Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

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Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by Hockeynut! »

I had so much fun moderating this game. Thanks to everyone who played and thanks for being tolerant of my screw ups. Especially PFiDC who I royally f'ed by making The Witness. :lol:

Here are the Welcome PMs sent:

Bad Guys

Congratulations because you three miserable cretins are the Villains of HORROR MOVIE WARS. It's up to kill all of the Camp Counselors and the Heroes who are amongst their ranks. Your jobs are to butcher them as violently as possible and be especially cruel to those who have casual sex, do drugs, etc. If you band together you can prevent Camp Crystal Lake from reopening.

Doc you are Leatherface.
Deformed and mentally challenged, your only talents are butchering (both animals and people) and sewing. You don't understand why you do the bad things you do but you do know that nothing makes you happier then running a chainsaw through the abdomen of some stupid teenagers. You have no special powers within the game.
crankshaft you are Jack Torrance.
At one point in time you were a decent husband and father but too much working and too little playing has turned you into an axe wielding psychopath. Oh, and you're also a drunk. Like most alcoholics, you have lots of experience lying to get yourself out of trouble so if you are investigated by The Detective, you will be revealed to be a regular Camp Counselor.

redwill you are Jason Voorhees.
Your poor swimming abilities lead to your death at a young age but the murky waters of Crystal Lake somehow brought you back to life, and aged you 15 or 20 years almost overnight. Why? No one knows but what everyone does know if that you're a BAMF with a machete. You witnessed a slutty camp counselor decapitate your mother and ever since that dark night your sole purpose had been to kill as many Camp Counselors as possible. You are the Alpha Villain and if you are killed by the Camp Counselors or Vigilante, you will survive not once, but twice! If you are killed a third time though, it's the Final Chapter for you and you're dead and gone.

To nan, sent after his conversion.
nan you are Freddy Krueger.
You're a kiddy diddler, a pervert, a master of bad puns. Your burned face and rotten teeth haunt the nightmares of campers everywhere. You love torturing your victims before plunging your finger/knives into their flesh and feasting upon their souls. You have no special powers within the game.
To dodint

dodint you are Ashley J. Williams, better known as Ash from The Evil Dead.
You're an average man watching your friends die all around you. You need to conquer your own fears and help the Camp Counselors defeat the Villains. This is your boomstick.
You can only shoot one player per night. Unfortunately you only have 3 shotgun shells so you must use them wisely. Also, fyi, if the other Camp Counselors kill you, something strange will happen...

To c2i

c2i you are Clarice Starling.
With your slight West Virginia drawl and big, innocent eyes some might think you naive but you have a good head on your shoulders. You remain calm under pressure and you are skilled at discerning truth from lies You are The Detective (aka the seer) and every night you can investigate one player to see whether they're a Villain, Hero or Camp Counselor.

To Gaucho

Gaucho you are Sam Loomis.
Years of trying to understand and defeat evil have left you a little crazy so be mindful the other players don't write you off as a loon. You are The Doctor (aka the Angel) and every night you can protect yourself or any other player.

To Canaan

Canaan you are Father Karras (aka, The Priest).
You have deep faith but recently tragedies have left you feeling lost and broken. You latch onto the idea of being a savior like a dog to a bone. At the end of the day, once the votes are set you can reveal yourself as Father Karras/The Priest and use your holy water to save the victim and he or she will survive. You only have one bottle of holy water so you can do this only once in the game and then your power is gone. You are forbidden from telling any other players that your power is a one time only deal.

To Shad

Congratulations are in order. Well, maybe not congratulations really. Kudos? Nah, probably not those either. A complimentary pat on the back is more appropriate because you are not a Hero nor a Villain but you do have a role. And what role is that? I'm glad you asked.

Shaf, you are Carrie White.
You are a regular Camp Counselor but you're meek and socially awkward and the other counselors don't like you. You are an Outsider. The Camp Counselors might not admit how much they loathe you to your face and that's a good thing because if the other counselors start laughing at you (e.g. voting for you) your telekinetic powers will be unleashed. If at any point in the game you come within 3 votes of being Killed, you will seek vengeance and kill one of the people who voted for you. And then you'll die. So sad, too bad. Additionally, if you are investigated by The Detective, they will be told you are a Villain. Again, so sad, too bad. You are completely forbidden from revealing your character/role to any other players.


MiMH you are Crazy Ralph, the Prophet of Doom (aka, The Village Idiot).
You are a regular Camp Counselor but you know there's nothing to be found at Camp Crystal Lake aside from death and destruction. You must post at least twice during each day phase and at least two of your posts per day must include one of the following words: Blood, Death, Curse, Doom/Doomed, Warn/Warned/Warning. You are completely forbidden from revealing your character/role to any other players.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by relantel »

good job, hockeynut!
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by Hockeynut! »

A few of the twists I had in mind never came to fruition.

If the village had killed dodint/Ash before he ran out of shells, he would have become Evil Ash and been able to kill an extra player every night until he ran out of shells.

If the village had killed MIMH/Crazy Ralph within the first 5 days, he would have risen from the dead and become a bad guy to punish the counselors for not listening to his warnings.

I really thought I had the deck stacked for the bad guys when I started but Ash/MiMH didn't get killed so the Camp benefited.

I really wanted to see Canaan/The Priest bring someone back from the dead. Damn you, dodint!

I was so happy Shad got enough votes to become Carrie. :lol:

c2i investigated redwill/Jason but was killed before he could say anything.

The Book of Necromany twist didn't play out entirely like I'd hoped. I wanted a bad guy to be redeemed (which was Doc) and a regular player to be corrupted (which was nan) but I knew I couldn't just remove doc from the bad guys PMs so he could stay involved in their discussions but not say anything to anyone about what had happened, what he knew. I thought it would be fun to have him be a regular player working against the bad guys. I figured it would cause all kinds of chaos as the bad guys tried to figure out why he wasn't cooperating but he didn't play much, probably for fear of getting killed.

The Djinn twist should have been epic but the Legion players kept getting killed right away. :lol: To win, the Legion had to outlast all other role players.

Also, when the Djinn was asked to grant a wish, MIHM became the Psychic and was going to be allowed to talk to the dead role players. This didn't pan out as he was killed almost immediately.

All roles were assigned with random.org which I guess was fair, but sort of sucked because a lot of the most active players got killed off early on while some really quiet players lasted a while.

I think my favorite moment of the game was on Day 2 when some vote switching threw the reds into chaos. redwill said in a PM:

We're unraveling here.

I made a mistake with my post about tfrizz. nan either legitimately picked up on it or he's the seer.

Now that Doc has switched votes he and I are tied together. Bad news.


I really think the red's might have won if Shad hadn't tried to kill redwill after turning into Carrie. That really flipped the game. Good call on shad's part. bad break for the villains.

Thanks again to everyone who played. Sorry if I got caught up in too many twists, I had so many ideas and wanted to get as many in as possible. ;)

If anyone has questions about anything let me know!
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by dodint »

Oh, man. That Priest mechanism is great. I totally hosed everyone there. :(
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by Gaucho »

Hockeynut! wrote: dodint ... you only have 3 shotgun shells so you must use them wisely.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by columbia »

I'm not sure that I understood much of what was going on, because last week:

1.) I was much busier at work than anticipated
2.) I unexpectedly adopted a cat, which was pretty distracting all around.

Fun game, however!
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by dodint »

I pretty much killed MiMH randomly, and hosed that mechanism as well.

I really hate being the vig. I'm really awful at it, as you know. The only thing worse would've been if I had been killed and came back with even more kills at my disposal. :lol:
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by Gaucho »

I guess I'm lucky I can't have pets, because I'd probably adopt a cat every. effing. week.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by MalkinIsMyHomeboy »

everybody before dodint used his last shot: "dodint, kill either NAN, PFiDC or rel"

"ok, I'll kill MIMH"
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by Hockeynut! »

dodint wrote:I pretty much killed MiMH randomly, and hosed that mechanism as well.

I really hate being the vig. I'm really awful at it, as you know. The only thing worse would've been if I had been killed and came back with even more kills at my disposal. :lol:
I considered making a post yesterday saying "The counselors have found a box of shotgun shells. Should they be given to the Vig?" But I figured it would be overwhelmingly NO. :lol:
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by BigMcK »

Like columbia, I wasn't able to follow along as much as needed to provide quality feedback to a game.

Sorry for the stupid banter and if I annoyed anyone, well, I know of a cold, deep swimming spot that I can point you toward. j/k.

Thanks, Hockeynut for running this show. Lots of fun and crazy twists.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by CBear3 »

Not just no, but hell no.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by redwill »

Thanks for the game, Hockeynut!

With all the games I've played, I had never made a fake green RP claim. I tried it this game and, well ... seriously botched it. It was unlucky for me to choose a character another player had ... but, as Gaucho pointed out, no one was believing me anyway.

Great job by WK and especially nan for picking up on my little fib. We recruited nan because of that.

As a result, I will NEVER fake green role-claim again. Nope. Won't happen. Take it to the bank. And I never lie in these games.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by Gaucho »

Huh, I figured the reds investigated me and that's why you knew my role.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by redwill »

Gaucho wrote:Huh, I figured the reds investigated me and that's why you knew my role.
Haha. No.

I did some research and was actually quite proud of myself for coming up with it.

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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by redwill »

Oh, and I want to say that maybe this was the coming-of-age for MIMH.

He did REALLY great once we let him live.

No jokes, MIMH: Great game!
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by Hockeynut! »

redwill wrote:
Gaucho wrote:Huh, I figured the reds investigated me and that's why you knew my role.
Haha. No.

I did some research and was actually quite proud of myself for coming up with it.

I loved seeing the red's PMs, especially when you came up with the green role claim. I lol'd when you said you were going to come out as Dr. Loomis as I knew I'd given that role to Gaucho.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by PensFanInDC »

Hockeynut! wrote:
Gaucho wrote:I'd like Hnut to clear up what exactly the deal was with PFiDC. He's always been blue, yet he got to see/know certain things? He was supposed to have a role and Hnut botched it?
I totally botched it! PFiDC witnessed the crimes the night WK was shot and Gaucho was almost killed. He couldn't say he was the witness though out of fear for his life. I didn't want for him to have any role, just be a player who knew something but couldn't come right out and say it. I thought it would be fun to see how he handled it, who would believe him if he tried to steer the vote, if the villains realized he was on to one of them etc. I first told him he was green but didn't intend for him to have any powers. Then I realized if he was green, people would think he would have powers so I told him he was independent, but I didn't mean independent as working against the camp, I meant it as he wasn't green or red. He was always blue. I screwed up. He paid the price.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by Crankshaft »

Cool concept and game! It looked like we were going to dominate after getting rid of canaan and c2i early, however, with PFiDC's role and Doc switching sides, and with him knowing exactly who everyone was, the game was over for us.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by PensFanInDC »

Exceptional game especially for a first timer.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by redwill »

Hockeynut! wrote:
redwill wrote:
Gaucho wrote:Huh, I figured the reds investigated me and that's why you knew my role.
Haha. No.

I did some research and was actually quite proud of myself for coming up with it.

I loved seeing the red's PMs, especially when you came up with the green role claim. I lol'd when you said you were going to come out as Dr. Loomis as I knew I'd given that role to Gaucho.
Man, you're suppose to inform us when this happens.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by Hockeynut! »

redwill wrote: Man, you're suppose to inform us when this happens.
Am I really? If so, whoops. :(
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by redwill »

Hockeynut! wrote:
redwill wrote: Man, you're suppose to inform us when this happens.
Am I really? If so, whoops. :(
No No No. Just a joke.

So how did PFIDC witness the killings?

I think that was the real turning point, since he was able to justify dodint's claim and push for Crankshaft.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by Hockeynut! »

Crankshaft wrote:Cool concept and game! It looked like we were going to dominate after getting rid of canaan and c2i early, however, with PFiDC's role and Doc switching sides, and with him knowing exactly who everyone was, the game was over for us.
I think it still could have turned around. PFiDC couldn't admit what he saw while you were alive, which sort of brought a sh*tstorm down on him. Doc also couldn't come out and say he knew who the villains were until he was claimed by the Legion. He was really hamstrung by that. But he didn't play enough to make it matter either way, lol. I really expected at least one of MiMH or dodint to end up red before the game ended.
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Re: Horror Movie Wrap Up Thread

Post by Hockeynut! »

redwill wrote:So how did PFIDC witness the killings?

I think that was the real turning point, since he was able to justify dodint's claim and push for Crankshaft.
To be totally honest? I found that cool gif from Maniac where the couple is making out in the car and the guy (Savini) gets his head blown off and thought, "It would be so cool to have a witness". I made it up on the spot. PFiDC didn't know roles, so for all he knew dodint and crankshaft were both bad, or crankshaft could have been the vig, etc.

BTW Gaucho saved himself both times the baddies tried to kill him.