Forum for NHR "Wars" Games
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Post by Kraftster »

Welcome to the True Blood Wars post-game thread. Here is where you’ll find out all the answers to the questions you’ve had throughout the game. Did canaan really have two powers he could use on the same night? Was NAN really an independent who found his lost love to ascend to a “lovers” role?

Game MVP: canaan -- Him drawing the Sookie role, by far the most important role for the village, was a huge win in and of itself. Then he came out early (I thought perhaps too early) and he ended up being the most influential player in the game.

HM to MWB -- for not knowing the show, MWB really picked up a lot of subtle hints. I think he was the only one to pick up the different types of kills which seemed to influence group thinking quite a bit.

LVP: Baddies. Hamstrung by not having any show watchers among them, they were at an immediate disadvantage. Choosing to not make a couple early recruits proved very costly.

And with that, here we go:


Good - Sookie Stackhouse (Seer), Bill Compton (Angel), Eric Northman (Vig), PFIDC (JOAT)

Bad - Reverend Newlin (Seer), Maryann Forrester (Evil Killer), Russell Edgington (Evil Killer), Zarovich (Cooter - Russell’s minion)

Lost Souls - “Eggs” Benedict Tally (Maryann’s minion), Jason Stackhouse (after recruit by Newlin)

Selfish Souls (independents) - Rene Lenier (serial killer), Lorena K (non-traditional role)

Village - Sam Merlotte, Tara Thornton, Jason Stackhouse, Lafayette Reynolds, Lettie Mae Thornton, Hoyt Fortenberry, Jessica Hamby, Arlene Fowler, Terry Bellefleur, Alcide Herveaux


Sookie Stackhouse (canaan)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Sookie Stackhouse in True Blood Wars. You are the Bon Temps Seer. As the Seer, you can see one player’s identity each night. You are also part fairy with the power to channel energy to fend off foes. Your power will protect you from the first night or day attack against you. You are a very supernatural creature with other untapped powers as well.

Please PM me who you wish to see each night.
Additional Powers:
- Protect self against first day/night kill attempt
- Auto Protect Jason Stackhouse and learn identity if kill attempt made against him, if investigate Jason after recruited, converts Jason back to blue
- Protect Tara Thornton if viewed while blue, re-convert back to blue if viewed while recruited
- Re-convert Alcide if viewed after converted, get protection from Alcide if viewed while blue
- Immune from RL kill

Bill Compton (jwienand)

Role PM: I lost it. Angel role also saying that he loves Sookie Stackhouse more than anything. Also saying that as vampire is immune from first night kill.

Additional Powers:
- (Unknown to Bill) will protect Sookie Stackhouse at cost of his own life if an attack is made against Sookie and he is not already protecting her (at night), kills first voter against Sookie during the day

Eric Northman (MWB)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Eric Northman in True Blood Wars. You are the Bon Temps Vigilante. As the Vigilante, you can kill one player every night. You are also a vampire. As a vampire you have great speed and strength at night. If you choose not to use your kill, the kill will be lost. Your vampiric powers will protect you from the first night attack against you, during that night you will be occupied defending yourself and you will not be able to kill. Right now you are seeking to help the town of Bon Temps, but your past haunts you, and you face an eternal struggle between good and evil.

Please PM me who you wish to kill each nigh

Additional Powers:
- Protects Lafayette Reynolds from first kill attempt made against LR
- Can be recruited by Russell Edgington
- Will perform kill as directed by RE to prove loyalty if recruited by Russell Edgington
- Can choose to kill RE after random # of days between 3 and 5 (it came up 3 before the game), if kill RE can choose to return as vig or go independent and try to be only player standing with sookie stackhouse (and have ISK powers)

Andy Bellelfleur (PFIDC)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Detective/Sheriff Andy Bellefleur in True Blood Wars. You are the Bon Temps Jack of All Trades (JOAT). As the JOAT, you have three powers to be used as you see fit. You have one night of seeing power, one night of killing power, and one night of protection power.

Please PM me whether you wish to use any of your powers each night. (Even if you don’t intend to use any of your powers please let me know that.)

Jason Stackhouse (Kicksave)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Jason Stackhouse in True Blood Wars. You are a citizen of Bon Temps. You are not the smartest guy in the town, but you do have some currently untapped potential.

Additional Powers:
- Ascends to JOAT if PFIDC dies. One of three roles misfires when attempting to use.
- Can be recruited by Reverend Newlin, when recruited can carry out kills for RN on his action night, 50/50 chance of targeting the correct person or random person
- Becomes lost soul if recruited by RN, will stay recruited for random # of days between 3-5 (4 days came up)

Sam Merlotte (c2i)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Sam Merlotte in True Blood Wars. You are a citizen of Bon Temps. You are also a shapeshifter. Your shapeshifting powers will allow you to escape death one time (day or night). You also care for the town of Bon Temps dearly, and you can kill a citizen of your choice at any time (even mid-day), but that kill will come at the cost of your own life.

I will not wait for a PM from you during the night phase as you can indicate you wish to (suicide) kill another player at any time. Just PM me if you desire to use your suicide kill.

Tara Thornton (LITT)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Tara Thornton in True Blood Wars. You are a citizen of Bon Temps. You are easily influenced and often find yourself in trouble. Thankfully your best friend Sookie Stackhouse is usually there to bail you out. In your role as Tara, you should act irritable and angry.

Additional Powers:
- Can be recruited by Maryann Forrester
- Becomes lost soul if recruited and can perform kills for Maryann
- Remains lost soul until death of Maryann or investigation by Sookie

Lafayette Reynolds (redwill)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Lafayette Reynolds in True Blood Wars. You are the most flamboyant citizen of Bon Temps. In your role as Lafayette, you should act extremely cocky and talk as colorfully as possible. You are also the town drug dealer.

Additional Powers:
- Receives package of V on three nights between 3-12 (came up 4, 6, 11)
- LR can decide who to give V to. Two doses will be good, one will be bad (good, bad, good)
- V will protect against all kills attempts for next day and night except kills by MF
- Bad V will cause you to be silent for entire day phase

Lettie Mae Thornton (azkar)
Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Lettie Mae Thornton in True Blood Wars. You are a Bon Temps citizen. In your role as Lettie Mae, you should act crazy and occasionally say things that don’t make sense. You are extremely religious and hate vampires.

Additional Powers:
- Can be recruited by Rev. Newlin, will perform suicide kill for RN

Hoyt Fortenberry (loaf)
Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Hoyt Fortenberry in True Blood Wars. You are a Bon Temps citizen. You are deeply in love with young vampire Jessica Hamby.

Additional Powers:
- Will save Jessica Hamby at expense of own life

Jessica Hamby (beerman)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Jessica Hamby in True Blood Wars. You are a Bon Temps citizen and recently turned vampire. As a vampire you have great speed and strength at night. Your vampiric powers will protect you from the first night attack against you.

Arlene Fowler (crayz)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Arlene Fowler in True Blood Wars. You are a Bon Temps citizen.

Terry Bellefleur (Malk)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Terry Bellefleur in True Blood Wars. You are a Bon Temps citizen. You are deeply in love with Arlene Fowler.

Additional Powers:
- Will save Arlene at expense of own life
Alcide (Senka)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Alcide in True Blood Wars. You are a Bon Temps guest. You have a strong friendship with Sookie Stackhouse. You are a werewolf who rebels against his pack leader and master.

Additional Powers:
- Can be recruited by RE, will become lost soul and will perform kills for RE
- Will protect Sookie one time if Sookie investigates while good
- Will be reconverted by Sookie if investigated while converted

Russell Edgington (thg)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Russell Edgington in True Blood Wars. You are an Evil Killer. As an evil killer, you can direct your obedient werewolf, Cooter (Zarovich), to kill every other night (odd nights). You are also a vampire. As a vampire you have great speed and strength at night. Your vampiric powers will protect you from the first night attack against you, during that night you will be occupied defending yourself and will not be able to command Cooter to kill anyone else.
You are a very old vampire and in your years you have become very skilled at recruiting others to help you in your quest for domination and human subordination. You have the power to recruit players Eric Northman and Alcide. You have one chance to recruit Alcide, so use your recruit carefully. If you try to recruit the wrong person, you will not have another opportunity to recruit Alcide. You have two chances to recruit Eric Northman. Use your recruit efforts for Mr. Northman carefully. On nights where you attempt to recruit, you cannot command Cooter to kill (you can recruit on odd nights as well).
You are joined in your quest to spread evil throughout Bon Temps by Maryann Forrester (slappybrown), the other Evil Killer and her spellbound subject “Eggs” Benedict Tally, and Reverend Steve Newlin, the Evil Seer. You can communicate with Cooter, Maryann Forrester and Reverend Newlin. You may not communicate directly with Eggs or any recruits of Maryann Forrester, or with any recruits of Reverend Newlin.

Please PM me your action on odd nights.

Additional Powers:
- If minions reds have no kill power, can kill on his own on action night but will not be protected if still has one vamp night protect

Zarovich (Cooter)
Role PM: ongratulations, you've received the role of Cooter in True Blood Wars. You are an obedient werewolf who serves his master, Russell Edgington, an Evil Killer (thehockeyguru). Russell can command you to kill players on odd nights.

Maryann Forrester (slappy)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Maryann Forrester in True Blood Wars. You are an Evil Killer. As an evil killer, you can command your spellbound subject, “Eggs” Benedict Tally shafnutz05 to kill every other night (even nights). You are also a maenad. As a maenad you have strong powers of witchcraft and physical strength. Your powers will protect you during the first day phase in which you are voted by a majority.
You also are capable of spellbinding lost souls like Tara Thornton. You will have two chances to recruit Tara Thornton. If you try to recruit the wrong person both times, you will not have another opportunity to recruit Tara, so use your recruit power wisely. On nights where you attempt to recruit, you cannot command Eggs to kill (you can recruit on even nights as well).
You are joined in your quest to spread evil throughout Bon Temps by Russell Edgington (thehockeyguru), the other Evil Killer and his obedient werewolf, Cooter, and Reverend Steve Newlin (mac5155), the Evil Seer. You can communicate with Eggs, any of your recruits, Russell Edgington and Reverend Newlin. Right now, Eggs does not know your identity. You may not communicate directly with Cooter or any recruits of Russell Edgington, or with any recruits of Reverend Newlin

Additional Powers:
- Can choose to kill, protect, or recruit if RE dies and she has no minion. Cannot protect on consecutive nights
- Kill will not be stopped by V.
- Vampire kill attempt against MF will result in vamp death (and MF death).

Reverend Newlin (mac)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Reverend Steve Newlin in True Blood Wars. You are the Evil Seer. As the evil seer, you can see one player’s identity every other night (odd nights). You are also a religious zealot who hates vampires. There are those who are especially susceptible to your oration skills and the message that you preach. Two such individuals are Jason Stackhouse and Lettie Mae Thornton. You will have one chance to recruit Jason Stackhouse and one chance to recruit Lettie Mae Thornton. If you try to recruit the wrong person, you will not have another opportunity to recruit your desired target. On nights where you attempt to recruit, you cannot see the identity of another player.

You are joined in your quest to spread evil throughout Bon Temps by Russell Edgington (thehockeyguru), an Evil Killer and his obedient werewolf, Cooter, and Maryann Forrester (slappybrown), the other Evil Killer and her spellbound subject “Eggs” Benedict Tally. You can communicate with any of your recruits, Russell Edgington and Maryann Forrester. You may not communicate directly with Cooter or any recruits of Russell Edgington, or with Eggs or any recruits of Maryann Forrester.

Please PM me your action each odd night.

Additional Powers:
- Can kill on action night if MF and RE die
- LMT power is one suicide kill if recruited
- Jason Stackhouse will try to kill if recruited, 50/50 chance to kill right person vs. random person, will stay recruit 3-5 days

Lorena Kasiki (nan)

Role PM: Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Lorena Krasiki in True Blood Wars. You are an independent. You are also a vampire. As a vampire you have great speed and strength at night. Your vampiric powers will protect you from the first night attack made against you.

You are eternally tied to Bill Compton. As his maker, you share a great love for Bill. Your goal is to end the game alive with Bill Compton as the only other remaining survivor. You have no allegiance to right or wrong, having Bill to yourself is your sole goal. You are an outsider, not from Bon Temps. Since you are carefully lurking in the shadows trying to find Bill Compton, you will be immune from being killed during the first night and day phase.

Your connection with Bill, as his maker, has revealed to you that Bill is the Bon Temps Angel. You also know that your goal of surviving with Bill Compton will only be met if Bill’s love, Sookie Stackhouse, has been killed. Your many years on earth as a vampire have also given you other perception skills. At times this results in the ability to see the identity of others.

Should you ever think that you have identified Bill Compton, you will have the ability to kidnap Bill. You will have two opportunities to attempt to kidnap Bill. If you attempt to kidnap the wrong person with both of your kidnap attempts, you will not have the opportunity to kidnap Bill and the difficulty of your quest to be the only survivor with him will increase significantly. When Bill is kidnapped, he cannot act to protect anyone during the night phase, not even his love, Sookie Stackhouse. Bill will remain kidnapped during the next day phase, during which time you can choose whether Bill shall be permitted to talk or not. If you choose to allow Bill to talk, you can allow him to do so freely or you may dictate what he has to say. Be warned that if you dictate what Bill has to say, he will know your identity, while if you choose to keep him kidnapped, not allowing him to talk at all or allowing him to talk freely, he will not know your identity.

If you have successfully identified Bill and Sookie is killed, your task will be made much easier.

Please PM me as to whether you wish to make a kidnap attempt each night.

Additional Powers:
- If Bill has been identified and Sookie dies, becomes baddie, permanently kidnaps Bill and controls Bill’s power in addition to what he says

Rene Lenier (Troy Loney)

Congratulations, you’ve received the role of Renee Lenier in True Blood Wars. You are a selfish serial killer, an independent. You have mastered the art of murdering women without leaving a trace of evidence. Your goal is to see all women except for your love, Arlene Fowler, dead. You have a kill ability on even nights. Be careful, though, you are not so tidy when you kill men. You must also beware of Sookie Stackhouse, she has suspicions about you and will likely be impossible to kill. As a murderer you are skilled in stalking people. This may come in handy in identifying some of the Bon Temps citizens.

Please PM me on whether you wish to act each even night.

Additional Powers:
- If attempt to kill man evidence left behind (did not vote for person killed/did vote for person killed)
- Die if attempt to kill Sookie Stackhouse

Bah, I didn't have my game notes with me at work and I also have to run to a meeting. I will edit this with all of the actions later tonight.

Awesome game, guys. Had lots of fun modding. Can't wait to share some of the thoughts I had as this thing moved along.
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Post by Kicksave »

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Post by crayz »

Great, game, you did a LOT of work for this and it was one of the better games. I loved all of the chars and how they fit with the show.

eat it nan :D
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Post by newarenanow »

Yeah, definitely great job Kraftster.

A lot of thought and a lot of fun.

It was a very difficult game to play, but a ton of fun. I thought sookie (canaan) was never going to die.
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Post by beerman »

This game confused the **** out of me with all the characters. I wish I would've known what was going on more.
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Post by Kicksave »

crayz wrote:eat it nan :D
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Post by redwill »

Fun game.

Sorry I wasn't any help the last day, but I drank some of my own V. It was bad and I couldn't post on Day 6.

I gave good V to canaan earlier, but it was apparently bad luck that he was killed in a way that the V couldn't save him.
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Post by newarenanow »

crayz wrote:Great, game, you did a LOT of work for this and it was one of the better games. I loved all of the chars and how they fit with the show.

eat it nan :D
You were on me right away. It made me kind of nervous, but people ignored it at first.

Then when KS came out with his post and how the baddies worked, I knew it was only a matter of time before I was dead, because I had nothing to hide behind (potential recruits that were cleared as blue).

But when PFIDC came out as JOAT and didn't want to vote for me, I thought people would jump aboard his train to kill KS.

I knew I was dead once he showed up as blue, so I set a personal goal to get KS killed first. :D

That failed.
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Post by Kraftster »

Sorry to the non-show watchers, the role draws made knowledge of the show a bigger deal.
Also, anyone that hasn't watched going to stay watching like slappy ;pop:
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Post by newarenanow »

Kraftster wrote:Sorry to the non-show watchers, the role draws made knowledge of the show a bigger deal.
Also, anyone that hasn't watched going to stay watching like slappy ;pop:

Knowing the show, it was a blast.
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Post by slappybrown »

Kraftster wrote:Sorry to the non-show watchers, the role draws made knowledge of the show a bigger deal.
Also, anyone that hasn't watched going to stay watching like slappy ;pop:
I thought your game was great, but I think I will continue not watching homosexual vampire torture porn.
Letang Is The Truth
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Post by Letang Is The Truth »

kraftster huge props. lots of work went into this game. very well executed.
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Post by MWB »

Kraftster wrote:Sorry to the non-show watchers, the role draws made knowledge of the show a bigger deal.
Also, anyone that hasn't watched going to stay watching like slappy ;pop:
Even though I've never watched the show I still really enjoyed the game. Great job of modding. Didn't really feel like I was missing too much about the characters, but hard to say how much of an effect it had.

canaan was definitely MVP... the reason I went after slappy was because that's who he was pushing for. Otherwise I was going to go for beerman or loaf on my last night to get rid of someone quiet.
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Post by relantel »

bravo, kraftster - great game to read. Lots of nice twists in the roles.
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Post by redwill »

MWB wrote:canaan was definitely MVP... the reason I went after slappy was because that's who he was pushing for. Otherwise I was going to go for beerman or loaf on my last night to get rid of someone quiet.
Great job getting slappy. Sorry I thought you were an ISK like thg was saying. It just made perfect sense to me. :face:
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Post by count2infinity »

ks... i'd like partial credit for convincing people to vote for nan, lol.
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Post by MWB »

redwill wrote:
MWB wrote:canaan was definitely MVP... the reason I went after slappy was because that's who he was pushing for. Otherwise I was going to go for beerman or loaf on my last night to get rid of someone quiet.
Great job getting slappy. Sorry I thought you were an ISK like thg was saying. It just made perfect sense to me. :face:
I don't blame you. That's the thing with the vig role.... it's impossible to know if they're the vig or an isk. I knew I'd be killed soon, but was hoping I'd at least get one more kill in.
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Post by Kicksave »

count2infinity wrote:ks... i'd like partial credit for convincing people to vote for nan, lol.
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Post by crayz »

Kicksave wrote:
count2infinity wrote:ks... i'd like partial credit for convincing people to vote for nan, lol.
ahmm...... :pop:
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Post by thehockeyguru »

The fact that the seer was able to repel the first night attack was a huge blow to us. I had tried to kill Canaan on night 3 and it failed. This not only allowed him to make his findings public, but allowed the Angel to protect him in the future. If Canaan dies Night 3 this is a completely different game. Slappy used another kill night 4 which was again unsuccessful.

I also dont understand why Mac could only see every other night while Canaan was able to see every night. To me, the powers were heavily in favor of the Good RP's
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Post by jwienand »

Is the whambulance on it's way?
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Post by MWB »

It could have been balanced out some by recruits. For example, couldn't you have recruited me on night 3? My role was exposed at that time.
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Post by mac5155 »

MWB wrote:It could have been balanced out some by recruits. For example, couldn't you have recruited me on night 3? My role was exposed at that time.
there was no guarantee youd stay recruited tho. the game was a little unbalanced for the good guys IMO.

i also didnt like canaan saying his findings before the writeups but it never really hurt us
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Post by Kraftster »

Here's the game recap:

Night 1:

Canaan investigates Shafnutz.
PFIDC investigates Malkamaniac.
jwienand protects himself.
mac investigates Kicksave.
Kicksave is Jason Stackhouse.

Jason isn't the brightest citizen of Bon Temps. His lack of brains means that he's a pretty gullible fellow. You could probably recruit him to be a soldier for the Fellowship of the Sun, but there's no telling how long he'll stick around before he's on to his next thing. If you recruit Jason you could command him to kill on your action night and he'll do his best to do as you say.
thg directs Cooter to kill Malkamaniac
MWB no kill.
NAN no action.

Day 1:
Troy Loney voted to death.
10 - Troy Loney (Senka, Shafnutz05, newarenanow, slappybrown, canaan, Zarovich, mac5155, Loaf31, MWB, Letang Is The Truth, crayz)
2 - redwill (PensFanInDC, thehockeyguru)
1 - MWB (Kicksave)
1 - Azkar (redwill)

Night 2:
Canaan investigates Zarovich.
jweinand protects himself.
MWB kill Kicksave.
slappy directs Shaf to kill Senka.
Lorena nothing.

Canaan intervenes and saves Kicksave and finds out that Kicksave is Jason Stackhouse. Kicksave learns his sister, Sookie Stackhouse, saved his life.

Mod Notes:
Despite repeated comment, Kicksave did not learn that Eric Northman or MWB or even the vig had targeted him.

Day 2:
Azkar voted.
10 - Azkar (beerman, crayz, PFIDC, thg, NAN, MWB, KS, LITT, mac, Loaf)
2 - redwill (canaan, c2i)
3 - MWB (shaf, redwill, Zaro)

Mod notes:
MWB comes out as Eric Northman, vigilante
Kicksave comes out as Jason Stackhouse
I couldn't believe two of the guys the baddies would want to identify came out on Day 2!
Azkar hilariously posts:
Don't kill me! Just 'cause I raised a heathen child don't mean I'm bad!

Where's my alcohol?!
Night 3:
canaan investigates beerman. beerman is Jessica Hamby.
MWB no kill.
jwienand protects MWB.
thg directs Zarovich to kill canaan
canaan is told via PM that his fairy powers saved him, but its doubtful they'll work in the future.
mac investigates loaf31. loaf31 is Hoyt Fortenberry.
NAN nothing.

Mod notes: I had write ups ready for both recruits expecting the two evil actors to go that way. In retrospect, I understand they probably were feeling very good having ID'd two of the named potential recruits so early, so, I can understand putting off the recruits. If canaan hadn't come out the next day, this very well may have worked.

Day 3:
Zarovich is killed swiftly.

Mod notes:
Canaan comes out as Sookie Stackhouse and reveals a lot:
Shafnutz is "Eggs" Benedict Tally. I am to assume that he is in some grouping with Maryanne (?).

Kicksave is Jason Stackhouse. He wasn't lying about that.

Beerman is Jessica Hamby. While she is a newly-turned vamp in the show, beerman is just a regular Bon Temps resident.

Zarovich is Cooter. Cooter Coot is the leader of a biker gang called the "F U Crew."

canaan also lies and says "I'll only be around 2 more nights before the wolves are alerted that I can (and will) be drained for my light. Until then, I'll have seer & angel powers. After that, I am just a seer type (but i was told that i have some untapped powers that will come into play (maybe) when the time is appropriate." This almost backfires on Night 4.

Night 4:
canaan investigates c2i. c2i is Sam Merlotte.
MWB kills Shaf.
jweinand almost doesn't but ultimately does protect canaan.
not clearly sure if I need to but save Canaan
NAN no action.
slappy kills canaan. Canaan is saved by jwienand.
redwill gets a package of V.
Your supplier has given you a new shipment of 'V' (vampire blood). V is in high demand and basically acts as an instantaneous steroid -- giving one extra strength, perception, and endurance, with some strange side effects sometimes. You can choose to give the V to any character in the game. If you don't give it to someone right now, it will go bad and will be worthless.

Let me know if you want to give the V to someone and to whom want to give it to!
Day 4:
thg killed.
11 - thg (LITT, MWB, mac, PFIDC, KS, jw, NAN, redwill, crayz, c2i, beerman, slappy)
2 - MWB (thg, jw)

redwill gives the V to canaan.

Mod Notes:
jwienand comes out as the angel (pretty early, I thought), but he had the one night protection as a vampire, so, a calculated move I'm sure.

Night 5:
canaan elects to drink V. Its good stuff so he's protected for next day and night.
canaan investigates crayz. crayz is Arlene Fowler.
MWB no kill.
PFIDC protects self.
mac recruits Kicksave.
Congratulations, you've successfully recruited Jason Stackhouse to the Fellowship of the Sun! You convinced Jason to join your congregation by inviting him to a leadership conference. Jason is showing a lot of potential to eventually become a solider of the sun, but with Jason who knows how long before he'll be on to his next thing.

You can choose to direct Jason to kill for you on your action night (odd nights) and he'll do his best to follow your orders.

So long as Jason is a member of the Fellowship, he cannot discuss his conversion with the rest of the village. Jason will not know your identity unless you reveal it to him. You can talk with Jason if you so choose.
You've been recruited by the Fellowship of the Sun, Jason. You were invited to a leadership conference for members of the fellowship. You showed a lot of promise at the leadership conference and Reverend Newlin thinks you have a lot of potential to eventually become a solider of the sun.

So long as you remain a member of the Fellowship, you cannot discuss your conversion with the rest of the village, that would jeopardize the Fellowship's plans and you do not want to do that.
jwienand protects canaan. BUT...
NAN kidnaps jwienand
Congratulations! Your patience has paid off. You have successfully identified Bill Compton. You've successfully kidnapped Bill tonight. Bill will not be able to use his protect power tonight. Bill will remain your captive throughout the next day phase (Day 5). You must make the decision on whether Bill will be permitted to speak during Day 5. Again, you can prohibit him from speaking at all or you can allow him to speak freely -- in both of these scenarios, Bill will not know your identity. If you wish to dictate to Bill what he has to say, you can PM him directly, which will reveal your identity to him.

You can wait until the day phase begins to make your decision. Bill will be instructed to wait to hear from me before he speaks during the next day phase. Bill cannot reference being kidnapped while he is your captive, but he can do so when/if he is released.

Any questions let me know.
You have been kidnapped, Bill! You cannot protect anyone tonight. You are not sure who kidnapped you, but you feel a strong power being exerted over you. You will remain kidnapped during the next day phase as well. You may not discuss being kidnapped while you remain kidnapped. I will let you know when you are released.

Your captor also will determine whether you can speak during the next day phase. You may not speak during Day 5 (the next day phase) until I notify you that you are permitted to speak.
NAN decides to let jwienand to speak freely.
Your captor is permitting you to speak freely during Day 5. Remember, you cannot say anything about being kidnapped so long as you remain kidnapped (and you are kidnapped during Day 5).
Day 5:
mac voted out.
8 for mac (redwill, KS, PFIDC, LTT, slappy, MWB, loaf, canaan)

NAN takes heat and has votes against him and decides he might want to direct jwienand to speak.
Bill, as I said, you are still kidnapped. As of right now, your captor is allowing you to speak freely. Your captor may decide to direct you to say certain things today. If that occurs, you must obey and do what your captor instructs you to do. Your captor will direct you by PM'ing you what to say. You cannot discuss the game with your captor, you simply must do as your captor says.
NAN comes out with his "lovers" role claim. jw backs him up.

Night 6:
canaan investigates slappym but never finds out who he is.
MWB kills slappy.
slappy kills canaan.
PFIDC kills NAN.
jwienand protects canaan, but NAN kidnaps jw.
slappy attacks canaan and poisons him, canaan's V doesn't work on maenad poison and jw is kidnapped. MWB attacks slappy and kills him, but he dies too from maenad poison.
PFIDC fires at NAN, but NAN's one night vamp protection keeps him safe.

Day 6:
NAN becomes evil after the death of Sookie.
With the death of Sookie Stackhouse, you've permanently kidnapped Bill Compton!

You now control Bill and you can determine how he should use his protect power at night.

Your goal remains the same -- to end the game alive with Bill.

Bill will only speak when you direct him to.
Kicksave is released.
Kicksave posts a bunch of info that does NAN in.
Ok, this is what I know. I was recruited by mac yesterday. However, the initial write-up from Krafster didn't say who recruited me so I just kept going as planned. It had something to do with the fellowship of the sun and being recruited by Jason (whose name was in orange). Then it said that Rev. Newlin thinks I have a lot of potential to eventually become a soldier of the son. Being that it didn't tell me who the other baddies were, I figured I would just go according to my own plan because I didn't want to change too much. MWB went after me and I got more defensive than I wanted too, but I've never been recruited before so it was new ground for me.

After about 5 or so votes on mac, he ended up messaging me saying that he was the one that recruited me and he told me who the other red player was - slappy. He then told me that if he died, I wouldn't have any powers. Well, I didn't have any powers as it was and if I just suddenly switched from mac, that would have been really suspicious. After I saw slappy voting for mac, I figured I'd just stay the course and we would regroup at night. Then, after mac died, I was "released".

Now, since I didn't know mac was allowed to tell me this information, I figured I had information I was not supposed to have. Therefore, I told Kraftster I needed to be modkilled. Well, we went back and forth about the information and all I knew and the timeline in which I received the information and he said that mac knew the situation and was warned that I wasn't fully red (orange) and any information that he gave me could come back to haunt him. Well, when he was killed, I was released because the fellowship of the sun was disbanded and I am now blue again. This goes along with the "potential" I mentioned before.

Now, fortunately for the village and unfortunately for me, slappy was killed last night so nothing I can suggest is really of any importance except mac told me that slappy was the last red so from here on out, we are probably looking for an orange person. He said they were only able to recruit two people - me and Lettie Mae Thornton (azkar) who is dead.

NAN killed after much debate.
6 - NAN (crayz, KS, c2i, PFIDC, LTT, beerman)
1 - crayz NAN)
1 - KS (jw)



I think I got everything in there. Good game, guys.

also, most colors evarrrr in that post.
NHL Fourth Liner
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Post by Kraftster »

In a sense it was a perfect storm for the good rps/village. I think the game itself is not necessarily unbalanced -- I was worried it might be when I drew it up, but, I actually think it was very balanced after seeing things play out. I really think the baddies were hurt badly by having now True Blood watchers, and one of the most knowledgeable true blood people got the most powerful role in the game (which was most powerful by design). Beyond that, think about the other things that played right for village/greens:
Edgington attacked during day (was protected at night).
Slappy attacked at night (was protected during day).
canaan gets attacked at just the right time and had luck viewing shaf. MWB, who could have been recruited earlier, then able to kill shaf.

There's more too, but, it really fell the right way for the village.

I guess I went in planning for it to be "more difficult" for the baddies to win than the village/greens. Maybe its a personal thing, but, I just sort of envision that as being the way the games should be (and most times are) -- the deck is stacked a bit against the reds. That being said, the game was meant to be a bit different and the role players in general, were very strong with various protections etc.

Oh, and the other thing I think worth noting is that there was tons of protections out there for regular blue players too. This, I thought, could have caused a lot of misdirection among the village in terms of id'ing baddies. Somehow no attacks occurred where one of those autoprotects was used, which really allowed the village to isolate the baddies more easily.