Box Office Wars Game Thread

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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by Crpl_Klinger »

Guys... will be at a conference most of the weekend. Will try and check in periodically, but it's going to be sporadic. Hopefully we're razzing the final red tomorrow.
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by Juice »

Pavel Bure
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by Pavel Bure »

Alright Juicey dead, write up coming
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by Pavel Bure »

Maximus's life in box office warz was very similar to his life in Gladiator. He was an outcast from the beginning. And a survivor. He fought and he survived, he killed and he survived, like a ninja he stayed behind the scenes and moved through the game. He survived and he killed. But alas he couldn't last to the end, he couldn't overthrow the empire, he couldn't win the game out right. You see Maximus (Juice) was the ninja survivor. Nothing could affect him at night, he carried a sword, and if he would have made it to the end he would have won. Much like the movie though just when victory was in reach, just when he thought he could ride his horse to the legions and march into Rome the victor he was cut down, so close but so far away. In the end no one was entertained by how he turned out.

It is now night, RPs get me your stuff
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by Pavel Bure »

Still waiting on PMs
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by Pavel Bure »

Oscar knew his fate when he outted himself. He knew he didn't have long left. He had one last investigation. He used it. He had to get the results to somebody, he had to tell someone, he couldn't go out like this, he couldn't let this info not be known. But how, how could he do this? Oscar frantically was rifling through papers and other garbage in his unkept apartment. He was after all a mess without his other half to clean up after him. "Gotta find it, must find it." It was the only way he could let the town know what he found out. He was so caught up in looking through the garbage around him he didn't notice his door opened and someone entered. Oscar the real cop never would find what he was looking for and the town never would know the results of his final investigation.

Forgot this part

Judge Doom, we all saw what he did to the blue Benny Fitz early in the game. Well he was walking down the street and heard a gun shot ring out. He turned around just in time allow his toon vision see a bullet whiz by his leg and go into the street. It seems the shooter missed... again.

PFIDC - normal townie
Benny Fitz - normal townie
Npv708 - JOAT traitor
Columbia - town mason
Canaan - normal townie
Loaf31 - vengeful townie
SDD - doctor
thehockeyguru - Highlander Kurgan
redwill - normal town
willie kool - normal town
nan - normal mob
mac - town mason
MWB - Paranoid cop
Juice - Ninja Survivor
Gaucho Real Cop
3.relantel - Nick Charles
5.TheHammer24 - Happy Gilmore
11.slappybrown - Spicolli
12.shafnutz05 - Judge Doom
14.Krafster - Tyler Durden (the wussy one)
15.Crpl_Klinger - Iceman

Deadline noon 3/24

BTW 6 left, 4 to lynch

Deadline 10PM 3/25
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by relantel »

I'm thinking hammer's time has come.
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by TheHammer24 »

I used my protect two nights ago. I'll explain when not drink. I used my see last night. Klinger is not town; thus, Klinger and Shaf are our two reds.

Lynch Klinger.
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by Gaucho »

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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

I would strongly, strongly urge some deliberation here. I am 100% blue town mason. I cannot speak for the truthfulness of what hammer just posted, but I am solidly in the town.

If hammer is telling the truth, then we had to have bad one pair of masons that were legit, and one pair that had one from each side, like we've had in games before. Klinger told me that he really hoped I wasnt red in one of our most recent communications. Was that a ploy to deflect my suspicions away from him?

Going back to we STILL think he's telling the truth? We are now up to five green RPs...FWIW, Klinger was initially hesitant to to after rel, telling me that he was convinced rel was the vig. With rel coming out 20 minutes after the write up and saying its time to go after hammer...hmm.

It comes down to believing TH24.
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

If th24 is telling the truth, relantel and Klinger have to be the last two reds. That's a big if though
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by relantel »

It would seem the fewer # of reds would be offset by the independents and the weak greens. I get a shot every other night starting on night 1, but it is clear that those shots don't do a darn thing. Pretty weak yet still green.

There must be no more than 2 reds are the game would be over.

Hammer had previously said he had used his see two nights ago - which is it, Hammer?
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by relantel »

*are = or in the 2nd paragraphb.
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by relantel »

if there are two reds, this is the last phase if we don't get a red. if there is but 1, then we have some play room.
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by TheHammer24 »

I killed Redwill on my first night as a green. On my second night, I used a protect on myself. Here was my logic:

[*]I thought the reds would kill me because I was, at that point, the only green that we knew had powers. Thus, if I used my see, it would be worthless.
[*]If I used my protect, it would be successful, and it would help the village my eliminating a red kill.
[*]If I used my protect and they didn't kill me, I reasoned that I could convince them that I used my see on a blue and, like I did, convince everyone that I had a protect and role block left such that I could use the see last night.

Essentially, I felt using the protect on the second night was the best way to use my powers. It was dumb to drunk post that last night. In any event,

Klinger is not the town.

Lynch Klinger

You must kill either me or klinger, though. Killing me will confirm my story. Killing Kilnger will allow us to get to the end.

I think Shaf is making a last ditch effort to save himself. The Town Mason fake Town Mason story is bizarre, though nothing would surprise me this game.
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by TheHammer24 »

It comes down to believing TH24.
Yeah, it does. That's why you have to either kill me or kill Klinger. Either validates my story.
shafnutz05 wrote: If hammer is telling the truth, then we had to have bad one pair of masons that were legit, and one pair that had one from each side, like we've had in games before. Klinger told me that he really hoped I wasnt red in one of our most recent communications. Was that a ploy to deflect my suspicions away from him?
Sounds plausible. There was no recruit in any write up (that I saw), and Gaucho validated you as a green.
Going back to we STILL think he's telling the truth? We are now up to five green RPs...FWIW, Klinger was initially hesitant to to after rel, telling me that he was convinced rel was the vig. With rel coming out 20 minutes after the write up and saying its time to go after hammer...hmm.
Yeah. You're making me question Rel now. (I posted before I read your post). Although, Klinger seemed to join you in going after Rel when he could have finished the Juice bandwagon.
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by relantel »

I can razzy klinger. Worst case if we are wrong is the game is over, and we get out of the mess of a game. But the shaf/kinger mason claim rings hollow still.
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by Kraftster »

Here's how I see the situation -- we definitely have to be careful here. There are only two reasons for Hammer to lie:

Either Hammer (1) stayed purple with independent goals or (2) he turned red after completing his quest against thg.

If he's green he is telling the truth and if he stayed purple, this particular lie does him no good assuming there are 2 reds because it ends the game. Therefore, the only reason for Hammer to lie is if he went from purple to red.

The only evidence I see to suggest Hammer is red is to his use of his save (if he did actually use it) two nights ago. I think that was either a poor move or a red move. That said, everything else seems to point to Hammer's original story being truthful.

I've been slow to come around on rel but this is probably the most suspicious of him that I've been. I still think he's probably a powerless vig, but I don't like this comment at all.
relantel wrote:I can razzy klinger. Worst case if we are wrong is the game is over, and we get out of the mess of a game.
What scenario could be worse?
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by TheHammer24 »

Why was it a poor move? My logic was that I was the only green with powers. Therefore, the see would likely be worthless. I spelled it out; I figured it was best to pretend like I saw. Not being defensive out of anything but pride here.

Also, Krafster - to lend credence to me telling the truth, THG showed as the Krugan, who is the bad character in the Highlander. It would be strange to create a good-bad character battle and not have the one go good and the other go bad after the battle. Just another little piece of evidence.
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

For what it's worth, I was involved in a previous warz game where the mason I was working with was red. To add to that, relantel's insistence that my claim "rings hollow" makes me even more suspicious that he's bad. How is that an unlikely claim? If anything, I think it's more unlikely (in hindsight) that Pavel put two sets of blue masons in the game for no reason.

After the initial heat, it was just accepted that relantel was the vig and that was that. But come on....six green RPs? Really? I find that highly doubtful. And if Klinger turns out to be red, we HAVE to go after Relantel tomorrow.

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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by Kraftster »

TheHammer24 wrote:Why was it a poor move? My logic was that I was the only green with powers. Therefore, the see would likely be worthless. I spelled it out; I figured it was best to pretend like I saw. Not being defensive out of anything but pride here.

Also, Krafster - to lend credence to me telling the truth, THG showed as the Krugan, who is the bad character in the Highlander. It would be strange to create a good-bad character battle and not have the one go good and the other go bad after the battle. Just another little piece of evidence.
I always assumed that there had to be a real seer out there, and I guess I would have thought the protect would have been better saved for you. Perhaps I only see it that way because I was still having trouble totally believing you at the time so I wouldn't have seen you as a likely kill but if you were believed it would have made some sense I suppose.

Good reminder on THG's character name. A turn to red would seem unlikely then.

Lynch Klinger
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by Pavel Bure »

Vote limit reached. I'm on Mobil so no fancy write up. The town has killed Klinger the mafia mason night players get me you stuff
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by Pavel Bure »

The last day opens with Slappy a normal townie dead. 4 left, 3 to lynch.
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by Kraftster »

Well, the successful klinger kill would seem to come about as close as you can get to confirming Hammer, I'd say, right?
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Re: Box Office Wars Game Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

razzy Relantel

Zero doubt in my mind at this point.

1) So as it turns out, Klinger was indeed the Mafia mason. Now, for the sake of argument....why in the world would there be two Mafia masons? Whichever team is red typically communicates together anyway. It's not like being a blue or green where you don't know who your allies are. Pavel has used a lot of crazy roles in this game, and it doesn't surprise me that much that he did the red/blue mason thing.

2) The fact that Relantel immediately dismissed my claim as suspect further confirms my thought that he is red. There have been FIVE green RPs outed in this game. Yet he would have us to believe that he is somehow the sixth green RP. At the very best, he is an independent. But I highly doubt that.

3) For what it's worth, Klinger tried to pin Kraftster as a red in our discussions, so that makes me pretty convinced that Kraftster is still blue. I have zero reason to doubt hammer's claims at this point. If Kraftster is blue, I was the blue mason, and thehammer is now the green JOAT, it has to be relantel.