Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

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Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by canaan »


[The cameras fade in to a pyro extravaganza raining blue and green fireworks over a darkened ring in the center of the arena]

Jim Ross: Hello, folks and welcome to an action-packed night in the LGPWF. We are coming live to you from a sold out Verizon Center in your nation’s capital.

Jerry Lawler: JR, this crowd is electric (boogie woogie woogie)

Jim Ross: Jesus, Jerry. Did you just stoop to that?

Jerry Lawler: At least Im not slinging BBQ sauce..that would be pathetic

[Awkward silence]

Jim Ross: Well, anyway, the first match of the night will be between the…

[The lights go out and Michael Jackson’s Thriller begins to play. The crowd is ambivalent.]

Jim Ross: Here we go, King. The man known as Some Handsome Ass Dude makes his way to the ring and I cant say that hes been shy about the awkwardness of his shtick, King.

Jerry Lawler: Yeah, JR. This guy thinks hes the king of pop…Im the only king around here!

[The music stops and the lights go dark. Patton’s Colors plays and the crowd, representing the capital of the USA, gives a patriotic cheer. Ronaldus Magnus runs from behind the LGPWFtron, gives a hearty salute, and marches his way to the ring]

Jim Ross: Here we go, folks!!


The Patriot, Magnus signals to the crowd and then charges towards SHAD who is still busy trying to take off his red leather jacket. SHAD is fleet of foot and dodges the attack, sending Magnus into the turnbuckle. The crowd boos furiously and SHAD grabs his crotch and laughs. Shad grabs the back of Magnus’ head and throws him backwards to the mat. SHAD moonwalks to the side of the ring, charges to a full sprint into the other rope, and before he drops a vicious elbow, removes the singular glove. A true ode to the people’s elbow—the crowd gives a cheer. Magnus pops up from the mat and both men are standing once more. The Two men engage in a classic test of strength to which SHAD, clearly in the losing end of the contest, drops to a knee, grabs Magnus’ crotch and screams towards the crowd, “WOOO HOOO” a la Michael Jackson. Magnus is not phased and drops a double axehandle to the spine of SHAD. Magnus grabs the legs of SHAD, flips him over, and twists his legs around into a Dean Malenko-esque texas clover leaf. SHAD is writhing in pain as he reaches for the ropes. The ref watches intently as SHAD is mere inches away from freedom. He continues to reach, desperately, but to no avail. SHAD finally succumbs to the torment and taps on the mat.
Jim Ross: What an entertaining match to kick off the show, King. It had it all—crazy dance moves, ball grabbing, two men pretzeling into a grotesque display.

Jerry Lawler: You know, JR, you are really starting to creep me out.

Jim Ross: Thanks, king. That’s my new goal.

Jerry Lawler: Um… okay? Well, before I get thrown into a hostel-type situation, lets get to our next match.

[Led Zeppelin’s Kashmir plays as a thunder/lightning display shoots across the LGPWFtron. Zane A. Sylum’s devious gait fastens as he struts to the ring in his trademarked hoodie]

[The Arena goes dark. Before the entrance music could be played, the crowd roars in a frenzy “BRIDGE, BRIDGE, BRIDGE”]

[Springsteen’s The River plays and the crowd sings along. The Bridge comes out and the place is at a fever pitch. The Bridge is donning the World Title Belt and it shines like none other as a single spotlight follows him to the ring. He climbs in, takes off the title belt, and hands it to the referee. The Bridge goes to shake Zane’s hand and Zane smacks it away]


Zane smacks The Bridge in the mouth and the crowd is enraged. The Bridge stares at Sylum with the eyes of a killer. Zane backpeddles and scurries underneath the bottom rope and begins to walk towards the ramp. You can read his lips saying “Im out of here. No way.” The Bridge follows Sylum out of the ring and right as The Bridge goes to grab the man, Zane turns around and gives The Bridge a vicious clothesline to the floor surrounding the ring. Zane is insensed. He seems to barely be hanging on to his emotions and his overall mental stability. He begins to furiously stomp on The Bridge. The Bridge catches Zane’s fifth attempt and twists the attack into a takedown. The men begin to throw punches and The Bridge ends up throwing Zane back into the squared circle. The Bridge locks up with Zane, lifts him above his in a dramatized Goldberg-ian delayed vertical suplex powerslam.
The Crowd is chanting once more. The Bridge goes for the pin! 1… 2…

[The arena lights go out. A now too familiar orange glow begins to pulse on the LGPWFtron and it is the only light in the entire place. The pulse quickens and brightens as well. 25 seconds pass and the orange light quickly disappears. A voice mutters the single phrase, “See you soon” The Arena lights return]


The referee stands confused and after looking at the ring official, slides to the mat and begins to count a pinfall for Zane A. Sylum. 1… 2… 3!!!!!!
[The Bridge recovers as the crowd cheers for him. He grabs the mic.

The Bridge: You know what, Bully…or or should I say *****, next week, the hiding in the shadows ends. You will meet me in this ring next Monday Night.

[The Crowd chants “BRIDGE, BRIDGE, BRIDGE”]


Jerry Lawler: Yeah, but it was a non-title bout, JR.

[Stargazer, by Rainbow plays and the crowd goes wild. They begin to chant “EL GEE PEE. EL GEE PEE. EL GEE PEE.” The neurotic Stargazer awkwardly walks to the ring, with ill intentions on his mind, as OB GYN Kenobi is there waiting for him, kendo stick in hand.]


Kenobi pulls the kendo stick from his waist as if it were a lightsaber and chokes up. He swings mightily at Stargazer’s head and connects. Stargazer’s brow is burst right open as the crimson begins to flow. Stargazer is unphased, wiping the blood from his brow and tasting it. He smiles eerily. Kenobi drops the kendo stick and jumps out of the ring—he begins to dig under the ring for goodies stashed by the commissioner’s henchmen and Stargazer slowly walks to the corner turnbuckle and waits for him to return. Kenobi comes out from the ring drapery with a satchel of goodies and hucks it into the ring. The contents spew out as they slam to the mat. It’s a veritable Hunger Games-like cornucopia of riches. Brass knuckles, tacks, a staple gun, and a small box labeled “do not use; vicious” Stargazer patiently wrings his hands like a man ready to devour a meal.

Kenobi picks up the brass knuckles and the staple gun. He charges at the bloodied Stargazer who very suavely dodges the attack. Stargazer grabs the arm of Kenobi that has the staple gun and turns it on himself. Stargazer begins to staple his own head! Kenobi is horrified at the amount of juice flowing from the head of his opponent. Stargazer grabs the other arm of Kenobi and begins to bash his mouth the knuckles of brass. Stargazer spits a cocktail of blood and a tooth in the frightened Kenobi’s face. Stargazer rushes to the satchel and procures the bag of tacks and sprinkles them on the mat near Kenobi. The knuckles are turned to Kenobi and he begins to wobble as punch after punch lands on the man, opening a hearty wound on the man’s right cheek. The crowd begins to chant the number of times the brass smacks skin. “7… 8… 9…” And Stargazer stops. Kenobi is wobbling and looks punch drunk. The crowd is beginning a “wwwhooooaaaa” chant anticipating the wrestler to fall into the pile of pain. And unfortunately for Kenobi, he does. Stargazer goes back to the satchel as the crow chants “EL GEE PEE” once more. He grabs the mystery box, pries it open and finds a strap. A strap much like he used in the Wrestle Revolution rumble, but this one is improved. Stargazer’s eyes light up as he removes the strap from the box, revealing a mangled strain of leather wrapped in thorns—A macabre amalgamation of horror. Stargazer runs over to the tack-riddled Kenobi and wraps the strap around his chest. The screams Kenobi emit are horrific. After 20 seconds of sheer terror, the referee calls the match.


[The medical staff hurries to what looks like an opening scene of “The First 48”. Stargazer goes back to the corner turnbuckle and slyly leans as if it were no big deal, blood streaming down his face. The referee throws a mangled, rusted belt in the general direction of Stargazer and runs off. Stargazer looks at the belt, looks at the crowd, and then leans over and through the ropes. Stargazer walks away]

Jerry Lawler: What a bloody mess that was. Reminds me of this girl I was with in 9th gra…

Jim Ross: Alright, King. No one wants to hear that.

Jerry Lawler: You sure about that, JR?

Jim Ross: Im pretty sure of that one, bub.

Jerry Lawler: Is it main event time yet?

Jim Ross: Most definitely.

[Fugazi’s Break plays and Johnny Zontal, who is all business, runs to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope. This is followed by Creed’s My Own Prison. Munson fixes his tie on the runway and sloppily tries to tuck in his button down shirt. He awkwardly climbs the ring stairs and waits outside the ring, eyeing up Johnny Zontal. Both men turn their attention to the LGPWFtron as Billy Gunn’s entrance music plays for the man known as Too Sexy.]

The three men walk to the center of the ring as the referee tells them how he will be running the match. The Firm ignores the ref’s words and levels Johny Zontal. [DING, DING, DING] Too Sexy acts quickly as well and begins to stomp on the now laid out Zontal. Munson doesn’t appreciate the man getting in on his agenda and whips Too Sexy into the corner turnbuckle. The Firm climbs the rope in the corner and begins to pound on Styles’ face. The crowd counts along with the punches. “4…5…6…” As the crowd reaches 8, Zontal is on the prowl and scoops in to grap Munson off of the second rope and lifts him into a vicious tiger bomb. Munson and Styles both lay on the mat as Zontal signals to the crowd in celebration. He regains focus and runs over to Munson, wrapping the disheveled tie around his neck, cutting off his oxygen supply. Munson is furiously kicking, writhing in agony. He desperately reaches for Zontal’s eyes and rakes them. Zontal grabs at his own face in pain and the move is nullified. Too Sexy takes advantage of their feud and regains his footing, bounces off the far ropes and baseball slides into Munson’s face, making a horrific thud.

The egotistical Styles pops back to his feet and runs quickly to the near corner, top rope. He gyrates his hips and leaps. A vicious frogsplash lands directly on Zontal who was still grabbing at his face. All three men lay on the mat grabbing their wounded parts and the crowd is electric “EL GEE PEE, EL GEE PEE, EL GEE PEE” Styles is the first to his feet and grabs at the helm of The Firm. He lifts him to his feet, cocks back, and is defended trying to deliver the right handed punch. Munson brings Styles in for a hug and executes a strong belly to belly suplex—quite the agile move for Munson. Zontal takes advantage of the situation and drops his body on both men. Zontal rolls over and covers Styles …1…2…3!
Zontal celebrates his win as the #1 contender.

[Pantera’s Walk plays and the commissioner comes out from behind the LGPWFtron, mic in hand. The crowd’s cheers turn to boos]

Canaan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not so fast, Johnny boy. I don’t know what you’re celebrating for. The road to the LGPWF title isn’t paved in taking advantage of other people’s efforts. You’ve got another wrestler in that ring just as worthy as you are. Just because you beat Styles doesn’t mean The Firm is eliminated. Get back at it.

[Canaan throws the mic down the runway and stares at the ring]

[Zontal is furious. He turns to Munson just in time for Munson to clothesline him to the mat.]

Munson grabs the head of Zontal and pulls him to the corner where he forces a boot against his face. Zontal screams in pain as The Firm’s smile increases. Zontal lunges his leg out and kicks Munson in the thigh. The kick does enough to loosen the boot off of Zontal and he rolls out of the ring. The referee begins a count out. Zontal regains himself outside of the ring, but begins to scream at the announcer’s table. The only words that are audible are “This should be over. This is bull****” Munson comes outside of the ring and the two men engage by the announcer’s table. Zontal wins a lock up and slams the big man into the announcer’s table smashing it to bits. Zontal sneaks back in the ring at a 7 count and the referee continues the count out count. Munson is unable to make it back to the ring in time and referee calls for the bell!
[Zontal celebrates again. This is it! His chance to prove to the LGPWF what he’s really made of!]

[Pantera’s Walk plays and the familiar nemesis comes out of the curtain once more]

Canaan: Joooo-o-o-ohny, tsk tsk tsk. A countout? Really? You think that some outdated, bs way of ending a match is gonna be enough to win a shot at our world championship title?

[Zontal is baffled at the arrogance of the commissioner. His hands up in disgust]

Canaan: (looking at the ref) Do you want me to come down there and do your job for you? This isn’t that other Wrestling promotion with bull**** endings—lets do it legit.

Munson sneaks up on Zontal, grabs his leg from behind and rolls him up for a pin attempt. 1… 2… KICK OUT! In the nick of time, Zontal avoids the cheap pinfall.

Jim Ross: (sarcasm) I wonder if the good ole’ commish would’ve let that one stand.

Munson attacks again for a pinfall, but Zontal fights him off with a flurry of punches.

[Canaan is now ringside watching the match]

Zontal and Munson get to brawling. The two men take their back and forth blows outside of the ring, within arm’s length of the commissioner. Zontal gets the better of brawling and whips Munson into the corner post. A loud thud rings and Munson is out cold. Zontal picks up his limp body and rolls him back into the ring. Zontal signals to the crowd, who is now insanely behind the anti-commissioner wrestler. That signal means only one thing—The Horizontal. Johnny picks up Munson, holds him up in a dominator position, underhooks his opponent’s arms, and then swings him around into a double armed DDT—a vicious maneuver. The cover… 1..23!
Zontal celebrates a 3rd time, but Canaan grabs the mic once more

Canaan: WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? THAT WAS THE QUICKEST PIN COUNT I’VE EVER SEEN?!? This match is under review. (five second pause) The review finds that the pin count was too quick and this match, while it may stand for now, will be a rematch between the two of you next week.

Zontal: I won fair and square… 3 times.

Canaan: The way I see it is you either take the re-match or you forfeit and Munson takes your place as the #1 contender…what say you?

[The crowd chants “You’re an ***hole” and Zontal smirks as he gives the Verizon Center patrons a confirming nod]

Canaan: I don’t have all day…what’s your answer?

Zontal: I guess I don’t have a choice.

Canaan: Good. So it’s settled. And just to make sure that the match is called on the level, Ill be volunteering myself to oversee the proceedings

[The ***hole chants are deafening. Canaan starts to laugh. He drops the mic and walks off. The screen fades to black as Zontal stands on the middle rope corner yelling at Canaan as he walks to the back and the ref is checking on The Firm’s knocked out body]

Stargazer v. Zane A. Sylum (Non-Title Hardcore Match)
SHAD v. Too Sexy (Hardcore title match spot at the PPV)
The Firm v. Johnny Zontal (Special Guest Referee: Canaan)
The Bridge v. The Bully (non-title bout)
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by redwill »

{The flush of victory is obvious.}


Your LGPWF Hardcore Champion goes the distance! Stargazer will ultimately triumph against the fleshy commissioner and his boy-toy Rainbow Bridge!

Zane A. Sylum? What A. FeminineFellow.

Bring it on.

Stargazer will wrap that thing up in duck tape and flush it where it deserves to go.

Hey! Where's my belt ?!
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by Froggy »

{Johnny Zontal is sitting backstage in his dressing room ,speaking with an almost eerie calm in his voice}

I know that some of you are waiting for me to go off the deep end. I know some of you are expecting me to flip out and start wrecking the place. But that would be extremely predictable, and if there is one thing Johnny Zontal is not, it is predictable. But please don't mistake my current demeanor as acceptance or complacency.

Right now, I am afraid. Afraid of a lot of things. I am afraid for Canaan. I'm afraid for the legitimacy of his company. And I'm afraid for Munson. you see, he has to step foot in the ring with me again. You think Canaan screwed me? No. Canaan screwed Munson. I am afraid of what i might do to him next week. But one thing i am not afraid for is myself. Tonight, i faced 2 competitors... 2 of the best in this company... and swatted them down like flies. Do you honestly think I have anything to fear from Munson?

And Commissioner... having a difficult, unstable, and out and out crazy boss is nothing special. I think most of the people in the country can relate to that. All a person can do in that position if they truly value their job, and believe me... I truly value my job, is to do the job as good as you can. And fortunately for me... my job involves beating people up.

So, Commissioner... you may think this was a win for you tonight, but all you did was piss me off, and then offer one of your cronies up to slaughter. How long can you keep that up? How many more will come to your defense after they look in horror at what is left of munson next monday? I will beat munson for what... the 5th time now? And You will be forced to either count Munson's shoulders to the mat, or explain to munson's family why daddy has to stay in the hospital for a while. either way... I WILL HAVE THE LAST LAUGH!

{the camera fades on Johnny Zontal rocking back and forth on his bench, laughing maniacally to himself}
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by newarenanow »

That is absolute horsecrap. No way no balls Magnus beats me.
Sam's Drunk Dog
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by Sam's Drunk Dog »

In the backstage area The Bridge stands with the LGPWF interviewer Mean Gene Okerlund. The Bridge has a cut on the side of his head from the attack by the Bully.

Mean Gene: Do you have anything to say to the Bully for his attack on your tonight?

The Bridge: Say? No I don't have anything to say Mean Gene. My response will be the sound of my sledgehammer knocking his head off! And the sound of me sticking my steel toe boot up his ass!

But since you have me talking, the Bully is a fitting name for the guy. Everyone knows that bullies are just unsecure little cowards, and this guy is no different. Attacks me in the dark with a punch to the back of my head, and then runs off like the coward that he is.

You know Mean Gene, when I was a kid, someone once tried to bully me. He called me names and tried taking my lunch money. My response back then was a punch to the mouth that sent him crying home to his mommy. Because all it takes is for someone to stand up to a bully, and I am just the guy to do it. If he thinks he can bully me, well he's got another thing coming because (and the crowd chants with him) YOU DON'T CROSS THE BRIDGE!
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by canaan »

I think everybody should work on their promos for the week. A couple of tips to better set your promos:

*Make them meatier, but not long-winded. A two sentence "im gonna poop on you hahaha" post isnt gonna go anywhere. I'd rather see 2 great promos than 5 mediocre promos.
*Develop your character. Its been two weeks and Im still unsure of some people's gimmick progressions.
*Catch phrases a la Stone Cold, The Rock, etc. They dont have to be anything major, just something to build on.
*Set your scenes. Give your promos some pizzazz. Paint the picture. Where are you? Who you are fighting? What are their weaknesses?

Anybody thinking about tag teams? stables? pm me if so. you guys can be more involved with how the story plays out. Want to do a run-in on somebody's match? let me know. Want to do a promo during a live event? let me know. Any other out of the box concepts i am open ears on. Want a specific match type? want to ambush somebody backstage? let me know.
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by canaan »

Point of information:

i have updated the LGPWF World Heavyweight Title Belt. I like this one better:
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by steve784 »

'The Bully' Dom Olney is seen leaving the LGPWF Offices on Fifth Avenue in Pittsburgh. He has a manilla envelope in his hand.

Well, well, well. You see this (holds up envelope)? This is my freshly signed LGPWF contract. The suits in the office gave me exactly what I wanted Canaan, and now I'm scheduled for my first Monday Night Showdown this week. Well, my first OFFICIAL Monday Night Showdown that is, hah.

As I've stated before, I'm here simply to beat people up, make money and win the LGPWF Championship. I'm not here to entertain anyone. I don't have tights, I have jeans. I don't have wrestling boots, I have work boots. I don't have a stupid gimmick. I'm not going to give you a shiny little catchphrase so that Cannan can make money off of a Dom Olney t-shirt. If I'm not making money doing this, I'm hanging drywall or laying concrete. I'm pretty good at doing those things, but I'm REALLY good at beating people up.

I heard through the grapevine that my opponent this week would be The Bridge. At first, I was excited, I would rightfully be getting my title shot in my first match. Then I found out it was non-title. I don't know what Canaan and the powers that be are trying to pull, but I'm not going to let it get to me. I'm going to take out all that frustration on The Bridge, and hurt him so bad that he'll have to relinquish the title anyways! I happened to hear the comments that Western PA trash made the other night, and they were pretty funny to me. It was really cute hearing about how he socked his childhood bully in the mouth when he was a little boy. Guess what, Bridge? I'm not a little boy. I'm not here to call you names or steal your lunch money, I'm here to give you the worst beating of your life. I'm here to take your title. I'm here to retire you. You love to spout your little phrase 'don't cross the bridge'......well trust me, I don't plan on crossing the bridge, I plan on BURNING THAT ****** TO THE GROUND.

As the Bully is walking away, one of the various Fifth Avenue bums tries to ask him for any spare change. Olney smiles, fakes going into his pocket, then cheapshots the poor man before tossing him through the front window of Shale's Cafe. He walks away laughing.
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by redwill »

{The scene is a local Walgreens. LGPWF Hardcore Champion Stargazer, in his resplendent glory, stands amid diarrhea and psoriasis medicines, antihistamines, and various brands of fragrant shampoo. He addresses the camera.}

Hiya, folks. You know me. STARGAZER!!! You know that I'm HARDCORE!!



I'M ...




But I'm also a family man.

I have a dog. His name is Carl Sagan.

I have a cat. Her name is Carl Sagan.

I have an estranged wife. I cannot mention her name because of an unfortunate yet ongoing misunderstanding which has led to several court-ordered restrictions. But let's just call her ... Carl Sagan.

With this rich and vibrant family and social life, you can well imagine that I have taken a number of rolls of film of my loved ones. Why, you may ask, haven't I invested in a digital camera? The answer is simple:


Anyway, I have these rolls of film.

So I'm here at "Wally-Greens" for one purpose:


My film, that is.

I'll have to wait a bit for the results.

Rest assured, however, that soon my film will be DEVELOPED, DEVELOPED, DEVELOPED!!!

In the meanwhile, this is to Zane A. Sylum:

im gonna poop on you hahaha
Sam's Drunk Dog
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by Sam's Drunk Dog »

The Bridge is outside of Shale's Cafe. A brand new window has been installed to replace the one broken by the Bully. The Bridge is shown talking with the shop owner. As he wraps up their conversation, he turns to the camera.

I'm here at Shale's because I wanted to help them out. I paid for a new window out of the winnings I received from winning the LGPWF Championship. I also convinced the owner not to press charges against the Bully. I promised him that I'd deliver punishment to the Bully personally.

The Bully thinks he is so tough picking on sickly homeless guys and attacking people from behind in the dark. We'll find out just how tough he is on Monday. He thinks he is going to burn the Bridge down? Hahahahaha! You can't burn down STEEL! But I wouldn't except someone from Philadelphia to comprehend that.

You better bring it Monday night, because all of the ass kicking I have done before will pale in comparison to the beating I will deliver then. No one is going to take this championship from me! You better just turn back now, because...


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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by canaan »

3 interviews since tuesday? i guess there isnt an interest in continuing the E-fed. Thanks to those that participated. If somebody else wants to pick it up, ill gladly join, but im not gonna write for 3 or 4 people. kind of a bummer, because we had some decent people.
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by Froggy »

thanks, canaan. you did a good job.
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by canaan »

thanks, dude. i wish we had more people involved, but it was fun to do.
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by Froggy »

totally off the record... i was gonna kill malks, right?
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by Sam's Drunk Dog »

Well it was fun while it lasted. Great job canaan. The Bully and the Bridge would have been great rivals. Eventually, I wanted to make my character a heel.
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by canaan »

Froggy wrote:totally off the record... i was gonna kill malks, right?
:lol: you were gonna gnaw on his face after a lengthy bath salts diatribe,
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by canaan »

Sam's Drunk Dog wrote:Well it was fun while it lasted. Great job canaan. The Bully and the Bridge would have been great rivals. Eventually, I wanted to make my character a heel.
yeah, it would be PPV material.
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by redwill »

canaan wrote:3 interviews since tuesday? i guess there isnt an interest in continuing the E-fed. Thanks to those that participated. If somebody else wants to pick it up, ill gladly join, but im not gonna write for 3 or 4 people. kind of a bummer, because we had some decent people.
I completely agree with you. Writing what you did for only a few would be pointless, not to mention depressing. I honestly would have done more, but (1) I didn't want to have my promos back-to-back, and (2) I was having a really hard time coming up with new ideas. I mean, how many promos can you have against someone who maybe posts promos once every three weeks? There's nothing to grab on to, if that makes sense.

But your write-ups were incredible. I was literally on the edge of my seat reading them. Literally. Just a sublime performance, man.
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by Twisted Wrister »

While this is unfortunate I can see why. Absolutely great job K-nan, although I still feel robbed.
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Re: Monday Night Showdown (6/11/12)

Post by steve784 »

For the record, The Bully was undefeated.