Hossa to DET

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Post by Rychster »

Eismann wrote:
littlemoonboot wrote:
heshootsandscores wrote:Sorry to see him leave, but glad to see him gone if he doesn't want to be here....
Exactly. We'll take the players that DO want to be here, and I'm excited for them. Go Pens. :)
Hossa is now in the same boat as Ray Bourqe and Deion Sanders. Great players who eventually turned into free-loaders on existing strong teams. As much as it hurts to mention Bourque next to Sanders, the concept is the same. I was pretty disgusted when Bourque went to Col to free load a Cup, but because he put in all that time on non Cup Bos teams, I cut him some slack; but the fact remained that he - really, with Bos management's understanding and assistance - freeloaded and his rep took a hit in my eyes.

Sanders is/was a show-boating pos who strictly went where the winning was. I loathed him for it.

Nice guy or not, loaded with talent or not, vet or not, freeloading is freeloading. Doesn't mean I don't think guys can go and do whatever they want, but what they do has baggage. I liked when Hossa thought of the Pens as winners and he wanted to come here at the deadline. That he didn't want to stay stung.

Hossa is a freeloader.
I happen to agree with this except he is doing it at a way younger age. I really think the only reason he went to the RWs was because of the coaching staff. Of course the caliber of players is closely matched, with maybe Babcock being the clincher. He may not have liked the way MT used him or some of the other players during the POs and felt Babcock would manage his club better. I don't know or care anymore. He is simply a traitor that cost the Pens high draft picks and possibly a star in the making in Esposito without anything to show for it. Of course, even at the modest salary of 7.5 mil, he would have hurt the Pens from being able to add more quality depth this year but it's over and we move on.
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Post by LeopardLetang »

Doogs wrote:Not that it matters at all, but they are having a field day with all of this on the LGW.com site. They are calling us babies and more. Jealous is another word being thrown around.
i am so extremely jealous of Detroit's lineup next year. anything short of a cup next year is a big failure, though, for them. and i'd rather be a pens fan moving forward.
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Post by penny lane »

Doogs wrote:Not that it matters at all, but they are having a field day with all of this on the LGW.com site. They are calling us babies and more. Jealous is another word being thrown around.
I am beyond tired of the wing fans who still cry about all the supposed
calls Sidney and the penguins received in the finals. This, after they won the cup. Not a pretty trait.

Chemistry is a fickle friend, the dynamic of Hossa arriving as the highest paid wing. We'll see how that plays out.
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Post by peterleefan »

Ginger wrote:I just keep thinking about my good friend in Pittsburgh who only bought his jersey the weekend before last. She was so excited about having him on the team & finally bought his jersey.
You wanna talk injustice? :(

kind of a poor decision on her part - the guy was stringing the Pens along leading up to July 1 -all she had to do was wait until the ink was dried on a new Pens contract before making the purchase........
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Post by littlemoonboot »

Doogs wrote:Not that it matters at all, but they are having a field day with all of this on the LGW.com site. They are calling us babies and more. Jealous is another word being thrown around.
I'm not surprised. And that's why I will not visit any Wings boards. My head would probably explode.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I am not really angry at the Red Wings -- but I am angry at Hossa because, while I can understand his decision, I don't like the way he handled the whole thing.

Admittedly I used to like the Wings, but now it's war. :twisted:

I'm still a little mad but I'm getting over it, I promise. ;)
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Post by bhaw »

Some of the posts here are funny. Hossa was a UFA and earned the rank of being the best UFA on the market this year. He has the right to choose whatever he wants. If I'm in his shoes, I probably do the same thing. If the Wings win the Cup again, Hossa will be a major contributor most likely.

Traitor? Freeloader? Seriously... grow up. The guy exceeded expectations while he was here. The guys we gave up were done so knowing that Hossa has no requirement to sign with the Pens. The trade was made to win and the Pens came pretty damn close.

The best part of these comments are that everyone was up in arms that Hossa was going to take a bigger contract somewhere else and his comments about "playing for a winner" would expose him as a fraud. He goes to the one team that was better than the Pens and now he's called everything else under the sun.

The guy earned the opportunity to make the decision he did. And he earned it while helping the Pens get to the finals.
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Post by Rychster »

bhaw wrote:Some of the posts here are funny. Hossa was a UFA and earned the rank of being the best UFA on the market this year. He has the right to choose whatever he wants. If I'm in his shoes, I probably do the same thing. If the Wings win the Cup again, Hossa will be a major contributor most likely.

Traitor? Freeloader? Seriously... grow up. The guy exceeded expectations while he was here. The guys we gave up were done so knowing that Hossa has no requirement to sign with the Pens. The trade was made to win and the Pens came pretty damn close.

The best part of these comments are that everyone was up in arms that Hossa was going to take a bigger contract somewhere else and his comments about "playing for a winner" would expose him as a fraud. He goes to the one team that was better than the Pens and now he's called everything else under the sun.

The guy earned the opportunity to make the decision he did. And he earned it while helping the Pens get to the finals.
Of course he earned it but it will be mighty nice to ruin it for him if the Pens have anything to say about him winning a cup. I was only commenting negatively about HOW he left the Pens after stating the liked playing here and that he would give consideration to a future deal. The team that trades for him gave away potential (of course with no "strings" attached) but I take it as a middle finger to the Pens org rather than a thanks but no thanks. That's just how I took the news and that's how I feel about it. That, and how close we were in winning the cup, while next year we're going to be even better. That's ok, it gives Crosby and Malkin, among others, even more motivation to ruin his plans, even though they don't directly care about him one way or another.
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Post by farnham16 »

bhaw wrote:Some of the posts here are funny. Hossa was a UFA and earned the rank of being the best UFA on the market this year. He has the right to choose whatever he wants. If I'm in his shoes, I probably do the same thing. If the Wings win the Cup again, Hossa will be a major contributor most likely.

Traitor? Freeloader? Seriously... grow up. The guy exceeded expectations while he was here. The guys we gave up were done so knowing that Hossa has no requirement to sign with the Pens. The trade was made to win and the Pens came pretty damn close.

The best part of these comments are that everyone was up in arms that Hossa was going to take a bigger contract somewhere else and his comments about "playing for a winner" would expose him as a fraud. He goes to the one team that was better than the Pens and now he's called everything else under the sun.

The guy earned the opportunity to make the decision he did. And he earned it while helping the Pens get to the finals.
Of course he had the right to do whatever he wanted, but that still doesnt mean he didnt slap this organization in the face.

The guy chose the easy way out. Pittsburgh was offering him everything he wanted and Detriot was only offering him a chance to win the Cup...and he basically told Pittsburgh you guys arent good enough for me.

He made misleading comments for weeks and stabbed us in the back.
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Post by shmenguin »

farnham16 wrote:
bhaw wrote:Some of the posts here are funny. Hossa was a UFA and earned the rank of being the best UFA on the market this year. He has the right to choose whatever he wants. If I'm in his shoes, I probably do the same thing. If the Wings win the Cup again, Hossa will be a major contributor most likely.

Traitor? Freeloader? Seriously... grow up. The guy exceeded expectations while he was here. The guys we gave up were done so knowing that Hossa has no requirement to sign with the Pens. The trade was made to win and the Pens came pretty damn close.

The best part of these comments are that everyone was up in arms that Hossa was going to take a bigger contract somewhere else and his comments about "playing for a winner" would expose him as a fraud. He goes to the one team that was better than the Pens and now he's called everything else under the sun.

The guy earned the opportunity to make the decision he did. And he earned it while helping the Pens get to the finals.
Of course he had the right to do whatever he wanted, but that still doesnt mean he didnt slap this organization in the face.

The guy chose the easy way out. Pittsburgh was offering him everything he wanted and Detriot was only offering him a chance to win the Cup...and he basically told Pittsburgh you guys arent good enough for me.

He made misleading comments for weeks and stabbed us in the back.
actually, pittsburgh offered him neither of the things he wanted. they couldn't give him the most money and they don't have the best chance of winning the cup this year. hossa wanted to win a cup, then get paid. in this case, detroit was his best choice.

the only thing he did wrong was wait to make the choice, possibly hamstringing us. he owed nothing to pittsburgh. he played here for 5 minutes. slap in the face? really?
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Post by We Want The CUP! »

bhaw wrote:Some of the posts here are funny. Hossa was a UFA and earned the rank of being the best UFA on the market this year. He has the right to choose whatever he wants. If I'm in his shoes, I probably do the same thing. If the Wings win the Cup again, Hossa will be a major contributor most likely.

Traitor? Freeloader? Seriously... grow up. The guy exceeded expectations while he was here. The guys we gave up were done so knowing that Hossa has no requirement to sign with the Pens. The trade was made to win and the Pens came pretty damn close.

The best part of these comments are that everyone was up in arms that Hossa was going to take a bigger contract somewhere else and his comments about "playing for a winner" would expose him as a fraud. He goes to the one team that was better than the Pens and now he's called everything else under the sun.

The guy earned the opportunity to make the decision he did. And he earned it while helping the Pens get to the finals.

Disagree, thinking objectively (despite some on LGP saying otherwise), there was a prolonged negotiation between Hossa & the Pens. Both sides made contract offers. We don't know exactly how close the Pens came to meeting their "number," but by all indications, it was close. Throughout the discussions, the Pens (& all of us) understoond the risk of an EDM or BOS or even a good SJO team blowing him away after July 1. But Hossa talked with Pens players about returning & Shero held off on committing to Orpik or any significant FAs based on what he was hearing from the Hossa camp. Regardless of all of that, turning down a generous Pens offer of $50+ mill in favor of a deal that would pay him an extra $30 mill, while disappointing, would've been completely understandable.

Going to the best team in the league, the overwhelming favorite next year (with or without you), failing to mention to the Pens that you'd even consider a 1 year/short term deal, jumping ship for a bad contract to the team that just beat you, that's just cheesy & weird.

I've talked to impartial NYR & MTL fans that see it the same way.
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Post by littlemoonboot »

I don't think it would have been as bad if he would have just kept his mouth shut and not offered much commentary. It makes me respect the fact that someone like Malone just didn't really say a lot in the past month.

Hossa did not technically flat out lie to anyone. He said that money was not his priority, and that he would like to play for "a good team like this" -- referring to Pittsburgh -- and said that he believed Shero would do what he could to try to keep everyone together.

I have a hard time believing that he would be so naive as to think that people wouldn't perceive this as an implication that he would like to stay in Pittsburgh if possible.

Nobody should be surprised that fans are upset. And I get the sense that many people on the team and within the organization are not happy, either.

He made a decision that he was free to make, and he did not technically lie. At best, he was dumb to talk to the press and say the things he did, even if they were half-truths. At worst...well I think that's already been said by a lot of fans.

I'm done with this and am going to drop it now. Go Pens.
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Post by crzymike »

shmenguin wrote:
farnham16 wrote:
bhaw wrote:Some of the posts here are funny. Hossa was a UFA and earned the rank of being the best UFA on the market this year. He has the right to choose whatever he wants. If I'm in his shoes, I probably do the same thing. If the Wings win the Cup again, Hossa will be a major contributor most likely.

Traitor? Freeloader? Seriously... grow up. The guy exceeded expectations while he was here. The guys we gave up were done so knowing that Hossa has no requirement to sign with the Pens. The trade was made to win and the Pens came pretty damn close.

The best part of these comments are that everyone was up in arms that Hossa was going to take a bigger contract somewhere else and his comments about "playing for a winner" would expose him as a fraud. He goes to the one team that was better than the Pens and now he's called everything else under the sun.

The guy earned the opportunity to make the decision he did. And he earned it while helping the Pens get to the finals.
Of course he had the right to do whatever he wanted, but that still doesnt mean he didnt slap this organization in the face.

The guy chose the easy way out. Pittsburgh was offering him everything he wanted and Detriot was only offering him a chance to win the Cup...and he basically told Pittsburgh you guys arent good enough for me.

He made misleading comments for weeks and stabbed us in the back.
actually, pittsburgh offered him neither of the things he wanted. they couldn't give him the most money and they don't have the best chance of winning the cup this year. hossa wanted to win a cup, then get paid. in this case, detroit was his best choice.

the only thing he did wrong was wait to make the choice, possibly hamstringing us. he owed nothing to pittsburgh. he played here for 5 minutes. slap in the face? really?
Yes, actually it was. IF as has been speculated about, he made misleading comments to his teammates as it pertains to WANTING to stay here, then yea he did owe us something, he owed us the truth! It's HIS RIGHT to go to the Wings and try to get a cup handed to him. It's OUR RIGHT to criticize his decision, not based solely on him leaving, but in the manner he arrived at that decision. Which was done by misleading his teammates and apparently Pittsburgh management.

If you can't understand why people might not appreciate those tactics then I domt know what to tell you. One thing people don't take into account regarding situations like this is, while Hossa can do whatever he wants, it doesn't mean we as Pen's fans have to like it! Just like in life where somebody may get away with something, or do something most would consider ''less then savory'', sure they can do it, but it doesn't mean we shouldnt be bit disappointed or feel let down.
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Post by shmenguin »

crzymike wrote:
shmenguin wrote:
farnham16 wrote:
bhaw wrote:Some of the posts here are funny. Hossa was a UFA and earned the rank of being the best UFA on the market this year. He has the right to choose whatever he wants. If I'm in his shoes, I probably do the same thing. If the Wings win the Cup again, Hossa will be a major contributor most likely.

Traitor? Freeloader? Seriously... grow up. The guy exceeded expectations while he was here. The guys we gave up were done so knowing that Hossa has no requirement to sign with the Pens. The trade was made to win and the Pens came pretty damn close.

The best part of these comments are that everyone was up in arms that Hossa was going to take a bigger contract somewhere else and his comments about "playing for a winner" would expose him as a fraud. He goes to the one team that was better than the Pens and now he's called everything else under the sun.

The guy earned the opportunity to make the decision he did. And he earned it while helping the Pens get to the finals.
Of course he had the right to do whatever he wanted, but that still doesnt mean he didnt slap this organization in the face.

The guy chose the easy way out. Pittsburgh was offering him everything he wanted and Detriot was only offering him a chance to win the Cup...and he basically told Pittsburgh you guys arent good enough for me.

He made misleading comments for weeks and stabbed us in the back.
actually, pittsburgh offered him neither of the things he wanted. they couldn't give him the most money and they don't have the best chance of winning the cup this year. hossa wanted to win a cup, then get paid. in this case, detroit was his best choice.

the only thing he did wrong was wait to make the choice, possibly hamstringing us. he owed nothing to pittsburgh. he played here for 5 minutes. slap in the face? really?
Yes, actually it was. IF as has been speculated about, he made misleading comments to his teammates as it pertains to WANTING to stay here, then yea he did owe us something, he owed us the truth! It's HIS RIGHT to go to the Wings and try to get a cup handed to him. It's OUR RIGHT to criticize his decision, not based solely on him leaving, but in the manner he arrived at that decision. Which was done by misleading his teammates and apparently Pittsburgh management.

If you can't understand why people might not appreciate those tactics then I domt know what to tell you. One thing people don't take into account regarding situations like this is, while Hossa can do whatever he wants, it doesn't mean we as Pen's fans have to like it! Just like in life where somebody may get away with something, or do something most would consider ''less then savory'', sure they can do it, but it doesn't mean we shouldnt be bit disappointed or feel let down.
of course people have the right to be emotional. but there's a fine line between emotional and irrational. if people want to be both, whatever.

some people are rationalizing this in very wierd ways. he made a perfectly acceptable and understandable decision. the sketchy way he executed the decision doesn't negate its ultimate validity.

yes, he was needlessly shady. but he wasn't greedy, cowardly or hypocritical
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Post by guiner »

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Post by WWGRD »

guiner wrote:DIE THREAD DIE!!!!
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Post by Doogs »

What besides witches burn?
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Post by farnham16 »

crzymike wrote:
shmenguin wrote:
farnham16 wrote:
bhaw wrote:Some of the posts here are funny. Hossa was a UFA and earned the rank of being the best UFA on the market this year. He has the right to choose whatever he wants. If I'm in his shoes, I probably do the same thing. If the Wings win the Cup again, Hossa will be a major contributor most likely.

Traitor? Freeloader? Seriously... grow up. The guy exceeded expectations while he was here. The guys we gave up were done so knowing that Hossa has no requirement to sign with the Pens. The trade was made to win and the Pens came pretty damn close.

The best part of these comments are that everyone was up in arms that Hossa was going to take a bigger contract somewhere else and his comments about "playing for a winner" would expose him as a fraud. He goes to the one team that was better than the Pens and now he's called everything else under the sun.

The guy earned the opportunity to make the decision he did. And he earned it while helping the Pens get to the finals.
Of course he had the right to do whatever he wanted, but that still doesnt mean he didnt slap this organization in the face.

The guy chose the easy way out. Pittsburgh was offering him everything he wanted and Detriot was only offering him a chance to win the Cup...and he basically told Pittsburgh you guys arent good enough for me.

He made misleading comments for weeks and stabbed us in the back.
actually, pittsburgh offered him neither of the things he wanted. they couldn't give him the most money and they don't have the best chance of winning the cup this year. hossa wanted to win a cup, then get paid. in this case, detroit was his best choice.

the only thing he did wrong was wait to make the choice, possibly hamstringing us. he owed nothing to pittsburgh. he played here for 5 minutes. slap in the face? really?
Yes, actually it was. IF as has been speculated about, he made misleading comments to his teammates as it pertains to WANTING to stay here, then yea he did owe us something, he owed us the truth! It's HIS RIGHT to go to the Wings and try to get a cup handed to him. It's OUR RIGHT to criticize his decision, not based solely on him leaving, but in the manner he arrived at that decision. Which was done by misleading his teammates and apparently Pittsburgh management.

If you can't understand why people might not appreciate those tactics then I domt know what to tell you. One thing people don't take into account regarding situations like this is, while Hossa can do whatever he wants, it doesn't mean we as Pen's fans have to like it! Just like in life where somebody may get away with something, or do something most would consider ''less then savory'', sure they can do it, but it doesn't mean we shouldnt be bit disappointed or feel let down.
Right on.
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Post by littlemoonboot »

Doogs wrote:What besides witches burn?
Trogdor burninates!!!!!!!
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Post by We Want The CUP! »

I vote for stark raving mad....from Smizik:

Who ever would have thought Hossa would leave a minimum of about $40 million on the table? Who would have thought he would reject a Penguins offer of about $7 million a year for five to seven years to accept a one-year deal from the Detroit Red Wings that will pay him $7.4 million?

Hossa is either obsessed with winning the Stanley Cup and correctly believes the Red Wings give him the best chance. Or he's stark, raving mad.


I'm really letting it go this time. I like the new team, very happy we locked up Orpik long term, & have money for Staal next year. Die thread, RIP.
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Post by JS© »

just keep in mind this season:


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Post by penscup »

Eismann wrote: Hossa is now in the same boat as Ray Bourqe and Deion Sanders. Great players who eventually turned into free-loaders on existing strong teams. As much as it hurts to mention Bourque next to Sanders, the concept is the same. I was pretty disgusted when Bourque went to Col to free load a Cup, but because he put in all that time on non Cup Bos teams, I cut him some slack; but the fact remained that he - really, with Bos management's understanding and assistance - freeloaded and his rep took a hit in my eyes.

Sanders is/was a show-boating pos who strictly went where the winning was. I loathed him for it.

Nice guy or not, loaded with talent or not, vet or not, freeloading is freeloading. Doesn't mean I don't think guys can go and do whatever they want, but what they do has baggage. I liked when Hossa thought of the Pens as winners and he wanted to come here at the deadline. That he didn't want to stay stung.

Hossa is a freeloader.
There are some major differences between Bourque and Hossa situations that distinguish the two.

1. Bourque was much older and really had realistically only 1 or 2 more years to play in the league and have shot at winning the Cup. --- Hossa is in the prime of his career still and will possibly have numerous chances to win Cups if he continues to jump from team to team acting like a hired gun.

2. The Bruins were clearly starting yet another rebuilding phase that would likely not result in Cup challenge for 3-5 years into the future in the situation they were in. --- Pittsburgh proved they were Cup challangers NOW by reaching the finals and hardly anyone would argue they won't be for the next 5-6 seasons.

3. Bourque played his whole career in Boston with one team as you pointed out and decided to move only at the very end when faced with the grim facts of the hopeless situation. --- Hossa is heading onto his 4th team in his career already next season.

4. Colorado had not won the Cup the previous season to Bourque being traded there. Only after he arrived did they most likely acquire the final piece to their eventual Stanley Cup team in 2000. --- Hossa is going to a Detroit team that just won the Cup proving that they do not need his scoring capabilities in the least in order to win a 2nd in a row, thus he is just along for the ride.

In the end I don't view Bourque as a freeloader nearly as much as Hossa, and there's no guarantee he wins the Cup in Detroit when all is said and done. Hossa's situation is unique to not just hockey, but in all of professional sports. How many times has a superstar of his caliber defected to the team that he was just defeated by in the Finals of the previous year? None that I can think of off the top of my head, which is why the move has and will continue to receive a high level of attention. It is a cowardly act that is rarely seen even in todays out of whack sports environment and should be called for what it is. This isn't something that happens everyday in pro sports and when it is looked back at historically years from now Hossa will hopefully be revealed as the fraud he truly is.
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Post by Henry Hank »

It should be noted that Bourque re-signed in Colorado for an additional year after they originally got him at the deadline. It was during that second year that they won the Cup. He did what Hossa didn't do - stuck with the team that got him and took care of unfinished business the right way. Obviously, Hossa has every right to do what he did and really is no more selfish than the people that wanted him to stay here, but it's still a blatantly disrespectful move. As a Pens fan, you'd hope that what comes around goes around.
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Post by littlemoonboot »

I actually don't look down on Bourque for going to the Avs. Bruins were in a bad spot and Bourque paid his dues for years and was almost done with his career. For the most part, Boston fans were happy for him. Deion always really did annoy me, though.
JS© wrote:just keep in mind this season:


(no photoshopping involved)

He's on Facebook? OMG I want to be his friend. I'd be afraid to make the request though, because if he turned it down I'd be crushed.
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Post by littlemoonboot »

Henry Hank wrote:It should be noted that Bourque re-signed in Colorado for an additional year after they originally got him at the deadline. It was during that second year that they won the Cup. He did what Hossa didn't do - stuck with the team that got him and took care of unfinished business the right way.
I think it's funny that he almost went to Philly but Bruins GM told him the Avs had a better chance to get him a cup. :D
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Post by JS© »

littlemoonboot wrote:I actually don't look down on Bourque for going to the Avs. Bruins were in a bad spot and Bourque paid his dues for years and was almost done with his career. For the most part, Boston fans were happy for him. Deion always really did annoy me, though.
JS© wrote:just keep in mind this season:


(no photoshopping involved)

He's on Facebook? OMG I want to be his friend. I'd be afraid to make the request though, because if he turned it down I'd be crushed.
He added me within 10 minutes, so I doubt he's shoot you down.

Whitney and Staal are also on, and are listed in Orpik's friends.