Forum for NHR "Wars" Games
the wicked child
NHL Fourth Liner
NHL Fourth Liner
Posts: 17412
Joined: Sat Jan 28, 2006 1:11 pm
Location: :scared:


Post by the wicked child »

Welcome to the Lost Wars Answers thread. I am your host Jeff Probst the wicked child and I will be leading this reunion of sorts.

First off, congratulations to the survivors (and canaan). Through luck, and (eventually) the right decisions, you prevailed over not one, but 2 evil factions who sought your destruction.

Also allow me to offer a huge thanks to wallflower, my co-mod in this madness. It took her awhile to get going, but she proved to be an invaluable asset in this symphony of insanity. :fist:


First let's take a look back at our cast:

The Others:

Ben Linus (Leader of the Others) played by JarkkoVision and dagny. In addition to being the leader is also a twisted Jack of All Trades with 3 abilities: Mayor (pardon themself), Doctor (protect themself) and Politician (buy someone's vote).

Ethan (Doctor) played by Kicksave. May protect one player each night, but not the same player on consecutive nights.

Tom played by PFIDC
Mikhail played by slappybrown


Jack (Doctor) played by sdm5055. Doctor in name, Angels rules. May protect someone each night, including themselves.

Hurley (Seer) played by MWB. May investigate one player each night.

Sayid (Vigilante) played by Malkamaniac and Zarovich. Recieves one bullet every other night, and may only accumulate two bullets at once. May use 0 to 2 bullets each night once acquired. If attacked at night, if the Vig has a bullet left, both they and the leader die.

Nikki (Lover) played by jaysmiter. Masons with Paulo. Will die if Paulo dies.

Paulo (Lover) played by Senka. Masons with Nikki. Will die if Nikki dies.

Walt (Vampire) played by cup keeper. Good unless killed by The Others or killed/recruited by Dharma, then he becomes a member of the attackers.

Michael (the c2i) played by Corvidae. Begins with 4 "extra lives". Loses all extra lives if Walt is killed. Player was not aware of the number of lives, or the Walt stipulation.

Dharma Initiative:

Horace Goodspeed (leader of Dharma) played by Troy Loney. All members of Dharma are protected from lynching, death, and investigation during the first three phases (Night 1, Day 1 & Night 2). Starting on Night 3, may kill every other night until The Others are eliminated, and then they may kill every night. Has 2 recruits to use when they like. Recruits are transferred upon death.

Roger Linus (Workman) played by Letang Is The Truth. While alive, all victims of Dharma kills will not have their role revealed. Once he dies, the bodies are found and revealed to all.

beerman, Azkar (package) & npv708


Vincent (Commuter/Survivor) played by canaan. May "leave" every other night, rendering them immune to night actions. Wins along with the winning side if they survive until the end.


For those interested, here are the role PMs (crafted by wallflower):
You are Benjamin Linus, Leader of The Others. You have spent most of your life on this island and envision yourself as its protector. Now, with the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, 'your' island is at risk. You will do anything you must to continue life as you and your people know it - even if it means killing off the survivors one by one.

Each night, you will submit a name of a survivor you would like to kill.

Your role, in addition to being the Leader of The Others, is a twisted variation of a Jack Of All Trades. Your powers are as follows:

Doctor (you may protect yourself that Night)
Mayor (may not be voted out during the following Day)
Politician (may "buy" someone's vote. You pick a player and who they must vote for the following day.)
You may use one of these per night, in addition to your kill, but remember: these are all one shot deals so you must use them wisely.

You may PM your followers: Kicksave [Ethan (doctor)], PensFanInDC [Tom] & slappybrown [Mikhail].


You are Ethan, doctor for The Others. Your role enables you to protect someone each night however not the same individual on consecutive nights.

You take your orders from JarkkoVision [Leader of the Others, Benjamin Linus] and may PM him and your fellow Others members PensFanInDC [Tom] & slappybrown [Mikhail].


You are Tom, one of The Others. Though you are just a normal member with no powers, whatever you are needed to do, you do without asking questions. Even if it means killing off those pesky plane crash survivors.

You take your orders from JarkkoVision [Leader of the Others, Benjamin Linus] and may PM him and your fellow Others members Kicksave [Ethan (doctor)] & slappybrown [Mikhail].


You are Mikhail, one of The Others. You might just be a regular member of The Others with no special powers but none of them have the distinction of being Russian with a cool eyepatch.

You take your orders from JarkkoVision [Leader of the Others, Benjamin Linus] and may PM him and your fellow Others members Kicksave [Ethan (doctor)] & PensFanInDC [Tom].


Oh no! Your plane just crashed on a mysterious island. As if you weren't having a bad week as it is. Luckily for the rest of the survivors, you are a Doctor.

As Jack, Doctor for the Survivors, you have the ability to protect one player each night, including yourself. ("Doctor" in name, "Angel" in rules.)


You thought your luck was turning around... until the plane started going down. Crap.

And now you are seeing people who aren't there. Awesome.

You are Hurley, seer for the Survivors. You have the ability to investigate one player each night.


You never thought your former experience as an Iraqi Republican Guard torturer would come in handy on a seemingly deserted island. But then people started dying and someone has to do something about it, right?

You are Sayid, vigilante for the surviors. You receive a bullet every other night and may only accumulate 2 bullets at a time.


First your mom dies, then you get stuck with your dad who you've never met and now your plane crashes on a mysterious, deserted island.

You are Walt and are Vampire for the survivors. You are good, despite having no special powers. Well, unless the Others try to kill you, in that case you will be recruited to their side.


You were traveling to LA from Sydney with your boyfriend, Paulo, when Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on this strange island.

You are Nikki, a Lover for the survivors. You are masons with and may PM Senka [Paulo]. However, because you are so in love, if one of you dies, the other will die too.


You were traveling to LA from Sydney with your girlfriend, Nikki, when Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on this strange island.

You are Paulo, a Lover for the survivors. You are masons with and may PM jaysmiter [Nikki]. However, because you are so in love, if one of you dies, the other will die too.


Just as you are finally reunited with your long estranged son, your plane crashes on this mysterious island leading to nothing but trouble for you. Long story short, you kind of want to die... but you can't!

You are Michael, the c2i for the survivors. You are invincible to death - whether it is by those Others or your own fellow survivors - for a time anyway. How long that time is, you just don't know.


You are Horace Goodspeed Leader of the Dharma Initiative. You are a mathematician who has dedicated your life to studying this mysterious island.

To begin, you have one follower: Letang Is The Truth[Roger Linus (workman)]. You have the ability to recruit two more individuals to become Dharma Scientists. (Your recruitment has the possibility of failure - if this happens, you will NOT lose the recruit.)

All members of the Dharma Initiative are protected from all death and lynching on Night 1, Day 1 and Night 2 - however, during this time you are NOT allowed to kill. Starting on Night 3 you may kill every other Night.


You are Roger Linus, workman with the Dharma Initiative. You came to the island hoping to turn your life around. Instead, you ended up as a janitor.

While alive, all victims of the Dharma Initiative will not have their role revealed upon death. Once you die, however, the bodies will be found in your closet and revealed to all.

You report to Troy Loney[Horace Goodspeed, Leader of the Dharma Initiative].


Congratulations! You have been recruited into the Dharma Initiative!

You are now a Dharma Scientist. Though you have no special powers, you do get a spiffy new jumpsuit with your name on it.

You take your orders from Troy Loney [Leader of the Dharma Initiative, Horace Goodspeed] and may PM him and your fellow Dharma member Letang Is The Truth [Roger Linus (workman)].


Bark bark bark. Bark bark bark bark. Bark.

You should understand that as you are a dog. And because you're a dog, you're not particularly interested in "sides," just where you're going to get your next meal. What kind of craphole island is this anyway where a dog can't get a damn Pup-Peroni?

You are Vincent, Commuter/Survivor. You have the ability to "leave" at night, thus rendering yourself immune to night kills; however, you may not leave on consecutive nights. As a Survivor, you do not have a side - your only goal is to survive until the end.

(Note/clarification: Your role as Survivor is unrelated to the survivors of the plane crash.)

One hidden element of the game which many of you experienced were the Dharma Food Drops. These packages were somewhat different than those of Jellyfish invasion in that no particulat individual was responsible for their distribution... it was all down to random.org decisions for the order and delivery of the packages.

All but a single package that was delivered was opened by the initial recipient. The final apckage was never sent since NAN died the final night. In total, 4 remained unused.

Here are the various Package PMs (crafted by myself; also, these include the titles which were not included in the PMs sent to the players)
Dharma Food Drop

As you are trying to sleep, you hear the distinct sound of a plane approaching. As you rush out to signal for help, a giant crate with a mysterious symbol lands at your feet.


You look around to see if anyone else is awake before opening it.

Inside you find Dharma <random food item> and a mysterious package. Should you open the package or give it to someone else?
  1. The Fine Print:
  2. You may not pass more than one package. If you recieve a second, it will be used automatically.
  3. You must respond before the end of the next day phase.
  4. If the time limit expires and you have not responded, you will automatically use the package.
  5. You may or may not be directly informed of the effects of opening the package.
You may not mention that you have received this package under any circumstances. Failure to comply with this simple rule will result in an instant mod kill.


Touch Of Jacob

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find that it is empty. Confused, you throw the box away in disgust and prepare to return to your tent when you feel a hand on your shoulder.

You quickly spin around and see a shadowy figure standing before you. You can't make out his face, and are so frightened that you cannot speak. Without saying a word, the stranger turns and walks away.

You're not really sure what just happened, but suddenly the night doesn't seem so scary… you almost feel… safe. In fact, you could probably survive one night attack in this condition.


The Smoke Monster

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find that it is empty. Confused, you throw the box away in disgust and prepare to return to your tent when you hear a strange noise in the distance.

Chills run down your spine… you know someone will not survive the night.



You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a stick of dynamite.

Your mind races as you try to decide what you should do with it. Then your gaze falls upon their tent. They've been acting kinda funny and you're certain they are to blame not just for the disappearances, but maybe even the crash itself.

Whose tent would you like to blow up?



You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… inside, you find a picture:


Before you can react, you feel something tightening around your leg. Before you know it, you are hanging upside down from a tree.

People will come looking for you… eventually. For now, you'll be unable to post or vote!


Mr. Eko

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a robe and a strange figurine.

You're not sure what to make of things exactly, but you suddenly feel at peace. In fact, you are now such a peaceful survivor that you no longer have the will to cast the deciding vote.

Note: You are allowed to vote, but you may never be the final vote on any lynching. Your vote will not be counted if it is the final one.


The Pickpocket

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a strange book:
"The Survivor Alignment Hand Guide".

It seems this could help you learn some survivors' identities. Unfortunately, you only have time to search one tent.

Whose alignment would you like to learn?


The following message was sent to Corvi after he chose Malkamaniac:

You sneak into Malkamaniac's tent while he is out dropping a deuce and look through his things. Consulting the handbook, it becomes clear that he is Malkamaniac.

You hear something and hurry out of the tent, bumping into Malks. He sees the book and says, "Hey, I could really use some TP". Not wanting to draw suspicion, you hand him the book. No more answers will be had it seems.


Hammer Time

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a hammer.

You can't explain it, but you are suddenly full of rage. Why are you stuck here with these people? They will all have to pay. You will gladly cast the deciding vote. In fact, you are so happy to do so, that you simply will not vote unless you can finish the person off.

It's Hammer Time, baby.

Note: You must always be the deciding vote… ie. "The Hammer". If you vote before this, it will not be counted.


Haters In The House (not used)

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a mirror.

You can't help but notice how good you still look after all this time on the island. Sure, nobody else understands you, but who needs them anyway… Just a bunch of haters.

Sure, they may all want to see you gone, but at least now you can always see a pretty face when you want to - yours.

Note: The price of your vanity is that the other survivors hate you. It will take one less vote to lynch you.


One Shot At Glory

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… ZOMG, IT'S A BOMB!?!?!?!

No, wait… that's just your nerves. Inside you find a gun with a single bullet and a note.

One Shot At Glory

May this serve you well. You may use this whenever you like. If you should die while holding this, you shall get your revenge on the killer/lyncher.

Note: You may use this kill during any night phase, or you may hold onto it. While holding the bullet, you are essentially a bomb.


Bulletproof Vest

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a bulletproof vest!

Score! You are now immune from all gun based attacks!

Note: You may still die by lynching or other events.


Escape Plan

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a blueprint.

What could this be? Why it's the diagram for the perfect escape plan! It will only work once, but you're certain this will allow you to escape trouble.

Note: You will survive one death of any kind. If 2 people come after you at night, you're SOL though.


Manic Depression (not used)

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find an image.

You're not really sure what it is to be honest. if you look at it one way, it is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. But if you start to turn it the other way… you look away in disgust.

But you can't stop looking at it… turning it every which way to see what else may be there… and it becomes clear… Manic Depression's a frustrating mess. This will surely pass… but it will probably last about 3 days.

Note: If a good player dies, you will become very depressed. You must post in all lowercase and talk about how hopeless things are. If a bad player dies, you will become very excited. You must post in all caps and use a lot of exclamation points. Bonus points for shameless taunting.


Drive Shaft

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a Drive Shaft CD.

"WTF am I going to do with a CD out here?!", you shout. But then you look in the box again and notice a portable CD player. You're not really sure what this is, but hey, you're bored, so you pop it in.

After a few notes, you are hooked. It is clear, you will be walking around all day singing "You All, Everybody".

Note: Each post today must end with "You All, Everybody".


Dharma BOC

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a Bag O Crap!


This is no ordinary BOC however… it grants special abilities to its owner.

Night 1 - Immune To Night Actions
Day 1 - Hated Townie (One less vote needed to lynch)
Night 2 - See the alignment of 1 player
Day 2 - may not post or vote
Night 3 - may not use any role powers (if applicable)
Day 3 - may not be lynched


Down With The Sickness

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find it is empty.

As you toss the box away in disgust, you suddenly feel like something has snapped inside of you… You feel as though your mental state is deteriorating… you can barely concentrate on the task at hand.

You have seen it! Einstein who? You are a mathematical genius, and you are going to prove it to everyone tomorrow. Soon everyone will understand that Canaan + NAN squared = Corvidae.

Note: Each night you will receive an update on your condition. if you follow the instructions each day, it will expire after a time.


The Recruit (opened by unprotected survivor)

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a new uniform.

Your clothes are raggedy, and quite frankly - they stink. You gladly slip into the uniform. It's a perfect fit. But how did they know?

You turn around and see player1, player 2 and player 3. At first, you are confused. But then it becomes clear… you are now a member of The Others / Dharma Initiative).


The Recruit (opened by protected survivor, Survivor or Vincent)

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a new uniform.

Your clothes are raggedy, and quite frankly - they stink. But these clothes are gaudy. You discard the box and return to your tent.


The Recruit (opened by The Others / Dharma Initiative)

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a new uniform.

Who would you like to recruit?

Note: this is a one shot deal. If the recruit fails, it will be lost - so choose wisely.


Can You Hear Me Now?

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a radio.

This could be your big chance to escape! You turn on the radio, and excitedly begin to yell into it… but it soon becomes clear that the person on the other side is on the beach with you.

What say you?

Note: You can say anything you like, but remember that you don't know who may be on the other side.


You've got some Arzt on you!

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a backpack full of dynamite!

You're not sure what to do, but you know you have to be careful with this stuff… it could go off at any time!

Note: During the following day phase, if anyone votes for you, you will explode.


I Re-meme-ber You (not used)

You look around one more time to make sure no one is looking and cautiously open the package… and find a piece of paper with a simple message:

p :D

Meme-ories of "Amba-lamps" and keyboard cat fill your mind, and you know what you must do.

Note: During the following day phase, all of your posts must contain a meme.

There were more crazy events than I care to recall, but we have been tracking them closely from start to finish for this occasion. Between role players needing to leave the game to the near ruin of an entire faction on Night 1, this has been a busy and :scared: game behind the scenes.

Night 1

JarkkoVision is removed from the game after an incident in the chat room which potentially revealed him (and some of his followers). random.org picks dagny as replacement. Azkar joins as a regular survivor.

Dagny uses Mayor power and kills MWB. (relayed via Kicksave due to overflow in dagny's PM box)
Kicksave protects himself.

sdm protects himself.
MWB investigates Troy Loney (fails).

Troy recruits Corvidae (fails).

canaan leaves.

crayz recieves You've got some Arzt On You.
beerman recieves and opens Down with the Sickness.

Day 1

beerman must mathematically prove that canaan + NAN squared = Corvidae.

1 Malkamaniac (relantel)
2 the errey i breathe (npv, cup keeper)
15 dagny (shaf, thg, jays, Mike, Kicksave, Senka, crayz, canaan, sdm, mac, LITT, Azkar, Zaro, c2i, Troy Loney)
3 Azkar (Corvi, dagny, errey)
1 person who doesn't read (slappy)

dagny escapes (mayor)

crayz will open You've got some Arzt On You.

Night 2

mac recieves and opens Trapped!
sdm recieves and opens Hammer Time.

dagny kills self (fails)
Kicksave protects dagny.

sdm protects self.
Malkamaniac receives bullet (does nothing)

Troy Loney recruits beerman.

Day 2

beerman must make exoitic s'mores recipes
mac is missing and may not post until day 3
sdm can only be the deciding vote
crayz will explode if anyone votes for him.

dagny - 16 (thg, redwill, shafnutz, Zarovich, Azkar, Malkamaniac, Senka, nan, Kicksave, beerman, slappy, jaysmitter, Troy, jw, Dean, npv )
thg - 4 (cup keeper, tfrizz, dagny, relantel)
the errey i breathe - 1 (c2i)

limit was 15

Night 3

Azkar receives and opens The Recruit. Since there are an even number on each bad team, random.org determines he will join Dharma.

MikeEnIke receives and opens Drive Shaft CD.

PFIDC takes over as leader for The Others.

Kicksave protects PFIDC
PFIDC kills THG.

sdm protects self.
Malks does nothing (1 bullet remaining).

Troy Loney kills shafnutz (there was some mod fail here - shaf's "role" should not have been revealed upon death due to LITT's role)

canaan leaves.

mac is found.

Day 3

Mike must end each post with "You all, everybody".
beerman must make bad island jokes. Later updated to "Kumbaya Day". :pop:

day 3 vote count

1 the errey i breathe (Corvi)
14 tfrizz (mac, relantel, Troy Loney, Malkamaniac, Azkar, c2i, the errey i breathe, MikeEnIke, jwie, npv, Kicksave, nan, beerman, crayz)
2 PFIDC (tfrizz, LITT)
1 Kicksave (redwill)
1 cup keeper (canaan)

14 to capture

Night 4

Senka receives and opens Dharma BOC
NAN receives and opens Mr. Eko

PFIDC kills sdm (fails)
Kicksave protects self.

sdm protects self.
Malks shoots the errey i breathe and accumulates a bullet. (1 remaining).

Troy does nothing (1 recruit remaining).

Day 4

sdm is the hammer
nan is mr. eko (cannot be hammer)
beerman must sing 99 bottles of beer on the wall.

day 4 vote count

1 Malkamaniac (Corvi)
1 Kicksave (redwill)
13 PFIDC (Troy, Kicksave, npv, Azkar, slappy, cup keeper, mac, Zaro, Dean, LITT, c2i, jwie, sdm)
1 cup keeper (canaan)

sdm released from Hammer Time.

13 to capture

Night 5

Senka is immune to night actions.

Corvidae receives and opens The Pickpocket. (looks up Malkamaniac)
relantel receives and opens One Shot At Glory.

Kicksave takes over as leader for The Others.

Kicksave protects slappy and kills sdm (fails).

sdm protects self.
Malks does nothing (1 bullet)

Troy kills Corvidae (3 extra lives remaining).

Day 5
senka is a hated townie (one less vote to capture)
relantel is a bomb.
beerman must sing the Beach Boys' greatest hits, changing his vote with each song. (minimun of 5 songs).

day 5 vote count

1 Malkamaniac (crayz)
1 c2i (Dean Wormer)
13 relantel (c2i, Malkamaniac, Kicksave, LITT, sdm, npv, Senka, Azkar, Corvi, Troy, nan, jwie, mac)
1 cup keeper (canaan)
1 crayz (relantel)
1 Dean Wormer (beerman)

13 to capture

mac + relantel die.

NOTE: beerman would have been last, but forgot to release his previous vote so it didn't count.

Night 6

Malkamaniac asks out of game. random.org determines Zarovich will be his replacement.
c2i receives and opens Escape Plan. I LOL hardcore for 5 minutes that he got this one.
Senka may see the alignment of 1 player (looks up Azkar)
Corvidae given the choice of finding out who took over for Malks or to look up a new player. (chooses to find out who took over, Zarovich)

Kicksave protects self, kills Troy Loney.

sdm protects self.
Zaro does nothing, acquires bullet (2 remaining).

Dharma does nothing.

beerman takes over as leader for Dharma.

Day 6

Senka may not post or vote.
c2i will escape one death of any kind.

LITT takes over as leader (beerman going out of town)

Day 6 vote count

11 c2i (Corvi, Dean, npv, redwill, nan, canaan, cup keeper, jwie, sdm, crayz, Azkar)
4 Dean (slappy, c2i, Zaro, Kicksave)
1 jewandi (beerman)

11 to capture

c2i escapes (Escape Plan)

Night 7

cup keeper receives Bulletproof Vest

Kicksave protects slappy, kills Corvidae (2 extra lives remaining)

sdm protects self.
Zaro shoots jwienand (1 bullet remaining).

LITT kills Kicksave (role hidden).

canaan leaves.

Day 7

cup keeper passes Bulletproof Vest to canaan.
slappybrown is now leader of The Others :pop:

day 7 vote count

10 c2i (Dean, redwill, nan, npv, Corvi, canaan, cup keeper, LITT, Azkar, Senka)

10 to capture

Night 8

canaan receives and opens Bulletproof Vest
redwill receives and opens The Smoke Monster

slappy kills jaysmiter (Senka will die too)

sdm protects self.
Zaro shoots canaan (fails due to BP Vest he conveniently just recieved), accumulates bullet (1 remaining)

LITT does nothing (was going to try to recruit jays, but didn't meet wf's time ultimatum :pop: would have failed anyway)

Day 8

day 8 vote count

8 Dean Wormer (LITT, Zaro, crayz, nan, Azkar, Corvi, canaan, cup keeper)
1 Letang Is The Truth (Dean)

8 to capture

Night 9

Zaro receives and opens Freckles (chooses to blow up LITT's tent)

slappy kills Zarovich (both die)

sdm protects self.
Zaro does nothing (1 bullet remaining).

LITT kills Corvi (fails - 1 extra life remaining)

canaan leaves.

Kicksave's role will be revealed due to LITT's death.

Day 9

Azkar will take over as leader of Dharma.

day 9 vote count

1 Corvi (npv)
1 cup keeper (crayz)
2 newarenanow (canaan, Azkar)
4 crayz (NAN, Corvi, sdm, cup keeper)

6 to capture

Time limit elapsed and crayz was killed by default.

Night 10

Azkar recruits npv (no recruits remaining)

sdm protects self

canaan recieves Touch of Jacob

Day 10

canaan opens Touch of Jacob

Night 11

day 10 vote count

3 newarenanow (Corvi, canaan, cup keeper)
5 Corvi (nan, sdm, Azkar, npv, MikeEnIke)

5 votes to capture

Corvi doesn't die - uses last extra life

beerman is modkilled for lack of participation.

Night 11

canaan leaves
Azkar kills MikeEnIke
sdm protects himself

npv receives and opens Can you Hear Me Now.

Help, I need somebody,
Help, not just anybody,
Help, you know I need someone, help.

When I was younger, so much younger than today,
I never needed anybody's help in any way.
Corv recieves and responds:
You're stupid and I hate you and you smell. I am your God. Lynch MikeEnIke or Azkar. :scared:
Day 11

Day 11 vote count

1 NAN (cup keeper)
1 Azkar (Corvi)
1 canaan (npv)
4 cup keeper(NAN, Azkar, sdm, canaan)

4 to capture

Night 12

Azkar receives and opens Rhyme or Reason
sdm protects self
Azkar kills canaan (fails - Touch of Jacob)

Day 12

All of Azkar's posts must rhyme

Day 12 vote count

2 Azkar (Corvi, npv)
4 npv (canaan, Azkar, sdm, NAN)

4 to capture

Night 13

canaan leaves
sdm protects self
Azkar kills NAN

NAN receives I Re-meme-ber You (not sent due to death)

Day 13

1 canaan (Azkar)
3 Azkar (canaan, Corvi, sdm)

3 to capture


We did our best to make the writeups entertaining while still presenting as many clues as seemed appropriate. Many seemed to miss the clues or completely misinterpret them, but hopefully you enjoyed them as much as we enjoyed writing them.

The Journey Begins
The Aftermath
The Aftermath - part 2
Night 1
Day 1
Night 2
Day 2
Night 3
Day 3
Night 4
Day 4
Night 5
Day 5
Night 6
Day 6
Night 7
Day 7
Night 8
Day 8
Night 9
Day 9
Night 10
Day 10
Night 11
Day 11
Night 12
Day 12
Night 13
Day 13/Epliogue


As a bonus... some roles/ideas that went unused:

John Locke (Usurper) - goal is to get Ben killed and take over as leader of the Others

Originally, Sayid was going to be a hybrid Vigilante/Roleblocker. On odd nights he could "torture" (role block) and he could kill on even nights. One of the main reasons we dropped this is that wf is not a fan of roleblockers. I'm not huge on them myself, but it seemed appropriate.

Lafleur (Elite Bodyguard) - would have been able to protect Dharma members and would have taken the attacker with them.

One idea that I tossed around in my head but never brought up due to its spoilerish nature was to have Claire and Charlie as masons, but if Charlie died, Claire would become "crazy claire" and be an ISK. It would have been too much killing though with 2 factions.


It was a crazy game. The amount of :scared: and insane theories were good for our entertainment (and hopefully yours as well). I had a great time modding the game (save for the times we had long waits for PMs or votes, but hey - you accept that when you sign up to mod).

In the end, there were 3 individuals who paved the way for the survivor victory. They will now recieve their due.

1. random.org. I have never seen so many "just in time" events occur in a game.
2. beerman's boss. If beerman didn't have to leave, he would have been able to actively contribute to Dharma (and they likely would have won)
3. Zarovich. He took over for Malks and though his first 2 shots were off, he came through when it coutned and gave the survivors a chance by finishing off the others and crippling Dharma.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the :scared: - and many thanks to wallflower, my partner in crime. This is the wicked child, signing off. :slug:
Last edited by the wicked child on Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:54 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Kicksave »

The Others were given teh shafnutz. :pop:
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Post by Corvidae »

Excellent game guys. Very well done all around.

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Post by Corvidae »

You guys didn't kill MikeEnIke because of that message, did you?
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Post by npv708 »

Good game TWC and Wallflower.

I was completely confused most of the time and it was made worse when I was recruited by Dharma's.
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Post by npv708 »

Corvidae wrote:You guys didn't kill MikeEnIke because of that message, did you?
We had a choice between cupkeeper and MikeEnIke.

Azkar wanted cupkeeper and I said that would put a bullseye on me and since no one else could die, I said MikeEnIke.

so, no.
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Post by wallflower »

I enjoyed NAN's Malkamaniac theories. I was disappointed he didn't have one for beerman's death. :pop:
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Post by wallflower »

Corvidae wrote:Excellent game guys. Very well done all around.

Broken image? :scared:
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Post by Corvidae »

wallflower wrote:
Corvidae wrote:Excellent game guys. Very well done all around.

Broken image? :scared:
It looks OK to me. You're drunk.
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Post by wallflower »

Corvidae wrote:
wallflower wrote:
Corvidae wrote:Excellent game guys. Very well done all around.

Broken image? :scared:
It looks OK to me. You're drunk.
I even tried opening the image in a new tab and it gives me an error page. :scared:
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Post by Corvidae »

wallflower wrote:I enjoyed NAN's Malkamaniac theories. I was disappointed he didn't have one for beerman's death. :pop:
Yeah, eventually I started to feel that NAN was too out of it to be bad.

I had a large convoluted plan that evolved insulting everyone and the end result was winning. I guess it worked?
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Post by thehockeyguru »

What was going on with this?
dagny kills self (fails)
Kicksave protects dagny.
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Post by Corvidae »

thehockeyguru wrote:What was going on with this?
dagny kills self (fails)
Kicksave protects dagny.
I didn't even notice that. That is hilarious.
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Post by Kicksave »

thehockeyguru wrote:What was going on with this?
dagny kills self (fails)
Kicksave protects dagny.
dagny thought she could buy herself some time if it looked like the baddies tried to kill her at night but was blocked using one of her JoAT roles.
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Post by npv708 »

Azkar had actually planned to use the modkill to his advantage to hide his role, but then the vote turned on me.
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Post by Azkar »

I was also trying to get canaan mod killed at the end
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Post by Azkar »

Oh, canaan should probably go out and play the lottery
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Post by MWB »

Is that dagny's new thing... try to kill herself every game?
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Post by the wicked child »

Azkar wrote:Oh, canaan should probably go out and play the lottery
Yeah. His luck was off the charts. Dharma's was too early in the game... but went downhill when beerman had to leave.
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Post by wallflower »

Azkar wrote:Oh, canaan should probably go out and play the lottery
No kidding. First cup keeper sent him the bullet proof vest package and then he got Jacob's touch. It was surreal.

That being said, random.org loved Dharma a million times more than the Others. Everything that could have gone in your favor, really did for most of the game. I feel that the beerman situation really turned the tide on you guys.

I, for most of the game, was predicting a Dharma win and it was close even at the end there.
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Post by npv708 »

suggestion for Lost Wars 2 (or next game with packages):

Maybe make it so that a player cannot receive a package on consecutive days?
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Post by wallflower »

lol @ twc & I posting the same thing at the same time.

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Post by thehockeyguru »

It was BS that the Seer (MWB) got killed so early.
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Post by Kicksave »

MWB wrote:Is that dagny's new thing... try to kill herself every game?
When we decided to try it, I thought about protecting slappy or PFiDC just for the lulz of watching her kill herself.
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Post by npv708 »

wallflower wrote:
Azkar wrote:Oh, canaan should probably go out and play the lottery
No kidding. First cup keeper sent him the bullet proof vest package and then he got Jacob's touch. It was surreal.

That being said, random.org loved Dharma a million times more than the Others. Everything that could have gone in your favor, really did for most of the game. I feel that the beerman situation really turned the tide on you guys.

I, for most of the game, was predicting a Dharma win and it was close even at the end there.
Has anyone heard from Beerman?