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Post by Kraftster »

shafnutz05 wrote:
MWB wrote:Kraftster has been very agreeable and just going with the flow.
Yeah, and this has stood out to me. Plus, hasn't he been playing for quite some time now? I thought he tried to claim to be "new" or something earlier.

I dunno. Just the fact bhaw was the only one who suspected Kraft, it makes bhaw's death that much better. It kills the only link to someone that suspected you. Obviously it's risky, but perhaps not as risky as letting that person live and continue to go after you.
Very risky considering -- way too risky a move for even the ballsiest baddie. There were three different bandwagons that could have gone to the finish line last round - Troy, ps87, and Gaucho. No one picked up on bhaw's vote of me, bhaw had no substance. About the only way to make that vote by bhaw be something to worry about if I were bad would be to arrange for the kill of bhaw. Seriously, it just does not make sense.

This kill is the most concrete thing I can identify as to how I picked up 5 votes in 2 pages of the game thread. It makes no sense. Again, I'd urge those of you who have voted for me who are not bad as well as those who have yet to vote to observe how quickly this vote took off on basically nothing but "suspicion". Some people can have suspicion and that's all it is, sure, but I would ask you to ponder how, if I've been so suspicious in this game, I could go from 1 throw away vote last day phase to 5 in 2 pages this day phase.
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Post by Kraftster »

NAN, I specifically want to direct a response to you as well because I like your compass the best right now. Malk and Shad are my two biggest suspects to be bad of those voting for me right now. Malk probably out front, Shad close behind. What's the rush that Malk apparently felt that made him feel he had to get a vote in right now? "IF I had to pick I'd go with Kraftster" or something like that. Well, Malk, you don't have to pick right now. We've got plenty of time here, so why the need to force a vote so quickly.

Shad I feel was reaching for reasons and was also quick to jump a ship that looked like it could pick up steam.

NAN, you grouped me as a concern because of my reaction to the columbia thing. I would try to quote some stuff here in this post but my lappy is still down and I am on the iPad. I am still really confused by the columbia "event" that you are referring to. You've referenced his post where he claimed to be blue -- just a regular town drunk. I'm still having a hard time making sense of the significance of this post. I got the sense that you read it as him saying "regular town drink" is blue so "town drink" wouldn't be green or something? Honestly, my "reaction to it" is one borne out of confusion. I still don't totally get the whole thing, so I'd ask that you keep that in mind when considering my reaction as compared with that of Malk or Shad, who I think deserve serious consideration on this day number 3.
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Post by newarenanow »

I don't know how I can explain it any further than I did during PM Gate a few pages back.

Although, sitting back and thinking, I think shad pushing the whole bhaw vote is a desperate grasp trying to get the focus on someone else. That vote to me was insignificant, and bhaw voted for a random "other" person the previous day too. He was blue, and really had nothing to go on. I don't know why he keeps pushing it. To me, if he was blue, he'd just let this vote ride, and if the heat got on him, explain what he was, etc. He is working very hard up front to focus on you.

What time is this vote supposed to end?
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Post by Kraftster »

Yeah, don't worry about trying to explain it again, I just want you to know that I'm confused about it all and that my posts on that topic should be read with that in mind.

I'd also like to know the time. I assume we have until sometime tomorrow morning, but I want to be sure.
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Post by MWB »

Kraftster wrote:So, why is the vote on me right now?

Honestly this is the most "fishy" "hunch" "suspicious" chatter I've heard in a long time that, at least as a review, is not really based on anything very concrete at all. The bhaw kill? Really?

At least we've identified a baddie or two. I guarantee you that one or two of the votes on me right now is red.

Can one of the ones carrying the Kraftster pitchforks explain the reasoning for the vote on me or what I did that is so fishy? I'll try to address it so that we can move on and look at one of the folks that has a vote on me right now.
My suspicion of you has nothing to do with bhaw. I've already said it has to do with your willingness to go along with pretty much anything. Is that concrete? Of course not. There's nothing concrete to go on right now. However, I know when I've been bad before I've worked the angle of trying to be agreeable and not stick out too much. And most hunches this early are going to be wrong. Does that mean we don't try to make hunches? No reason to just go with bandwagons when we've got something to work with, even if its slight. If you've got a better theory, I'm listening.
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Post by Kraftster »

I appreciate that we go on hunches plenty in the games, but to see a vote pick up steam that quickly on a bunch of hunches strikes me as odd. I think it'd be rare for four different people to have their own hunches or jump right on board with another's hunches, particularly where the target had no suspicion the prior day.

columbia, for example, had a hunch on doc emrick, but in a few minutes gets on board with a Kraftster vote when its based largely on speculation (and a very weak bhaw argument).

shaf/malk, late in the afternoon seemed to be in a serious hurry to get a vote out there for really no reason at all as far as I can tell.

I have at least theory that I know is better - not me.
I have two other theories that I like - Malk or Shaf.
And we could always look back at Troy Loney who had as many as five votes on him yesterday (today) but somehow shook all suspicion in the couple hours its been day 3.
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Post by MWB »

Nan and I both stated that when we went back and checked your posts from the previous day, they seemed off.... that would be part of the reason for there being heat today and not last day phase. PS87 (a claimed green) has also voted for you. The other two, shaf and columbia, I don't trust so much. So there could be something to your claim that there are one or two baddies jumping in to move things along. TL is still on my radar for sure as well. He stopped posting and the heat on him went away.
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Post by the errey i breathe »

Sorry I haven't been around much but I've had a lot of work stuff going on. I don't think I'll be able to follow this game much over the coming days so if I can be modkilled that might be for the best. Sorry, unexpected events with clients.

PS. I'm
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Post by Kraftster »

I just realized that Malk did not put a vote on me. So, I have five on me right now and Malk right there ready to go my way potentially. If I could get a blue or two, I'd feel a lot better about having a chance to discuss and talk this out tonight/tomorrow morning.

I am going to go ahead and Intoxicate Shaf.
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Post by MWB »

You've got one blue right here talking it out withb you.
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Post by shafnutz05 »

Kraft, I think I laid out my points earlier. You had no interest in voting for me until I suspected you, so I assume this is nothing more than an attempt to throw the vote back at me (which is understandable).

I also find it vaguely curious that the two "theories" you are trying to deflect the vote back to are myself and Malk, whom NAN also listed as top suspects earlier. I can't speak for Malk (he may be bad for all I know), but I'm nothing. I laid out a couple reasons to vote for you, that's more reasoning than most votes have had.
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Post by Kraftster »

MWB wrote:You've got one blue right here talking it out withb you.
I meant one or two "sobers"..
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Post by Kraftster »

shafnutz05 wrote:Kraft, I think I laid out my points earlier. You had no interest in voting for me until I suspected you, so I assume this is nothing more than an attempt to throw the vote back at me (which is understandable).

I also find it vaguely curious that the two "theories" you are trying to deflect the vote back to are myself and Malk, whom NAN also listed as top suspects earlier. I can't speak for Malk (he may be bad for all I know), but I'm nothing. I laid out a couple reasons to vote for you, that's more reasoning than most votes have had.
Admittedly, part of my decision to intoxicate you is probably based upon self interest. That being said, its more based upon my very strong belief that I have at least one red voting on me right now. I thought that Malk had voted for me, turns out he didn't. I felt that NAN and MWB had the most legitimately formulated suspicion against me, and I felt that your reason was a pretty big stretch.

I'm certainly not writing off columbia as a possible red, but I lean towards him being blue. That leaves ps87, who I tentatively believe is green. thus, I'm left with you.
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Post by shafnutz05 »

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm sure a red is voting for you right now (whether you are red, blue, or green)
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Post by beerman »

I saw a few people ask about the time, last write up was at 4 there probably won't be much more activity tonight so we'll have at least a few hours tomorrow. I'll tentatively put it at 11:30 am so that gives all morning.
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Post by beerman »

Vote Count:

5 - Kraft (shad, ps87, columbia, nan, mwb)
1 - doc (redwill)
1 - shad (kraft)
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Post by the wicked child »

I'm not sure at this point. ps87's claim seems to hold some water, for the time being anyway. I'm not 100% on him being green per se (I could easily see him being more of a neutral/independent like my bandwagonateer role in meme warz).

I'll have to think about this bowtie situation a bit more before deciding.
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Post by Kraftster »

the wicked child wrote:
I'll have to think about this bowtie situation a bit more before deciding.
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Post by Kraftster »

Unfortunately, its getting a bit to close to the deadline for my liking and I've got to be away from the thread while I drive in to work, so four votes could come in quick. I tried to do what I could last night to send the message without coming right out and saying it, but, I am green.

I am the Angel. (ibf "angel is easiest role to claim" blah blah). If you kill me, you kill your angel. I thought I could avoid coming out by just talking it through, but I can't take the chance. At least by making the claim now, if I'm not believed you guys can look at at least one of the people voting on me right now as well as those who jump on despite the claim.

The best I can do to give you a little bit of info to show that I am who I say I am (Okay, Denny Green?) is to tell you that I have reason to believe and also a little bit of a reason to be hesitant of believing ps87. His role seems a little unbelievable to me. I was given an opportunity to pick a number on one night so far this game. Not on every night, just one particular night. I assume perhaps all RPs got this one chance. It would strike me as odd that ps87's sole power is to just pick numbers when I, who have other powers, had that opportunity on one night. It means that ps87 clearly has some role in this game, it just makes me a little skeptical that he held something else back, or he's red.

Now, can we please focus on one of the five people voting for me right now?
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Post by columbia »

Let's hear what PS87 has to say.
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Post by columbia »

sober Kraftster
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Post by DocEmrick »

I'm blue, and I had the option to pick a number on the first night.

I thought it was just a mini-game related to beer pong.

lynch Krafster
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Post by Troy Loney »

columbia wrote:Let's hear what PS87 has to say.

I'm not in a place to push him, and i believe the details of his role that he's outlined. I just wonder if he's green and not an independent
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Post by Kraftster »

DocEmrick wrote:I'm blue, and I had the option to pick a number on the first night.

I thought it was just a mini-game related to beer pong.

lynch Krafster
Then you should be questioning him for the same reason that I was? How in the world does the fact that you picked a number on one night make you lynch me?

u red?
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Post by Troy Loney »


most of your posts are long....can you give a quick summation as to why you think we should target the people voting for you?