*RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

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*RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »





Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the most electrifying experience in sports entertainment today. I am Jim Ross, your guide to the madness that is the World Wrestling Federation. First, let's review our roster of superstars:

AL SNOW: thehockeyguru
THE BIG SHOW: count2infinity
CHRIS JERICHO: slappybrown
EDGE: theerreyibreathe
FAROOQ: redwill
TRIPLE H: canaan
KANE: newarenanow
THE ROCK: Crankshaft
TAZZ: CBear3
X-PAC: ulf


These folks will be competing to become the top talent in the WWF. During their careers here, they will come up against challenges, perform stunts, make alliances and start feuds. In order to be crowned champion, they will trash-talk, slam, take some of the hardest knocks, falls and chairs as they claw their way to the top. They will be fighting for:

WWF World Champion

WWF Intercontinental Champion

WWF World Tag-Team Champions



At the start of each Promotional Phase, the card for the next event will be posted. Our superstars will cut promos, slamming their opponents; gaining credibility and reputation points for creativity, clever trash-talk, and style. Once the deadline for the promotional phase ends, the event will begin.

During the card phase, our superstars will vote on each match's victor(s). These votes will be tallied, and card results will be posted outlining the events for the card including match results, run-ins (interference), alliances, and back-stage events. Storylines, feuds and alliances can start, end or take twists and turns leading to exciting future cards. Our superstars will decide the outcomes, and will shape how each storyline or match plays out.



Earn reputation points to increase your control over other's futures in the WWF.

(1) Communicate (via PM) - Access an open PM line with one other superstar. This PM line can remain open for the duration of the game. To add another participant or open another line it will cost an additional 1 point.

(2) Interference - Interfere in a match. Send a PM to the moderators indicating the match you would like to interfere in, and who you would like to attack. You can also distract the referee, attack both participants, or submit a special request for another action.

(3) Backstage Event - Engage in a backstage event. Anything goes. Attack your opponent, start a feud or submit something funny to the moderators to include the event in the card. Submitting a backstage event allows you to earn 1 reputation point.

(4) Start a Stable - A stable is a grouping of 3 allies who work in tandem. You can submit a stable name and members (up to 2 other superstars). The stable can pool their reputation points in order to add additional superstars (4 points each). Stables can work together in promotional write-ups.

(6) Disqualification - Earn a second chance, by disqualifying your opponent. The match will be re-booked for the following card.

(8) Stable Interference - A stable can interfere in a match, overriding the outcome of votes tallied. The stable submits who they want to win the match, and what they want to happen during their run-in.



This example outlines a single match between FAROOQ and KANE:

RAW is WAR (1): KANE vs. FAROOQ - Regular Match

Farooq posts:
FAROOQ: CUT THE DAMN MUSIC! Nooow, as a black man in a white man's world I have had it up to here with these punks runnin' dey moufs 'n trying to start **** with us. (Crowd boos) ENOUGH! Kane, yo' pasty white ass walks around the locker-room like you's some kind of monster. Ya ain't no monster! I'm the real monster!

(Crowd boos and starts throwing stuff at the ring)

FAROOQ: GET THE DAMN SECURITY DOWN HERE! I've had it with you people, you fans, you idiots out 'der who think you be betta than a man like me. And this Monday night, Kane, you' gonna get your ass whooped by the legend, FAROOQ. When you waltz that sorry white ass down here, and you're standing toe to toe with a real man like mahself' it's gonna' be all over. I'm gonna paint this ring with yo' red blood, showing every damn person out there 'dat you regular flesh and blood just like anyone else. Ya ain't no big man, youse a freak! A freak that's gonna find out the hard way what I'm capable of. HIT MAH MUSIC!

(Farooq walks back up the ramp to a chorus of boos and insults from the fans)


Farooq's promotion was pretty good. He used some styles, and some creativity with crowd interaction. He'd likely be awarded 1 reputation point. Let's see how Kane responds in his post.

Kane posts:

*~*~* The arena is dimly lit at a house show in Syracuse, NY. Raw is coming up the next night. The crowd is mundane and silent after a few boring jobber matches (including Al Snow). Jolting the crowd awake, pyro blasts from the front stage and Kane's music plays. Instantly the crowd starts roaring as the Big Red Machine makes his way to the ring. *~*~*


*~*~* The music cuts with the crowd awake and anxious. Kane grabs a microphone as the lights come up. He raises his voicebox to his throat and begins to speak *~*~*

KANE: Farooooq...(The crowd starts booing at the sound of Farooq's name) Farooq, your little tirade doesn't scare anyone. You are a complete joke amongst all of these fans. (The crowd pops) You act like a tough man, you walk like a tough man, and you talk like a tough man. But none of that means a damn thing when tomorrow night rolls around. (The crowd roars) And when you're finally face to face with me, I will show you what pain is.

*~*~* Kane throws the microphone down as his music plays. The crowd goes wild, cheering him on as he walks back up the stage *~*~*

Kane's response was short, but good. He included his setting, the location, and some style and creativity. He'd be awarded 1 reputation point as well.. These two could go on, and continue blasting each other verbally until the card phase began.


Building on our last example, let's continue on into the Card Phase. Kane and Farooq are scheduled as the first match of the night. The match would be posted, and our superstars would vote on who they thought did the best. All votes would be PM'd to EARL HEBNER who would tally up the votes, and submit them to the staff. The staff writes up the results for that match. The next match would occur after that. Let's see what happens.


The packed arena is ready for RAW is WAR. Lilian Garcia announces both contestants. Farooq enters to a shower of negative reaction. Kane walks out afterwards, and the two face off. Farooq starts off strong with an arm-bar, but Kane quickly counters. After some back and forth, Kane seems to be getting the upperhand.

JIM ROSS: Farooq's lights are about to go out.

JERRY LAWLER: Oh no no no! Farooq look out!

JIM ROSS: Kane goes for the chokeslam! This could be it!

(Suddenly, The Godfather runs to the ring)



(The Godfather slides in the ring and distracts Earl Hebner, as Kane turns his attention towards the commotion. Farooq holds his neck, and exits the ring. He grabs a chair. He slides back in the ring and lines up Kane)

JIM ROSS: Kane, Kane look out!

(Farooq levels Kane with a chair, as The Godfather jumps off the ring apron and paces the ring. Farooq goes for the cover. Earl Hebner turns his attention back to the ring and starts the count 1....2....3)

JIM ROSS: Good God almighty, what a cheap shot!

JERRY LAWLER: I love it!

Lilian Garcia announces FAROOQ as the match victor.


The Godfather spent some of his points and interfered in Kane vs. Farooq, possibly starting a future alliance / feud.



We will now take any questions regarding how the game will work. The first card will be announced on TUESDAY. Submit any scheduling requests or concerns to the thread.
Last edited by DocEmrick on Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:36 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by canaan »

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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

canaan wrote:lol
Hit post too soon...
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by columbia »

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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

This is gonna be great
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by redwill »

While I'm pleased that Farooq smacked down that cracker Kane, I disagree with the assessment of the example Promotional Phase.

Farooq's tirade was delivered with energy and vehemence and elegantly utilized appropriate stereotypically African-American rage-filled rhetoric including expected incorrect spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Moreover, he directed his tirade not only at his opponent, but at the cracker crowd, which he of course should do, given his antagonistic nature and his beautiful blackness.

Kane's response was essentially: "OH, YEAH?! I'm not going down, YOU ARE!" ... Accompanied by a sad, blurry YouTube vid.


My analysis: Farooq: 3 rep points, Kane: 0.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

redwill wrote:While I'm pleased that Farooq smacked down that cracker Kane, I disagree with the assessment of the example Promotional Phase.

Farooq's tirade was delivered with energy and vehemence and elegantly utilized appropriate stereotypically African-American rage-filled rhetoric including expected incorrect spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Moreover, he directed his tirade not only at his opponent, but at the cracker crowd, which he of course should do, given his antagonistic nature and his beautiful blackness.

Kane's response was essentially: "OH, YEAH?! I'm not going down, YOU ARE!" ... Accompanied by a sad, blurry YouTube vid.


My analysis: Farooq: 3 rep points, Kane: 0.
Oh my lord excellent analysis :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by mac5155 »

crap, I forgot all about this. Im real busy lately at work. I may have to bow out unless it's vital to have the number of players you do.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

No problem
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by mac5155 »

sorry. it seems like a great game and i don't want to ruin it by not participating fully.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »



Hello everyone, and thanks for enrolling in the WWF RAW is WAR game. During the course of your career here we hope that you achieve success, the admiration, and respect of your fellow superstars. We are pleased to announce that this FRIDAY, AUGUST 15TH at 8:00 a.m., the WWF will be opening it's doors for business.

What does this mean for you? As a superstar, you will be called upon to entertain millions of fans around the world. Your actions and words will speak equally as you claw your way up the ladder, slam your opponent through a table, and smash them with a chair!

Our opening card will take place TUESDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 19TH, at the Gund Arena, in Cleveland Ohio. The deadline for the promotional phase will be that evening at 7:00 p.m.


Promotional Phase: Friday August 15th 8:00 a.m. to Tuesday August 19th 7:00 p.m.
Card Phase (Voting): Tuesday August 19th 7:00 p.m. - All votes tallied.

The winner of the King of the Ring challenge, will the #1 Contender position for the WWF World Heavyweight Title.

Card Lineup

Match 1: X-PAC vs. TAZZ (KoTR Challenge)

Match 2: MICK FOLEY vs. THE BIG SHOW (KoTR Challenge)


Match 4: KANE vs. ROAD DOGG JESSE JAMES (KoTR Challenge)

Match 5: BIG BOSS MAN vs. FAROOQ (WWF Intercontinental Title [Vacant])

Match 6: EDGE vs. TRIPLE H (KoTR Challenge)

Match 7: KURT ANGLE vs. THE GODFATHER (KoTR Challenge)

Match 8: THE ROCK vs. CHRIS JERICHO (WWF World Heavyweight Title [Vacant])
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

Question was asked today:
So are you going to post a thread for each match on Friday, or does it all happen in one?
Your promotions all happen within this thread. You can post as many, as often as you like.

Likewise, the results all happen at once, submitted to this thread. Players submit their votes like so:

Sample Votes:
Match 1: X-Pac
Match 3: AL SNOW
Match 4: Kane
Match 5: Farooq
Match 6: Edge
Match 7: Kurt Angle
Match 8: The Rock
Once all votes have been submitted, we tally the results and post them just as we do to end the night phase of a typical Warz game. With the results, the next date is posted, and the card for that date will be posted afterwards.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by count2infinity »

DocEmrick wrote:You can post as many, as often as you like.
Only part I'm not a huge fan of... plus the fact that I know not much of anything to do with rasslin. lol
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

count2infinity wrote:
DocEmrick wrote:You can post as many, as often as you like.
Only part I'm not a huge fan of... plus the fact that I know not much of anything to do with rasslin. lol
If others agree, we could limit it to 1 per card. I have no problem with that. That might make things a little easier to organize and vote on.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by count2infinity »

I just feel it'll be hard to follow if you can post whatever, whenever you want. If we limit it to one and then a rebuttal if wanted, that'd be good IMO. As you said, I'd like to hear what others think as well.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by MalkinIsMyHomeboy »

I agree with the post plus rebuttal. Brevity wins.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by canaan »

part of the awesomeness would be the rebuttal. i like 3 rounds of promo

round 1:
opening statement

round 2:

round 3:
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by slappybrown »

DocEmrick wrote:Question was asked today:
So are you going to post a thread for each match on Friday, or does it all happen in one?
Your promotions all happen within this thread. You can post as many, as often as you like.

Likewise, the results all happen at once, submitted to this thread. Players submit their votes like so:

Sample Votes:
Match 1: X-Pac
Match 3: AL SNOW
Match 4: Kane
Match 5: Farooq
Match 6: Edge
Match 7: Kurt Angle
Match 8: The Rock
Once all votes have been submitted, we tally the results and post them just as we do to end the night phase of a typical Warz game. With the results, the next date is posted, and the card for that date will be posted afterwards.
Someone voting for the Rock, even in a theoretical world, in a matchup against the Man of 1,004 Holds?
Doubt it.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by slappybrown »

canaan wrote:part of the awesomeness would be the rebuttal. i like 3 rounds of promo

round 1:
opening statement

round 2:

round 3:
Wouldn't you need to define who goes first?

I think they should all be separate threads for each match if youre going to give unlimited posts.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by the errey i breathe »

slappybrown wrote:
canaan wrote:part of the awesomeness would be the rebuttal. i like 3 rounds of promo

round 1:
opening statement

round 2:

round 3:
Wouldn't you need to define who goes first?

I think they should all be separate threads for each match if youre going to give unlimited posts.
This would be a lot of reading, that admittedly I'd probably fall off on. Maybe one thread per "event" and you just continue to quote who you're up against. For example Canaan and I would just quote one another for this event and can have as many back and forths as we want and you could pretty much summarize all of the promo's by reading the last page or two of the thread.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

These are all good points; still not sure how to proceed. Anyone else have any thoughts?

A few things off the top of my head:

- I did want to keep everything confined to this thread. Since we're going to be doing multiple cards with multiple matches, the Warz board would get kind of messy. That being said, this thread can definitely get a bit confusing with multiple posts.

- Quoting is the best way to go about clearing confusion. As well, you can customize your posts to match setting, or title them however you'd like. Maybe a formal format would do us some good. Might write that up later.

- While multiple posts would be a lot to read and judge on, I think that whoever goes second has an advantage. They would have some material to play off of, so if the first poster made an error or said something easy to play a response off of, the second poster could easily bring that up adding to their content. I like canaan's idea of having a 3rd optional session, maybe do a minimum of 2, maximum of 4 posts (2 per wrestler).
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

If it's okay with everyone we are going to use the aforementioned format. I will post the format tonight and tomorrow morning we will be ready to roll.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »


VINCE MCMAHON: To all superstars of the WWF, tomorrow morning you will begin submitting your promotions for the upcoming King of the Ring card. The promotional phase will last from Friday, August 15th 8:00 a.m. to Tuesday, August 19th at 7:00 p.m. During this phase, your trash talk and creativity will come to life allowing you to start climbing your way to the top.

It should be noted that you will be facing a myriad of opponents at King of the Ring so start off with a bang. You are to submit a minimum of 1 promotion per superstar. Any wrestler may post first. There is no set order, but once the first "shot is fired," the order is as follows:

* First Post (Superstar A, Opens Promotions Required to win match)
* Second Post (Superstar B, Response Required to win match)
* Third Post (Superstar A, Rebuttal, Optional)
* Fourth Post (Superstar B, Closes Promotions, Optional)

You should submit your promotions in the following format:

DocEmrick wrote:
SUPERSTAR: Vince McMahon
CARD & MATCH: King of The Ring vs. Shane McMahon
POST: Opening

(Enter promotion content here)

Code: Select all

[b]SUPERSTAR: Your Superstar[/b]
[b]CARD & MATCH:  Card vs. Opponent[/b]
[b]POST:[/b]  Opening

(Enter promotion content here)

columbia wrote:
SUPERSTAR: Shane McMahon
CARD & MATCH: King of The Ring vs. Vince McMahon
POST: Response
DocEmrick wrote:
SUPERSTAR: Vince McMahon
CARD & MATCH: King of The Ring vs. Shane McMahon
POST: Opening

(Enter promotion content here)
(Response goes here)

Code: Select all

[b]SUPERSTAR: Your Superstar[/b]
[b]CARD & MATCH:  Card vs. Opponent[/b]
[b]POST:[/b]  Response

[quote="opponent"]Copy & Paste Opponent's promotion[/quote]

(Response goes here)
DocEmrick wrote:
SUPERSTAR: Vince McMahon
CARD & MATCH: King of The Ring vs. Shane McMahon
POST: Rebuttal
columbia wrote:
SUPERSTAR: Shane McMahon
CARD & MATCH: King of The Ring vs. Vince McMahon
POST: Response

(Response goes here)
(Enter rebuttal here)
columbia wrote:
SUPERSTAR: Shane McMahon
CARD & MATCH: King of The Ring vs. Vince McMahon
POST: Closing
DocEmrick wrote:
SUPERSTAR: Vince McMahon
CARD & MATCH: King of The Ring vs. Shane McMahon
POST: Rebuttal

(Enter rebuttal here)
(Enter closing here)

VINCE MCMAHON: This should keep things fairly organized within the thread. If there is any confusion about this please PM myself and Shane McMahon.


Promotional Phase: Friday August 15th 8:00 a.m. to Tuesday August 19th 7:00 p.m.
Card Phase (Voting): Tuesday August 19th 7:00 p.m. - All votes tallied.

The winner of the King of the Ring challenge, will the #1 Contender position for the WWF World Heavyweight Title.

Card Lineup

Match 1: X-PAC vs. TAZZ (KoTR Challenge)

Match 2: MICK FOLEY vs. THE BIG SHOW (KoTR Challenge)


Match 4: KANE vs. ROAD DOGG JESSE JAMES (KoTR Challenge)

Match 5: BIG BOSS MAN vs. FAROOQ (WWF Intercontinental Title [Vacant])

Match 6: EDGE vs. TRIPLE H (KoTR Challenge)

Match 7: KURT ANGLE vs. THE GODFATHER (KoTR Challenge)

Match 8: THE ROCK vs. CHRIS JERICHO (WWF World Heavyweight Title [Vacant])
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

SUPERSTAR: Stone Cold Steve Austin
CARD & MATCH: KOTR Challenge vs. Al Snow
POST: Opening

"Wait a second wait a second wait a second. Stone Cold Steve Austin was sitting at home, drinking some beers, shooting guns, and generally being badass, and suddenly I get a ring from Mr. McMahon telling me I have a match against Al Snow. Heh....Al Snow. A man so stupid he spent the better part of several years conferring with a detached head. A man so stupid he willingly ate his own chihuahua, Pepper. Hell, Al Snow has had his head bashed in so many times he probably couldn't even find his way to the ring, and that's all I have to say about that.

Now I've had people backstage telling me "Stone Cold, the King of the Ring is a prestigious tradition". "Stone Cold, look at all the great names that have won besides you". "Stone Cold, the King of the Ring is so much more than just a tournament". Well I'm here to say that's a bunch of BS. I look at this sad sack list of names and all I see are opportunities to whoop some ass. When the smoke clears in a few weeks, you can bet your savings that Stone Cold is gonna be sitting in that throne, drinking beer out of the crown, and wiping his Cheeto-stained fingers all over the red velvet. And that's the bottom line, cuz Stone Cold said so
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by canaan »

CARD & MATCH: King of the Ring vs. Edge (KotR Challenge)
POST: Opening

The Titantron blares inside an empty Gund Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. A single spotlight shines in the middle of the ring where Triple H's 1997 KotR throne sits

King of The Ring HHH Theme - King of Kings (Motorhead)
Triple H stands in front of the throne, his helm is then removed as he stares into the camera.
Triple H: This entertainment business (he scoffs) is about leaving a worthwhile legacy, Edge.

He turns and looks at the throne

Triple H: We as gladiators in this modern coliseum pride ourselves on being the best at what we do, while staying true to who we are. At the twilight of our careers, we can look back and say that we were truly one of the greats of our generation. That being said, I dont know why ive been saying "We." You see, Edge, back before you were playing twilight cosplays and Raven ripoffs with Gangrel and Christian, I was digging, with both hands, into the dirt that would be the foundation for my legacy. Back before you were running through crowds with your red lights flashing, I was cutting my teeth with the workhorses of the business like The Ultimate Warrior and Steven Regal. Learning to rely on strength, versatility, and to have the confidence to be the upper crust; the blueblood amongst blue collars; the elite. Men that have showed me what it means to grind and when to be flashy. A time and a place. A balance. But always fall back on your strength and ability.

Triple H turns and walks to the throne and sits down

Triple H: Now Edge, you may say that this is living in the past, but lets fast forward. 6 WWE Championships later to be exact. 5 World Heavyweight Championships later to be exact. 4 Intercontinental, 1 Tag, and 2 European Championships to be exact. All while battling the titans of our age. The Rock, Chris Jericho, Goldberg, Shawn Michaels, Mankind. You see where Im going with this? This isnt about re-hashing old times, but enlightening you of the resume that i've built over 17 years in the WWE. When I look back, i dont remember who I defeated in the first round of the 1997 KotR. And I certainly wont remember who I defeated in the first round of the 2014 KotR. But none of this matters, Edge. Your 2001 KotR means as much as my 1997 one. Our legacies will be marked by what we as individuals do from here on out and on Tuesday, mine will continue to grow as yours will continue to be cemented as "A pretty good tag wrestler, but just didnt have enough grit to be considered one of the elite singles wrestlers."

Triple gets up from his seat as the camera zooms in tight to his face

Triple H: Edge, this game of thrones will be concluded on Tuesday and the back and forth will be laid to rest. Ill be waiting for you. Ill be ready to play the game. Will you?

Motorhead's HHH Theme "Its time to play the game" blares as the HHH stares into the camera and it fades to black