I love their entrance, and they seem to be good in the ring as well. Would like to see the gimmick stick if/when they transition to the WWE.
I watched NXT for the first time a few weeks ago when I got the network and was going to ask the same about the VaudeVillians. That's a gimmick I don't think would get old with me. Just makes me laugh. Also is Alexa Bliss close? I could really go for looking at her every week on RAW, but hoping she's actually good and not another Eva Marie.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by skullman80 »

Defence21 wrote:
skullman80 wrote:I just came to post the same thing. That picture is very surreal.
For a relative newbie -- or I should say hardcare fan from the 90's regaining interest -- can you explain why this is so surreal?

Also, is it common for the WWE to sign as much high-end talent in such a short time as they have recently with Devitt, Kenta, and now Steen?

Lastly, I watched some NXT stuff on the Network over the weekend and found the VaudeWillians to be extremely entertaining. I love their entrance, and they seem to be good in the ring as well. Would like to see the gimmick stick if/when they transition to the WWE.
It's surreal to me, because honestly, outside of the last few years WWE as far as making stars or making new talent, have always been "you aren't worth a damn unless you came through our system and know the WWE style". Very rarely would they go outside of their own system to bring someone in, and if they did the person they would bring in would be treated like a joke. I mean guys like Steen, Kenta etc wouldn't even have gotten a look from WWE a few years ago.

Punk and Byran were the outliers when they were signed, and lets be honest neither of them were pushed right away. Bryan was treated as a joke during his initial NXT run, his first world title run was an after though, much like Punks. It wasn't until Sheamus beat Byran in 28 seconds at WM that his luck started to turn. It still took a long time for the commpany to get behind him, but you get the point. Ditto with Punk, up until the pipebomb promo he was just kind of there. Yes he put on good matches, but the company never looked at him like a top star.

It seems since HHH took over handling developmental for the most part, that WWE has been much more open of looking at Japan and the like for guys to bring in. No obviously you never know how these guys will be booked down the road, but WWE is brimming with talent in NXT.

I mean who would have ever thought you would see Punk or Bryan main eventing PPV's, or Punk with a year + title reign, or Ambrose and Rollins getting to where they are.

It's just a pretty big shift in direction as far as how WWE wants to build their roster going forward, a shift that many people never thought would happen. Steen, Kenta, Devitt etc... I mean 5 years, heck 2 years ago... the thought of any of those guys signing were looked at as .. not a chance in hell. They don't wrestle the WWE style, or have the WWE look etc.

I probably didn't explain that as well as I could have, but yeah.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by Froggy »

Kevin Steen has probably been THE guy in North American indies for the better part of the last decade. It was surreal to me because he's the kind of guy who never would have gotten a shot in the WWE in years past. He's overweight. He does a lot of extremely dangerous moves. He's also one of the most talented in ring and on the mic the world. It's nice to see guys who aren't prototypical bodybuilder types getting signed. The fact that in a short while, NXT will have Steen, Generico, Sami Callahan, Samuray Del Sol, KENTA, Devitt, and has recently graduated guys like Rollins, Cesaro, & Ambrose... these were all MAJOR stars in the indies or overseas. As someone who follows the indies, this is really unprecedented to see so much talent getting a shot.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by Froggy »

I think the WWE roster in like 2 or 3 years might be the best collection of talent in a single company since late 90s All Japan Pro Wrestling, which had 3 or 4 of the best workers EVER.

I'm super excited about this new direction. I'm not sure if any of these guys are future world champs, but even if they're mid card depth guys, that only helps the overall quality of the company
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by nocera »

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm really looking forward to HHH taking over full control of the company. If his work with NXT is any indication, he's going to be awesome.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by Defence21 »

Thanks for the responses. I hadn't realized the WWE was only about homegrown talent. When I watched in the 90s as a teenager, I had read all the old rumor sites about storylines, etc., but never found much interest in new wrestlers coming up the ranks. As far as I was concerned, I only cared about what I saw. So I never paid attention to where the new wrestlers were coming from. It's good to see that the WWE has grown serious about bringing in the best talents and not just the best talents they groom. Hopefully these guys aren't in NXT for long and we get to see them debuting in 2015.

One interesting thing was that Steen said he would love to work alongside Bray Wyatt. His look is just right to introduce him as a new member of the faction if it remains together long enough.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by Froggy »

Well, in the 80s, most of the talent was acquired from Vince buying up all the territories. Then you had ecw being raided in the 90s. So this isn't exactly a new concept, but the interesting thing about HHH's plan is that he seems to be focused more on talent than Vince's obsession with roidy he men.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by JS© »

Froggy wrote:Vince's obsession with roidy he men.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by DudeMan2766 »

I just found out (I wasn't paying a ton of attention Monday) but the stipulation Ambrose laid down as a freakin LumberJack Match? zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Naturally you'd think Dean would want the MITB briefcase on the line but that would make too much sense. Im reading WWE didn't want that match overshadowing the Main Event..which with those two it would have. But a lumberjack match? Why the hell wouldn't Ambrose just do a cage match or something so he has Rollins all to himself? Can't wait to see this heated feud come to a head with other guys rolling them back into the ring gently each time they try to leave.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by skullman80 »

I'm not a fan of that stip either. I mean it makes sense somewhat, but like you said a Cage match would have done the trick and been a much better idea. I floated the idea of a dog collar match, but that kind of match isn't gonna happen these days. I still think those two will put on a good/great match even with the stip, but I have a hard time thinking of ANY lumberjack match that was every considered a great match.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by skullman80 »

How did I never see this? .. HAHA. Putting in Spoilers as the audio is NSFW.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by Spangler »

I remember reading in Bret Hart's book that he hated lumberjack matches because they were so limiting. I don't think anyone likes it.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by Spangler »

I'm very interested to see what they do with Kenta. I watched a highlight video of him last night, and Daniel Bryan and Punk (more so Bryan) borrowed a bunch of his moves.

I don't know if they would let him do the GTS even though he pretty much invented it.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by Defence21 »

skullman80 wrote:I'm not a fan of that stip either. I mean it makes sense somewhat, but like you said a Cage match would have done the trick and been a much better idea. I floated the idea of a dog collar match, but that kind of match isn't gonna happen these days. I still think those two will put on a good/great match even with the stip, but I have a hard time thinking of ANY lumberjack match that was every considered a great match.
I don't think it makes any sense. Ambrose is essentially a loner, aside from Reigns, who really has nothing to do with him anymore. Ambrose Has HH, Kane, Orton, and anyone HH "hires" to be a lumberjack. It's just setting up Ambrose for a bad situation. Doesn't make any sense for him to have picked this. On the other hand, it would have made perfect sense for Rollins to pick it.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by MalkinIsMyHomeboy »

Defence21 wrote:
skullman80 wrote:I'm not a fan of that stip either. I mean it makes sense somewhat, but like you said a Cage match would have done the trick and been a much better idea. I floated the idea of a dog collar match, but that kind of match isn't gonna happen these days. I still think those two will put on a good/great match even with the stip, but I have a hard time thinking of ANY lumberjack match that was every considered a great match.
I don't think it makes any sense. Ambrose is essentially a loner, aside from Reigns, who really has nothing to do with him anymore. Ambrose Has HH, Kane, Orton, and anyone HH "hires" to be a lumberjack. It's just setting up Ambrose for a bad situation. Doesn't make any sense for him to have picked this. On the other hand, it would have made perfect sense for Rollins to pick it.
I guess Ambrose has anyone who is fighting against the Authority (...which is pretty much just Reigns at this point) but other than that, yeah, it was a terrible decision.

Also, methinks you meant Rollins at the underlined.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by SolidSnake »

Just watched Austin/Owen Hart from Summerslam 97', still don't know how Austin finished that match.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by nocera »

I also don't really care for the lumberjack match stipulation, but I'm not a fan of putting the briefcase on the line. When the contract is put on the line it devalues the MitB match.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by Spangler »

SolidSnake wrote:Just watched Austin/Owen Hart from Summerslam 97', still don't know how Austin finished that match.
Based what I've heard from Austin talking about his injury, I don't know how he finished his career. A good portion of his prime/Stone Cold run was done adjusting to his neck injury.
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by SolidSnake »

Spangler wrote:
SolidSnake wrote:Just watched Austin/Owen Hart from Summerslam 97', still don't know how Austin finished that match.
Based what I've heard from Austin talking about his injury, I don't know how he finished his career. A good portion of his prime/Stone Cold run was done adjusting to his neck injury.
Yea def. that was the first time I seen that match in years no X was thrown up. Hebner was talking to Austin and the camera was focusing on Owen
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Re: The Pro Wrestling Thread

Post by skullman80 »

I always wonder if Austin truly ever did forgive Owen for that. I think he has said he has, but I wonder if that is really the case.