*RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by ulf »

Tazz? Who the **** is Tazz? <as X-Pac propels from the ceiling>

If I was a loser on a message board named ulf, I would have honestly never heard of you before!!

<X-Pac just pulled an Owen Hart and died>

Sorry guys I would suck at this, I'm gonna save you the time. Have fun!!
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

Deadline in 48 minutes. Submit any last minute posts now!
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by MalkinIsMyHomeboy »

Jesus Christ x-pac just died, let's postpone or something
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

MalkinIsMyHomeboy wrote:Jesus Christ x-pac just died, let's postpone or something

The show must go on (just like it did when Owen died :pop: )
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by columbia »

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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by Crankshaft »

slappybrown wrote:FINALLY DWAYNE HAS...................STOPPED BORING 20 THOUSAND PEOPLE

I've never been so bored Dwayne. That song was interminable. Halfway through I just wanted to:


The only thing I learned and the MILLLLLLIONS WATCHING AT HOME learned is that you failed Dwayne. Yes, you failed. You're resigned to limiting yourself, to narrowing your career and aspirations. And that one thing -- wrestling -- is something you're not even that good at.

For you see, Jericho is the greatest wrestling champion of all time. Jericho makes WWE history and unites the belts. Jericho writes NYT best sellers. Jericho plays the Gramercy Theatre in NYC. Jericho's band charts on Billboard. But most importantly, Jericho -- in less than 24 hours -- wins the WWE Championship yet again. And Dwayne, you'll join the rest of these low-rent, mid-card losers fighting for the scraps of the Jericho reign. Maybe Vince can dust off the WCW TV title or something, help you out with something more your speed.

So yes, Dwayne, I am here for the strap. And the money. And the women. And the cheers. And Jericho will have it all, because


Chris Jericho, you should go back and listen to your first promo because you’re saying the same things that you said before. It’s the same story over and over and over and over:

Rock using a sarcastic tone of voice

I’m the best in the world at what I do.

That is some grade-A, money back guarantee, one big bucket of Canadian moose piss! Because the fact of the matter is this, Jericho, as long as I’m around, the very best you can ever be is number two. You come out here and you run your mouth about how you’ve written books and played in concert venues. I’m sure your Daddy, Mommy, Uncle Joe Jericho with the glass eye, Grandpa Jimmy Jack Jericho with the iron lung and Grandma Jezebel Jericho with the double XL dirty panties enjoyed your shows. Hopefully they will be watching tonight when I layeth the smacketh down on your candy ass.

Listen here, jabrone. Tonight, in front of the millions of the Rocks fans, failure will not be an option. What you fail to realize Chris Jericho, is when it is all said and done and the smoke has cleared and The Rock has whipped that candy ass, and I have gone to win the WWF championship, you and the entire Y2J family will NEVER….EEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR be the same a-gain.




Fans erupt and chant the Rock’s name.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by count2infinity »

count2infinity wrote:SUPERSTAR: The Big Show
CARD & MATCH: King of The Ring vs. Mick Foley
POST: Response
PensFanInDC wrote:SUPERSTAR: Mick Foley
CARD & MATCH: King of the Ring vs. Big Show (KotR Challenge)
POST: Opening

Fade in on Mankind sitting in his boiler room staring into the camera. Mr Socko sits nearby.

"King of the Ring. I'd like to say that I have fond memories of this event but my MIND is a little fuzzy. After falling 25 feet off a steel cage through a table and falling 20 feet THROUGH a steel cage onto the mat the MEMORIES just don't seem to be there."



"It doesn't matter though. See, no matter what is thrown at me I NEVER give up. You think a 9 foot tall, 700lb FREAK scares me? <laughs> Nothing scares me. I HAVE BEEN THROUGH HELL AND LIVED TO TELL THE TALE! The Big Show thinks he can keep me from my destiny, from MANKIND'S destiny? <laughs> NOTHING can keep me from my place as #1 contender for WWE Heavyweight Champion!"

enter Cactus Jack

CJ: Mankind! Nice to see you!
MK: <looks around confused> How...how did you get here?
CJ: I just followed the smell of rotting socks and cheetos.
MK: That makes sense.
CJ: Listen, Mankind, I was thinking for this KotR match maybe we should....<whispers into Mankind's ear>

fade out

Big Show walks down to the ring and grabs a mic

Dude Love! Let's not pretend that the man behind the mask or the BANG BANG guy is truly who you are... Let's face the facts! You're truly just the brutish side of that gay couple that lives down the street selling handmade soap, you hippie. What do they call that type of person? Bears or something like that? You say you'll never quit? You're the ultimate grinder? I think you're just trying to tell everyone you're the ultimate on grindr.

This entire match is a joke! How is it that The Rock and Jericho get an automatic bid to the championship and here I am having to beat down, this fool... BEAT DOWN, NOT BEAT OFF, YOU FREAK. You're not even worth my time, Dude Love. I'm here to be the world champion, and just look at me! 7 foot tall, 425 pounds. There's no one here that can physically compete with me! Especially some 6'2" 100 pounds of muscle, 150 pounds of flab moron like Dude Love. You may have fallen 25 feet, but the fall from 7 feet will be much, MUCH more devastating. After I knock this idiot out, I want my shot at the belt!

Drops the mic and walks back up the ramp to his theme song.
CARD & MATCH: King of The Ring vs. Mick Foley
POST: Final shot

Hey Dude Love, I have one final question for you before I knock you out. Let's just say that Mankind and Cactus Jack were stuck on a fence... would you help Mankind down or would you help Cactus Jack off? Get yourself ready for the weapon of mass destruction...

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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by the errey i breathe »

canaan wrote:
the errey i breathe wrote: SUPERSTAR: Edge
CARD & MATCH: King of The Ring Challenge vs Triple H
POST: Response


Edge stands next to an empty chair in the center of the ring

Edge: Welcome to the "Cutting Edge." Tonight, I was supposed to have a very special guest. A guest who prides himself on his "legacy." You all know him as Triple H. Sadly Triple H could not be here tonight as he is too busy attending corporate meetings with Vince. You see, HHH likes to focus on his legacy and what a legacy it is. Kissing the ass of every McMahon to the tune of 23 Championships, which would be impressive if they weren't handed to him on a silver platter. I've got to say, it seems as though marrying the boss's daughter certainly has its privileges.


Edge: Unfortunately, age and that time out of the ring spent in boardrooms has fuzzied his memory a bit. He can't remember who he faced in his title matches because they happened so long ago. You see I remember each and every one of my championships. I remember November 23, 2008 in Boston. You should remember that night too Triple H. You were there. It was Survivor Series and you stood in the ring with me and Victor Kozlov. That was also the last time you held the WWE Championship. Now given your memory issues you probably don't remember exactly what happened but allow me to refresh your memory.

Points to Titantron


Edge: That was me taking your title Triple H. And you haven't sniffed it since.


Edge: Triple H you questioned MY legacy, a legacy that includes 31 Championships in this company, 8 more than you and the McMahons were able to cobble together. Each and every one fought for, earned and remembered. Don't worry though, its not just your memory of your titles that is going. These fans don't remember either.


Edge:Triple H, as you know I am an opportunist, a predator, and this King of The Ring is an opportunity for me to be the number one contender and regain my place at the top of the company. On Tuesday you will get to experience the grit you say I'm lacking. The grit that made me an 11-time World Champion in this company. The grit that will send you back to the beginning, picking up the pieces of your legacy in the dirt it started from.


drops mic, walks out of the ring
CARD & MATCH: King of the Ring vs. Edge (KotR Challenge)
POST: Rebuttal

As the crew furiously builds the ring for tonights event, the arena goes black. a flashing red light blinds the staff

Gangrel Theme
A muscular version of Edge, dressed in dollar tree sunglasses, a ratty blonde wig, and wearing a sparkling "Team Hunter" T-shirt, stumbles his way down the rows of empty seats, knocking seats over along the way. The man trips over the black retaining wall, begins to run towards the ring to slide in but is scared to hurt himself. he sheepishly walks over to the steps and climbs in.

Edge: Wuh, wuh, wuh welcome to The Cutting Edge.

He throws his hands in the air while the crew completely ignores him.

Edge: I dont care if nobody listens to me. I have some things to say. I may be some run-of-the-mill, no talent hack, but if im going to lose in the first round of the KotR, it might as well be to the best! I might as well just forf...

Edge stops what hes doing and motions to the crew.

Edge: Hey, I forgot my cup, bring me my cup!

The crewman drops his bundle of cables and grabs the cherry gatorade cup that was left on the ring steps. he hands it to Edge and walks off

Edge lifts the cherry gatorade cup up with two hands and drinks from it, spilling its red contents all down the front of his shirt

Edge: Much better. As I was saying, I may have spoken out of line when i said i beat Triple H 6 years ago at Survivor Series when we all know that I took advantage of a true gladiator that was fighting another opponent in a manly, respectable fashion while i snakishly administered a cheap move. I apologize for that, sir. Also, I know that without Triple H's help, i wouldnt have nearly the amount of success in this sport. Hes like an idol of mine. A true mentor. I also said some really awkward things about being a predator, which may or may not get me banned from being around elementary schools. This whole thing has gotten out of hand, honestly. So, when anybody asks who i want to win this evening's match, i would definitely be on Team Hunter.

Edge lifts the last of his cherry drink to his mouth and spits the contents of the cherry cup in the air--a true homage to a living legend.

Edge rips off the cheap, garish glasses and wig to reveal Triple H

Triple H: Enough of the jokes, Edge. Or should i say "Enough of that joke, Edge" When the King of the Ring is complete, I will be sitting on the throne once again. You will do your normal post-match routine

Triple H points to the jumbotron while not breaking eye contact with the camera
Triple H: You will always be near the Edge of greatness, but youll always fall short playing The Game.

Thejumbotron plays this gif on repeat as King of Kings begins to play
King of The Ring HHH Theme - King of Kings (Motorhead)
CARD & MATCH: King of The Ring Challenge vs Triple H
POST: Rebuttal

Edge backstage before the match


Edge: Triple H, isn't it past your bedtime? Now you're complaining that my win over you at Survivor Series was cheap, please get over yourself. You see, as I said I'm an opportunist. I do what needs to be done to win. THAT is what separates you and I. You get by with the help of Vince and the rest of those bozos, as evidenced by tonight. You got scared and now we have daddy's widdle boy looking out for you in the ring. Well I'll tell you what grandpa, I'm tired of this verbal sparring. First because no one cares what you have to say. You cut your promos in an empty arena and in front of bored camera guys, isn't that telling you something? The second reason is because I'm ready to let my work in the ring do the talking tonight. Will you be?

starts to walk away then turns back to the camera, sits down and scrapes dirt off the bottom of his boot

Edge: By the way Triple H, I found some of your legacy on my boots this morning and thought you might want it back.

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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

Write-up will be posted tonight, along with an explanation of the voting phase.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by MalkinIsMyHomeboy »

Was NAN notified about this game? He didn't make any posts so I couldn't respond to anything...
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »



KING of the RING 2014


Jim Ross: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and WELCOME to the WWF King of The Ring! We have an action packed show for you this evening, so let's take a look at some of the highlights leading up to tonight!

Jerry Lawler: And boy oh boy, it was quite a war of words this week!

Jim Ross: That's right, King.
Stone Cold Steve Austin wrote: Image

Now I've had people backstage telling me "Stone Cold, the King of the Ring is a prestigious tradition". "Stone Cold, look at all the great names that have won besides you". "Stone Cold, the King of the Ring is so much more than just a tournament". Well I'm here to say that's a bunch of BS. I look at this sad sack list of names and all I see are opportunities to whoop some ass.
Triple H wrote: Image

We as gladiators in this modern coliseum pride ourselves on being the best at what we do, while staying true to who we are. At the twilight of our careers, we can look back and say that we were truly one of the greats of our generation.
Mick Foley wrote: Image

King of the Ring. I'd like to say that I have fond memories of this event but my MIND is a little fuzzy. After falling 25 feet off a steel cage through a table and falling 20 feet THROUGH a steel cage onto the mat the MEMORIES just don't seem to be there.

Jim Ross: These competitors will be head to head tonight at King of The Ring.

Jerry Lawler: I can't wait to see that punk Edge go down, he had the audacity to bring up his legacy!

Jim Ross: Much to the dismay of Mr. McMahon, but even you have to admit, king, that Edge has had quite a career here in the WWF.

Jerry Lawler: We'll see what Triple H has to say about that.

(The lights go down and the crowd goes wild)


Jim Ross: And here he comes, Y2J who will be competing against The Rock tonight for the WWF World Heavyweight Title.

Jerry Lawler: He sure is full of himself this Jericho fella, I tell you what JR.

(Chris Jericho walks down to the ring to a roaring audience. He grabs a microphone, but before he gets a chance to speak...)

(The crowd erupts in boos as Vince and Shane McMahon make their way to the top of the ramp)

Jim Ross: What could these two possibly do to disrupt this event?

Jerry Lawler: Ha ha! Get him Vince! Strip of him the chance to face The Rock!

(The music dies down as Vince and Shane grin ear to ear.)


Shane McMahon: Y2J.......Y2J there's been a lot of talk about you backstage. Questions about your...well...let's say your persuasions. Questions about your ability. Questions about your capabilities. And let me tell you partner, none of it's been good!

Vince McMahon: And Chris, we're not one to doubt a man's character...such as yourself, but in this business we have to be completely blunt and honest with each other; especially when it comes to the place of employment. That's why tonight, we've deemed fit to introduce some new guidelines and rules to your match with The Rock. First and foremost...

(The crowd starts an "@$$HOLE" chant immediately much to the chagrin of the McMahon's who pause, and look disdainfully into the sold out audience of Cleveland. The chant dies down after a moment.)

Vince McMahon: First and foremost, your match with The Rock...is now a triple-threat match.

Jerry Lawler: What?

Vince McMahon: And your THIRD opponent will be...
Shane McMahon: ME!

(Chris Jerico immediately erupts in laughter, holding his side)

Shane McMahon: YOU GO AHEAD AND LAUGH NOW Y2J, but there's something....you GOTS to know!


(The Rock joins Vince and Shane McMahon on the top ramp and the three grip hands and raise their arms in solidarity)

Jim Ross: Oh come on Rock! What the hell!

Jerry Lawler: Ha ha! I knew Vince had a plan! I knew it! He's just too smart for Y2J!

Jim Ross: Well that remains to be seen King, and right now we have a show to get ready for.

Jim Ross: All superstars may now submit their votes for who they think deserves, or who they want to win each match. You do vote for your own match as well. Submit all votes to MRandall25. Once all votes are tallied, the results will be posted.

Jerry Lawler: The winners of the KOTR matches will face their bracket at the next show. The next show will be on Sunday evening, August 23rd. All votes should be in by tomorrow, and the results will be posted tomorrow evening. Any additional questions, or banter can be posted at this point. We do ask that moving forward we keep the promotional phase clear of side-talk.

Jim Ross: Reputation points will be given, and a list of actions for the upcoming card will be made available to all superstars who participated!

Jerry Lawler: Begin the voting process now by submitting your entries for the following card:

Match 1: X-PAC vs. TAZZ (KoTR Challenge)

Match 2: MICK FOLEY vs. THE BIG SHOW (KoTR Challenge)


Match 4: KANE vs. ROAD DOGG JESSE JAMES (KoTR Challenge)

Match 5: BIG BOSS MAN vs. FAROOQ (WWF Intercontinental Title [Vacant])

Match 6: EDGE vs. TRIPLE H (KoTR Challenge)

Match 7: KURT ANGLE vs. THE GODFATHER (KoTR Challenge)

Match 8: THE ROCK vs. CHRIS JERICHO (WWF World Heavyweight Title [Vacant])

Code: Select all

[color=#00FF00]Match 1:  [b]X-PAC[/b] vs. [b]TAZZ[/b] (KoTR Challenge)[/color]

[color=#00FFFF]Match 2:  [b]MICK FOLEY[/b] vs. [b]THE BIG SHOW[/b]  (KoTR Challenge)[/color]

[color=#FF4040]Match 3:  [b]STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN[/b] vs. [b]AL SNOW[/b] (KoTR Challenge)[/color]

[color=#FFBF00]Match 4:  [b]KANE[/b] vs. [b]ROAD DOGG JESSE JAMES[/b] (KoTR Challenge)[/color]

[color=#FF8000]Match 5:  [b]BIG BOSS MAN[/b] vs. [b]FAROOQ[/b] (WWF Intercontinental Title [Vacant])[/color]

[color=#0080FF]Match 6:  [b]EDGE[/b] vs. [b]TRIPLE H[/b] (KoTR Challenge)[/color]

[color=#FFFFBF]Match 7:  [b]KURT ANGLE[/b] vs. [b]THE GODFATHER[/b] (KoTR Challenge)[/color]

[color=#FF0000]Match 8:  [b]THE ROCK[/b] vs. [b]CHRIS JERICHO[/b] (WWF World Heavyweight Title [Vacant])[/color]
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by PensFanInDC »

Can a superstar post 2 "promos" or whatever they are in a row? I thought we had to follow the order. Initial post, rebuttal, rebuttal to rebuttal, and so on.

I'm not complaining and I don't care that Big Show posted 2 rebuttals to Foley's 1 promo but I just want to be clear moving forward.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

PensFanInDC wrote:Can a superstar post 2 "promos" or whatever they are in a row? I thought we had to follow the order. Initial post, rebuttal, rebuttal to rebuttal, and so on.

I'm not complaining and I don't care that Big Show posted 2 rebuttals to Foley's 1 promo but I just want to be clear moving forward.
This is correct you are supposed to give your opponent a chance to respond. Double posting (2+ in a row), the second post just won't count.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by count2infinity »

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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by MalkinIsMyHomeboy »

a lot of no shows at the first RAW. Vince is doing a bad job promoting.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by count2infinity »

so the strategy now is to post first... allow your opponent to respond, then type up an additional response and just keep it saved for the deadline, and submit 1 minute before the deadline so the other doesn't have a chance to respond, and profit.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

count2infinity wrote:so the strategy now is to post first... allow your opponent to respond, then type up an additional response and just keep it saved for the deadline, and submit 1 minute before the deadline so the other doesn't have a chance to respond, and profit.
Part of the game forthcoming includes the opportunity to submit a promotion within the content of the shows opener, with your reputation points.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

MalkinIsMyHomeboy wrote:a lot of no shows at the first RAW. Vince is doing a bad job promoting.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by MalkinIsMyHomeboy »

DocEmrick wrote:
MalkinIsMyHomeboy wrote:a lot of no shows at the first RAW. Vince is doing a bad job promoting.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by PensFanInDC »

count2infinity wrote:so the strategy now is to post first... allow your opponent to respond, then type up an additional response and just keep it saved for the deadline, and submit 1 minute before the deadline so the other doesn't have a chance to respond, and profit.
This is a good point
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by canaan »

Posting first is a disadvantage because your opponent can have something to work off of. posting two in a row should be allowed. they should just be judged in rounds. its silly to do otherwise.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by PensFanInDC »

Something to consider for future games like this:

random.org who will post the first promo
allow a total of 3 posts per superstar per promo phase (reputation points notwithstanding)
after the first rebuttal either superstar can post another promo no matter who posted last

I think this would create a [statement -> rebuttal -> extra promos] kind of flow
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

PensFanInDC wrote:Something to consider for future games like this:

random.org who will post the first promo
allow a total of 3 posts per superstar per promo phase (reputation points notwithstanding)
after the first rebuttal either superstar can post another promo no matter who posted last

I think this would create a [statement -> rebuttal -> extra promos] kind of flow
Yeah I like this idea.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by MRandall25 »

Still waiting on votes