Your irrational pet peeves

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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by pensfannn »

When someone whispers the word "black" when describing a person.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by cs6687 »

- People who are late.

- People who don't apologize after they're late.

- Since I'm in school, the people who get As all the time that go into meltdown/suicide mode when they get a low A or B on a test.

- People who drive below the speed limit.

- People who interrupt me.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by JoseCuervo »

Reading over my shoulder...

I kill over that.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by Hockeynut! »

Cell phones. Honestly, everything about them pisses me off. I hate using them. I hate paying for it. I hate listening to other people talk on them. I especially hate seeing people constantly sending text messages. I just want to grab their iphone/blackberry and smash it on the ground. WTF did these people do before their had the "devices"?
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by Guinness »

I'm the worst "text-er" in the world... mostly because I insist on spelling everything out.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by Hockeynut! »

I think I've sent 3 text messages in the 7 years I've had my phone. Maybe 4.

I shoot a lot of senior portraits for high school kids and their obsession with their phones drives me freaking crazy. They're ringing every 15 seconds and they always have to "check" to make sure it isn't anything important. Important, being "OMG, did u c wut Beth wore 2day!!!???"
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by Guinness »

I'm the same. Maybe a total of 10 texts. I just don't get it.

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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by PittPensFan »

-Mothers who insist on bringing their bawling children on the bus, sit right behind me, and then yak on their phones while their child screams into my ear. Gets me from happy to furious in 2.3 seconds.

-College professors who use the tenure system to refuse to help their students.

-People who park in the handicapped spot because they're fat and don't feel like walking the extra 30 feet as opposed to the guy with a walker who needs it.

-Customers who expect me to recognize their printer with the description of "Well, it's rectangular and gray and black." Ok, thanks, that helps a lot.

-The cretins who keep getting in my way and handing me stuff on the sidewalks of Downtown and Oakland. Go away! Am I the only person who has an exam to get to?!

-The d-bags from Philly who go to Pitt and talk down on the city. Go back to your home hellhole, jerk.

-The people who dig for exact change at the register and then after they pay demand that the cashier put a coupon they just found on the transaction.

-"This coupon is for your competitor, can I use it here?"
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by littlemoonboot »

I am really irritated by "gangsta culture" in general. About 99.9999999999999999999999% of the world population that engage in this saggy-pant, c-walking, hand-gesturing, bandana-wearing, fake bling b.s. just look like a gang of poser retards that need to go back to school, pull your pants up, get a job, and learn to speak like semi-intelligent beings.

When people ask me why I got into hockey. Or Penguins hockey when I'm not from Pittsburgh. Why? I don't know, because I could.

When people ask me why I got my masters degree in London, or why I live in England. Why? Because I could.

Not terribly bad questions to ask in themselves. I just get tired of being asked them.

My husband is always late when we're going somewhere. I can be ready and out the door in no time -- and he dawdles and farts around and we're always late because of it. Ironic because usually they say the woman is supposed to be the culprit in this area.

That and his inability to contain his ham radio and computer hobbies in one place. I hate it when I'm trying to vacuum and there's little screws and wires all over the place or he comes home with this big damn radio antenna that he bought at a bazaar somewhere but didn't really think about where in the house he was going to keep it.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by Daniel87 »

People who will drive 5-10 more miles just to get 2 cents off their gas. Do they not understand that they are wasting much more money on the trip their? Complete morons.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by Kaizer »

Misspelling words on purpose, or "abbreviating" them, when the things they type arent even shorter than the actual word.

adults who still cant pronounce things correctly.

the BCS

Bryan Murray's speech impediment.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by Three Stars »

Kaizer wrote:Bryan Murray's speech impediment.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by 60sixx »

littlemoonboot wrote:I am really irritated by "gangsta culture" in general. About 99.9999999999999999999999% of the world population that engage in this saggy-pant, c-walking, hand-gesturing, bandana-wearing, fake bling b.s. just look like a gang of poser retards that need to go back to school, pull your pants up, get a job, and learn to speak like semi-intelligent beings.
God bless you, littlemoonboot! Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that feels this way! You made my day. :D

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by bhaw »

When my wife doesn't put dishes in the dish washer the "right" way :lol:
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by bhaw »

Oh... and the trainer at my new job says "irregardless" ALL the time.

She even has a question typed out in our material that says "irregardless." Hello!!!! Spell checker marked that one for a reason!! She also has really bad hair... her hair looks like a Davey Crockett raccoon hat.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by bhaw »

OH!! And at lunch last week, this one bothered me...

This fairly well overweight girl goes to the grill and orders a turkey burger. Ok, she's trying. But then she also gets an order of fries AND an order of fried mushrooms. She then gets her turkey burger, takes it to the condiment station, and DOUSES the thing in mayo (I find even a drop of mayo disgusting, but this was like, "do you want a burger with your mayo?). Why even go for the turkey burger?

In general... people who complain about their weight and then do stuff like that... "I'm so fat, I don't understand why. Oh, yes, I'll take the 10 piece fried chicken, extra fried, and the gallon mug of Mountain Dew. I just don't understand it. I take the stairs every day, but I can't get rid of this extra weight."
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by Daniel »

1. Bringing a baby into a movie theater, especially an obviously loud movie.
2. Walking around a shopping center talking on your cell phone like the other person is deaf. I almost want to walk up and comment on their conversation. I swear I almost put my bluetooth in my ear at the doctors office and then start talking loudly saying "yea, I am in the doctors office. Hold on, it is rude for me to talk loudly here, let me walk outside."
3. Rap music, it is just imitation music made by wanna be people.
4. The fact that black people keep the N word alive and well, then getting angry because it is a word that is still used.
5. The term African American. Do you really not know which country your people are from? I just think it is insulting and degrading, especially since I know quite a few white Africans.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by Corvidae »

Daniel wrote: 5. The term African American. Do you really not know which country your people are from? I just think it is insulting and degrading, especially since I know quite a few white Africans.
Excuse me, the word "white" offends me. I'd prefer European American. So they're European American Africans, thank you.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by Dan H »

The serial misuse of the word "literally" by sportswriters annoys me.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by littlemoonboot »

tombarrassorules wrote: atleast kanye west came in and cleaned the look up a bit. but that brings a whole other realm of uncomfortable types of dress. like the frat d-bag.
Hahahahaha... actually, I thought about bringing up the frat d-bag look. But I wouldn't even know where to begin.

I think when I have a bone to pick with gangsta culture -- I think of kids that think dey be livin' tha hard thug lyfe yo. They b strait up big pimpin' n' ghost ridin' tha whip on dey 1993 Geo Metro dat dey parentz bought them on dey 16th birfday......basically kids that think it's cool to act stupid and be a thug or feel sorry for themselves when they don't really have it all that bad.

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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by bringitonhome »

penny lane wrote:Women talking on their cell phones in public bathrooms~ the ladies room.
Mine is..women talking on their cells phones period, especially while driving.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by Sam's Drunk Dog »

I can't stand it when people take up more than one parking space or when they park so close to the other space that if you parked next to them you wouldn't be able to get out of your car without hitting their car with your door.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by Troy Loney »

littlemoonboot wrote:
" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by newarenanow »

1) People who crack their gum. Annoying as hell, and they do it over and over and over again and seem to have a piece of gum in their mouths 24 hrs a day. I would like to straggle those people and beat them with a stick.

2) Drivers who not only drive slow in the fast lane, but drive right next to another car in the slow lane so no one can pass. I wish my car was the Batmobile and I could shoot a missle at them and blow them up. It's bad enough you don't know how to drive, but why back everyone else up in the process.

3) Watching Pitt Football. I've been following them closely for about 15 years now, and everytime they get a rank next to their name, they blow it.
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Re: Your irrational pet peeves

Post by rasbatch »

people that throw their cigarette butts out the car window.
I just want to follow them to their destination and throw a
lit one back into their car, and see how that works for them.
You probably got an ashtray USE IT!