Write and short story, Part 4

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Write and short story, Part 4

Post by no name »

Would anyone be intrested doing this again.

Sign up as an author and each writes a paragraph to continue the story. I would suggest a real world science fiction would be fun. Maybe a defunct space mission or a discovery of something unnatural. Any ideas?
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Re: Write and short story, Part 4

Post by canaan »

Trailer up for opinion (id like to see it done in the style of Solaris--lonely, ghost in the darkness-type of narrative):

Research crew in the deep earth studying in-depth layer structure and temperature abnormalities. There have been ongoing social decay on the surface about a decline in surface temperatures. Growing groups of surface dwellers fear that the core is dying. A fanatical group, also known as Gaians, believe that the sun is merely a secondary form of life-sustaining energy and have set up a base 6 days drilling polar north away of the research crew's camp, but their true intentions unknown. Are the noises the crew hears as they delve deeper into the mantle from the Gaians? The Earth shifting? Or is it all just a product of being encapsulated in a small vessel grinding its way to a warmer plane.

Is the planet dying? Is it political grandstanding? Is the research team trying to find an answer or are they the puppet dangled by a grand political scheme

This is:

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Re: Write and short story, Part 4

Post by no name »

Trailor 2:

Modern day: While recreational scuba diving off the coast of Mexico, Dr, Kindole finds a 1940 Navel shiip wreck. Onboard he finds some crates of odd artifacts. What on this ship can be found to unravel the mystery of what this ship was doing in Mexico waters and what is the purpose of these odd unknown of origin artifacts.
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Re: Write and short story, Part 4

Post by no name »

Trailor 2:

Modern day: While recreational scuba diving off the coast of Mexico, Dr, Kindole finds a 1940 Navel shiip wreck. Onboard he finds some crates of odd artifacts. What on this ship can be found to unravel the mystery of what this ship was doing in Mexico waters and what is the purpose of these odd unknown of origin artifacts.
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Re: Write and short story, Part 4

Post by redwill »

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Re: Write and short story, Part 4

Post by redwill »

no name wrote:Dr, Kindole finds a 1940 Navel shiip wreck.
Too simple, maybe?

You've got the rapper, Dr, and the gastroenterologist Kindole discussing the predominance of innies vs. outies among the WWII-era Islamic Shi'ip population.

I mean, it's been done to death.
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Re: Write and short story, Part 4

Post by CBear3 »

So I see we lose points for grammar, lol.
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Re: Write and short story, Part 4

Post by redwill »

Nah, I'm just being tremendously witty and hilarious. It beats working for a living.
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Re: Write and short story, Part 4

Post by shafnutz05 »

The year is 2042. As the Earth's oil crisis reaches a fever pitch, and the population explodes, scientists are desperately trying to find a long-term, sustainable energy solution to stave off a rapidly worsening run on resources. World governments, desperate to quell their own populations, grow increasingly aggressive. In the Arctic Circle, joint Canadian/American forces find themselves in repeated skirmishes with Russian amphibious and naval forces in the Aleutians and the Seward Peninsula. Meanwhile, the U.S. government has heavily fortified the border with Mexico, and has begun using lethal force to keep a desperate Mexican population from trying to find better luck north.

On the other side of the world, Russian and Chinese forces are locked in increasingly heavy fighting over the Mongolian petroleum fields, which have miraculously remained largely untapped. Africa is a nightmare, as thousands are massacred daily as governments rapidly crumble.

At Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico, a multinational team of radio astronomers (the main cast, if you will) detects an anomalous broadcast emanating from a location far closer than any radio signal to date. As they start to try and decode the repeating message, they quickly realize that the message contains instructions on how to create a fully-sustainable source of energy that has never successfully been discovered by human beings. Desperately working against time, and the specter of nuclear war, the scientists must balance deciphering the message, ensuring their own families are safe back home, and wondering if, and when, they are going to discover the sender of the signal.

"Heaven Save Us"
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Re: Write and short story, Part 4

Post by no name »

redwill wrote:
no name wrote:Dr, Kindole finds a 1940 Navel shiip wreck.
Too simple, maybe?

You've got the rapper, Dr, and the gastroenterologist Kindole discussing the predominance of innies vs. outies among the WWII-era Islamic Shi'ip population.

I mean, it's been done to death.

We should do a story about "Operation Redwill" again.

That was a pretty good play on my misspelling I must admit.
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Re: Write and short story, Part 4

Post by redwill »

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Re: Write and short story, Part 4

Post by canaan »

Any time that you can work "shi'ip" into the goings on, its good writing. Bravo.
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Re: Write and short story, Part 4

Post by redwill »

shafnutz05 wrote:The year is 2042. As the Earth's oil crisis reaches a fever pitch, and the population explodes, scientists are desperately trying to find a long-term, sustainable energy solution to stave off a rapidly worsening run on resources. World governments, desperate to quell their own populations, grow increasingly aggressive. In the Arctic Circle, joint Canadian/American forces find themselves in repeated skirmishes with Russian amphibious and naval forces in the Aleutians and the Seward Peninsula. Meanwhile, the U.S. government has heavily fortified the border with Mexico, and has begun using lethal force to keep a desperate Mexican population from trying to find better luck north.

On the other side of the world, Russian and Chinese forces are locked in increasingly heavy fighting over the Mongolian petroleum fields, which have miraculously remained largely untapped. Africa is a nightmare, as thousands are massacred daily as governments rapidly crumble.

At Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico, a multinational team of radio astronomers (the main cast, if you will) detects an anomalous broadcast emanating from a location far closer than any radio signal to date. As they start to try and decode the repeating message, they quickly realize that the message contains instructions on how to create a fully-sustainable source of energy that has never successfully been discovered by human beings. Desperately working against time, and the specter of nuclear war, the scientists must balance deciphering the message, ensuring their own families are safe back home, and wondering if, and when, they are going to discover the sender of the signal.

"Heaven Save Us"
In west Africa, Ali Francois Dimjo works hard to find a way to get a cup of water so that his crops can live another day. His okra plants have been eaten by locusts. He is trying to grow a few potatoes. The sun is heavy on his bare back.

"Work is for the best."

Ali stands and turns, seeing the speaker. It is Sisiko, the Front Man. The Head Man then will know what Ali says.

"The ground is harsh, sir. My plow is rusted and my bicycle was taken. I try to fulfill my obligations for the good of the village."

"Yes," says Sisiko. He pauses for a long while, looking up at the holy mountain on the horizon. "The village." He stares to the east, still and unmoving. "Move your will forward, Ali Dimjo. Work for the earth, for the sky, for the grains of paradise in your heart. Remember: That is best which comes from the womb of the Alabaster Gutter-Spade. Seek not to rise above yourself. Always look to the Great Jujimbo Up The Mountain."

Sisiko's eyes drop to peer intently into Ali's and then he moves on.

Ali considers Sisiko's words for only a moment before returning to his toil. He is empty and broken. He has seen his father hacked to death by machetes, his mother disfigured with acid, his brother castrated, his sister raped and Christianized. Once Sisiko is out of sight and hearing, Ali allows himself the barest sigh.

The few potato plants draw his attention again. He realizes that he must not stop.
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Re: Write and short story, Part 4

Post by no name »

Ali starts to attend to his plants again, clearing away some dirt to allow the water to seep all the way to the root. His mind is not on his work his, sweat is in the way of his vision. He finialy allows him self to sit back for a second. He sees a small flag waving from his dwelling. Most likly his wife or mother needs him for something. He figures it is nothing but he decides to go see what he is needed for now. As he gets closer to his house his wife appears.

Ali!! crys his wife. Ali its your radio i can hear a voice on it!!.

Ali then runs to the radio he has not talked to anyone in months and was hoping to get some news. As he tunes in the attenna he hears "This is Arecibo observertory can anyone hear me"

Ali is frantic to tune it in so he can send a clear transmission. " This is ALi from West Africa can you read me?" a second pauses. Then he hears "OH my we got someone everybody!!!!" then the line dies there is just static.