Hossa to DET

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Post by HeyNow71871929 »

penscup wrote:
Sarcastic wrote:I lost a lot of respect for Hossa today. First, he is not a man of his word (as some of you state). He is a liar. He said that we are number one on his list and that he'll be happy playing here. That was an obvious lie, because it seems he never really wanted to be here. He took the same money to play for another team. It's as simple as that.

I remember posting something during last season about him not really looking like he was part of the team. You saw other guys be part of the big group and act like it, and Hossa somehow always seemed "distant". Even in interviews, he never smiled or looked happy. He was cold and professional. He was saying the right things, but that's about it.

The wings are not resigning him next year, so he is a hired guy for the season. I don't really blame him for that, but that means he is selfish. He goes to Detroit as a mercenary. If he wins the cup with them this year, it will feel very empty, IMO. How much more meaningful would it be if he stayed with us and worked hard over the next 2 or 3 years and finally won it in Pittsburgh? Really became part of a group. He took the cheap way of doing it and I hope it blows up in his face. I cannot respect him for that.

Second, it is a risk on his part, considering his knees. I hope he holds up, but think back to how lightly he got hit right after we acquired him, forcing him to miss considerable time. If he does stay healthy, he will most likely get an even bigger multi-year deal from somebody else next year, although I hope Shero never considers him again.

Some final thoughts. If Shero did not offer him $7.5 a year, then I consider it a blunder. I also feel that if we knew in advance that we were not going to resign Hossa, we could have started negotiating with Malone sooner and possibly signed him at a good discount. And lastly, we need to do something quick, because we do not have enough assets to trade for two quality wingers during the season. That's assuming that either Staal or Talbot will be moved to wing and actually do a good enough job there. If not, we are short 3 quality wingers. This is panic time.
Like you said, the injury part really puzzles me. Why take a 1 year deal with a team that gives you a great chance at winning the Cup for 1 year, but no security, verses a 5 or 6 year deal with a team that gives you a great chance at winning the Cup for the next 5 or 6 years playing with Malkin and Crosby, and also gives you security in case you get a major injury. If he goes out next year and gets smashed up somehow (which I kinda hope now, as sick as that is since he turned his back on us) will every team be jumping all over him next year at this time to sign him to a longterm deal? Or will they be much more cautious wondering how that injury might affect him longterm. This was his perfect opportunity to cash in big time and he didn't do it. Pretty stupid move by him IMO.

I could've lived with him signing ANYWHERE BUT Detroit. What a sellout. And to sign for only 1 year just adds an extra insult to the entire debacle. He truly is a traitor to the worst degree as far as I'm concerned.
Signing with Detroit is a true slap in the face for Penguins fans and the Penguins organization.

That being said, I think Hossa's agent had more to do with this than Hossa himself. I hate Rich Winter.
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Post by brwi »

Sarcastic wrote:
skullman80 wrote:
Sarcastic wrote:
AlexPKeaton wrote:
newarenanow wrote: I don't know, but some people are being real babies here. Things didn't go their way so now they are going to cry and bash Hossa. He took less money to play for a winner, exactly what he said. But now he is "lazy and still greedy". I assumed most people were grownups on this board.
I don't think he is lazy or greedy, however I do not respect him any longer. He had a chance to sign a long term deal with a very good team playing with the best center in the league, and he turned it down for a 1 year deal for a slightly better chance to win a cup. I would respect him more if he left for tons of money, rather than leaving for a lesser deal with the 1 team in the league that is better than the team he was currently on.
Agree with that also. I would respect him more if he just left for a huge contract.
It just doesn't make sense.

People(not you specifically) talk out both sides of their mout sometimes.
If the contract was huge enough, 9 or 10 million, then it would be hard for anybody to blame him for taking it. It would mean that money is what he likes, but if others offered him 7... I would understand it.
So, it is OK to be only about the money? If Hossa had taken Edmonton's 9mil, the argument would be that he is only about money, greedy, whatever. Now, it turns out he's all about winning the Cup and NOT money,and that's a character flaw? HUH???

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Post by Henry Hank »

That being said, I think Hossa's agent had more to do with this than Hossa himself. I hate Rich Winter.
No, if his agent had his way, he'd be in Edmonton with the huge contract. This says everything about what Hossa wants, and that's to win a Cup. Since he could have signed that contract with the Pens, I hope this works out terribly for him. Besides, Hossa hired his own agent. If he hired that kind of agent, that reflects on what he wants too. Hossa's not some helpless child who's being controlled by his agent.

I think Pens fans should be pissed. He just turned to the other side. That's just more motivation to see him fail and to see the Pens prevail.
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Post by Sarcastic »

ziggystardust wrote:
Sarcastic wrote:I lost a lot of respect for Hossa today. First, he is not a man of his word (as some of you state). He is a liar. He said that we are number one on his list and that he'll be happy playing here. That was an obvious lie, because it seems he never really wanted to be here. He took the same money to play for another team. It's as simple as that.

I remember posting something during last season about him not really looking like he was part of the team. You saw other guys be part of the big group and act like it, and Hossa somehow always seemed "distant". Even in interviews, he never smiled or looked happy. He was cold and professional. He was saying the right things, but that's about it.

The wings are not resigning him next year, so he is a hired guy for the season. I don't really blame him for that, but that means he is selfish. He goes to Detroit as a mercenary. If he wins the cup with them this year, it will feel very empty, IMO. How much more meaningful would it be if he stayed with us and worked hard over the next 2 or 3 years and finally won it in Pittsburgh? Really became part of a group. He took the cheap way of doing it and I hope it blows up in his face. I cannot respect him for that.

Are you 12? How old are you? You seem so... naive.
Hossa is doing what is in his best interest, and he's hurting no one in the process. You're basically criticizing him for doing what he wants to do, because him doing so makes you less happy. You see which person here is selfish, right?

I would also add that if you really care this much you need some life-perspective. It's a business. A business in which you are not a part of. Watch the games to distract from the day-to-day grind of your life. Follow player movements and progression to stay informed so you can make some wagers and win a few dollars. That is all well and good. But dear jesus, don't get so emotionally vested in a team you're not a part of. Hell, if I were a player on that team I wouldn't feel tied to it. The guys on the team are just men at work earning a paycheck!
I'm older than you.

Naive? You post, bar-none, the most idiotic things on this board, and you're criticizing someone else?

And save that other rant for someone else, because that's exactly what I wrote to another poster a month ago. This doesn't affect me at all and I, frankly, don't give a crap about this on a personal level.

As far as Hossa, we're just going to disagree on that. I see him as taking the easiest way to the cup possible. He probably won't feel as part of that team, either, but that's his problem.
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Post by brwi »

HeyNow71871929 wrote: Signing with Detroit is a true slap in the face for Penguins fans and the Penguins organization.
I don't feel insulted. If at the beginning of all this someone had said that the max the Pens will offer 7 years @ 7mil, I would have said no chance he stays.
That being said, I think Hossa's agent had more to do with this than Hossa himself. I hate Rich Winter.
I AM stunned he signed with Detroit and it is a one year deal, but he obviously thinks this stacks the deck in his favor of winning a Cup. Pittsburgh isn't as strong right now and the defending champs become even stronger. You weaken the runner-up and make your new team even better. That's extremely shrewd. Machiavelli would be impressed.

Winter is probably on suicide-watch over this contract and I can't see him being happy at all that insetad of 9mil and 9 years his client is risking it all on a one year contract.


Post by HeyNow71871929 »

brwi wrote:
HeyNow71871929 wrote: Signing with Detroit is a true slap in the face for Penguins fans and the Penguins organization.
I don't feel insulted. If at the beginning of all this someone had said that the max the Pens will offer 7 years @ 7mil, I would have said no chance he stays.
That being said, I think Hossa's agent had more to do with this than Hossa himself. I hate Rich Winter.
I AM stunned he signed with Detroit and it is a one year deal, but he obviously thinks this stacks the deck in his favor of winning a Cup. Pittsburgh isn't as strong right now and the defending champs become even stronger. You weaken the runner-up and make your new team even better. That's extremely shrewd. Machiavelli would be impressed.

Winter is probably on suicide-watch over this contract and I can't see him being happy at all that insetad of 9mil and 9 years his client is risking it all on a one year contract.

It's the fact that he signed with our opponent from the Stanley Cup Finals that makes me real bitter. I'm not even looking at the money.
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Post by Sarcastic »

brwi wrote:
Sarcastic wrote:
skullman80 wrote:
Sarcastic wrote:
AlexPKeaton wrote: I don't think he is lazy or greedy, however I do not respect him any longer. He had a chance to sign a long term deal with a very good team playing with the best center in the league, and he turned it down for a 1 year deal for a slightly better chance to win a cup. I would respect him more if he left for tons of money, rather than leaving for a lesser deal with the 1 team in the league that is better than the team he was currently on.
Agree with that also. I would respect him more if he just left for a huge contract.
It just doesn't make sense.

People(not you specifically) talk out both sides of their mout sometimes.
If the contract was huge enough, 9 or 10 million, then it would be hard for anybody to blame him for taking it. It would mean that money is what he likes, but if others offered him 7... I would understand it.
So, it is OK to be only about the money? If Hossa had taken Edmonton's 9mil, the argument would be that he is only about money, greedy, whatever. Now, it turns out he's all about winning the Cup and NOT money,and that's a character flaw? HUH???

If he took 1 million more from someone else, a team that doesn't have a shot at the cup, then yes, I would blame him for taking the extra money.

If he took 2 or 3 million more than other offers, we're talking over 10 million more overall, so I really couldn't blame him.

There is a difference between talking an extra few bucks and accepting a hard to resist fortune.
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Post by Sarcastic »

HeyNow71871929 wrote:
brwi wrote:
HeyNow71871929 wrote: Signing with Detroit is a true slap in the face for Penguins fans and the Penguins organization.
I don't feel insulted. If at the beginning of all this someone had said that the max the Pens will offer 7 years @ 7mil, I would have said no chance he stays.
That being said, I think Hossa's agent had more to do with this than Hossa himself. I hate Rich Winter.
I AM stunned he signed with Detroit and it is a one year deal, but he obviously thinks this stacks the deck in his favor of winning a Cup. Pittsburgh isn't as strong right now and the defending champs become even stronger. You weaken the runner-up and make your new team even better. That's extremely shrewd. Machiavelli would be impressed.

Winter is probably on suicide-watch over this contract and I can't see him being happy at all that insetad of 9mil and 9 years his client is risking it all on a one year contract.

It's the fact that he signed with our opponent from the Stanley Cup Finals that makes me real bitter. I'm not even looking at the money.
Same here.
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Post by Sarcastic »

penscup wrote:Like you said, the injury part really puzzles me. Why take a 1 year deal with a team that gives you a great chance at winning the Cup for 1 year, but no security, verses a 5 or 6 year deal with a team that gives you a great chance at winning the Cup for the next 5 or 6 years playing with Malkin and Crosby, and also gives you security in case you get a major injury. If he goes out next year and gets smashed up somehow (which I kinda hope now, as sick as that is since he turned his back on us) will every team be jumping all over him next year at this time to sign him to a longterm deal? Or will they be much more cautious wondering how that injury might affect him longterm. This was his perfect opportunity to cash in big time and he didn't do it. Pretty stupid move by him IMO.

I could've lived with him signing ANYWHERE BUT Detroit. What a sellout. And to sign for only 1 year just adds an extra insult to the entire debacle. He truly is a traitor to the worst degree as far as I'm concerned.
Very well said. We are going to be trying to win the cup, or cups, during the entire 7 year contract Hossa could have gotten here. He just didn't want to be here. He could have been a man about it and said so, instead of playing us for his number one (on his list).
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Post by shmenguin »

Sarcastic wrote:
penscup wrote:Like you said, the injury part really puzzles me. Why take a 1 year deal with a team that gives you a great chance at winning the Cup for 1 year, but no security, verses a 5 or 6 year deal with a team that gives you a great chance at winning the Cup for the next 5 or 6 years playing with Malkin and Crosby, and also gives you security in case you get a major injury. If he goes out next year and gets smashed up somehow (which I kinda hope now, as sick as that is since he turned his back on us) will every team be jumping all over him next year at this time to sign him to a longterm deal? Or will they be much more cautious wondering how that injury might affect him longterm. This was his perfect opportunity to cash in big time and he didn't do it. Pretty stupid move by him IMO.

I could've lived with him signing ANYWHERE BUT Detroit. What a sellout. And to sign for only 1 year just adds an extra insult to the entire debacle. He truly is a traitor to the worst degree as far as I'm concerned.
Very well said. We are going to be trying to win the cup, or cups, during the entire 7 year contract Hossa could have gotten here. He just didn't want to be here. He could have been a man about it and said so, instead of playing us for his number one (on his list).
hossa thinks he can win a cup, then cash in. that's his plan.

he was guaranteed not to do both by signing with the pens in a long term deal. and the wings are the best short-term solution.
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Post by MayIsForHockey »

shmenguin wrote:hossa thinks he can win a cup, then cash in. that's his plan.

he was guaranteed not to do both by signing with the pens in a long term deal. and the wings are the best short-term solution.

They were talking, but the 1-year deal was Hossa's idea.

From http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti ... 048/sports
"I know myself I make the right decision," Hossa said. "It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t easy to turn that money away, but it’s how I decide. We’lll see at end of next year how I decide."
Holland said the Wings had been talking long-term contract with Hossa yesterday afternoon, but that was quickly scuttled because there was no way the Wings could give him the high pay that would match offers from other teams, and long term. This morning, Holland said he was at a Mobil gas station when Hossa's agent, Rich Winter (also the agent for Dominik Hasek) called and said Hossa was interested in working something out for one year.

"I was caught way off guard," Holland said. "Shocked was my initial reaction. Marian made a decision he’d like to find a way to join our team. He wants to raise the Cup over his head. Without him wanting to be a Red Wing, this day would never have happened. I'm thrilled."
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Post by Rychster »

jjwags wrote:its safe to say that Hossa is now on the Boo list.
That is for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He will be booed forever here and with good reason. Unbelievable slap in the face to Pittsburgh, RS, Crosby, Malkin, and every person he left behind on this great team. We give up a ton of players/picks for his stupid, very short-sited, possibly career-ending move to go play for a team that doesn't have a 100% chance to win it all again. Anything can happen and the RW are NOT a lock to win and HE is not a lock to stay healthy and a 1-year contract is exposing his stupidity!!! I hope he has a year-ending (or career-ending to be harsh) knee injury to show how stupid he is!!! Good by you piece of s, Hossa, don't let the door hit you on the way out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by doublem »

MayIsForHockey wrote:
shmenguin wrote:hossa thinks he can win a cup, then cash in. that's his plan.

he was guaranteed not to do both by signing with the pens in a long term deal. and the wings are the best short-term solution.

They were talking, but the 1-year deal was Hossa's idea.

From http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti ... 048/sports
"I know myself I make the right decision," Hossa said. "It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t easy to turn that money away, but it’s how I decide. We’lll see at end of next year how I decide."
Holland said the Wings had been talking long-term contract with Hossa yesterday afternoon, but that was quickly scuttled because there was no way the Wings could give him the high pay that would match offers from other teams, and long term. This morning, Holland said he was at a Mobil gas station when Hossa's agent, Rich Winter (also the agent for Dominik Hasek) called and said Hossa was interested in working something out for one year.

"I was caught way off guard," Holland said. "Shocked was my initial reaction. Marian made a decision he’d like to find a way to join our team. He wants to raise the Cup over his head. Without him wanting to be a Red Wing, this day would never have happened. I'm thrilled."
Hopefully the pens spoil Marians little plans. "You had plans, Marian look where that got you".
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Post by Durbano »

I lost a lot of respect for Hossa today. First, he is not a man of his word (as some of you state). He is a liar. He said that we are number one on his list and that he'll be happy playing here. That was an obvious lie, because it seems he never really wanted to be here. He took the same money to play for another team. It's as simple as that.
I agree. If Shero's quotes were accurate, Hossa misled the Pens. That's the only part I have a problem with.

I understand it's a business, Hossa was within his rights, etc. Maybe he had a revelation along the way, but I doubt it.
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Post by PenguinMan »

ROFL @ Hossa, good choice, the only problem is wings will not win another cup for a while, with any luck and karma it will be the Pens knocking them off next year
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Post by farnham16 »

I hope this all blows up right in Hossa's face. I don't care if he signed with the best team on paper going into the season, that doesnt mean they are going to win it again, no team has done it in the last decade.

Stupid play on his part to sign a one year deal.
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Post by littlemoonboot »

Honest question. What do you guys think was worse, this or Jagr's "dying alive"?
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Post by IrishEyes »

littlemoonboot wrote:Honest question. What do you guys think was worse, this or Jagr's "dying alive"?
I'm actually more offended by this. Jagr was obviously unhappy, Hossa was just misleading. It's a truth versus deception thing, for me.
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Post by duke66 »

...not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but here goes...ok hossa is a talented player going to a stacked team...that is no secret...however, if memory serves me, zetterberg and datsyuk play a ton of minutes, as do lidstrom and rafalski...and they luv to shove guys like franzen and holmstrom in front of the net during PP's, so my question is, does hossa get a ton of PP time with the wings??...

...so unless they go to 4 forwards, i think u throw out the guys i mentioned before u put hossa out there...and does that curb his numbers heading back into UFA next year (zetts and pavel also kill penalties like crazy)...i may be talking out of my ***, somebody set me straight or agree with me!!...
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Post by Ginger »

ziggystardust wrote:
Are you 12? How old are you? You seem so... naive.
Hossa is doing what is in his best interest, and he's hurting no one in the process. You're basically criticizing him for doing what he wants to do, because him doing so makes you less happy. You see which person here is selfish, right?

I would also add that if you really care this much you need some life-perspective. It's a business. A business in which you are not a part of. Watch the games to distract from the day-to-day grind of your life. Follow player movements and progression to stay informed so you can make some wagers and win a few dollars. That is all well and good. But dear jesus, don't get so emotionally vested in a team you're not a part of. Hell, if I were a player on that team I wouldn't feel tied to it. The guys on the team are just men at work earning a paycheck!
Let's take these one at a time now that I'm sure I won't call you what I actually think of you.

In your mind, why does a person have to be 12 or naive (or both) to take a person at their word? Are you saying that people never tell the truth? That if a person seems sincere we still should never believe a word they say, at the risk of looking like a 12 year old? Do you watch the news? Do you see how many intelligent adults get drawn in by people every day? Have you never? Be honest, when someone said they thought you were good looking, did you believe them? Or that you were really smart, didn't you believe them?

You got sucked in then...

Nobody is so rapped up in this team that they can't make rational decisions about who's lying & who's not. That isn't what this was about. What people are bothered by was Hossa saying what he did in the first place. Why? Why lie to people?

Many of us thought he would leave after the playoffs but then he launched into this taking less to stay & liking the city & the players. Naturally fans want to believe that. It has nothing to do with being 12 or 112. Nor is it naiveté.

Jump down off your high horse, buckaroo.
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Post by littlemoonboot »

IrishEyes wrote:
littlemoonboot wrote:Honest question. What do you guys think was worse, this or Jagr's "dying alive"?
I'm actually more offended by this. Jagr was obviously unhappy, Hossa was just misleading. It's a truth versus deception thing, for me.
I am going to have to agree with you. I remember grumbling when Jagr traded and thought he was being a jagoff, but at least he was being a straightforward jagoff. It didn't make me sick to my stomach like this. To me it's like Hossa basically turned around and just gave a middle finger to Pittsburgh and the message was loud and clear -- that he doesn't have any faith in our team. Now I know that we were expected to lose some people to free agency this year, but we have such a talented core of players, I don't see what would have been wrong with signing long term. It's not like he's old. Sure there's no guarantee that we would win a cup, but there are no guarantees anywhere. Not even with Detroit.

The whole thing pisses me off. I was under the impression that he really liked it here. Now I get the feeling that he never really wanted to play here in the first place.

I do realize that Hossa was a luxury -- we are fortunate to have the great guys that we do and life goes on. But the basic message of the whole thing I do think is kind of insulting.

Yeah, I know I'm a bitter baby. Sue me. Done ranting. :)

Post by jay_caufield »

What I don't get about Hossa is this. I understand he wants to win a cup, he proved it by leaving money on the table. My question is why trade 7 chances with 2 guys who are going to be the best 2 players in the game for the next 7 years for 1 chance with the red wings?

Next year neither the Pens or Red Wings will sign this guy, and its uncertain any other contending team will be strong enough still to beat the Pens and Wings... sure they may be out there, but hwo many can give Hossa that payday.. or is he going to keep taking 1 year chances with the best team availiable? Seems odd.... oh well. Free Candy...

Post by Killiecrankie »

He played the penguins like a fiddle, everyone should be mad at him. Shero was obviously pissed.
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Post by penny lane »

Ginger wrote:
ziggystardust wrote:
Are you 12? How old are you? You seem so... naive.
Hossa is doing what is in his best interest, and he's hurting no one in the process. You're basically criticizing him for doing what he wants to do, because him doing so makes you less happy. You see which person here is selfish, right?

I would also add that if you really care this much you need some life-perspective. It's a business. A business in which you are not a part of. Watch the games to distract from the day-to-day grind of your life. Follow player movements and progression to stay informed so you can make some wagers and win a few dollars. That is all well and good. But dear jesus, don't get so emotionally vested in a team you're not a part of. Hell, if I were a player on that team I wouldn't feel tied to it. The guys on the team are just men at work earning a paycheck!
Let's take these one at a time now that I'm sure I won't call you what I actually think of you.

In your mind, why does a person have to be 12 or naive (or both) to take a person at their word? Are you saying that people never tell the truth? That if a person seems sincere we still should never believe a word they say, at the risk of looking like a 12 year old? Do you watch the news? Do you see how many intelligent adults get drawn in by people every day? Have you never? Be honest, when someone said they thought you were good looking, did you believe them? Or that you were really smart, didn't you believe them?

You got sucked in then...

Nobody is so rapped up in this team that they can't make rational decisions about who's lying & who's not. That isn't what this was about. What people are bothered by was Hossa saying what he did in the first place. Why? Why lie to people?

Many of us thought he would leave after the playoffs but then he launched into this taking less to stay & liking the city & the players. Naturally fans want to believe that. It has nothing to do with being 12 or 112. Nor is it naiveté.

Jump down off your high horse, buckaroo.
I wish I could get away with calling somebody "buckaroo!"


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fans and the teams. Otherwise what sane person would spend
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you. If somebody wants to be clinical about sports or anything,
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Post by Henry Hank »

jay_caufield wrote:What I don't get about Hossa is this. I understand he wants to win a cup, he proved it by leaving money on the table. My question is why trade 7 chances with 2 guys who are going to be the best 2 players in the game for the next 7 years for 1 chance with the red wings?

Next year neither the Pens or Red Wings will sign this guy, and its uncertain any other contending team will be strong enough still to beat the Pens and Wings... sure they may be out there, but hwo many can give Hossa that payday.. or is he going to keep taking 1 year chances with the best team availiable? Seems odd.... oh well. Free Candy...
He wants to have his cake and eat it. He thinks he has a great chance to win the Cup this coming season and then he can cash out wherever. As a Pens fan, I hope it crashes and burns right in his face. I hope the Pens personally crush that dream and he never comes close to sniffing the Cup again.