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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by PensFanInDC »

Well...if the crap hits the fan, at least our president is an honest golfer...
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by eddysnake »

I'll throw in my two sense, I work for state of PA and I have the best possible Health Care I could imagine, but I'm all for restructering Healthcare (if done correctly) and I'm OK with paying taxes so that other people in this country have the same options as everyone else, after all we are a country of neighbors. My problem is that Obama became just about every other President and chickened out on a lot of what he said. If your going to get wet, jump into the water, don't dip your toe.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by MWB »

DelPen wrote: The problem here is any email sent to a whitehouse email address is kept in the National Archives which means there is a database that will contain any and all information including names sent in and this is illegal. We've seen what liberal cronies will do to people who ask legitimate questions that go against Obama, look what happened to Joe the Plumber when he got Obama to admit he wanted to spread the wealth around. And since when is the White House asking for something not the same as the President asking for it?
So any email forwarded to the White House will have any and all names included in that email archived? Not just the person who forwarded it to the White House? Is that fact? Asking because I don't know all the ins and outs of the process.

What happened to Joe was he decided to enter the political fray. His choice by going on any media outlet he could find. I didn't say there was any difference between the President or the White House asking for something.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by DelPen »

MWB wrote:
DelPen wrote: The problem here is any email sent to a whitehouse email address is kept in the National Archives which means there is a database that will contain any and all information including names sent in and this is illegal. We've seen what liberal cronies will do to people who ask legitimate questions that go against Obama, look what happened to Joe the Plumber when he got Obama to admit he wanted to spread the wealth around. And since when is the White House asking for something not the same as the President asking for it?
So any email forwarded to the White House will have any and all names included in that email archived? Not just the person who forwarded it to the White House? Is that fact? Asking because I don't know all the ins and outs of the process.

What happened to Joe was he decided to enter the political fray. His choice by going on any media outlet he could find. I didn't say there was any difference between the President or the White House asking for something.
Yes, every single communication involving the White House and this includes emails, and flag@whitehouse.gov is included, is retained by law. So if you were to say I was against health care then your email address and the content of your email is retained forever and there would be nothing to stop someone from using that information if they really wanted to.

And Joe had his character assasinated before he whored himself out to the media. Ohio democrats dug up anything they coulf find on him no matter how trivial THEN he went around defending his reputation and at that point took advantage of his 15 minutes of fame. If the media and democrat cronies just treated this like what it was, Obama answering a question on the cmapaign trail, we would ahve never heard from Jow ever again but they had to try to destroy anyone who made Obama look bad.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by bhaw »

The email address you mention is very disturbing. They say the intention is to "stop misinformation about the bill." But that is beyond scary. Basically, anyone can flag anyone by forwarding their info directly to the government. This is disturbing because this is exactly how they did things in Germany in the 30s and 40s. I'm not saying Obama is a Nazi, but the "intentions" are the same. Government wants to control what gets said about the bill. It's actually very frightening, and I can't imagine people are ok with this.

If they want to "stop misinformation," perhaps the first step would be for Congress to actually read the bill so they are able to talk about it with an informed opinion. It begs the questions... how are they giving us the correct info if no one has read the bill?
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by Guinness »

bhaw wrote: If they want to "stop misinformation," perhaps the first step would be for Congress to actually read the bill so they are able to talk about it with an informed opinion. It begs the questions... how are they giving us the correct info if no one has read the bill?
Scandalous suggestion, sir! :)

The intent is to demonize and marginalize anyone with a legitimate objection to this legislation. It's not new, and in fact is getting quite old (see what I did there? :))

Obama said at some rally last night that "he didn't want to hear from the people who caused this mess" (paraphrasing). I guess that means that Congress and the Federal Reserve are not welcome at the White House these days.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by Guinness »


I wonder, is this the sort of "dialogue" the president wishes us to have about the health care bill? Good to see the left has their very own O'Reilly now... :roll:

I hesitated to post this because I don't want to give this **** any advertisement, but I found it ironic that we hear how awful it is that the roaming bands of Aetna-paid hooligans keep shouting down the imperial senators, and thereby snuffing out any debate...
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by bh »

Guinness wrote:[youtube][/youtube]

I wonder, is this the sort of "dialogue" the president wishes us to have about the health care bill? Good to see the left has their very own O'Reilly now... :roll:

I hesitated to post this because I don't want to give this **** any advertisement, but I found it ironic that we hear how awful it is that the roaming bands of Aetna-paid hooligans keep shouting down the imperial senators, and thereby snuffing out any debate...
lol, Wow, peter really kept calm there. I think i would have went off. Serious debate is boring. Shouting matches are what keep the average American comming back for more.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by Guinness »

bh wrote: lol, Wow, peter really kept calm there. I think i would have went off. Serious debate is boring. Shouting matches are what keep the average American comming back for more.
I went off just watching it! Seriously, if it were me in that seat, I would have went across the table at that idiot! :)

Notice how he consistently "says" what Peter is saying... er, sorry... "misrepresents", I mean? Garbage. People of goodwill may disagree. This guy's just a shill.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by bh »

bhaw wrote:The email address you mention is very disturbing. They say the intention is to "stop misinformation about the bill." But that is beyond scary. Basically, anyone can flag anyone by forwarding their info directly to the government. This is disturbing because this is exactly how they did things in Germany in the 30s and 40s. I'm not saying Obama is a Nazi, but the "intentions" are the same. Government wants to control what gets said about the bill. It's actually very frightening, and I can't imagine people are ok with this.

If they want to "stop misinformation," perhaps the first step would be for Congress to actually read the bill so they are able to talk about it with an informed opinion. It begs the questions... how are they giving us the correct info if no one has read the bill?
Yeah it is scary. I wonder what they are going to do to people that are spreading misinformation? I doubt anything. They can't force sites to remove the information can they? I mean I'm all for accuracy and honesty but there is no way I approve of the government setting standards about what is appropriate. You suggestion is the most logical. Read the dog gone thing and then debate the points in the bill. Something this large and long lasting deserves the most rigourous scrutiny possible. As HP said above though, the special interests will be the ones to benifit. cha ching!
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by HomerPenguin »

DelPen wrote:And Joe had his character assasinated before he whored himself out to the media.
Uh, no. Joe had himself whored out to the media by McCain in the third debate, when he mentioned the guy what seemed like 57843 times. It was only then that the media started looking at the guy and, gosh, learning that he'd totally misrepresented himself. If Joe hadn't wanted the celebrity he should have nipped things in the bud with McCain before the debate.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by HomerPenguin »

Guinness wrote:Notice how he consistently "says" what Peter is saying... er, sorry... "misrepresents", I mean? Garbage. People of goodwill may disagree. This guy's just a shill.
That guy is Lawrence O'Donnell. He was guest hosting. The regular host of that program, Ed Schultz, is, believe it or not, worse.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by DelPen »

HomerPenguin wrote:
DelPen wrote:And Joe had his character assasinated before he whored himself out to the media.
Uh, no. Joe had himself whored out to the media by McCain in the third debate, when he mentioned the guy what seemed like 57843 times. It was only then that the media started looking at the guy and, gosh, learning that he'd totally misrepresented himself. If Joe hadn't wanted the celebrity he should have nipped things in the bud with McCain before the debate.
So on Oct. 12 he dared ask Dear Leader an honset question and got an honest answer. The debate was the night of Oct. 15. On Oct. 16, the next morning, we had the stories running of his tax problems and the ones trying to say he was not a plumber.

Now unless you want me to believe that all the researhc, writing and publishing of these stories began after 9:00 at night in roder to be a response to McCain mentioning him then the smear campaign began immediately following him getting Obama to admit something he didn't want people to hear. The media were going to crucify him regardless of what McCain did.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by DelPen »

bh wrote:
bhaw wrote:The email address you mention is very disturbing. They say the intention is to "stop misinformation about the bill." But that is beyond scary. Basically, anyone can flag anyone by forwarding their info directly to the government. This is disturbing because this is exactly how they did things in Germany in the 30s and 40s. I'm not saying Obama is a Nazi, but the "intentions" are the same. Government wants to control what gets said about the bill. It's actually very frightening, and I can't imagine people are ok with this.

If they want to "stop misinformation," perhaps the first step would be for Congress to actually read the bill so they are able to talk about it with an informed opinion. It begs the questions... how are they giving us the correct info if no one has read the bill?
Yeah it is scary. I wonder what they are going to do to people that are spreading misinformation? I doubt anything. They can't force sites to remove the information can they? I mean I'm all for accuracy and honesty but there is no way I approve of the government setting standards about what is appropriate. You suggestion is the most logical. Read the dog gone thing and then debate the points in the bill. Something this large and long lasting deserves the most rigourous scrutiny possible. As HP said above though, the special interests will be the ones to benifit. cha ching!
Well they can't force people to remove things yet, unless of course Net Neutrality is passed which is like the Fairness Doctrine but for the internet.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by HomerPenguin »

DelPen wrote:So on Oct. 12 he dared ask Dear Leader an honset question and got an honest answer. The debate was the night of Oct. 15. On Oct. 16, the next morning, we had the stories running of his tax problems and the ones trying to say he was not a plumber.

Now unless you want me to believe that all the researhc, writing and publishing of these stories began after 9:00 at night in roder to be a response to McCain mentioning him then the smear campaign began immediately following him getting Obama to admit something he didn't want people to hear. The media were going to crucify him regardless of what McCain did.
That's a little disingenuous, no? I have no problem believing that his local paper or some other Ohio media did some investigating to find out who he was after he made such a prominent splash at the Obama event. But to assume that he would have become a major national story if McCain hadn't ridden his (phony, as it turns out) story so hard in the debate, that's quite an assumption. 90% of the country had no idea who the guy was (and hadn't seen, nor would they likely have seen, the footage of him with Obama) until McCain made him famous. And all poor Joe got out of it was fame, speaking gigs, a book deal, and a series of punditry jobs for which he's otherwise unqualified (then again, Bill Kristol is a pundit, so maybe there are no qualifications).
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by doublem »

DelPen wrote:
HomerPenguin wrote:
DelPen wrote:And Joe had his character assasinated before he whored himself out to the media.
Uh, no. Joe had himself whored out to the media by McCain in the third debate, when he mentioned the guy what seemed like 57843 times. It was only then that the media started looking at the guy and, gosh, learning that he'd totally misrepresented himself. If Joe hadn't wanted the celebrity he should have nipped things in the bud with McCain before the debate.
So on Oct. 12 he dared ask Dear Leader an honset question and got an honest answer. The debate was the night of Oct. 15. On Oct. 16, the next morning, we had the stories running of his tax problems and the ones trying to say he was not a plumber.

Now unless you want me to believe that all the researhc, writing and publishing of these stories began after 9:00 at night in roder to be a response to McCain mentioning him then the smear campaign began immediately following him getting Obama to admit something he didn't want people to hear. The media were going to crucify him regardless of what McCain did.
Joe the plumber is a moron. He epitomizes everything that is wrong with this country. Joe the plumber was never going to buy that company, how could he, he didn't possibly make enough to buy it, only in his fantasy world could he ever imagine of buying that company. Just like when he thinks a vote for Obama= the death of Israel. This man does not represent middle class America, I hope he doesn't anyway.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by PensFanInDC »

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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by MWB »

DelPen wrote: Yes, every single communication involving the White House and this includes emails, and flag@whitehouse.gov is included, is retained by law. So if you were to say I was against health care then your email address and the content of your email is retained forever and there would be nothing to stop someone from using that information if they really wanted to.
This seems to be a case of new technology meeting old policies. It would be prudent to have any names, addresses, etc. stricken from anything forwarded to this White House email address. I think the general idea behind it - being completely aware of misinformation that is out there to combat it - is smart PR. However, having names attached to it opens a can of worms, even though there is probably nothing to worry about.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by Ron` »

This all troubles many americans. Turning over medicare to some appointed government branch uncontrollable by future legislation is much like the current end round occuring on cap and trade. Even if the administration doesn't get what it wants through it's legislative blitz, it already has the EPA working on regulations that will be far more impacting to the consumers costs. Censoring plain and simple is what is occuring. Welcome to the new america and realize the change for what it is.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by DelPen »

MWB wrote:
DelPen wrote: Yes, every single communication involving the White House and this includes emails, and flag@whitehouse.gov is included, is retained by law. So if you were to say I was against health care then your email address and the content of your email is retained forever and there would be nothing to stop someone from using that information if they really wanted to.
This seems to be a case of new technology meeting old policies. It would be prudent to have any names, addresses, etc. stricken from anything forwarded to this White House email address. I think the general idea behind it - being completely aware of misinformation that is out there to combat it - is smart PR. However, having names attached to it opens a can of worms, even though there is probably nothing to worry about.
To quote Office Space "the Nazis had peices of flair they made the Jews wear". It all starts with something small and innocent. Anyone opposed to any Obama's policies is now being labeled as members of an angry mob and we're blocking progress. Homeland Security has already labeled conservative groups as potential terrorist threats.

Now as far as being aware of what's out there, there are more lies and disinformation coming from Democrats in Washington beause they have no idea what's in the House bill right now. AARP is out defending it when there are multiple slams against the elderly in that bill. I can see why Obama said last month the time for debate is over, he didn't want anyone reading this bill and and confront comgressmen over it which is what we are seeing.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by DelPen »

Here is how Hari Sevugan of the Democratic National Committee is handling the opposition to health care/insurance/whatever catch phrase they use next reform. Here is an email sent out earlier today about Eric Cantor who the DNC slammed as being a Jew when his name came up as a VP candidate:
It’s disgusting that rather than condemning this hate filled symbolism and mob activity, the highest echelons of the Republican party from Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck on down, are encouraging it - and that the likes of Michael Steele and Eric Cantor are fanning the flames of this is reprehensible. The repeated use of Nazi symbolism at community meetings by the Republican incited mob proves that these protests have nothing to do with health care, but rather that the Republican party is willing to sink to the lowest, most despicable levels to accomplish their goal of “breaking” President Obama.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by MWB »

DelPen wrote: To quote Office Space "the Nazis had peices of flair they made the Jews wear". It all starts with something small and innocent. Anyone opposed to any Obama's policies is now being labeled as members of an angry mob and we're blocking progress. Homeland Security has already labeled conservative groups as potential terrorist threats.
If I'm understanding this correctly, there really isn't anything new here. Couldn't anyone always forward an email to the White House and have it archived? Or print out an email and forward it and have it archived? The only new thing is having a specific email address to send it to. It should be handled differently, but I also don't think it's a segue to Naziism.
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by DelPen »

MWB wrote:
DelPen wrote: To quote Office Space "the Nazis had peices of flair they made the Jews wear". It all starts with something small and innocent. Anyone opposed to any Obama's policies is now being labeled as members of an angry mob and we're blocking progress. Homeland Security has already labeled conservative groups as potential terrorist threats.
If I'm understanding this correctly, there really isn't anything new here. Couldn't anyone always forward an email to the White House and have it archived? Or print out an email and forward it and have it archived? The only new thing is having a specific email address to send it to. It should be handled differently, but I also don't think it's a segue to Naziism.
Sure, anyone could send something to the White House and it gets archived but that is not even clkose to the point. We have the Obama Administration asking people to send in anything they hear that contradicts the lies they are spinning on their plans for health care. This program shouldn't even exist. And it's not that far off from tactics used in pre-WWII Germany, find a group to demonize and blame for a problem that you yourself are making worse so you can accomplish a bigger goal. Is it a highly nefarious goal? Doubtful but there is absolutely no reason the US government should be asking citizens to report other citizens for simply disagreeing with public policy espeicially when all that information is retained and can be accessed later. Who knows, maybe the tide turns the other way and we get someone more to the right than Obama is to the left, would anyone want to be on the list of people who narc'd out that Administration's base?
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by Ron` »

It's no different than what was done during the campaign, forcing sites to pull editorials and articles that damaged the cause...... Why are people shocked now that there is an organized activity to find out where the opposition exists and exterminate it.....

I honestly don't even think this is the president's idea, it's deeper than that, and more likely driven by someone on his staff and/or legislative leaders..... Lord knows we have several elected or appointed wack jobs in key positions with a complete political majority to wield now. I default back to the bachelor party out of control analogy. Someday it's going to be one huge hangover with a lot of fuzzy memories.

Maybe the american public will learn to pay more attention to all the elections, not just the presidential.....
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Re: Healthcare Reform Act of 2009

Post by DelPen »

Ron` wrote:It's no different than what was done during the campaign, forcing sites to pull editorials and articles that damaged the cause...... Why are people shocked now that there is an organized activity to find out where the opposition exists and exterminate it.....

I honestly don't even think this is the president's idea, it's deeper than that, and more likely driven by someone on his staff and/or legislative leaders..... Lord knows we have several elected or appointed wack jobs in key positions with a complete political majority to wield now. I default back to the bachelor party out of control analogy. Someday it's going to be one huge hangover with a lot of fuzzy memories.

Maybe the american public will learn to pay more attention to all the elections, not just the presidential.....
But the worst thing that could possibly happen at a bachelor party gone wild is someone gives your fiancee pictures of you having sex with the prostitute you accidentily just killed.