History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

^ worded poorly... I'm guessing you haven't been around all game and all you can come up with is me.

Are you saying you trust zaro?
the wicked child
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by the wicked child »

The case against the mafia

First, let's go with the obvious. Here is a timeline of the previous day's events:

10:54PM - After suspecting bhaw for a couple days, the LITT killing leads me to vote for him.

10:58 PM - bhaw cuts out most of my post, but quotes only one small segment and basically questions my ability to play the game. (ooh, subtly trying to make people ignore me)

12:34AM - after NO PRESSURE WHATSOEVER bhaw claims to be the cop. He comes up with this cockamamy scheme where he knows redwill is red (well of course he knows), but was somehow blocked on nights 1 and 3... conveniently ignoring the fact that jaysmiter was blocked and killed that night.

<I have gone to bed so I can't respond. in the meantime, people start piling on>

12:58AM - bhaw makes the comment "the look on twc's face will be priceless either way since i'm basically putting a strong kill recommendation out there for him

twc - you're welcome!

That's not an odd thing to say at all.

6:29AM - Zarovich points out where bhaw was full of **** about being blocked on Night 3, the efforts of this kind soul save me from having to dig for this information myself.

8:16AM - I log on to find bhaw's BS and a mindless bandwagon against me.

Throughout the day, people blindly follow bhaw, and he does his best to discredit anything I say, going so far as to call what i am saying "stupid". Once again, working hard to discredit anything I say.

redwill gets voted out and what do you know... he is a regular mafia, jsut like bhaw said.

ZOMG! bhaw is teh COP!!!

Uh, no. Everyone was willing to jump on the NAN bandwagon because he "slipped up", yet when bhaw subtly pushed the vote off of NAN on Day 2, that was somehow not the same thing.

This reeks of SW3 when Pavel claimed to be the seer. The only difference is that Pavel didn't sacrifice a red player to do it. Oh, but bhaw wouldn't do that! Well, guess who once sold out one of his own to lie his way to victory in WW? (WWII if I am not mistaken)

bhaw is perhaps the most gifted liar here, but he isn't even doing a good job this time. He could have at least picked a day where jays wasn't blocked. He knows exactly what he is doing and he is leading the mafia to victory.


After this, I went back and read through the entire thread, looking specifically at each person's posts, even the dead ones. When you do this, it becomes very clear:

The Assassin has been converted.

"ZOMG! How do you know that?!"

Well, it's quite simple really. The first killing was Malkamaniac on Night 2, prior to the conversion. Not much to read there. The next 2 killings, however, are very telling... Hockeynut! and tfrizz... both of whom had run-ins with bhaw.

Combine this with kicksave and LITT being killed by the mafia and a pattern becomes very clear.

I'm pretty surprised that the assassin didn't kill me last night. It would have given them a good out because the mafia would be clear, but I would not be around to stir anything else up. Notice however there is nothing in teh writeup about the assassin being blocked... because he probably held his bullet.

So now I turn more attention to the LITT killing. That day, LITT started pressing hard to vote for bhaw. bhaw did not really address this himself.... However, PFIDC came flying in and started trying to cast doubt on LITT. He even went so far as to try to make people think LITT was the one converted.

Also during this time, slappy, who has been kinda laying low for a lot of the game comes in and posts this HUGE image that basically is saying LITT is on drugs.. further discrediting him. I avoided voting for any of them because I was taking evidence at this point and knew I was dead if I said anything.

It's not hard to see that everyone who fights with bhaw ends up dead, one way or another. I can only guess I am alive because it would be too obvious. If someone was framing bhaw, they would have killed me, no doubt.

bhaw, pfidc and slappybrown... but IMO bhaw is someone very important. If not the godfather, he has some ability they don't want to lose.
Troy Loney
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Troy Loney »

I don't understand the whole town rp got converted thing.

the game started with 5 mafia and 7 green rps. It says that a town rp got converted and there are now 4 mafia after killing two of them, but it still says that there are two town rps...if a town rp got killed, shouldnt that number be 1?
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

I call total bs on twc here. I know he's blue but he's blinded by something...

twc's voting pattern, along with ie and cup keeper is just as, if not more suspect than mine.

zarovich pulled the fake cop thing once as well. He doesn't mention any of them. He's only seeing what he wants to see.

I have fought with 3 people: slappy, tl, and corvi. I never fought with litt. That's something you've made up. the other 3 are still alive.

There is no way to know if the assassin was the one converted, but it either has to be him or the nurse (assuming those are both roles).

I think you basically stated it best here:
bhaw is perhaps the most gifted liar here, but he isn't even doing a good job this time.
When I lie in these games, I don't make mistakes.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Troy Loney »

lynch c2i

I went through the voting yesterday and the two people that had the worst voting records were TWC and c2i....i don't trust bhaw, i think he's either a regular mafia or a cop/seer now working with the mafia, but i think that he's telling the truth about crayz and twc being blue.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

If it makes things clearer, just kill me, but remember who is pushing to get me out of the game.

btw... twc isn't blue. I was blocked again, but i wanted to see how he reacted. he came out strong to get me out to protect himself IMO because if I died and I either had bad info or whatever, he would be safe for the rest of the game.

twc is not blue, but I don't know if he's red. i got no info again last night since the bad guys knew who i was, they could role block me. They can't role block me again the next night, so if you kill me now, we are potentially losing some info.

I also think the mafia went after senka b/c twc is right... the assassin was converted. They know there is a nurse out there that could potentially be protecting me, so they are doing what they can to take me out via the village where i can't be protected.

zarovich set me up, and twc is following through with it. don't ignore the fact that zaro faked being the cop once and twc's voting pattern is actually WORSE for protecting known mafia than mine is.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

I also highly suspect TL now.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

Troy Loney wrote:i don't trust bhaw, i think he's either a regular mafia or a cop/seer now working with the mafia, but i think that he's telling the truth about crayz and twc being blue.
this makes no sense. you don't trust me but you trust that crayz and twc are blue? I think you and twc are both bad and you used this line to help clear twc.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

My list (keep on hand for when i die)


cup keeper

I think at least 2 of the first 3 are bad, if not all 3. That leaves 2 in the 2nd group (possibly 3) and maybe one who I just haven't picked up on at all. but they are listed from top to bottom in order of suspicion at this poitn.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Troy Loney »

the game started with 7 green rp's. 5 of them are dead but the writeup still lists 2 green rps on it. If one of them got converted than there can only be two non mafia roles that are left. and if one got converted that would mean that either you or the vig got converted, and that are no nurses or anything left in the game..

Thats why i think there is a vig and you, and that you now work for the mafia.

***note to everyone who's not bhaw, I am blue and struggling to figure the remaining roles out...i think bhaw made a calculated move to come out when he did knowing that no one can expose him as a liar. He's using his skillz right now to get us to keep believing him even though the the mafia not killing him last night is a major red flag that cannot be ignored. I'm not going to lynch him, but i think we should ignore everything he says right now until we can get concrete evidence on him, but at the same time we can't follow him
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

Ok, so I explain it now... Why did I say twc was blue?

1. I was role blocked, so i had no information... this is what allowed me to set it up.
2. If twc is blue, i was right and the mafia is all :scared: about why their role block didn't work. If twc is indeed blue, he messed up what could have got them in a big cluster.
3. If twc is red, it would have made the mafia think I was getting bad info from the mods due to a role block, so they might have kept me around longer thinking I was going to keep getting bad info. In the meantime, I could maybe get 3 more nights of unbothered seeing.
4. I wanted to see how twc reacted to it since I didn't get anything at night and who backed him up.

Despite only getting a few minutes out of this, I think twc and tl have both proven to me that they are bad. tWc rushed out to continue to push the village on to me because if I died saying he was blue, he's in the clear the rest of the game. TL says he doesn't trust me but trusts that twc is blue... odd. I think more setting up twc to get through the game.

As I said, if it needs to be done, kill me this day round, you'll see I'm the cop then you can take my info and go with what you want. If we wait another day, I get another night to see as long as I don't die. If the angel protects me, the mafia can't kill me and either has to go after someone else or gamble that the angel didn't protect me and lose a night with no kill.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

Troy Loney wrote: ***note to everyone who's not bhaw, I am blue and struggling to figure the remaining roles out...i think bhaw made a calculated move to come out when he did knowing that no one can expose him as a liar. He's using his skillz right now to get us to keep believing him even though the the mafia not killing him last night is a major red flag that cannot be ignored. I'm not going to lynch him, but i think we should ignore everything he says right now until we can get concrete evidence on him, but at the same time we can't follow him
this is totally reasonable. come up with something on your own.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

the info i am putting out there is for after I die and you see i am green.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Troy Loney »

bhaw wrote:Ok, so I explain it now... Why did I say twc was blue?

1. I was role blocked, so i had no information... this is what allowed me to set it up.
2. If twc is blue, i was right and the mafia is all :scared: about why their role block didn't work. If twc is indeed blue, he messed up what could have got them in a big cluster.
3. If twc is red, it would have made the mafia think I was getting bad info from the mods due to a role block, so they might have kept me around longer thinking I was going to keep getting bad info. In the meantime, I could maybe get 3 more nights of unbothered seeing.
4. I wanted to see how twc reacted to it since I didn't get anything at night and who backed him up.

Despite only getting a few minutes out of this, I think twc and tl have both proven to me that they are bad. tWc rushed out to continue to push the village on to me because if I died saying he was blue, he's in the clear the rest of the game. TL says he doesn't trust me but trusts that twc is blue... odd. I think more setting up twc to get through the game.

As I said, if it needs to be done, kill me this day round, you'll see I'm the cop then you can take my info and go with what you want. If we wait another day, I get another night to see as long as I don't die. If the angel protects me, the mafia can't kill me and either has to go after someone else or gamble that the angel didn't protect me and lose a night with no kill.
I don't know why you did what you did with twc...i can't explain anything you do...all i know is that i don't trust you and that your calling people like crayz and twc blue because you know they arethat you are and your trying to persuade them and the rest of the villagers to trust you.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Troy Loney »

bhaw wrote:
Troy Loney wrote: ***note to everyone who's not bhaw, I am blue and struggling to figure the remaining roles out...i think bhaw made a calculated move to come out when he did knowing that no one can expose him as a liar. He's using his skillz right now to get us to keep believing him even though the the mafia not killing him last night is a major red flag that cannot be ignored. I'm not going to lynch him, but i think we should ignore everything he says right now until we can get concrete evidence on him, but at the same time we can't follow him
this is totally reasonable. come up with something on your own.
i did...i voted for count2infinity. I went through the first couple of days and found his and twc's voting to be the most suspicious, but now that you've brought up twc i dont want to go that direction....i don't know anything about twc....when you first cleared him i believe, but obviously now that you pulled that back i don't definitely think he's bad, but i think we should go another direction.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

bhaw wrote:
Troy Loney wrote: ***note to everyone who's not bhaw, I am blue and struggling to figure the remaining roles out...i think bhaw made a calculated move to come out when he did knowing that no one can expose him as a liar. He's using his skillz right now to get us to keep believing him even though the the mafia not killing him last night is a major red flag that cannot be ignored. I'm not going to lynch him, but i think we should ignore everything he says right now until we can get concrete evidence on him, but at the same time we can't follow him
this is totally reasonable. come up with something on your own.
also, don't translate this into "don't vote for anyone on bhaw's list." make a decision on your own whether it's on my list or not.

If TL is bad, I may have nailed a bunch of them and now he's trying to say "don't listen to bhaw" in order to keep people from voting for people I put on my list. He may also be trying to sound reasonable to defend himself later. AND he may use this in case someone does trust what i saw and votes for someone on that list, then next round he will be like "ZOMG! _____ voted for someone one bhaw's list! Why is he trusting him? Lynch them!"
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

Troy Loney wrote:
bhaw wrote:
Troy Loney wrote: ***note to everyone who's not bhaw, I am blue and struggling to figure the remaining roles out...i think bhaw made a calculated move to come out when he did knowing that no one can expose him as a liar. He's using his skillz right now to get us to keep believing him even though the the mafia not killing him last night is a major red flag that cannot be ignored. I'm not going to lynch him, but i think we should ignore everything he says right now until we can get concrete evidence on him, but at the same time we can't follow him
this is totally reasonable. come up with something on your own.
i did...i voted for count2infinity. I went through the first couple of days and found his and twc's voting to be the most suspicious, but now that you've brought up twc i dont want to go that direction....i don't know anything about twc....when you first cleared him i believe, but obviously now that you pulled that back i don't definitely think he's bad, but i think we should go another direction.
lol... ok... so you found twc the most suspicious but you won't vote for him? there's some major flawed thinking and pretty good proof you want to protect him for some reason. If i might be bad, couldn't I have said twc was good to make you not vote for him? if there's anyone not to trust it's someone who has said in the same page of this thread:

1. i don't trust bhaw but i think he's telling the truth on twc
2. twc was the most suspicious of anyone but i'm not voting for him

i'm not telling anyone to vote for you, but let's just make sure it's clear that you've said both of these things in a short time.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

^ and I don't suspect twc will jump all over any of that even though he can find minor things (that he has done himself) to try and turn the village on me for.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Troy Loney »

bhaw wrote:
bhaw wrote:
Troy Loney wrote: ***note to everyone who's not bhaw, I am blue and struggling to figure the remaining roles out...i think bhaw made a calculated move to come out when he did knowing that no one can expose him as a liar. He's using his skillz right now to get us to keep believing him even though the the mafia not killing him last night is a major red flag that cannot be ignored. I'm not going to lynch him, but i think we should ignore everything he says right now until we can get concrete evidence on him, but at the same time we can't follow him
this is totally reasonable. come up with something on your own.
also, don't translate this into "don't vote for anyone on bhaw's list." make a decision on your own whether it's on my list or not.

If TL is bad, I may have nailed a bunch of them and now he's trying to say "don't listen to bhaw" in order to keep people from voting for people I put on my list. He may also be trying to sound reasonable to defend himself later. AND he may use this in case someone does trust what i saw and votes for someone on that list, then next round he will be like "ZOMG! _____ voted for someone one bhaw's list! Why is he trusting him? Lynch them!"
if the mafia are doing what you say they are doing than me coming out like this would be the stupidest move by a mafia in the history of these lgp mafia games....the only explanation would be for us both being bad, which i know isnt the case.

I just want everyone to refrain from following you because right now (this vote) you can't really help us if your good, but you can really hurt us if your bad.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by the wicked child »

I've done my homework. I am less sure on the other 2 names, but one is very clear.

lynch bhaw

read the thread and decide for yourself.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

twc is either bad or one of the worst villagers ever. if you need to kill me to see that, go ahead.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Troy Loney »

unlynch c2i

lynch bhaw

i like the twc argument and i've also been very suspicious of slappy and pfidc (especially with his posts during the redwill vote, defintely designed dumbfoundness)

bhaw came out right after the writeup ready to pounce cause he knew he had lots of explaining to do....his attempt at explaining some things about a nurse or something is completely impossible considering the number of roles remaining with the definite presence of a vig.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

yeah, you have a great argument as well... the game started with 8 good rps. try reading. and again, using an argument that i had something ready to go (which I didn't) when twc had a huge write up with times, etc about me waiting and ready. he had that ready to go since before the night was over to have times and quotes. So regardless of what info I had, he was going to come out guns blazing on me. Even if I had a bad guy he was going to try and take me out.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

Hopefully people are realizing that all the people trying to take out the cop are using arguments that they, themselves are guilty of. twc saying I defended nan when he kept his votes away from nan and outright said that he wouldn't vote for redwill when I tried throwing him out there the day after I discovered him.

TL is trying to confuse the village by saying there are less rps than there are. I doubt he can't count to 8, so he's voting for me b/c my claim that there is another rp out there is crazy when it's true. there were 8 rps to start so there likely is a nurse out there.

Zarovich saying that I'm lying about being the cop when he tried using it first.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Troy Loney »

bhaw wrote:yeah, you have a great argument as well... the game started with 8 good rps. try reading. and again, using an argument that i had something ready to go (which I didn't) when twc had a huge write up with times, etc about me waiting and ready. he had that ready to go since before the night was over to have times and quotes. So regardless of what info I had, he was going to come out guns blazing on me. Even if I had a bad guy he was going to try and take me out.

:face: myself. i didn't see it on the first writeup and forgot that a rp got killed in the first night

unlynch bhaw

that was literally the basis for most of everthing i wrote the past couple of pages.