*** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

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the wicked child
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*** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by the wicked child »

Congratulations to the Village, winners of Jellyfish invasion IV!!!

This game went nothing like I had expected. I was actually concerned that the jellies might be overpowered if they each survived to see their powers kick in. Instead, they were each picked off right before their powers would truly kick in... except for NAN whose powers were meaningless once he was the final red.

I actually thought that the Village had screwed themselves by being so chatty about themselves... I thought as soon as the game didn't end, people would jump on dagny at least... slappy tried, but all they really needed was one person to slip up on that last day. Had dagny or SDD gone down, i'm assuming that the other travelers would have figured out what was up once they saw the purple.

The packages in this game were a late decision... I was thinking about going in without them this time, but then decided that would rob some of the traditional JI flair from the game and spent the couple days before the game putting that together.

I was originally going to do another game first, but once I got the idea of doing the origin story for Algaeria, I had no choice but to make it happen. The idea for the Village came along fairly early on in that process. I didn't want a simple extra faction though as I have often done... I wanted a nice twist that would keep even them on their toes... which is why there was a Red and a Green villager. These were still villagers, but they had an alternate victory goal outside of their group... Zaro would win with the Jellies and columbia would win with the travelers, while SDD and dagny needed the village to win.

Some lucky early voting/kills kept the Jellies from reaching their full potential. I am somewhat disappointed that their powers NEVER came into play even once during the course of the game. It was still fun, and I hope that you all enjoyed yourselves. This is for all of yinz as much as it is an exercise in my wicked childness.

Now let's take a closer look at how it all went down. First up, your Role Players.


The Jellyfish

Portuguese NAN 'O War, played by MWB
Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion IV!!!

You are the Portuguese NAN 'O War (Alpha).


Fear, thy name is NAN 'O War. The sea holds few terrors which compare to the likes of you. Each night you will submit the name of a player to be dragged to the watery depths, never to be seen again.

However, you are still young, grasshopper. Once you mature, your attack will be unstoppable:

Night 7: Kill can no longer be stopped

You may communicate with your fellow jellyfish: PensFanInDC (Sea Wasp Jellyfish), newarenanow (Nomura's Jellyfish) and dodint (Immortal Jellyfish).
Sea Wasp Jellyfish, played by PensFanInDC
Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion IV!!!

You are the Sea Wasp Jellyfish.


Your poison is legendary - all would do well to avoid you. Attackers and voters alike may fear your wrath.

However, you are still young, grasshopper. As you mature, so will your poison.

Night 1: Attackers die
Night 3: Last voter is poisoned, but may be saved if the Hobo urinates on them that night.
Night 5: The first and last voter are now poisoned. The Hobo can save one of them by urinating on them at night.
Night 7: The first and last voter die.

You may communicate with your fellow jellyfish: MWB (Portuguese NAN 'O War [Alpha]), newarenanow (Nomura's Jellyfish) and dodint (Immortal Jellyfish).
Nomura's Jellyfish, played by newarenanow
Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion IV!!!

You are Nomura's Jellyfish.


You are a true terror of the seas, disrupting fishing and wildlife wherever you go. If that wasn't enough, death is not an end, but a new beginning... When killed you will release jellyfish pods that will enslave the victims if any action is performed upon them by the Jellyfish.

However, you are still young, grasshopper. You will gain jellyfish pods as you mature:

Night 1: 0 pods
Night 2: 1 pod
Night 4: 2 pods (total)

You may communicate with your fellow jellyfish: MWB (Portuguese NAN 'O War [Alpha]), PensFanInDC (Sea Wasp Jellyfish) and dodint (Immortal Jellyfish).
Immortal Jellyfish, played by dodint
Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion IV!!!

You are the Immortal Jellyfish.


You have the unique ability to cheat death... something all living creatures can only dream about.

However, you are still young, grasshopper. You are vulnerable now, but once you mature, you will survive one death.

Night 4: Gain second life

You may communicate with your fellow jellyfish: MWB (Portuguese NAN 'O War [Alpha]), PensFanInDC (Sea Wasp Jellyfish) and newarenanow (Nomura's Jellyfish).
The travelers

Maggie the monkey, played by Crankshaft
Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion IV!!!

You are Maggie, the monkey (Seer).


Each night, you will spin your wheel and learn the true identity of one player.

You may NOT share the results of your findings until the following day phase. Failure to comply with this simple directive will incur the wrath of the Island Gods.
The Inebriated Hobo, played by redwill
Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion IV!!!

You are the Inebriated Hobo (Angel).


Each night, you will submit the name of one player to shower in golden protection. You may protect the same player on back to back nights, including yourself.

Note: A situation may arise where you need to forego protecting yourself to save another... be on your guard, and if you see three, go for the one in the middle.
Spongebob, played by obhave
Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion IV!!!

You are Spongebob (All-Day Vigilante)


People may have thought you were an innocent children's cartoon character, but your bloodlust for jellyfish knows no boundaries.

On even nights, you will gain a net which can be used to kill a player of your choosing. You can hold up to two nets at one time. Note that if you do not use a net the night a third net would be granted, it will be lost.

If you are attacked at night while holding a net, the attacker will also die.

But wait, there's more. You may also choose to use one of your nets during the day phase. Send a PM to the mod(s) indicating that you would like to do this and the phase will be interrupted and the selected player will be killed. The day phase will then continue among the :scared: that is sure to ensue.

Good hunting.
The Village

Village Chief, played by SDD
Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion IV!!!

You are the Village Chief.


You rose to prominence among your fellow islanders due to your legendary cunning and fearlessness. Or you stuffed the ballot box, but that is neither here nor there.

Your only concern is for your village... you are not overly concerned with the petty fighting between the Jellyfish and the Travellers. Your goal is merely to survive, and protect your village... as best as you can in the midst of this jellyfish epidemic, anyway.

Note: You must outlast the jellies and travelers to win.

You may use one of the following powers on any given night phase. However, you cannot use the same power on back to back nights, so choose wisely.

See - look up the identity of another player
Protect - protect someone from attack, including yourself
Block - prevent a player from performing role powers

You may communicate with your fellow villagers: Zarovich, dagny and columbia.
(Bad) Villager, played by Zarovich:
Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion IV!!!

You are a Villager.

You may be a native to this island, but you are sick of that infernal chief and want to shake things up a bit. You would have been the chief, if not for that suspected election tampering.

You are going to pay them all back by siding with the jellyfish. You work in secret... the jellyfish do not know that you are on their side. It has to be this way... they'll never see it coming.

You may communicate with your fellow villagers: Sam's Drunk Dog (Chief), dagny and columbia.
(independent) villager, played by dagny
Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion IV!!!

You are a Villager.

Much like your chief, your only true concern is for the survival of your village. This war between the travellers and the jellyfish is but a temporary nuisance.

Note: You must outlast the jellies and travelers to win.

You may communicate with your fellow villagers: Sam's Drunk Dog (Chief), Zarovich and columbia.
(Good) villager, played by columbia
Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion IV!!!

You are a Villager.

You are a native to this island, but you are welcoming of these strange travellers. You are actively working to ensure their survival, as well as that of your village.

You may communicate with your fellow villagers: Sam's Drunk Dog (Chief), Zarovich and dagny.
(Independent) Villager, played by count2infinity

Resurrected by a package, random.org determined he would join the village. Other options were to become a Jellyfish Liaison or remain a humble traveler.


Next up, the (Not so secret) packages.
  • Hot Tub Time Machine - undo one mistake made by the village. player’s alignment upon return is randomized.
  • Five Hour Energy - time limit is 5 hours for the next phase
  • Tick Tick Boom - kill
  • Urine Soaked Jorts - protect
  • I Can See Clearly Now - see
  • Blinded By The Light - block
  • Double Vision - double voter
  • Enjoy the Silence - silence
  • Call Me - seashell buddies
  • Rearviewmirror - see alignment
  • Trust me, I’m a ninja - immune to all night actions
  • Vengeance Is Thine - (fire a shot at death)
  • Keep the Fire Burning - take over powers of any role player that dies.
  • eye of the tiger - immune to night kills
  • Mirror Mirror - investigation returns false results
  • the Eismann commeth - must make an anagram from the username you wish to vote for
  • Bylsmagic - for the next day phase, you must get to your game. This means your vote will only count if it is the first cast. If not, the other posters will prevent you from getting to your game, and your vote will thus not count.
  • Big Book of Island Haikus - everyone must post an island themed haiku with their vote
  • The Deal - For the next day phase, each vote must be presented in a “What’s the deal with <player x>” format.
  • Trading Places - actions performed against target player will be enacted upon you and vice versa
Each night, I randomized the list of remaining packages, as well as the list of remaining players. Top 2 were taken from each list, so players could get more than one. Upon receiving the package, the player had a choice of keeping the package, or sending it to another player.
You stumbled upon a strange package with a small note that reads "X".

Do you want to keep it, or give it to another player?

Note: If no response is given prior to the writeup, you will automatically keep the package.

Note 2: Further details may be revealed if you choose to keep it.

Note 3: If you choose to keep this package, you may activate it by sending a PM prior to the writeup in any phase. PMs received after the Writeup Coming post will not take effect until after the writeup.
Incidentally, I used the out clause (may be revealed) and decided not to provide additional info. On the occasion where a player asked for more details, I generally responded with a clue.

Details of who received what and their decisions will be covered in the Actions. Speaking of which...


List of Actions:

Night 1:

redwill - protect self
MWB - kill shad
Crankshaft - see redwill
SDD - see slappy

MRandall gets Five Hour Energy; give to dagny
Rylan gets Urine Soaked Jorts; kept

Night 2:

redwill - protect Crankshaft
MWB - kill Zaro
Crankshaft: see the errey i breathe
SDD - protect self
obhave - keep net

dagny uses Five Hour Energy
slappy gets Big Book of Island Haikus; kept; used
the errey i breathe gets Enjoy The Silence; kept

Day 2:

5 hour time limit

Night 3:

redwill - protect Crankshaft
MWB - kill Crankshaft
Crankshaft: see dodint
SDD - see Crankshaft
obhave - keep net

dodint gets I Can See Clearly Now; kept
SDD gets Tick Tick Boom; give to the errey i breathe

Night 4:

redwill - protect Crankshaft
MWB - kill Crankshaft
Crankshaft: see Rylan
SDD - protect self
obhave - keep 2 nets

columbia gets The Eismann Commeth; kept
Willie Kool gets Trust Me, I'm a Ninja; kept

Day 4:

columbia uses The Eismann Commeth (takes effect Day 5)

Night 5:

redwill - protect Crankshaft
MWB - kill Crankshaft
Crankshaft: see c2i (blocked)
SDD - block Crankshaft
obhave - kill Cbear, 1 net left

CBear gets Blinded By The Light
LITT gets Double Vision; kept. used

Day 5:

Anagram Day!
LITT is a doublevoter

Niight 6:

redwill - protect Crankshaft
MWB - kill Crankshaft
Crankshaft: see slappy
SDD - see columbia
obhave - keep 2 nets

Rylan uses Urine Soaked Jorts
WK uses Trust Me, I'm A Ninja

redwill gets Hot Tub Time Machine; kept
MWB gets Venegeance Is Thine; kept

Day 6:

redwill uses Hot Tub Time Machine - c2i back to life; random.org picks villager (jellyfish liaison and traveler were other options)
errey uses Tick Tick Boom on redwill and Enjoy the Silence on columbia (takes effect Day 7)
obhave kills MWB

Night 7:

NAN - kill Crankshaft
Crankshaft: see pecky
SDD - protect self
obhave - kill LITT

c2i gets The Deal; kept;
obhave gets Call Me; kept;

Day 7:

obhave uses Call Me; seashell buddies with slappy (random.org of remaining players)
c2i uses The Deal (takes effect Day 8)
columbia silenced

Night 8:

SDD - block Randall
obhave - net Randall

MRandall gets Rearviewmirror; kept; use on obhave
SDD gets Mirror Mirror; give to dagny

Day 8:

The Deal


Some notes:

The Jellies had a really bad run of luck. PFIDC was voted out before his poison matured. had that happened a day later, someone would have died since redwill needed to use his protect on Crankshaft.

dodint was voted out the day before his second life kicked in. Yeah, that wouldn't have saved him since he got seen, but it would have forced either the vig to use a net or the travelers to spend another day vote on him, not gaining any additional info in the process.

the Jellies killed Zaro Night 2, and he was a secret agent for them. They didn't know this of course, but that's a bad break.

MWB getting blown up on Day 6 really hosed them as it meant that NAN's powers were useless... jellyfish pods mean f all if there are no jellies left to activate them.

Additionally, dodint died without using his package which granted a see - they may have been able to find the angel and kill him. MWB died with an unused package that would have let him fire a shot at death.

All added up to a disappointing showing by our tentacled friends.

In regards to the village, Zaro had a major fail on Night 1. He did a reply all to his role PM including all of his teammates... so they all knew he had ulterior motives from the start. The Jellies cleaned that up unknowingly, but perhaps it's a different game if neither of these things happen.

I'll probably think of more to say later, so I'll post in the thread as things pop into my head, but as always, thanks for playing and see you next time.

Note: There will be more Jellyfish Invasion, but I think that I may revisit Barnyard Battle for my next undertaking.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by obhave »

haha night 8 was all about mrandall
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by columbia »

I'll be honest: I had a pretty crappy role and I don't encourage future mods to replicate it. Having said that, I could have thrown zarovich, SDD and Dagny under the bus on Day 1 and hilarity would have ensued.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by count2infinity »

I'm glad random.org put me where I was put. traveler would have been alright too, but jelly would have been the worst, since they all sucked so bad :slug:
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by dodint »

Thanks again for putting it on, was my first Jelly adventure. :thumb:
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by Sam's Drunk Dog »

Thanks twc. Great game. I'll post more of my thoughts later.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by dagny »

obhave wrote:haha night 8 was all about mrandall

Yeah, by the end of that night he had me convinced he was trying to tell us he was the vig, very indiscreetly. I figured if we didn't net a red in the vote, that red would take him out in the night, along with his last shot taking out pecky or nan, whichever of the 2 were left. I had no idea you were the vig. :fist:
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by slappybrown »

Your games are absurdly complex and great
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by redwill »

Haha. I said
redwill wrote:GOD DAMN YOU TWC!!!!
after I used my package and got blown up. In Lost Warz, twc killed me when I opened a package and I thought it had happened again.

Turns out it was the errey i breathe that killed me. Grrr.

Sorry 'bout that, twc, and thanks for a great game!
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by Sam's Drunk Dog »

I gotta say that this is my favorite win in my warz career. It took a lot of luck but the odds were stacked against us.

We got a big break when Zarovich outed himself as red by quoting his PM when replying all. But as columbia pointed it out to dagny and me, he mentioned that he was green but didn't send him PM.

I knew I was purple but responded I was green because I had yet to hear from dagny and had no idea if she was also purple. Once dagny confirmed she was also purple, my thoughts were how can we win with only the two of us and dagny usually dying early and no big to help whittle down the travellers. The reds lack of killing also made things difficult but obhave and teib's selection of redwill really turned it in our favor.

I pretty much only talked through PMs with dagny from then on as we couldn't completely trust columbia. I also didn't give full details of my abilities to him, abut since I also didn't completely trust dagny I didn't consult with her before all of my night actions.

I got to give a huge thank you to columbia for coming out and saving dagny. It would have really been hard to win if any of us were killed. The luck of adding c2i was another huge gain and made the difference in the end.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by columbia »

The green to purple switch was not unnoticed. :) At that point, I concluded that I couldn't really trust either of you, but was left with working with you towards an uncertain outcome.
Would one or both of you have gone after me in a day vote later in the game? Very possibly, which is part of the reason I needed to establish a public coordination with dagny. I can't even imagine how this would have turned out had zarovich not revealed his alliance with the jellies.
the wicked child
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by the wicked child »

Uncertainty and uneasy alliances within the same team? Seems that my plan worked perfectly. :pop:
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by Crankshaft »

SDD and dagny are taking a lot of credit for pretty much being handed a win. :slug:
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by newarenanow »

Thanks twc, great game.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by slappybrown »

While I am loathe to deviate from worst seer ever talk, I feel like Crankshaft was MVP
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by Crankshaft »

slappybrown wrote:While I am loathe to deviate from worst seer ever talk, I feel like Crankshaft was MVP
No slappy...

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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by dodint »

Crankshaft wrote:SDD and dagny are taking a lot of credit for pretty much being handed a win. :slug:
Oh, how ironical.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by Rylan »

newarenanow wrote:Thanks twc, great game.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by dagny »

Sam's Drunk Dog wrote:I gotta say that this is my favorite win in my warz career. It took a lot of luck but the odds were stacked against us.

We got a big break when Zarovich outed himself as red by quoting his PM when replying all. But as columbia pointed it out to dagny and me, he mentioned that he was green but didn't send him PM.

I knew I was purple but responded I was green because I had yet to hear from dagny and had no idea if she was also purple. Once dagny confirmed she was also purple, my thoughts were how can we win with only the two of us and dagny usually dying early and no big to help whittle down the travellers. The reds lack of killing also made things difficult but obhave and teib's selection of redwill really turned it in our favor.

I pretty much only talked through PMs with dagny from then on as we couldn't completely trust columbia. I also didn't give full details of my abilities to him, abut since I also didn't completely trust dagny I didn't consult with her before all of my night actions.

I got to give a huge thank you to columbia for coming out and saving dagny. It would have really been hard to win if any of us were killed. The luck of adding c2i was another huge gain and made the difference in the end.
:thumb: :fist:
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by dagny »

Crankshaft wrote:SDD and dagny are taking a lot of credit for pretty much being handed a win. :slug:
Selective reading, much? :lol:

I'm quite certain the evidence shows us pouring credit on columbia. Even saying it would've been over for us if it wasn't for him. Crediting lotsa luck, getting c2i, I even called teib the mvp for us, with obhave as runner up, etc. :lol:

We're enjoying our win, sharing what took place behind the scenes.

But, yeah. . . what you said. :slug:
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by count2infinity »

I believe what dagny is trying to say is that I was the key to victory.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by dagny »

columbia wrote:The green to purple switch was not unnoticed. :) At that point, I concluded that I couldn't really trust either of you, but was left with working with you towards an uncertain outcome.
Would one or both of you have gone after me in a day vote later in the game? Very possibly, which is part of the reason I needed to establish a public coordination with dagny. I can't even imagine how this would have turned out had zarovich not revealed his alliance with the jellies.

I did ask, how do you mix up green and purple? :lol:
He then sent me his RP PM and explained, since you said green he said green, but when I said purple and questioned the green, he realized we were both purple. :lol:
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by relantel »

I don't log on for two weeks and I miss JI:IV? (Under the view new posts, there are 160 threads......... so maybe it's been three weeks as the oldest unread was 6/12 at 9:51am)

Probably just as good as my work schedule would have kept me AWOL anyway, and I hate playing warz that way. Will have to read up when I can to see what I missed.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion IV: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by dodint »

Why? AWOL is a pretty sound strategy.

You actually did miss the entire sign up and game thread for ZOMG Warz. ;)