Forum for NHR "Wars" Games
the wicked child
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Post by the wicked child »

Congratulations to the herd, winners of Barnyard Battle 2: Alpacalypse!!!


Despite some over the top behind the scenes action at times, I have to say this is my favorite of all the games I've modded.


But without further adieu, here are your role players:

Farm Hands:

Steve Irwin (seer) played by Malkamaniac
the wicked child wrote:Welcome to Barnyard Brawl 2: Alpacalypse. You are Steve Irwin (seer).

Your intimate knowledge of wildlife allows you to learn the identities of one player each night. Just don't be sharing what you know prior to the writeup or ye might find the business end of a sting ray. :pop:

Once during the game, you may visit the communal dung pile. You may do this at any time prior to the writeup coming message for the current phase, be it day or night. Simply send a PM indicating you want to visit the dung pile and you will learn the outcome of your actions.
The Great White Alpaca (angel) played by bhaw
the wicked child wrote:Welcome to Barnyard Brawl 2: Alpacalypse. You are The Great White Alpaca (angel).

Your shiny white coat has a glow about it that scares away would be predators. You may protect one person each night, including yourself. You MAY protect the same person on back to back nights.

Once during the game, you may visit the communal dung pile. You may do this at any time prior to the writeup coming message for the current phase, be it day or night. Simply send a PM indicating you want to visit the dung pile and you will learn the outcome of your actions.
Scarecrow (vigilante) played by canaan
the wicked child wrote:Welcome to Barnyard Brawl 2: Alpacalypse. You are the Scarecrow (vigilante).

You might look harmless, but every other night you gain a pitch fork which may be used to maim an unsuspecting victim. Since you only have 2 hands, you may not acquire more than 2 pitchforks at any given time. If you should be attacked while holding a pitchfork, the attacker will also die. You may use as many pitchforks as you have available on any given night.

Once during the game, you may visit the communal dung pile. You may do this at any time prior to the writeup coming message for the current phase, be it day or night. Simply send a PM indicating you want to visit the dung pile and you will learn the outcome of your actions.

Alpha Coyote played by ulf
the wicked child wrote:Welcome to Barnyard Brawl 2: Alpacalypse. You are the Alpha Coyote.

You are mean and hungry. Disguised as an alpaca, you roam the fields each night in search of your next meal.

You have one minion to start: Benny Fitz, the Rabid Coyote (elite bodyguard).

Your bite is said to be worse than your bark. As such, you have the option to recruit twice during the course of the game. if your bite is successful, the target will go feral and join your cause.

Your recruits have a chance of failure. If they should fail, you DO NOT lose the recruit. However, if you die prior to using your recruits, they are lost.

You may not kill and recruit in the same night.

Your goal is to eliminate the diseased alpacas and gain majority over the farm.

Once during the game, you may visit the communal dung pile. You may do this at any time prior to the writeup coming message for the current phase, be it day or night. Simply send a PM indicating you want to visit the dung pile and you will learn the outcome of your actions.
Rabid Coyote (elite bodyguard) played by Benny Fitz
the wicked child wrote:Welcome to Barnyard Brawl 2: Alpacalypse. You are the Rabid Coyote (elite bodyguard).

You may protect one player each night. If that person is attacked, you will die in their stead. However, you will take the attacker with you. You may NOT protect the same player on consecutive nights.

Your teammate is ulf, the Alpha Coyote.

Your goal is to eliminate the diseased alpacas and gain majority over the farm.

Once during the game, you may visit the communal dung pile. You may do this at any time prior to the writeup coming message for the current phase, be it day or night. Simply send a PM indicating you want to visit the dung pile and you will learn the outcome of your actions.
Feral Alpaca (recruit) played by Kraftster and newarenanow
the wicked child wrote:Just when you are settling in for the night, you see glowing red eyes and a large shadow looming in front of you. Despite your best efforts, the beast tears into you with its razor sharp teeth.

But just when you think it's all over, the attack ends. Once the fear subsides, you feel the anger burning through your veins. You have gone feral and now seek the destruction of the alpacas.

You may communicate with your teammates: ulf (alpha) and Benny Fitz (elite bodyguard).
Diseased Alpacas:

Sick Little Monkey played by relantel
the wicked child wrote:Welcome to Barnyard Brawl 2: Alpacalypse. You are the Sick Little Monkey .

You are a sick little monkey who is wandering the farm, infecting alpacas with your diseases. Every odd night, you will randomly infect one alpaca with disease. With this disease comes a one-shot power which may be used at any time, but is lost if the alpaca dies without using their power.

You may not infect more than 3 alpacas at any time. If an odd night passes while you are at your limit (and none are lost that night), you will not recruit that night.

On nights where you do not infect, you are immune to night kills as you will be hanging out in the treetops.

Your goal is to eliminate the coyotes and gain majority over the farm.

Once during the game, you may visit the communal dung pile. You may do this at any time prior to the writeup coming message for the current phase, be it day or night. Simply send a PM indicating you want to visit the dung pile and you will learn the outcome of your actions.
Diseased Alpaca (recruit) played by mac5155 (Night Kill), sdm5055 (Day Protect) and the errey i breathe (See)
the wicked child wrote:You have been infected with Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV). You now serve the Sick Little Monkey (relantel).

Your disease comes with a bonus ability: Night Kill.

You may use this at any time, but if you die prior to using it, it is lost.

Your goal is to eliminate the coyotes and gain majority over the farm.
Abilities: (list was run through random.org prior to each infection)

Night Protect - target is immune to night kill
Day Protect - target cannot be voted out or day killed
Night Kill - may kill one player at night
Day Kill - Must post Day Kill NAN in the thread. Day ends immediately with player sacrificing themselves to take out the named player.
See - may look up the identity of one player at night
Roleblock - may block one player from performing their role @ night
Dirty Bomb - last voters dies if RP; if it is a regular player, they are infected.
Thief - investigate one player at night. If it is a RP, they steal their powers, if applicable.

Regular Alpacas:
the wicked child wrote:Welcome to Barnyard Brawl 2: Alpacalypse. You are a regular alpaca.

Once during the game, you may visit the communal dung pile. You may do this at any time prior to the writeup coming message for the current phase, be it day or night. Simply send a PM indicating you want to visit the dung pile and you will learn the outcome of your actions.
Misc roles:

The Ginger Alpaca, played by thehockeyguru.

Gained by using Ginger. Player may veto one shaving during the course of the game. May still be bitten/infected.

The Zombie Alpaca, played by obhave

When the Black Magic Book is used, the last blue player killed will be revived as The Zombie Alpaca. Must feed on brains every other night to survive. Failure to feed results in death.


The Communal Dung Pile

After finding out the fun alpaca fact that they use a communal dung pile, there was no way this was not getting incorporated.

I wasn't sure how for awhile, but I eventually realized it was a perfect opportunity to introduce packages in a more interactive fashion. The list was compiled and run through random.org prior to the game. Items were then assigned in the order which people visited.
  1. random.org:
  2. Overalls
  3. Walkie-talkie 2
  4. Moonshine
  5. Fast watch
  6. Ginger
  7. Black Magic Book
  8. Electric Razor
  9. Walkie-talkie 1
  10. Disguise
  11. Voodoo Doll
  12. Rogaine
  13. Ouija Board
  14. Syringe
  15. Handcuffs
  16. Bale of Hay
  17. Taser
  18. Stink Bugs
  19. Steak
  20. Unopened Box
  21. Slow Watch
  22. Helmet
  23. Pitchfork
  24. Big Book O' Farm Jokes
  25. Banjo
  1. Descriptions
  2. Electric Razor - shave player of choice
  3. Taser - target is stunned (may not post, vote or perform role during the following phase)
  4. Moonshine - see the identity of one player
  5. Syringe- contains a vaccine that prevents player from being infected (has no effect on RPs)
  6. Pitchfork - get revenge on last voter or killer
  7. Overalls - player must quote Old McDonald Had A Farm with every post the following day
  8. Voodoo Doll - player this is used against requires one less vote to be lynched.
  9. Black Magic Book - revives last blue player killed as a zombie alpaca. They must feed on brains every other night to survive.
  10. Bale of Hay - allows player to hide the following night, rendering them immune to night actions
  11. Unopened Box - random.org of kill, protect, see, block, bomb or nothing
  12. Rogaine - player survives one death
  13. Big Book O' Farm Jokes - must tell at least 5 bad farm jokes the next day or their vote will not count. lasts until completed.
  14. Disguise - switch places with another player for one night (actions against each player will happen to the other)
  15. Ouija Board - gives them the name of a role player, but not their role
  16. Handcuffs - kidnap a player for the next phase. If the kidnapper dies, their victim dies as well.
  17. Steak - blocks coyote actions the following night phase
  18. Stink Bugs - stench causes everyone to feel nauseous, cancelling the next day phase
  19. Ginger - activates The Ginger Alpaca. If player is a RP, a random alpaca is chosen. Their only power is that they can veto one vote during the course of the game via PM. Must be received prior to the writeup. Player is still vulnerable to infection.
  20. Banjo - must post video of dueling banjos with each vote the next day
  21. Walkie-talkie 1 - may PM recipient of Walkie Talkie 2
  22. Walkie-talkie 2 - may PM recipient of Walkie Talkie 1
  23. Helmet - ward off attacks by the zombie alpaca (player is not told what its effect is other than "protection from something")
  24. Fast watch - Cuts the following phase in half
  25. Slow Watch - Adds 2 hours to the following deadline
  1. Leftover items
  2. Slow Watch
  3. Helmet
  4. Pitchfork
  5. Big Book O' Farm Jokes
  6. Banjo
Recipients and Use to follow in the actions section. Speaking of which...



Night 1:

bhaw - self
malks - bhaw
ulf - recruit kraftster
relantel - recruit mac (night kill)
benny - ulf

Day 1

kraftster - overalls
canaan - walkie-talkie 2 (use)
bhaw - Moonshine

Night 2

sdm - Fast watch

bhaw - self
canaan - nothing (1 pitchfork)
malks - benny fitz
ulf - recruit nan
mac - nothing
benny - kraftster

Day 2

thg - Ginger
kraftster - overalls (use)
benny - Black Magic Book (use - obhave back to life)
c2i - Electric Razor (use on redwill)
sdm - fast watch (use)
ulf - Walkie-talkie 1 (use)
juice - disguise (use)
malks - Voodoo Doll (use on NAN)

Night 3

bhaw - moonshine (use - Kraftster)
shafnutz - Rogaine (use)
rylan - Ouija Board
zaro - Syringe
nan - Handcuffs (use - malks)
thig - giner (use)
teib - Bale of Hay (use)
slappy - taser

canaan - nothing (1 pitchfork)
bhaw - malk
malks - canaan
ulf - canaan (both die)
mac - kill malks
obhave - MWB
rel - sdm5055 (day protect)

Day 3

Juice - disguise (use - malks)

Night 4

rylan - Ouija Board (use - bhaw)
relantel - Stink Bugs
mac - Steak

bhaw - self
malks - ps87
nan - malks

Day 4

slappy - taser (use - shad)
zaro - syringe (use)
mac - steak (use)
IE - Unopened Box

Night 5

bhaw - protect malks
malks - nan
nan - bhaw (blocked)
rel - errey (See)
obh - relantel

Night 6

bhaw - malk
malks - mac

Night 7

obh - sdm
bhaw - malks
malks - c2i

Night 8

bhaw - malk
malks - teib

Night 9

bhaw - malks
malks - shad
obhave - slappy

I don't think I can even do justice to the insanity that was Night 3. You can see from the actions list that a lot happened... and for each of those things there were PMs... several in some cases. That was the only time I questioned if I made the right decision... but seeing the aftermath, it was worth it.


This just in: the results came back from the county fair!!!

First in Show: Malkamaniac. Nailed an unreal number of RPs.
Second Place: bhaw. Though he actually only saved Malks once, and was saved by mac's use of the steak, he was the only one to finally put the pieces together re: the zombie.
Honorary Mention: Juice. His timing of the Disguise was absolutely brilliant. (or luck - but he knew how to use it). Without it, Malks dies that night and one of the bad teams probably ends up winning.


I hope everyone enjoyed this game as much as I did. I got to try out some new stuff, and there was a zombie alpaca that ate brains. I could almost retire happy after that, but I won't. :pop:

I was shocked at how long it took people to realize that there was a zombie. bhaw I think gave it some passing mention when the original brain incident occurred, but then it was pretty much ignored until bhaw then went "wait a minute..." after FOUR people had their brains eaten. :lol:

I felt bad for NAN in this one... pretty much everything that could go wrong for him did. He saw his entire team vaporize before his eyes, he was cursed by Malkamaniac, he picked the wrong person to try to kidnap, Juice switched with Malks the night he was unprotected and then mac blocked him with the steak when he would have been able to kill bhaw... and then Malks saw him that night and he was toast.

Actually, it's kinda funny. :pop:

I'm also curious about the ulf/canaan double kill... since you guys had the walkie talkies, did ulf know canaan was the vig?


Thanks for playing everyone!
Last edited by the wicked child on Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Malkamaniac »

Great gamand I called the zombie at the end lulz
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Post by ulf »

Canaan told me he was the vig, then probably killed me when he realized I night not be blue. Lots of lolz for team red there.
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Post by IrishEyes »

This may be the first game I missed most of and still survived to the end.

Sorry for my lack of participation. Stupid Strep Throat. Great job, Malk and bhaw!
the wicked child
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Post by the wicked child »

ulf wrote:Canaan told me he was the vig, then probably killed me when he realized I night not be blue. Lots of lolz for team red there.
Actually, he did nothing... but he had a pitchfork so by you killing him, you both died.

I wondered if he had told you. Pretty good move on his part because either 1) you were good and would know not to go after him or 2) you were bad and would try to kill him, thus killing yourself in the process.

There were some great performances by the green RPs this time around. Quite a stark contrast to the last game where the angel was voted off day 1, the vig switched off of a cow at the last second to kill a blue, and the seer died while knowing a red but never got to out them.
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Post by Malkamaniac »

Easily that was one of the most entertaining games I've ever been apart of. Seriously TWC, great job. That was a blast.
the wicked child
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Post by the wicked child »

Thanks, Malks.

Another thought... it amazed me how people were considering the diseased alpacas and coyotes to be the same group for quite awhile given that I distinctly used different colors when referencing each.

I also clearly stated when the coyotes were gone and people still talked about them for a day or two until shaf pointed out the writeup.
the wicked child
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Post by the wicked child »

Also of note, a key point in the game occurred the night mac tried to attack Malks. If NAN had chosen to use the handcuffs on bhaw instead, bhaw would have been rendered useless and malks would have died. In addition, had NAN been killed the following day, bhaw also would have perished.
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Post by shafnutz05 »

Lol great game TWC. At least I did something right there. But seriously, just a blast of a game
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Post by Malkamaniac »

Ah so that's why I didn't see anything that night, I was handcuffed. I love that I randomly put that vote on NAN before I even looked at him, and he turned out to be bad anyways.
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Post by canaan »

the wicked child wrote:
ulf wrote:Canaan told me he was the vig, then probably killed me when he realized I night not be blue. Lots of lolz for team red there.
Actually, he did nothing... but he had a pitchfork so by you killing him, you both died.

I wondered if he had told you. Pretty good move on his part because either 1) you were good and would know not to go after him or 2) you were bad and would try to kill him, thus killing yourself in the process.

There were some great performances by the green RPs this time around. Quite a stark contrast to the last game where the angel was voted off day 1, the vig switched off of a cow at the last second to kill a blue, and the seer died while knowing a red but never got to out them.
Bingo, twc. I told him who I was but left out the killing me while I have a pitchfork would kill them too.
the wicked child
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Post by the wicked child »

Malkamaniac wrote:Ah so that's why I didn't see anything that night, I was handcuffed. I love that I randomly put that vote on NAN before I even looked at him, and he turned out to be bad anyways.
Actually you did see canaan that night but he died anyway. It's possible I may have either a) forgotten to PM you back or b) I deleted your PM by accident while trying to clear out my nearly full inbox and sent folder :lol:

Could have sworn I PMd you w the scarecrow pic though. Maybe I never actually hit send.
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Post by obhave »

Thanks so much twc. This was really fun!!
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Post by Malkamaniac »

the wicked child wrote:
Malkamaniac wrote:Ah so that's why I didn't see anything that night, I was handcuffed. I love that I randomly put that vote on NAN before I even looked at him, and he turned out to be bad anyways.
Actually you did see canaan that night but he died anyway. It's possible I may have either a) forgotten to PM you back or b) I deleted your PM by accident while trying to clear out my nearly full inbox and sent folder :lol:

Could have sworn I PMd you w the scarecrow pic though. Maybe I never actually hit send.
Oh that was that night? Yea I got it lol. I laughed.
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Post by bhaw »

Malkamaniac wrote:Great gamand I called the zombie at the end lulz
? Didn't I call the zombie? lol

Good job TWC. That's a lot for one mod to take on.

That streak of kills was insane. The red team got demolished in a couple hours. I was shocked obhave didn't go for me or malk with her kills.
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Post by obhave »

bhaw wrote:
Malkamaniac wrote:Great gamand I called the zombie at the end lulz
? Didn't I call the zombie? lol

Good job TWC. That's a lot for one mod to take on.

That streak of kills was insane. The red team got demolished in a couple hours. I was shocked obhave didn't go for me or malk with her kills.
He said there probably was a zombie and it was possibly me. You basically called me out and made everyone change their vote.

I had to be careful with my kills, since if any of them failed I was dead. I was really weary of attacking either of you. When it came down to me deciding to kill you, I sent the wrong pm (had some drafts saved) and killed slappy instead of you. Malk was doing a great job of making everyone attack the diseased people even though they were not really bad so I kept him alive for a little. I wanted all the diseased dead in case they could protect either of you.
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Post by Malkamaniac »

obhave wrote:
bhaw wrote:
Malkamaniac wrote:Great gamand I called the zombie at the end lulz
? Didn't I call the zombie? lol

Good job TWC. That's a lot for one mod to take on.

That streak of kills was insane. The red team got demolished in a couple hours. I was shocked obhave didn't go for me or malk with her kills.
He said there probably was a zombie and it was possibly me. You basically called me out and made everyone change their vote.

I had to be careful with my kills, since if any of them failed I was dead. I was really weary of attacking either of you. When it came down to me deciding to kill you, I sent the wrong pm (had some drafts saved) and killed slappy instead of you. Malk was doing a great job of making everyone attack the diseased people even though they were not really bad so I kept him alive for a little. I wanted all the diseased dead in case they could protect either of you.
Yea, I kinda caught on at the end, thinking that they could help us. Which is why I was weary of wanting to kill TIEB at first. Maybe BHAW did call it, but I made mention of it before the final vote haha.
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Post by ulf »

Ahh he had a pitchfork...touche canaan. fun game,.twc, thanks! great job by yourself.

us reds had the worst couple hours ever. nearly everythong that could have went wrong did, and we didn't do ourselves many favors.
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Post by bhaw »

FYI - in regards to shaf, I kept calling him out for a couple reasons

1. it was fun
2. I wanted to see who would go with me and what, if any, reasoning they had
3. if he was bad, he would eventually give something up if I kept putting him under the gun

There were a few times where I did suspect shaf was actually bad by the way he played, but I never seriously wanted him voted off. Slappy's tasering was pretty freaking hilarious, though. I pictured shaf screaming at his computer as we discussed whether he was bad or not.
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Post by bhaw »

Malk, what day were you outed? I'm amazed both of us lasted at least 5 or 6 day and night phases after both our identities were out there.
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Post by count2infinity »

i'm most impressed that a green RP was outed day 1 and lived to the end.
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Post by thehockeyguru »

Hats off to Malka and Bhaw. Couldn't have played the game any better!
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Post by Malkamaniac »

bhaw wrote:Malk, what day were you outed? I'm amazed both of us lasted at least 5 or 6 day and night phases after both our identities were out there.
I think the day canaan was killed at night? I could have died twice lol, but thanks to you and Juice. We all lived haha.
the wicked child
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Post by the wicked child »

Yeah, night 3, mac tried to kill Malks, but bhaw protected him (plus nan tried to use the handcuffs on malks, who was protected so it failed). Night 4, nan tried to kill malks, but juice switched. Then on Night 5, nan tried to kill bhaw but was blocked by mac.

Crazy how that worked out. Those 3 nights were the difference in the game.
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Post by newarenanow »

Fun game. I was pretty much screwed, but that is the way it falls sometimes.

When I was recruited, I was actually going to put out a vote for Kraftster that next day if I was still blue. So I was going to continue to do that, but we decided to wait on that. I thought maybe it would disassociate me (and others) from him. But when malks came back with Benny pegged as red, I knew we were pretty screwed.

I did try to put the handcuffs on Malks because I wanted to see if he was protected, since it seemed like bhaw could protect the same person every other night. When it came back that he was protected, I knew the pattern then and didn't have to play the guessing games. So the next night, I tried to kill Malks. I think if I would have gotten him, I may not have won (numbers were against me), but I think maybe I could have lasted a little longer. But when that was blocked, and then I got the RB the next day, I knew it was over for me, because Malks would eventually look into me.

It was tough with the reds all going out so early, and then not being able to kill for 3 straight nights. And when I died, the game was pretty much won for the village because bhaw and Malks were pretty much invincible since no one could kill them at night anymore and no one would vote them out.

Malks did a great job in nabbing people. Good stuff. That zombie role was great too.

Again, great game. Lot's of fun.