Karlsson - Hoffman situation

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Karlsson - Hoffman situation

Post by FLPensFan »

For anyone interested, I made a thread here instead of the main Penguins page. If you aren't aware of the story, here's the deal:

--Erik Karlsson's wife Melinda recently filed a court order (essentially a restraining order) against Mike Hoffman's fiance Monika Caryk. The court order occurred May 4th.
--Melinda Karlsson states that Caryk has been cyberbullying her for quite some time, with the most aggressive/offensive behavior being comments made after the Karlsson's son was stillborn.
--Several other current and former wives/girlfriends of NHL/former Ottawa players (wife of Daniel Winnik and Jason LaBarbera) have shown support for Melinda and made comments that this is not a surprise regarding Caryk's behavior.
--Reports are that Caryk harrassed via Instagram and Twitter, saying multiple rude, offensive statements, culminating with statements to the effect that I'm glad your baby died.
--Hoffman and Caryk deny any wrongdoing or any involvement in this harrassment whatsoever.

Bruce Garrioch of the Ottawa Citizen paper sat down with Hoffman and Caryk today. This was Hoffman/Caryk's side of the story:
--They both deny that they had anything to do with cyberbullying of Melinda Karlsson
--They say they are distraught over what happened to the Karlssons and want to help find the person responsible.
--No charges are currently filed against Caryk and none of the allegations have been proven in court. Hoffman and Caryk state they have yet to be contacted by police.
--Hoffman/Caryck state they feel compassion and awful for what the Karlssons are going through, but at the same time, they are being accused of something without being shown any proof or evidence.
--Caryk said she first heard she was being accused of cyberbullying Melinda in a March 22nd email from Tayor Winnik (wife of Daniel Winnik). Caryk had no idea who Taylor Winnik was (Caryk mentioned she thought her husband played in the NHL). Winnik accused her of writing horrible, negative things about Karlssons losing their son 2 days earlier.
--Caryk says she has never spoken to Melinda about the accusations. She says Melinda Karlsson never came to her about any of this.
--Hoffman learned of the accusations when he got home, and he immediately emailed Erik Karlsson. Said he is aware of the situation and wanted to talk to discuss and go through it with him.
--Hoffman said they spoke 4 days later after practice, walking to their cars. Hoffman asked for his view of the story, and all Karlsson would say is they knew it was Caryk. Hoffman asked if this was Twitter, Instagram, show him some form of proof that this occurred. Hoffman said they would not show any proof at the time, and just held firm that they knew it was her.
--Hoffman and Caryk say they are willing to work with the Karlssons to prove they weren't involved. Hoffman/Caryk reached out towards the end of May to figure it out privately and before it got out of hand like it is now. Hoffman said they received no reply back to their request.
--Hoffman said a few days later after their request, everything blew up in papers and social media. Says they have tried several times to reach out to the Karlssons to get to the bottom of the issue as well as to defend themselves, and they have never been given that chance.
--Garrioch asked Caryk why does she think she is being accused. She said she has no idea and has that same question. She says she was not friends with Melinda Karlsson, but they weren't enemies. They were civil when around each other.

Link to Garrioch interview here: http://ottawacitizen.com/sports/hockey/ ... 1529089090
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Re: Karlsson - Hoffman situation

Post by penny lane »

Women and men can be bat **** crazy!
Maybe somebody's identity was stolen? Can't imagine the twisted mine to send all of those messages.
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Re: Karlsson - Hoffman situation

Post by brwi »

Safe to say, Karlsson and Hoffman won't be playing on the same team this fall. One or both are gone from Ottawa.
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Re: Karlsson - Hoffman situation

Post by Skatingpen »

Someone’s lying
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Re: Karlsson - Hoffman situation

Post by FLPensFan »

So, with Hoffman getting traded to Florida, I've heard a little more about this story, as it is starting to pickup some steam again. The Athletic has written two pieces on it

1. Hoffman's fiance has filed a sworn affidavit in court stating she is not responsible for the cyber-bullying. As stated in the Athletic articles, that is pretty serious. It's one thing to say in the media you didn't do it, but a whole other ball of wax to swear under oath in a court system.

2. In some of the filings, Hoffman's fiance basically said she believes that Karlsson's wife believes Caryk (Hoffman's fiance) to be the bully.

3. Caryk has filed a Norwich order in Canada, which, from what I have read, essentially is requesting that Karlsson's wife release any evidence she has that proving or telling her Caryk was the cyberbully.

If you read through the lines and the mumbo jumbo, what this basically comes down to is, Caryk said she didn't do it, but, Caryk believes someone else is feeding Karlsson's wife information making her believe Caryk is the bully. Caryk is not going after Karlsson's wife (she could just sue Karlsson's wife), but she wants the evidence that the Karlsson's used to determine/think Caryk is the bully. Caryk wants to clear her name and possibly sue the person pointing the finger at her.....she does not believe it is actually Melinda Karlsson, rather, Melinda is getting her info from someone else.

It's all pretty interesting and sad at the same time. If you subscribe to the Athletic, here are the two most recent articles on the situation:

https://randomhockeyguy.wordpress.com/2 ... s-detroit/

https://theathletic.com/526567/2018/09/ ... e-verdict/
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Re: Karlsson - Hoffman situation

Post by FLPensFan »

So, with Hoffman getting traded to Florida, I've heard a little more about this story, as it is starting to pickup some steam again. The Athletic has written two pieces on it

1. Hoffman's fiance has filed a sworn affidavit in court stating she is not responsible for the cyber-bullying. As stated in the Athletic articles, that is pretty serious. It's one thing to say in the media you didn't do it, but a whole other ball of wax to swear under oath in a court system.

2. In some of the filings, Hoffman's fiance basically said she believes that Karlsson's wife believes Caryk (Hoffman's fiance) to be the bully.

3. Caryk has filed a Norwich order in Canada, which, from what I have read, essentially is requesting that Karlsson's wife release any evidence she has that proving or telling her Caryk was the cyberbully.

If you read through the lines and the mumbo jumbo, what this basically comes down to is, Caryk said she didn't do it, but, Caryk believes someone else is feeding Karlsson's wife information making her believe Caryk is the bully. Caryk is not going after Karlsson's wife (she could just sue Karlsson's wife), but she wants the evidence that the Karlsson's used to determine/think Caryk is the bully. Caryk wants to clear her name and possibly sue the person pointing the finger at her.....she does not believe it is actually Melinda Karlsson, rather, Melinda is getting her info from someone else.

It's all pretty interesting and sad at the same time. If you subscribe to the Athletic, here are the two most recent articles on the situation:

https://randomhockeyguy.wordpress.com/2 ... s-detroit/

https://theathletic.com/526567/2018/09/ ... e-verdict/
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Re: Karlsson - Hoffman situation

Post by Malkintent »

Any chance thid was all done by someone working with a team who was after Karlsson, trying to cause a mess which would force the Sens to trade him for less?
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Re: Karlsson - Hoffman situation

Post by FLPensFan »

Malkintent wrote:Any chance thid was all done by someone working with a team who was after Karlsson, trying to cause a mess which would force the Sens to trade him for less?
I don't think so. I think the Senators are good at making messes all by themselves, like this hot mess:

https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/e ... -1.4818425

or this great one from last night....love the long pause searching for answer there by Pierre Dorion:

https://twitter.com/HeartofNHL/status/1 ... 7121613824