*** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

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the wicked child
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*** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by the wicked child »

Congratulations to the Jellyfish, winners of Jellyfish invasion III!!!

This game was about as close as it could get. The balance of power swung back and forth a couple times, ultimately ending with a final vote where either side could have still won. Every time I thought I knew where the game was going, people surprised me (good and bad) and things went in a different direction altogether.

Now please join me as we take a look back at how things went down. First up, your Role Players.


Lion's Mane Jellyfish (Alpha), played by Gaucho
the wicked child wrote:Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion III!

You are the Lion's Mane Jellyfish (Alpha). You are a large, godless killing machine... a true terror of the sea. None who dare to step into the great blue sea are safe from your wrath.


Each night, you will submit the name of a player whom you would like to drag down to the depths, never to be seen again. On night one, in place of killing, you will launch two jellyfish pods which will attach to random players. If any night action by the jellies is performed against these players, the pods will activate and they will join your cause.

You may communicate freely with your teammates:

shafnutz05 - Irukandji Jellyfish
columbia - Mangrove Jellyfish
obhave - Glow-in-the-dark Jelly-Cat

Important note: The Jellies have grown significantly stronger since their victory in JI2. As such, they have a new super-move at their disposal. Once during the course of the game, if 3 or more jellies (the original players, NOT the recruits) are alive, they may forego all other night actions to bind together to form a Portuguese NAN 'O War and launch an attack that cannot be stopped.

Note that while this kill cannot be blocked, you must forfeit any other actions you may have available that night to do so.
Irukandji Jellyfish, played by shafnutz05
the wicked child wrote:Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion III!

You are the Irukandji Jellyfish. What you lack in size, you make up for in excruciating pain!


The player who kills you or casts the deciding vote on you will contract Irukandji Syndrome and will not be able to vote or perform any role duties for 2 days.

You may communicate freely with your teammates:

Gaucho - Lion's Mane Jellyfish (Alpha)
columbia - Mangrove Jellyfish
obhave - Glow-in-the-dark Jelly-Cat

Important note: The Jellies have grown significantly stronger since their victory in JI2. As such, they have a new super-move at their disposal. Once during the course of the game, if 3 or more jellies (the original players, NOT the recruits) are alive, they may forego all other night actions to bind together to form a Portuguese NAN 'O War and launch an attack that cannot be stopped.

Note that while this kill cannot be blocked, you must forfeit any other actions you may have available that night to do so.
Mangrove Jellyfish, played by columbia
the wicked child wrote:Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion III!

You are the Mangrove Jellyfish. You are a creepy sob that hangs out on the surface, barely resembling a jellyfish.


This deceptive appearance comes in handy as you are completely immune to night actions!

You may communicate freely with your teammates:

Gaucho - Lion's Mane Jellyfish (Alpha)
shafnutz05 - Irukandji Jellyfish
obhave - Glow-in-the-dark Jelly-Cat

Important note: The Jellies have grown significantly stronger since their victory in JI2. As such, they have a new super-move at their disposal. Once during the course of the game, if 3 or more jellies (the original players, NOT the recruits) are alive, they may forego all other night actions to bind together to form a Portuguese NAN 'O War and launch an attack that cannot be stopped.

Note that while this kill cannot be blocked, you must forfeit any other actions you may have available that night to do so.
Glow-in-the-dark Jelly-Cat, played by obhave
the wicked child wrote:Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion III!

You are the Glow-in-the-dark Jelly-Cat. Born of genetic experimentation, you are the newest instrument of terror to plague Algaeria!


The jellyfish virus that you were infected with has granted you powers beyond the scope of the common feline. However, this virus is constantly mutating! As such, your abilities will randomly shift throughout the game. Prior to each night phase, you may receive notification that your abilities have changed.

Currently, your ability is: Protect. May protect one player at night, including yourself. May not protect the same player on back to back nights.

You may communicate freely with your teammates:

Gaucho - Lion's Mane Jellyfish (Alpha)
shafnutz05 - Irukandji Jellyfish
columbia - Mangrove Jellyfish

Important note: The Jellies have grown significantly stronger since their victory in JI2. As such, they have a new super-move at their disposal. Once during the course of the game, if 3 or more jellies (the original players, NOT the recruits) are alive, they may forego all other night actions to bind together to form a Portuguese NAN 'O War and launch an attack that cannot be stopped.

Note that while this kill cannot be blocked, you must forfeit any other actions you may have available that night to do so.
Possible Abilities:

Slug Kill
Slug Steal

Jellyfish Liason, played by tfrizz and Zarovich
the wicked child wrote:WTF is that in your room?
the wicked child wrote:The strange thing you found in your room has been activated. You are now a Jellyfish Liason. I don't know what that is exactly, but you're one of them. You now serve the Jellies. :slug:
Maggie the monkey (Seer), played by newarenanow
the wicked child wrote:Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion III!

You are Maggie the monkey (Seer). Each night, you spin your wheel to determine the identity of one player. You may NOT share this information with anyone until the next day phase.

The inebriated Hobo (Angel), played by MRandall25
the wicked child wrote:Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion III!

You are The inebriated Hobo (Angel). Each night, you select the name of one player to shower in golden protection from the Jellyfish. You may protect the same person on back to back nights, including yourself.

The Monkey's (creepy) Uncle (Recruiting Mason), played by relantel
the wicked child wrote:Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion III!

You are The Monkey's (creepy) Uncle (Recruiting Mason). While Maggie is alive, you have the option to fornicate with her at night to unleash helper monkeys which allow you to communicate with other players. You can only control up to 2 helper monkeys at a time. Choose wisely... not everyone in this island paradise is what they seem!

Recruits: MWB, MRandall25, Crankshaft

Martin Brody (Psychiatrist), played by canaan
the wicked child wrote:Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion III!

You are Martin Brody (Psychiatrist).


Amidst the chaos of the jellyfish invasion, another killer lurks in the shadows... Jaws (Serial Killer)!!!! Everyone else thinks you're an obsessed looney... but you know the truth.

Each night, you will submit a name of a player who you think may be Jaws. You will receive only a Yes or No answer. If you locate Jaws, he/she will be converted to a standard Vigilante.

Once Jaws dies or is converted, you will no longer have any role actions to perform, but you shall finally be able to sleep, knowing that cold blooded killer is no longer on the loose. Well, maybe sleep with one eye open... the jellies are still out there!
Jaws (Serial Killer), played by Crankshaft
the wicked child wrote:Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion III!

You are Jaws (Serial Killer).


You are a demented freak who decided to take their obsession with the Jaws movies to the next level. On even numebred nights, you roam the beaches looking for your next victim. You must submit a name to kill on those nights.

Your goal is to outlast the Jellyfish and the travelling tourists. In the event of a tie at the end, you will be victorious.

However, your presence has NOT gone unnoticed. Someone is out there looking for you. Should they find you, you will become a standard Vigilante.
Party Popple (Survivor), played by mac5155
the wicked child wrote:Congratulations! You got a role in Jellyfish Invasion III!

You are the Party Popple (Survivor).


You roam the beaches of Algaeria, looking to have a good time. You are so damn happy that even the jellies can't touch you at night. You're not particularly interested in sides.... it's all about the party. Your pouch has held many things... most not worth repeating in decent company. Surely this will come in handy at some point...
To be continued. :pop:
the wicked child wrote:Now that the catsloogs are out of the bag, it's time to reveal part two of your role. Any time a player dies in possession of an unused sloog, you will rush in and scoop that lil' slooger up and plop it into your pouch.

You will have the option to keep this sloog for yourself or give it to another player. Note that you can only use or trade once per phase. There is no limit to how many sloogs you can carry at once. You don't have to notify us if you intend on keeping a sloog, only when you want to use or gift one.

Note: You can still visit the Sloogery yourself to pick up your own sloog (that one cannot be traded).

Each player had the option to visit the Sloogery once during the course of the game. They would receive a slug, learning only its name. It was up to the player to decide when/if they would use that slug. At that time. they may or may not learn its consequences, depending on the slug. The entire list of slugs was run through random.org prior to the game. Slugs were served up in order as people visited the Sloogery.

Slugs were categorized as Good, Bad, Neutral, Silly and WTF.

Sloogery Inventory:

Brain Slug Bad - Activates a Jellyfish Pod
Mean Slug Bad - All good roles are blocked for the next Night phase
Sea Slug Bad - Protects the next red player targeted at night from the action
Happy Slug Good - All bad roles are blocked for the next Night phase
Slug Doc Brown Good - Goes back in time to correct a mistake the village made... at the cost of also activating a Jellyfish Pod
Clean Slate Slug Neutral - Erases all votes against a player once during the game. Does not prevent everyone from voting for them again.
Deceiving Slug Neutral - The slug will return false results if the owner is seen by another player. (Or will they?)
Hot Potato Slug Neutral - Passed from player to player until it explodes. Starts with 9 safe/1 boom in random.org and every time it gets passed to another player, one safe is replaced with another boom. Players are not told who passed them the slug.
Louisville Slugger Neutral - Prevents one player from participating in the following Day phase.
Puppet Slug Neutral - A random player is assigned to be your puppeteer for the day and will provide statements that you must post.
Quota Slug Neutral - The owner of the slug sets a post quota for each day phase.
Random.org Slug - Neutral - All vote getters are placed into random.org, once for each vote they received.
Resurrection Slug Neutral - Two days after this player's death, they will return to the game. Note: does not apply if you are the sole remaining member of your faction.
Speedracer Slug Neutral - Time limit for the next phase is cut in half
Vengeance Slug Neutral - The first person to vote for this player is immediately devoured by this slug.
A pic is worth 1000 slugs Silly - User can only post in pictures for the next Day phase.
Accusing Slug Silly - User must make wild accusations about all of the people receiving votes.
Bylsma Slug Silly - Once activated, the user must talk about getting to their game. Any time a non-bad player dies, they have to apologize for not getting to their game. Basically... they need to get to their game.
Crash Test Sloogy Silly - All posts must be in the format of Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
Golden Slugtriever Silly - This slug is just so damn awesome. It makes you so happy. As long as you are in possession of this slug, you must be super happy and positive towards your fellow islanders. You love inviting them to play games, go on walks, and just making them happy. If you get confrontational with anyone, we may have to put you down.
LITT's slug Silly - Must use nuggets in every sentence
Mime Slug Silly - User can only post in emoticons for the next day phase, save for votes.
Spongebob Slug Silly - User is told to target one player at night. JI veterans are likely to believe this will be a kill, but all it does is throw a sponge at the person.
That 70's Slug Silly - Must quote the greatest hits of the 70s for the next day
Half Deaf Slug WTF - Only every other vote is counted.
Slug of Super Awesomeness WTF - Upon using this slug, the mods inform the island of tremendous advantage they will receive at a future date. When said date arrives, it is not mentioned. When asked by the islanders about said advantage, mods come up with excuses for delaying said advantage. After a few delays, mods flat out lie and tell the islanders that they already received it or saying that we made no such promises. When some player posts proof we promised an advantage, they are told to file a complaint. If asked who to file with, we tell them to send all complaints to shad.


Spongebob Slug - Zarovich (N1) > activate D2 (use N3) - on Gaucho
That 70's Slug - Kaizer (N1)
Hot Potato Slug - slappy (N1)
LITT's slug - PFIDC (N1) > mac (n2) > use D2
Random.org Slug - SDD (N1) - use D1
Crash Test Sloogy - Rylan (D1) - use D3
Louisville Slugger - columbia (n2) > activate D2 (use N3) on WK
Mime Slug - errey (d2) - use n4 - affects d4
Half Deaf Slug - canaan (n3) - use n3 -affects d4
Puppet Slug - mac (d3) use D3 (redwill)
Deceiving Slug - redwill (night 4) used n4 stolen by obhave on Night 7
Happy Slug - relantel (N5) - use D5
Vengeance Slug - shaf (N5) - use N5
Resurrection Slug - tfrizz (N6)
Slug Doc Brown - CBear3 (D6) use D7
Sea Slug - WK (D6) use D6
Slug of Super Awesomeness
Brain Slug
Clean Slate Slug
Speedracer Slug
Mean Slug
Bylsma Slug
A pic is worth 1000 slugs
Accusing Slug
Golden Slugtriever
Quota Slug


List of Actions:

Night 1:

Gaucho: jellyfish pods attach to tfrizz and Zarovich
obhave: self
NAN: canaan
mrandall: self
canaan: Gaucho
Zarovich gets Spongebob Slug
Kaizer gets That 70's Slug
slappy gets Hot Potato Slug
PFIDC gets LITT's slug
SDD gets Random.Org slug

Day 1

Rylan gets Crash test Sloogy
Sdd uses random org sloog

pecky voted out (random.org results)
  1. pecky
  2. pecky
  3. pfidc
  4. pecky
  5. pecky
  6. pecky
  7. columbia
  8. pecky
  9. pecky
  10. pecky
  11. pecky
  12. pecky
  13. pecky
  14. pecky
  15. pecky
Night 2:

no change in obhave’s powers

nan - mac
rel - nothing
canaan - Zaro
mrandall - self
gaucho - mrandall
obhave - shaf (via Gaucho)
crankshaft - pfidc

Columbia get Louisville Slugger
mac gets litt’s slug

Day 3

Errey gets Mime Slug
columbia activates louisville slugger
zaro activates spongebob
mac activates LITT’s slug

Night 3:

Zaro uses spongebob on Gaucho
Gaucho: kill MWB
canaan - crankshaft
crankshaft becomes vigilante
canaan gets Half deaf slug
canaan uses Half deaf slug (friday)
obhave’s power changes to slug kill
nan - cs
columbia - silence Willie
mrandall - self
obhave - cs (nothing)
relantel - mrandall

Day 3:

Kaizer uses 70s slug
rylan uses crash test
mac gets puppet
mac uses puppet > redwill

Night 4

obhave’s power changes to role block

gaucho - tfrizz (activates pod)
obhave - juice
nan - Willie Kool
relantel - crankshaft
crankshaft gains net, no kill
mrandall - self
redwill gets Deceiving Slug
redwill uses Deceiving Slug
errey uses Mime Slug
tfrizz becomes jellyfish liason

Day 4

half deaf slug takes effect
twc dumps salt on half deaf slug
slappy uses hot potato (safe)
slappy gives hot potato to crankshaft

Night 5

crankshaft hot potato - safe
cs gice hot potato to shaf
obhaves powers change to slug steal
mrandall - self
cs keeps net
rel gets Happy Slug
nan - juice
obhave - nan (no effect)
gaucho - canaan
shaf gets vengeance slug
shaf uses hot potato - boom
  1. boom
  2. safe
  3. safe
  4. safe
  5. boom
  6. boom
  7. safe
  8. safe
  9. safe
  10. safe
Day 5:

relantel uses Happy Slug

Night 6:

jellies blocked by Happy Slug
randall - crankshaft
tfrizz gets resurrection slug
nan - redwill
crankshaft (2) - rylan (1 left)

Day 6:

cbear3 gets Slug Doc Brown
WK gets sea slug
WK uses sea slug (next red targeted at night is saved by the slug)

Night 7:

nan - columbia (fails)
randall - self
cs (1) - nothing
obhave - steal Deceiving Slug from redwill
gaucho - relantel

Day 7:
cbear uses doc brown (slappy revived, zaro pod active)

Night 8

nan: errey
cs: (2) - wk (1 left)
obhave - n/a
gaucho - nan o war mrandall
randall - self

Night 9:

Obhave is new alpha
Obhave’s power becomes seer
Obhave: see slappy/ kill nan
Nan: slappy
Cs: (1) nothing

Night 10:

crankshaft: (2) obhave (blocked by sea slug) (1 left)
obhave: see kaizer, kill crankshaft (both die)
columbia is the new alpha

Night 11:

tfrizz is the new alpha
tfrizz: errey

Night 12:

tfrizz: Kaizer


Did You Know?

- Pecky became the first player to get hammered twice in one day by random.org. Despite the vote of the resort, the random.org slug caused all vote getters to end up on the block. Now the odds were small that the other names would come up, but as we saw with shaf and the hot potato, odds are not always in your favor. Imagine how different this game would have been had columbia's name come up instead...

- Zarovich was red for all of a couple hours before getting voted off. The Doc Brown slug revived slappy, but as a consequence, activated a jellyfish pod... Zaro.

- The original plan for this game was for all of the good RPs to be slugs. We were struggling for ideas and bhaw suggested using the slugs as packages instead. Figuring out exactly how these would come into play was the largest source of delay towards the end.

- There were 2 things I was hoping would happen for significant portions of this game... 1. The NAN-O-War would be unleashed and 2. The Jellies would try to kill Crankshaft while he had a net so I could use my Animal Face-off idea.

- For the deceiving slug, my plan was to put a mix of real and ridiculous roles into random.org and return whatever it said. However, I was super busy at the time that NAN looked up red will and forgot. The slug had an out clause though if you read its description. :pop:

- the Jellies could have used the NAN-O-War at any time to take out the hobo, but waited until night 8. Also, on Night 4, obhave's power changed to roleblock, which would have allowed the jellies to kill him w/o using the NAN-O-War, but they blocked Juice, who had no powers.

- This game may have been a lot different had NAN not missed the day he was away... I think the village lost 2 or 3 the names from his list in that span and it may have helped the village had he been able to reveal himself then.


Closing remarks:

I want to thank bhaw and Corvidae for their help in creating this game. They may not have been here to help moderate due to real life circumstances, but make no mistake: their fingerprints are all over this one as well.

And of course, thanks to everyone who played... you made this game as fun as I hoped it would be. The game was about 2 years in the making, but lived up to expectations.

This is the wicked child signing off from Algaeria, one last time. ...or is it?!
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by columbia »

Given the simple nature of this game, I'm not sure why we had to wait months for it to happen.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by Willie Kool »

Thanks for the game twc, bhaw and Corvidae - it was a lot of fun to both play and watch. Congrats reds, well played, but you guys got lucky. :pop:

A couple of really good calls by slappy, that's a few games you've impressed me with your red-hunting ESP, but that was outstanding. And 2Pac, too? :thumb:

So Crank used both his nets to kill obhave? Almost got my revenge on him by blocking his dying kill. :twisted:

And columbia - you can't re-retire yet, I owe you one for that Slugger. When I called you out, just before Crank killed me, I was going to post that you had to either be red or as bad as you claimed to be. :lol:
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by columbia »

Actually, I was both.
the wicked child
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by the wicked child »

Willie Kool wrote:So Crank used both his nets to kill obhave? Almost got my revenge on him by blocking his dying kill. :twisted:
So basically, Crank used one of his 2 nets on obhave, which was blocked by the sea slug. However, obhave happened to attack him that night and he kept the other net, so both died. Definitely a first for me.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by relantel »

the wicked child wrote:
Willie Kool wrote:So Crank used both his nets to kill obhave? Almost got my revenge on him by blocking his dying kill. :twisted:
So basically, Crank used one of his 2 nets on obhave, which was blocked by the sea slug. However, obhave happened to attack him that night and he kept the other net, so both died. Definitely a first for me.
So turns out a good thing he didn't shoot twice that night.

Thanks again TWC. Sets us up for JI4 in 2014... :pop:

(Be back with fuller thoughts late tomorrow night when not on my phone)
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by Kaizer »

so many unclaimed slugs
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by columbia »

I'm glad that thehockeyguru was able to participate, via slappy's accusations of incompetence. :pop:
the wicked child
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by the wicked child »

People joke about how after you're out of the game, you see everything more clearly, but slappy lived that in this one. Crazy stuff.

I'm still not sure how everyone flipped on slappy after columbia all but gave up shortly before that... That was another major turning point in the game.

So whatever else you want to say about your performance columbia, that was huge.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by columbia »

It was pretty shocking.

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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by Crankshaft »

relantel wrote:
the wicked child wrote:
Willie Kool wrote:So Crank used both his nets to kill obhave? Almost got my revenge on him by blocking his dying kill. :twisted:
So basically, Crank used one of his 2 nets on obhave, which was blocked by the sea slug. However, obhave happened to attack him that night and he kept the other net, so both died. Definitely a first for me.
So turns out a good thing he didn't shoot twice that night.
Yea - I thought I wasted that second net but it turned out it worked out perfectly.
the wicked child
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by the wicked child »

Anytime the auto-kill rule is in effect, it is wise for the vig to reserve a shot/net to shield them against the bad guys... A Vig for alpha trade is always worth it, and usually is more of an impact than the vig makes on their own. The very nature of the role is such that the vig tends to kill more good players than bad (not necessarily through any fault of their own... the ratio of good to bad players largely dictates this).
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by Gaucho »

Thanks for the game twc, bhaw, and Corvidae.

So I guess slappy really did come back from the future.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by slappybrown »

Awesome game guys, twc, like I told you, I demand another of these NOW.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by shafnutz05 »

Man, just an outstanding game guys, thank you. These are well worth the wait, because they are always painstakingly crafted to be fun, bizarre, but most importantly, fair.
the wicked child
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by the wicked child »

Thanks. Hopefully there won't be a 2 year wait until the next one. :thumb:
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by Crankshaft »

slappybrown wrote:Awesome game guys, twc, like I told you, I demand another of these NOW.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by relantel »

I kept thinking I'd land a red via a helper monkey, and would have been supplying information to the wrong side. Would have made for great egg on face.

fortunately, I had a blue, and then two greens, the second of which was in contact with a third. It took a while to get full trust though, and I never even had a whiff of nan being seer. Beyond being on shaf, I was not much help on the next set of jellies. Ride slappy to the rescue. Though the way the end of one of those red votes looked, I thought it would have been priceless had slappy come back red and had just played the village. Thankfully, that wasn't the case.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by relantel »

and for the record - the can't vote for slappy thing... was nothing more than a greater desire to vote for shaf. Was right on shaf, not so much on slappy.
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Re: *** Jellyfish Invasion III: Post-Game Luau ***

Post by mac5155 »
