Prison Warz - Post game

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Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Azkar »

That was a very interesting game, and a fun game to mod.

First and foremost were the purple players. Apart from TEIB they were all pro village, but their 'powers' could have helped or hurt the village.
  • Psychopath - Aggressive person. Leads out votes as often as possible. When targeted and lynched, takes down with him the person who led the vote on him. (Kraftster)
  • Prankster - In jail for a "fire in the hole" incident. Acts as a Jester, with much town confusion. Wins if he gets himself lynched. (teib)
  • Suicidal Maniac - Commits Suicide on night one. Is fed up with jail, and has found no other alternatives. :lol: (twc)
  • Swap Artist - Picks two names to swap roles for the night. (If one is killed and one is protected, etc, it switches.) [I told the gang he was purple, but he was always on the villages side, it turns out his powers were very helpful to the village] (THG)
  • Falsely Accused - Blamed for wrongdoings (comes up red if investigated). Pro Town. (kicksave)
The good roles:
  • Convicted Murderer - Vig. Given a knife every other day. (nan)
  • Undercover Cop - Seer. (canaan)
  • Niave Savior - Thinks he is a green Angel but has no powers.
  • The Gossip - Works through a hole in the wall. (Mason) but given the option of who he wants to talk to (narrowed down to 3 people) by drilling in one of 3 walls to establish connection. (slappy)
  • Dream Killers - Two villagers dream each night of who they want to kill. In the off-chance that their dreams match, that person dies. (Dagny and LITT) - We were not expecting them to go so early, so when Dagny died LITT became a nightmare killer. He had a LOW (but increasing) random chance to kill someone every day phase in his nightmare, and a 50% chance to die if he did kill someone (he had no control over this, but it only went off once)
The bad roles:
  • Gang Leader – You will come up blue to any investigations on you as long as you have other gang members around to protect you. (sdm)
  • Gang Eyes – You are the eyes of the gang. You can check on the loyalty of any other player in the game every night (you can see colors, not roles). (malka)
  • Gang Muscle – You can protect any player you want every night. There are no rules for consecutive protects. (mikeenike)
  • Gang snitch – Currently aligned as a gang member, but have the opportunity to tell the prison vig the identity of the last remaining gang member. MWB
    Recruit – Becomes the new leader if the other leader dies (slappy)

PMs (if interested)
Congrats on drawing a role in Prison Warz. Your role is that of the Psychopath. Please do not discuss your role with anyone. You play the role of an aggressive villager. You are to lead out votes on people as often as possible. You have a bomb attached to you and will take out the first person that voted for you when you get lynched. Why? You're a psychopath, and it doesn't seem to make much sense to me either.
Congrats on drawing a role in Prison Warz. Your role is that of the Convicted Murderer. You are green. You are the Dexter. Your job is to kill those around you. You will be given a new knife every other night to do your worst. This role parallels that of the vig. You are pro-regular inmates.
"You are the prison prankster. You are in jail for a Fire in the Hole accident:
You are trying for one thing and one thing only: Try to get yourself lynched. If you succeed in getting yourself lynched you will win with the winning faction at the end of the game.

Good luck and cause some mayhem.

Congrats on drawing a role in Prison Warz. Your role is that of the Suicidal Maniac. You commit suicide tonight. You have no alternatives. Your role calls for you to die. Do not discuss the role.

"Congrats on drawing a role in Prison Warz. Your role is that of the Swap Artist. You pick two names each night, swapping the actions that happen to them.

You pick Azkar and Senka.
The gang kills senka, and the angel protects Azkar, the vig shoots Azkar.
outcome: Senka got protection (swapped with azkar) and the Vig tries to kill him(swapped with azkar) - he lives. Azkar dies (from the gang).

Good luck. Please do not discuss your role. You are pro-regular inmates trying to kill the gang."

Congrats on drawing a role in Prison Warz. Your role is that of the Falsely Accused. You are falsely blamed for wrong doings. You must not discuss the role. You are pro-regular inmates. All you need to know is that you fuction as a regular villager. more will be explained to you later.

Congrats on drawing a role in Prison Warz. Your role is that of the Dream Killer. Each night you have a dream about someone you want to die. You PM us that name. You have a fellow Dream Killer somewhere else in jail, but you do not know who they are. If ever your two names match, that person will die in their sleep. Good luck.

Congrats on drawing a role in Prison Warz. Your role is that of the Role Blocker. You are pro-regular inmates. You have the ability to role block one name each night.

Congrats on drawing a role in Prison Warz. Your role is that of the Gossip. You work as a mason in jail. You know everything or atleast more than others because you have someone to talk to. You sit in your cell with 3 ways to drill in the wall. You can go Back, Left or Right. Depending on which way you chose to drill a hole, determines who your Gossip partner will be. Since drilling is not intantaneous, It takes one phase to drill. You will be permitted to PM this person the following night, if both of you are still alive. I will notify you of the person after you decide.

Congrats on drawing a role in Prison Warz. Your role is that of the Gossip's recipient. You work as a mason in jail. You know everything or atleast more than others because you have someone to talk to. You sit in your cell and have been hearing a drilling sound for the last phase. fortunately you answered and heard the voice of "X". You will be now be permitted to PM this person, if both of you are still alive.

Congrats on drawing a role in Prison Warz. Your role is that of the Undercover Cop. A man behind enemy lines. You have the skills and training to blend in with the rest. When you get a break each day, you are permitted to do some investigations. Your role parallels that of the Seer. Working behind the bars of your enemies. Its a dangerous world out there. You are pro-regular inmates.

Congrats on drawing a role in Prison Warz. Your role is that of the Savior. Your role parallels that of an Angel. You protect a name each night. There are no rules against consecutive nights of protection.

Hello prison scum. You are part of the prison gang. Your goal is to eliminate the regular inmates and gain control of the prison. If at any time you have an equal or greater number of gang members than the regular inmates, you will win!
You may talk through PM to any of your other gang members:
sdm5055 – Gang Leader – You will come up blue to any investigations on you as long as you have other gang members around to protect you.
Malkamaniac – Gang Eyes – You are the eyes of the gang. You can check on the loyalty of any other player in the game every night (you can see colors, not roles).
MikeEnIke – Gang Muscle – You can protect any player you want every night. There are no rules for consecutive protects.
MWB – Gang member – You are a member of the gang.
??? – Recruit – Becomes the new leader if the other leader dies
You have the ability to recruit a new member into the gang. You must use this recruit while the Gang Leader is still alive, if the leader dies you will lose this recruit.

Good luck.

You are The Snitch. You are currently aligned as a gang member, but have the opportunity to tell the prison vig the identity of the last remaining gang member. You may only do so if there are 2 gang members left, as well as the vig. In doing this you will end the game and win with the general population. In order to do this you may PM us any night that there are two gang members left and let us know.

Good luck…
Actions(click to make bigger):

There were some packages passed out.. not that many, I'm not going to post about them.

  • MVP = NAN
  • TEIB was cracking me up
  • Day 9 was crazy. THW swapped LITT and cup keeper. The gang killed Cup keeper which in turn killed LITT. LITT dreamkilled Jwienand, and died because of his nightmare(in turn killing cup keeper as they were swapped)
  • Slappy got recruited by the gang the first night... he wasn't intended to be a gang mason
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Kicksave »

I'm like Sidney Crosby. I should have been the MVP. :pop:
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Azkar »

Kicksave wrote:I'm like Sidney Crosby. I should have been the MVP. :pop:
What, you never show up in big games? :pop:
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Kicksave »

Don't hate the player.
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by MWB »

Fun game with some new twists. Definitely came down to nan and kicksave for the mvp. Snitch was a neat twist, but never would have used it.
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by thehockeyguru »

MWB wrote:Fun game with some new twists. Definitely came down to nan and kicksave for the mvp. Snitch was a neat twist, but never would have used it.

Good game Nan and Kicksave.

Way to get it right mac and zaro.
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Letang Is The Truth »

props to ks and nan. excellent game played.

ty to senkazkar

and about this role: i kinda got the shaft. after dags got voted out i was given a role where i had no control over that may kill any random person and in turn may kill me. even if i didnt want to use it one it, i still had to use it. there could have been a possibility that i would have killed green RPs if their roles had been made apparent because i couldnt control who i would kill. thought it was kinda lame. i was a lame duck RP. also did the odds of it working really increase as it went along? i made that up.
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by MWB »

Also, nice job by THG. Getting Malka on day 5 kinda broke open the floodgates.
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Letang Is The Truth »

Dream Killers - (he had no control over this, but it only went off once)
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Senka »

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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Senka »

oh. :face:
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Letang Is The Truth »

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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Senka »

Regardless, packages were Cake/File (break out and learn color of one player), pills (sleeping, short-breath [3 words max posts]. & Mac was unlynchable the night he said "I give up", and some people got rhyming/gif packages, unfortunately, the gif pack recipient (relantel) died that night.)

I had hope the dream killers would last longer than 0 days. It wouldve been a neat new twist. I also thought there were a lot of side roles in the game. We did not know how to color them. Masons are green by nature, but cant really help. We created the purple, since orange means 3rd faction. Purple was the in between roles. BUT there was no angel this game for the greens. Just SDD who thought he was. and the swap artist was a new one we introduced too. The dream killers was the one i thought up in the random head i have. atleast i think i did. or maybe i read it. but i dont think so... I had fun. I was evening duty and weekend duty. I didnt get as much action as I had hoped and sorry for the pauses. SDD didnt PM much at all. we had to ask if he wanted to protect himself again... and it was funny because his PM honestly meant nothing.

As writeups went, I tried the creative approach, but it died. Ive never been to prison, so i'm not sure what goes on there. haha I figured theres only so many things that could happen. Mod Kudo's to NAN and THG. Double kudos for THG staying alive so long! But the swap role became so powerful. we limited it halfway through. If its ever used again, i suggest a swap with yourself can not be done 2 consecutive nights. Its risky but its so deflecting. But for all the Green roles, none really helped strictly the green side but the seer... dream killers couldve hurt, swap artist couldve hurt, vig can always hurt, and masons are masons. I hope we added a somewhat new dimension to the game. I like to get as many people involved as I can. a game gets boring as a blue sometimes. So many PM's lead to longer nights though if people arent around... but it keep people in the game more IMO.

Thanks guys. I'm not modding again until atleast like november when i can actually be around at school at a computer all day. bad call on my part.
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by wallflower »

Senka wrote:since orange means 3rd faction.
Actually, I don't believe it does. Orange just happened to be the color twc chose for Dharma last game.
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by relantel »

It was a fun game. With all of the green classification, I really didn't give it a chance for there to have been two green RPs left when both LITT and THG were claiming it. I was right to believe LITT, but wrong to assume it was only him and not both. Yes, the vote for sdm at that point was near suicide, but to have caused the tie there, while temporarily self-preserving, might have led to the green death. It was a vote of convenience, as it was the only vote that wasn't LITT or myself that already had a vote cast, not of gut feeling on sdm. (Right for the wrong reasons)

I will say - I do prefer the games where you don't know how many roles there are, and you don't know for certain what roles there are. Even though it tripped me up when I thought for certain we had maxed out on "green" roles to that point based on the starting number of players. (I couldn't get anyone to vote for me the vote phase where I was safe... and the three word post limit is trying as mac found out when you are trying to lay out a rationale... I treated emoticons as one word each for the several that phase, until Azkar whispered me in chat telling me I could go back to normal)
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by redwill »

Senka wrote:unfortunately, the gif pack recipient (relantel) died that night.
That was me, I think.

Wild game. Very interesting new twists. Obviously well-balanced, at least as it turned out.

One thing I noted near the end was that people were assuming that if the red vs. non-red numbers were tied, the game would be over (non-reds couldn't get a majority and so the reds would win). However, I believe that in this game, the mods were settling ties with a random choice. Therefore, a red vs. non-red tie would NOT necessarily mean that the game was over.

A minor point, but I think players should pay more attention to the rules of any given game and play accordingly.
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Senka »

idk. i think your right.
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Senka »

Actually it was Red v. Non-red. Atleast that was my understanding the whole time. It was never tied at any point though. It was 1 red to like 6 nons... and at the end it was 2 v 1... had they lynched Mac or Zaro, Red would've won... ?? Did i miss something?

LITT was dancing on the line with discussing his PM. we made it clear not to talk about it. But for his case it was a tad different. At the time he spoke, it was no longer his role. soo i mean its kinda different. He was a nightmare killer. since his partner in crime (his PIC) died. haha
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by redwill »

Senka wrote:Actually it was Red v. Non-red. Atleast that was my understanding the whole time. It was never tied at any point though. It was 1 red to like 6 nons... and at the end it was 2 v 1... had they lynched Mac or Zaro, Red would've won... ?? Did i miss something?
I just thought that at one point in the game one of you mods said that ties would be decided by random choice. Maybe I'm wrong on that, but let's say that that was the case.

If that was the case, suppose that, say, mac had been shanked instead of sdm. That would have left a tie: 1 red vs. 1 blue. Zaro and sdm would vote for each other. A random choice after that tie MAY have killed sdm. The inmates (Zaro) would have won. Therefore, the reds would not automatically win in case of a tie. Right?
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Senka »

I woudlve called it game, win RED. and i wouldve argued it with Az lol.
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Zarovich »

Had mac been shanked instead of sdm, sdm would have killed me during the next phase. It would not have gotten down to a vote.
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Sam's Drunk Dog »

I apologize for not getting my PMs in earlier, but considering I had no power I don't feel too bad.

Having never played before I also didn't realize that there could be more than one vote during a day. I really don't have the time to monitor the game multiple times during the day and never would have signed up if I knew that was the case.
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Letang Is The Truth »

I was cavalier with mentioning of the RPs for several reasons. I thought if I could deflect heat from thg for as long as possible that would be beneficial. I also thought if I was mod killed it wouldn't be bad cuz my only power was an uncontrollable walking time bomb. And I didn't read I couldn't mention the PMs :popL:

And I don't think it should be bad to talk about PMs cuz it adds some strategy on bad guys to feign good but quoting PMs is bad
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Azkar »

Sam's Drunk Dog wrote:I apologize for not getting my PMs in earlier, but considering I had no power I don't feel too bad.

Having never played before I also didn't realize that there could be more than one vote during a day. I really don't have the time to monitor the game multiple times during the day and never would have signed up if I knew that was the case.
I think you did fine... the only night that took long was the night that you thought you sent in your PM but we didn't get it... it typically doesn't get to more than 1 day phase until a lot later in the game
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Re: Prison Warz - Post game

Post by Azkar »

Senka wrote:I woudlve called it game, win RED. and i wouldve argued it with Az lol.
Red would have won :p