GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

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GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by mikey287 »

Obviously not ideal because I'm not anything but simple scouting is extremely tough, but I'll post some thoughts...I encourage others to do the same if they're watching...

11 forwards and 7 D, so no balance to lines. Zatkoff in the cage.
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by llipgh2 »

Link to watch? I'm listening to it on a radio app.
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by columbia »

Is there a non-app way to listen?
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by llipgh2 »

columbia wrote:Is there a non-app way to listen?
There might be a link on the Baby Pens website.
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by mikey287 »

Just some casual mental notes, wasn't writing anything because I was eating too...might get the notebook out for the 2nd...:

- What a great forecheck we have. Really energetic 2-man forecheck that is doubly effective on this Binghamton team due to their lack of transitional defensemen. It's preventing them from getting the puck to their talented forwards - who have been tough to find (first AHL games for Mika Zibanejad and Jakob Silfverberg, for instance...rather unnoticeable, not that I'm expecting a lot in the first period of their first game). Solo rushes by Mike Hoffman and Jean-Gabriel Pageau have been noteworthy, but ultimately not very promising as they appear to be rather one-dimensional players like they were back in the QMJHL.

- Our faceoffs have to be above 80% and I find that to be a conservative numbers. I haven't seen an important draw lost, and I'm trying to think of a loss in general and can't find one readily. Warren Peters and Trevor Smith are taking a lot of faceoffs...Riley Holzapfel is taking them too with some effectiveness.

- Our forwards are short on talent, but their big on energy, big on the forecheck, they're rather physical and do really good work on the boards. Holzapfel threw a nice-sized hit early on, which is a touch uncharacteristic for him. Payerl and Thompson are doing fine work on the boards. Tangradi too. No one can get Tangradi the puck because I see him out there with Warren Peters who can't pass (Tangradi-Peters-Dupuis, I think is what I see). In fact, none of these players can pass it seems. They carry it in and they make these stupid back passes against the grain that I tell little kids not to do because they are so low percentage but here we are...once it leaves the hands of our D, the passing stinks...will really negatively effect Tangradi's production, Bennett's too, who looks a tiny bit tentative (as you'd expect) on the rink...again, first period of pro hockey...

- Offense will be manufactured, usually off the cycle and a pre-packaged give n' go, chip n' chase offense creators don't look obvious to me through one period. Again, they're short on talent but they need to work out some chemistry so they understand better where they'll be on the rink...but you can't do that with 11 you get that out of there, you're not going to see spirited growth, IMO.

- Simon Despres looks very advanced here. Very thoughtful, calming influence on the rink. Have been impressed by him. Joe Morrow looks very advanced for a first-time as well. Has tried to wind up that big shot of his, but he's still adjusting to the speed so they're getting blocked. He's used to having more time in the slower WHL...he'll adjust quick, smart kid.

- Dumoulin hit a banana peel on the third turn and that caused a rush for the Senators...not a lot positive from him quite yet, was used on the PK (which is 3 for 3 and has looked brilliant - starts with faceoff wins, amplified by effective clearing, ends with creative entry closings). Samuelsson has a very good idea of positioning, which is good because he's slow. But he understands the geometry of the rink very well and is effective in using his body to buy his legs some time, learn a lot from his father.

- Zatkoff has been tested a bit, mostly long shots. Terrific rebound control, just awesome. Moves well, looks composed, confident and ready to go. Might prove to be NHL-backup worthy this season. Lehner (the Sens goalie) has been brilliant and he's been under goodness has he been player on the rink for either side...

- I like the way the defense has played. Really pushing the Sens to the outside and sticking them in the corner and stealing the puck and moving forward effectively.

EDIT: Found link on non-sanctioned site, so I can't be of much help there - legally. I'm sitting right in front though...or is it the initial stroke of this weekend's crew team competition...
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by mikey287 »

Bleh, my feed cut out about mid-2nd period here. I'll try it occasionally to see if anything comes from cut out in the midst of what looked like a 2-on-1 for us and the "1" fell down (Andre Benoit?)...brutal played out to be a goal in my head though, not sure the actual result...I think Trevor Smith was one part of the 2on1, not sure the other guy...Holzapfel?

Further minor notes:

- WBS radio announcer is fun to listen to and understands the game well (or neither of us do)...I'd murmur something to myself and he'd normally follow-up in the next 30 seconds and say the same thing...calls a good game.

- Meanwhile, Benn Ferriero has been pretty impressive speed wise...he'd be a good energy forward for us. I wouldn't be shocked if he made the team (remember, I'm only making these calls after a period and a half of hockey, so standard disclaimer rates apply).

- Brian Gibbons looks fast too, kind of blends in, but he's quick and challenges slow-footed or -witted defenders adequately.

- Responsible team with a good support system...forwards effectively getting back and covering for d-men both offensively and defensively. Tangradi in one instance was the high guy that got pushed to center and then got back to be the guy guarding the front of the net while both d-men went behind to battle for the puck. Good positional play by him there in that instance given the roles of the other players on the rink at the time.

- Can't say enough about this forecheck, very active, energetic, great sticks, great angles...these guys are sneaky little *******, they aren't very good skill wise (at least not yet) but they are really annoying to play against...pack mentality...maybe first game energy, maybe not...but these guys have to be annoying to play against...
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by llipgh2 »

Second period highlights. 1-0 Baby Pens. Trevor Smith unassisted. Tangradi fighting major.
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by llipgh2 »

All tied 1-1 in the third. Momentum swinging towards Binghamton.
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by llipgh2 »

Binghamton scores again 2-1. Binghamton taking over the game.
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by llipgh2 »

Baby Pens had a goal disallowed (Tangradi in the crease) in the last 2 minutes of the game. Binghamton wins 2-1.
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by mikey287 »

Didn't see the back-half of the 2nd, but the 3rd was a completely different game. Pens lost the energy they had it seemed, kinda burned it out a little and were little caught off-guard it seemed when Binghamton showed the tremendous skill that they have...Zibanejad, Silfverberg, Pageau, Hoffman, Petterson, they can all play...

Limited time down the stretch for Morrow (I'm not sure he even got to 10 or 12 minutes tonight), same for Grant who was out there late to generate fact, they scored in the last minute but Tangradi was all up in Lehner's kitchen rattling pots and pans, so they waved it off...

Tangradi showed a decent physical edge, trying to be a bully a little bit out there, throw his weight around. He played a fine game, he can't pass and he doesn't have anyone to pass to let's hope he can make the NHL team because I'm not sure how much of a help this will be for him...but I'm dismissing the skill level of an entire team after the first game of the I'm not sure if I'm thinking all that clearly to begin with...

Mormina and Samuelsson played a good amount of time...Despres also, who looked good all game...he joins in the offense on the pinch and keeps plays alive like he learned in Pittsburgh...he'll be a fine fit for the Pens if he's called upon, which he almost certainly will be...he'll understand our offense just fine...

Payerl is what I said he'd be...he needs to understand the speed of things still, but he'll be a fine role player down there...probably a little more upside than Sill...

That forecheck got away from us, the faceoff winning got away from us and the game got away from us there late...and then when we needed to make up a goal, it was evident we just didn't have the skill level to make it happen. Bennett is going to take a little bit to get going, he doesn't look very big on the ice either...Tangradi has some skill, but it's tough for him without a playmaker...but it's telling when you have the goalie pulled and your down 1 and the first guy that hops over the boards is Warren Peters that you're going to have issues with organic production...
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by meecrofilm »

Awesome, thanks for the thoughts Mikey.
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by tfrizz »

- Zatkoff has been tested a bit, mostly long shots. Terrific rebound control, just awesome. Moves well, looks composed, confident and ready to go. Might prove to be NHL-backup worthy this season. Lehner (the Sens goalie) has been brilliant and he's been under goodness has he been player on the rink for either side...
I had many Kings fans tell me that Zatkoff was "pretty much" ready for NHL backup duty last season, but was buried in the Kings' depth chart. Was very happy when the Pens picked him up.
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by mikey287 »

Yeah, I vouched for Zatkoff's abilities as well and was very happy when he was added to the organization. Quality keeper. I hope he shows his stuff so that another organization will take a flyer on him come free agent time...if it's not us, that is.
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by WWGRD »

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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by lemieuxReturns »

why can I not find any "standings" on the website?
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by mikey287 »

lemieuxReturns wrote:why can I not find any "standings" on the website?" onclick=";return false;
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Re: GDT: Wilkes-Barre vs. Binghamton - 10/13/12

Post by lemieuxReturns »

mikey287 wrote:
lemieuxReturns wrote:why can I not find any "standings" on the website?" onclick=";return false;

Thanks. Kind of sucks its not on their site somewhere though.