Box Office Wars aftermath

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Pavel Bure
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Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by Pavel Bure »

First off thanks for playing guys. Really crazy stuff.

To clear some things the highlanders were a totally original creation which is why I didn't instantly kill Hammer when he more or less quoted the PM. Sorry THG I know you were pissed but because of the nature of the role and it not being able to be found anywhere on the web I had to let it go. Additionally if I ever used that type of role again because it was so hard of a role to play I would make it that if they got the person they found lynched they would win the game as Kraftster had said.

There were many roles because of the lack of participation lately. I figured giving out some masons and some roles that really didn't do anything would keep people interested and actually participate.

Rel was an ineffective/impotent/drunken/etc. vig which means his bullets always missed because there were so many killing roles already in the game I made him inert but still had a role to keep participation

MWB as the paranoid cop got muddled instantly b/c he investigated Benny Fitz first and then Benny was blue. He investigated Kraftster next which put me in a bind because I forgot that Kraft's role was the Godfather which makes him immune to investigation but he still came back as "not town" to MWB which by that point already had doubts on his role.

The ninja survivor was really the coolest role in the game and unfortunately for Juice he got super busy at work cause all he had to do was stay alive to the end of the game to win.

NPV didn't know he was a traitor. If the town had nailed a red within the first 3 days NPV would have switched sides. If a red wasn't nailed within the first 3 days he was staying green.

The reds only had 3 people in this game with a chance to get 2 more. Although it was pretty difficult for them to pick up the other reds.

I did forget to give Hammer his role-block the last day and I was praying he was going to say anyone but Kraftster when I PM'd him about who he would have blocked, I was so happy when he said Rel. Whoops.
Now the role PMs
*I dropped the Lumburgh act because I've been pretty busy myself and a lot of the stuff couldn't be done in his voice*

Ninja/Survivor role, Juice - Maximus Decimus Meridius how's it goin? You are the “Ninja/Survivor” Your goal is to survive till the end of the game, you don't care if the good or bad guys win. Here's the fun parts, you bypass all night actions. This means if investigated you turn up town, if someone tries to kill you they fail, if insert any other night action, it takes no effect on you. The only way you can die is by getting lynched during the day. Another fun part? Starting the 3rd night you get to kill someone every other night. Your sword cannot be stopped by the doctor either. You will get to kill the 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc. nights. Bottom line if you want to win survive till the end of the game. Are you not entertained?

Cop, Gaucho – Oscar Madison how's it goin? You are the “Cop.” So I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to choose someone to investigate every night. Your results will be returned as either “town” or “not town.” Oh and I'm gonna have to go ahead and have you come in on Saturday to.

Doctor, Sam's Drunk Dog – Brisco County Jr. how's it goin? You are the “Doctor.” So I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to choose someone to protect each night. Whoever you choose will be protected from being killed at night. Oh and I'm gonna have to go ahead and have you come in on Saturday to.

Vig, relantel – Nick Charles how's it goin? You are the “Vigilante.” So I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to choose someone to kill every other night. Now Nick that means you can shoot someone nights 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. If you could go ahead and do that for me that'd be great.

Mason one, Shafnutz05 – Judge Doom how's it going? You are a “Mason.” And I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to work with your mason partner Crpl Klinger. You guys can discuss your TPS reports through PM as much as you would like. Oh and if you could go ahead and come in on Saturday that'd be great.

Mason one, Crpl Klinger – Iceman how's it goin? You are a member of the “MOB” and you are a “Mason.” I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to work with your mason partner Shafnutz05. You guys can discuss your TPS reports through PM as much as you would like, he does not know you are a bad guy. Your other mob members are NEWARENANOW and KRAFSTER Oh and if you could go ahead and come in on Saturday that'd be great.

JOAT(traitor), npv708 – Arthur. King of the Britons how's it going? You are the “Jack of all trades.” Now I don't have to tell you that this means you have 4 one shot abilities. You can kill, protect, investigate, and role-block. If you could only use one of those powers at a time that'd be great. Oh and I'm gonna have you go ahead and come in on Saturday mmmkay.

MOB, nan – Jimmy how's it going? You are a member of the MOB. Due to the cover sheets on your TPS reports you do not have any special abilities. I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to work with Crpl Klinger and Krafster who are also members of the MOB. If you could do that, that'd be great. Oh and Jimmy I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to come in on Saturday to.

Godfather, krafster – Mr. Durden how are you sir? The first rule of box office wars is you are the “Godfather.” Sir anytime Mr. Durden is investigated he will come up town sir. In Project Mayhem we have no names however you will be working with newarenanow and Crpl Klinger. In death we all have names and being red is being close to death. Anything you order is free of charge sir however I would recommend against the clam chowder.

Vengeful Townie, Loaf31 - President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho how's it going? You are the “vengeful townie.” So in the case you get lynched during the day I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to kill the person who cast the last vote on you. Just treat them like you would the copy machine here in the office. (In other words if you get lynched, the person who casts the deciding vote dies) Oh and I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to come in on Saturday, if you could do that, that'd be great.

Mason two, columbia – Travis Bickle how's it going? You are a “Mason.” And I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to work with your mason partner mac1511. You guys can discuss your TPS reports through PM as much as you would like. Oh and if you could go ahead and come in on Saturday that'd be great.

Mason two, mac1511 – Lloyd Christmas how's it going? You are a “Mason.” And I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to work with your mason partner columbia. You guys can discuss your TPS reports through PM as much as you would like. Oh and if you could go ahead and come in on Saturday that'd be great.

Paranoid Cop, MWB – Omar Little how's it goin? You are the “Cop.” So I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to choose someone to investigate every night. Your results will be returned as either “town” or “not town.” Oh and I'm gonna have to go ahead and have you come in on Saturday to.

Highlander Macleod, thehammer24 – Happy Gilmore how's it going? You are one of two “Highlanders.” You didn't know this but you are a distant member of the Macleod clan. Being a highlander means you cannot die. If you are lynched you get a write up and appear as a normal townie however the next day you are resurrected. If you are killed at night you get a write up the next day but are resurrected immediately. As with all Highlanders there can be only one, and because of that your goal is to hunt down The Kurgan and kill him.

To do this you will choose one player per night to investigate. Your results will come back as either “Not the Kurgan” or “You have found the Kurgan there can be only one!” As soon as you have found him your goal the next day is to get him lynched. If you do not get him lynched the day after finding him then you die at the end of the day. This is the only way a Highlander can be killed. Upon becoming the only Highlander left you will become town and gain the powers of a JOAT.

Highlander Kurgan, thehockeyguru - Andy Dufresne how's it going? You are one of two “Highlanders.” You didn't know this but you are a distant member of the Kurgan's bloodline. Being a highlander means you cannot die. If you are lynched you get a write up and appear as a normal townie however the next day you are resurrected. If you are killed at night you get a write up the next day but are resurrected immediately. As with all Highlanders there can be only one, and because of that your goal is to hunt down The last remaining member of the Macleod clan and kill him.

To do this you will choose one player per night to investigate. Your results will come back as either “Not Macleod” or “You have found Macleod there can be only one!” As soon as you have found him your goal the next day is to get him lynched. If you do not get him lynched the day after finding him then you die at the end of the day. This is the only way a Highlander can be killed. Upon becoming the only Highlander left you will become mob and gain the powers of a JOAT.

Night actions

Night 1

relantel, false vig – chooses redwill obviously fails
thehammer24, macleod – looks at MWB, not the Kurgan
sams drunk dog, doctor – protects himself
thehockeyguru, Kurgan – looks at npv, not MacLeod
MWB, paranoid cop – looks at Benny, comes back as “not town”
Gaucho, real cop – looks at Mac, comes back as “town”
Kraftster, Godfather – kills PFIDC, norm town

PFIDC – Normal townie


town lynches Benny Fitz normal townie


thehammer24 MacLeod – Looks at Loaf, not the kurgan
SDD doctor – protects himself
the hockey guru Kurgan – looks at mac, not MacLeod
Gaucho real cop – looks at SDD, he's town
MWB paranoid cop – looks at Kraftster comes back as not town
Kraftster godfather – kills npv JOAT traitor

Day 2

no majority, no death

Night 3

SDD doctor – protects himself
Gaucho real cop – looks at shad, comes back town
MWB paranoid cop – looks at redwill, comes back as not town
Rel false vig – saves his “kill” it doesn't matter
Thehockeyguru Kurgan – looks at Kraftster not Macleod
thehammer24 MacLoed – looks at Kraftster not Kurgan
Kraftster godfather – kills columbia, town mason
Juice ninja/survivor – kills canaan

Day 3

Town votes out Loaf, vengeful townie, SDD dies with him.

Night 4

Thehammer24 MacLeod – Looks at thehockeyguru, he's the Kurgan, there can be only 1!
Rel false vig – uses fake kill on thehockeyguru, fails
Gaucho real cop – looks at nan comes back “not town”
MWB paranoid cop – looks at Gaucho comes back as “not town”
Kraftster godfather – kills thehammer24, it doesn't work because he's a highlander
thehockeyguru Kurgan – looks at rel, not MacLeod

Day 4

town lynches THG

Night 5

thehammer24 formerly highlander now green JOAT – kills redwill
MWB paranoid cop – looks at shaf, “not town”
Gauch real cop – looks at slappy, he's town
rel false vig – shoots at slappy, he's a terrible aim
Juice ninja/survivor – kills nan
Kraftster godfather – kills willie kool thinking he's the cop LULZ

Day 5

Town lynches Mac town mason

Night 6

thehammer24, formerly MacLeod highlander, now town JOAT – protects himself
Gaucho real cop – sees Kraftster, comes back town because he's the Godfather
Kraftster godfather – kills MWB the paranoid cop
MWB paranoid cop – looks at slappy comes back as not town

Day 6

Town kills Juice the ninja survivor

Night 7

Gaucho real cop – looks at Klinger comes back as not town
Rel impotent vig – shoots at shaf, swing and a miss
Hammer former highlander MacLeod now JOAT – looks at Klinger comes back not town
Kraftster godfather – kills Gaucho

Day 7

town lynches Klinger mafia mason

Night 8

Hammer former MacLeod now JOAT – role blocks rel, has no effect
Kraftster godfather – kills slappy
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by TheHammer24 »

. . .

First off - really fun game. I loved it.

Second - Reds had HUGE advantage, which is fine. The village usually has the advantage. I just want people to back off on how it was so "obvious" to then who was whom. That **** pisses me off.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by TheHammer24 »

Also. If you nutcases would have beliefs me and lynched THG I could have continued the invincibility claim, not killed redwill, and protected gaucho!
Pavel Bure
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by Pavel Bure »

I don't think the reds had any more of an advantage in this game than any other. There were only 3 of them and none of them had any abilities save for Kraftster being the God Father.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by newarenanow »

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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by TheHammer24 »

Pavel Bure wrote:I don't think the reds had any more of an advantage in this game than any other. There were only 3 of them and none of them had any abilities save for Kraftster being the God Father.
The town had 0 powers, though. If The reds come back as town, then the seer is more or less worthless. Moreover, Klinger knew Shaf was blue and could confuse him, but Shaf thought Klinger was Blue even though he was red. Plus, the reds got 3 free days because they got a free Red if they lost any. Plus, the bomb took away a day phase. Plus Juice took away day phases and gave us something else the town had to do. Plus we had no vig.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by Pavel Bure »

I will say Hammer that you finding THG blew the game open and made people participate. Also I'm baffled that as soon as you guys saw a mason was killed you didn't call for his partner to out himself so you could have a confirmed role player. Not that Mac was around though.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by TheHammer24 »

Pavel Bure wrote:I will say Hammer that you finding THG blew the game open and made people participate. Also I'm baffled that as soon as you guys saw a mason was killed you didn't call for his partner to out himself so you could have a confirmed role player. Not that Mac was around though.
My role was super fun, Pavel. It was a huge addition to the game. I don't think I should have won outright. I kind of liked the symmetry. It was a really, really, really fun game. Imagine if I messed up, though? The town would have 0 powers, there would have been an extra red with powers, and the town would have had to spend the day killing THG.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by relantel »

great game. Agreed the Hammer outing blew open participation, a good thing.
Pavel Bure
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by Pavel Bure »

TheHammer24 wrote:
Pavel Bure wrote:I will say Hammer that you finding THG blew the game open and made people participate. Also I'm baffled that as soon as you guys saw a mason was killed you didn't call for his partner to out himself so you could have a confirmed role player. Not that Mac was around though.
My role was super fun, Pavel. It was a huge addition to the game. I don't think I should have won outright. I kind of liked the symmetry. It was a really, really, really fun game. Imagine if I messed up, though? The town would have 0 powers, there would have been an extra red with powers, and the town would have had to spend the day killing THG.
Yeah red JOATs don't get a kill but still would have given them a number. He was not happy I let you quote the PM. As for no powers, NPV was there but got killed, Gaucho actually got his investigations out, and as things did play out you got a red yourself. I'm surprised people forgot about the godfather role.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by TheHammer24 »

That's my problem -- I don't know all the roles yet. I would have killed Krafster -- I'm positive -- if I knew it existed. Was my first role claim quoting? That was in my own words. I honestly don't know the exact rules, I feel like every role claim did waht I did the first time.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by Gaucho »

Fun game and a great effort to motivate people to participate (although it shouldn't be necessary) :thumb:
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by TheHammer24 »

I had well over 100 posts this game I think.
Pavel Bure
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by Pavel Bure »

TheHammer24 wrote:I had well over 100 posts this game I think.
The stress you seemed under really came through in the posts.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by Gaucho »

Pavel Bure wrote:
TheHammer24 wrote:I had well over 100 posts this game I think.
The stress you seemed under really came through in the posts.
That's why I forgive Hammer for mocking me. :slug:
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by TheHammer24 »

Gaucho wrote:
Pavel Bure wrote:
TheHammer24 wrote:I had well over 100 posts this game I think.
The stress you seemed under really came through in the posts.
That's why I forgive Hammer for mocking me. :slug:
When did I mock you?

The comment of the game was "I think I'm going to foe Hammer" by MWB.

Great work Kraft. I will say that what carried the day for you was your ability to utterly control conversation every day. We needed Shaf to assert his typical self.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by Gaucho »

TheHammer24 wrote:
Gaucho wrote:
Pavel Bure wrote:
TheHammer24 wrote:I had well over 100 posts this game I think.
The stress you seemed under really came through in the posts.
That's why I forgive Hammer for mocking me. :slug:
When did I mock you?

The comment of the game was "I think I'm going to foe Hammer" by MWB.

Great work Kraft. I will say that what carried the day for you was your ability to utterly control conversation every day. We needed Shaf to assert his typical self.
You made fun of my "horrible investigatory skills". :wink:
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by Crpl_Klinger »

Great game Pavel... I thought Juice's role was incredible... I have to say as a red that wasn't under much suspicion I was far more afraid of the night phase than the day phase... it was crazy once other people started dying... a night with 3 kills was crazy. It definitely made us focus more on trying to identify who the other shooter was.

As a red, I loved the craziness that the Highlander role brought. It got us a day and more for the village to not really be concerned with who the reds were at all...

And I want to thank the village for continuing to let Kraftster live long enough for the see to protect him. Loved it!!!
Pavel Bure
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by Pavel Bure »

I also cannot believe Kraftster lived before Gaucho came out. I thought he was dead a couple times but the town veered off each time.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by TheHammer24 »

Pavel Bure wrote:I also cannot believe Kraftster lived before Gaucho came out. I thought he was dead a couple times but the town veered off each time.
Yeah. It was really he and I controlling the day conversation, and I kept quieting down because I feared people would think I was trying to win the game as an independent. Gaucho ironically saved his life.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by TheHammer24 »

Pavel, I think my role helped the reds too, as he could communicate on victory while I was left at the village's mercy. It would have been nice if I could talk to the Masons if I was successful.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by Gaucho »

What was the vote count on the non-kill day?
Pavel Bure
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by Pavel Bure »

TheHammer24 wrote:Pavel, I think my role helped the reds too, as he could communicate on victory while I was left at the village's mercy. It would have been nice if I could talk to the Masons if I was successful.
THG had no idea who the other reds were.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by TheHammer24 »

Pavel Bure wrote:
TheHammer24 wrote:Pavel, I think my role helped the reds too, as he could communicate on victory while I was left at the village's mercy. It would have been nice if I could talk to the Masons if I was successful.
THG had no idea who the other reds were.
My point is the reds should still be trying to kill me as would the village, while if THG won our battle, he the reds could validate his claim.
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Re: Box Office Wars aftermath

Post by MWB »

TheHammer24 wrote:. . .

First off - really fun game. I loved it.

Second - Reds had HUGE advantage, which is fine. The village usually has the advantage. I just want people to back off on how it was so "obvious" to then who was whom. That **** pisses me off.
I think you're overstating it. That last vote should have been kraftster. He was the one with the least amount of evidence on his side. People seemed to think shaf could be red when he was seen blue, but people didn't think the same about Kraft.

Great game Pavel, and great job by the reds.