Balsille was at the game last night and was sitting in the

Forum for Pittsburgh Penguins-related messages.

Post by edog »

MarioLemieux1992 wrote:
edog wrote:
pfim wrote:
newarenanow wrote:
MarioLemieux1992 wrote:wrong :roll:

What do you mean wrong. Wrong that they didn't say it on Junker and Crowe, or wrong, because you still think it was JB.
Wrong because it wasn't Pierre McGuire.
Why wouldn't it be Pierre McGuire? He is bald & has glasses....& was there at the game.
he was between the benches! :roll: what did he do? climb over the glass and go upto the owners box to get hammered with mario??
He didn't stay there the entire time. I should know, I was at the game. Bob Errey does the same thing. They move around....