TMNT Wars - Game Thread

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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by PensHckyFan79 »

all this pizza juice is making me hungry for a nice slice of greasy pizza. maybe that and I didn't eat breakfast this morning.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by Crankshaft »

5 - Juice

majority reached; write-up coming.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by Crankshaft »

The town spoke up and they decided to get rid of Juice.
Juice was The Shredder and the last remaining member of the Foot Clan.
New York City rejoices as they have finally captured the mastermind behind the biggest crime wave in the city's history. Until, a new villain emerges from the shadows.
Baxter Stockman
He has gained control of the city, as he has slowly been taking control of the minds of the citizens of New York City.
Winner: 8. redwill - Baxter Stockman
Stockman's Subjects
4. Willie Kool - Donatello
6. relantel
10. CBear3
The rest...
7. PensHckyFan79
12. Troy Loney
13. Zarovich
15. Rylan
1. MRandall25 -Leonardo
2. shafnutz05 -Michelangelo
3. Sam's Drunk Dog
5. ExPatriatePen
9. canaan -Raphael
11. thehockeyguru – Oroku Saki
14. count2infinity - Foot Clan
16. Juice - Foot Clan/Shredder
Sorry for the uninspired write-up. Since this game flamed out, didn't feel the need to send it off with a bang.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by Willie Kool »

Nice game village. :face:

That sucked. I knew who to go after, but couldn't do or say anything.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by PensHckyFan79 »

Thanks for the game Cranky. I think the timing of the holiday or something threw off the participation, otherwise it would have been great.

Why wasn't juice killing people? or couldn't he.

Would you mind detailing the abilities you gave along with the roles.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by Crankshaft »

The Roles:

Baxter Stockman - redwill
You are a mild mannered scientist; a brilliant inventor! However, your meek demeanor has plagued your career. No one is aware of your true potential. Tired of constantly being overlooked and underappreciated, you spend your nights in your personal lab, trying to find ways to get back at those who have wronged you. Finally, you have had a breakthrough! You have found a way to control peoples minds. Now, it’s time to test your new technology.

Beginning on Night 2, and continuing on even numbered nights, you can select a person to control. These people will not know your identity. You may pass commands onto them through me and I will deliver the message. If they are a role player, you can control their night movements as well. You will be given no verification if a person does have a role. The only information you receive is what you gather during the day.

You may not reveal your identity as Baxter Stockman. Those whose minds you control will be instructed to not role claim, as well.

You are independent from the rest of the players. You only win if you and your Stockman subjects outnumber the remaining players.

* If seen by Leonardo, you will be shown as just an average villager.
* If killed, those whose minds you control will be freed from your powers and they return to their original state.
Leonardo - Investigator - MRandall25
New York is under attack and you have been separated from your brothers. Your goal is to reconnect with them and to assist New York City in defeating the Shredder!

You are the most calm, focused and disciplined of your four brothers. That is what makes you the leader. On odd numbered nights, starting on night one, you use your Ninja skills to investigate another player. If you find your brothers, you will gain the ability to communicate with them again.

You are to assist New York City in defeating the Shredder! You win when the Shredder and all other threats have been eliminated.
Donatello - Doctor - Willie Kool
New York is under attack and you have been separated from your brothers. Your goal is to reconnect with them and to assist New York City in defeating the Shredder!

You are the smartest of your four brothers. Because of this, you are able to protect one person each night from harm.

You are to assist New York City in defeating the Shredder! You win when the Shredder and all other threats have been eliminated.

*If found by Leonardo, you will be able to communicate via PM.
Raphael - Vigilante - canaan
New York is under attack and you have been separated from your brothers. Your goal is to reconnect with them and to assist the New York City in defeating the Shredder!

Starting on night 2, and continuing on even numbered nights, you take matters into your own hands. You are unable to sit back and watch the city crumble - you must take action! You will have the ability to eliminate another player.

You are to assist New York City in defeating the Shredder! You win when the Shredder and all other threats have been eliminated.

* If found by Leonardo, you will be able to communicate via PM.
Michelangelo - Martyr - shafnutz05
New York is under attack and you have been separated from your brothers. Your goal is to reconnect with them and to assist the New York City in defeating the Shredder!

You have the most heart and compassion out of any of your four brothers. You are the type of person who would give the shell off your back for another person. Each night, you will have that opportunity. You will see who is set to be eliminated that next morning. You have the opportunity to save that person from elimination, but in doing so, you will sacrifice yourself.

You are to assist New York City in defeating the Shredder! You win when the Shredder and all other threats have been eliminated.

*If found by Leonardo, you will be able to communicate via PM.
*If targeted at night, you will be saved the first time. After that, you lose your power to save someone else. If you are in communication w/ Leo and the other turtles, you lose your contact with them.
Shredder & Foot Clan - thehockeyguru & count2infinity/Juice
You are the leader of the Foot Clan - a formidable criminal empire involved in drug smuggling, arms running and assassinations. You are also obsessed with Splinter and the Ninja Turtles. Their goal is to avenge the death of Hamato Yoshi and to protect New York City. Your goal - complete annihilation.

Shredder(Oroko Saki) - On ODD numbered nights, starting with night 1, you will select someone to be eliminated. Additionally, the first time you are targeted for elimination, it will fail (either night or day). That is a one-time protection.

count2infinity and Juice are two of Shredder’s top henchman. You will communicate through private messages and try to navigate the destruction of the Turtles and New York City.

If thehockeyguru is eliminated, then count2infinity will assume the Shredder role. If he is eliminated, then Juice will be next in line.

Your goal is to eliminate the Turtles and to gain majority over the city.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by PensHckyFan79 »

was EPP under your control is that why he was flying off the handle??
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by Crankshaft »

PensHckyFan79 wrote:was EPP under your control is that why he was flying off the handle??
Yes - EPP was under the control of redwill.

Here is my spreadsheet that I used to keep organized. Some of the details tailed off at the end, when participation (and my enthusiasm) was waning.

Night One
*Mod edit* MRandall replaces Zarovich, who was inactive all day*
thehockeyguru - Shredder (Kill) - canaan
MRandall25 - Leonardo (Seer) - shafnutz05
Willie Kool - Donatello (Doctor) - Protect Self
shafnutz05 - Michelangelo (Martyr) - No action

Day One
Vote: count2infinity

Night Two
shafnutz05 - Michelangelo (Martyr) - None
Willie Kool - Donatello (Doctor) - Willie Kool
redwill - Stockman (Recruit) - Willie Kool

Day Two:
Vote: Sam’s Drunk Dog
- redwill commanded Willie Kool to vote for Sam’s Drunk Dog

Night Three
thehockeyguru - Shredder (Kill) - shafnutz05
MRandall25 - Leonardo (Seer) - thehockeyguru
Willie Kool - Donatello (Doctor) - Willie Kool
shafnutz05 - Michelangelo (Martyr) - self save / can no longer communicate with MRandall25

Day Three:
Vote (fail): thehockeyguru (THG’s one save is used. He is now open for elimination.)

Night Four
Willie Kool - Donatello (Doctor) - Willie Kool
redwill - Stockman (Recruit) - ExPatriatePen

Day Four:
Vote: thehockeyguru
- redwill commanded EPP to embed the following video:" onclick=";return false;
- redwill commanded EPP to say, “I have come to realize that the ExPatriatePen you all know is only a shell for my true inner self. I am not the man you think I am. From this moment on, please call me "Sheila." I love you all. Please do this for me. Do it for Sheila.”
- redwill commanded EPP to embed the following video:" onclick=";return false;
- redwill commanded EPP to embed the following video:" onclick=";return false;
- redwill commanded EPP to remove his vote from thehockeyguru and place it on shafnutz05
-redwill commanded EPP to embed the following video:" onclick=";return false;
-redwill commanded Willie Kool to remove his vote from thehockeyguru an day, “I’m thinking about it, but not sure.
-redwill commanded EPP to embed the following video:" onclick=";return false;
- redwill commanded Willie Kool to vote for thehockeyguru

Night Five:
Juice - Shredder (Kill) - MRandall25
MRandall25 - Leonardo (Seer) - Juice
Willie Kool - Donatello (Doctor) - Protect Self

Day Five:
Vote: shafnutz05
- redwill commanded EPP to vote for shafnutz05

Night Six:
Willie Kool - Donatello (Doctor) - Protect Self
redwill - Stockman (Recruit) - relentel

Day Six:
- redwill commanded relantel to vote for Rylan
- redwill commanded EPP to vote for Rylan
- redwill commanded relantel to unvote Rylan and vote for PensHckyFan79
- redwill commanded EPP to unvote Rylan and vote for PensHckyFan79
- redwill commanded Willie Kool to protect himself on Night 7

Night Seven:
Juice - Shredder (Kill) - ExPatriatePen
Willie Kool - Donatello (Doctor) - Protect Self

Day Seven:

Night Eight:
Willie Kool - Donatello (Doctor) - Self
redwill - Stockman (Recruit) - C3Bear
- redwill instructs everyone to stay quiet until otherwise told.

Day Eight:
Vote: Juice
- redwill instructed C3Bear, Willie Kool & relantel to vote for Juice
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by Crankshaft »

Mrandall nailed Juice on night 5, but Juice killed him before he could do anything.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by count2infinity »

It was a tough game for the green guys right out of the gates. THG's lucky guess of canaan got him, then redwill's lucky guess got me, I managed to out randall and with that shad and WK showed their colors as well. So after day 1 the foot already had a good idea of who everyone was.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by redwill »

I liked the game, but hated the role. I hated making WK and (later) rel and CBear do my bidding. I know the game was pretty frustrating for them and I apologize.

Of course, I didn't mind annoying the heck out of the other guy. I would have done worse, but I got caught up in trying to win the game. Shame on me.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by Rylan »

I figured you were something redwill, but I also figured you would be easy to off late in the game. Well done.

Good game crankshaft, I had fun.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by thehockeyguru »

Getting to Pizza every other night doomed us. From the gate we knew who we needed to eliminate but just didnt have the chance to.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by relantel »

redwill wrote:I liked the game, but hated the role. I hated making WK and (later) rel and CBear do my bidding. I know the game was pretty frustrating for them and I apologize.

Of course, I didn't mind annoying the heck out of the other guy. I would have done worse, but I got caught up in trying to win the game. Shame on me.
Funny thing is I had you pegged, but by that point couldn't do anything about it.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by Willie Kool »

redwill wrote:I liked the game, but hated the role. I hated making WK and (later) rel and CBear do my bidding. I know the game was pretty frustrating for them and I apologize.
:lol: :twisted: Not your fault. It was an interesting idea, but in practice, had me ready to not even check my PM's anymore. IMO, it was just too much power for an indy to have.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by relantel »

don't get me wrong - the type of indy cult role redwill had can create great spice in a game. Kind of associate that role with some of his games - animal farm, robin of sherwood, where I was that role. Though in those, the cult operated as a knowing force instead of a cloaked entity, so nice twist that it was secret, and had the potential to be reverted if he had been killed. The key for that type of role is to evade discovery as long as possible.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by MRandall25 »

Crankshaft wrote:Mrandall nailed Juice on night 5, but Juice killed him before he could do anything.
*pizza* you, WK.

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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by MRandall25 »

And yeah, I'm not sure why I only got to see every other night. Seemed to put the town at a disadvantage with the Foot AND redwill's Indy role.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by Crankshaft »

MRandall25 wrote:And yeah, I'm not sure why I only got to see every other night. Seemed to put the town at a disadvantage with the Foot AND redwill's Indy role.
I felt like if I let everyone do everything, every night, that the game would have ended rather quickly. Then again, that may have probably been a better decision than it going as long as it did with little participation from the majority of people.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by relantel »

Crankshaft wrote:
MRandall25 wrote:And yeah, I'm not sure why I only got to see every other night. Seemed to put the town at a disadvantage with the Foot AND redwill's Indy role.
I felt like if I let everyone do everything, every night, that the game would have ended rather quickly. Then again, that may have probably been a better decision than it going as long as it did with little participation from the majority of people.
by the time I had the availability to be able to participate in earnest I was under redwill's control and thus not able to do much.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by Willie Kool »

MRandall25 wrote: *pizza* you, WK.


I wouldn't have been living up to my reputation if I didn't go after a green early.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by MRandall25 »

Willie Kool wrote:
MRandall25 wrote: *pizza* you, WK.


I wouldn't have been living up to my reputation if I didn't go after a green early.
I was more referring to you saving yourself the night after I clearly said I was the seer.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by Willie Kool »

I thought about saving you, but decided it wasn't worth the risk. :face:
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by Willie Kool »

Thanks Crank - it was a fun game, when I was able to actually play. The mind control thing did make it very hard to enjoy the last few days.
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Re: TMNT Wars - Game Thread

Post by Crankshaft »


Wish it could have went better.