History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

Corvidae wrote:sigh, lets try this again...

Unlynch IE, lynch TWC

My recommendations for research are Zaro and cupkeeper, and we just lynch IE next.
I'll put that in the memory bank.

I could either be mvp if I'm right or lvp if all those people i listed are good and slappy, tw, and senka are bad :lol:
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

the look on twc's face will be priceless either way since i'm basically putting a strong kill recommendation out there for him :pop:

twc - you're welcome!
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Corvidae »

bhaw wrote:I also want to heavily suggest people go back and reread (or just skim b/c who wants to read 52 pages) the thread and make their own determinations based off of my info and who has been good that has died so far. Obviously these are my opinions and I can't say i know for sure.

slappy also appeared to be good, but I forgot to mention him. That's based on who and when he voted.

I also think the bad guys worked out the nan coming out so most of them were already on nan prior to him saying he was bad. That's my theory on that. IE just wasn't around and threw in the extra nan vote after it was determined to help clear herself.
Actually, if you look at it, I think he threw himself out there to detract votes from Red, since he knew one of them would go. But then again, you'd think they'd want to keep NAN over Red since NAN was a Bad Cop.

The main reason I say IE next is because you and Senka have her listed. Senka also tagged Red so I'm feeling that he's probably good.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by cup keeper »

Ok, bhaw I'll go with you on this. unlynch redwill lynch twc

I'd like to believe you unconditionally but I've played this game enough to know that manipulation is the key to success for the mafia so you better not be toying with us.

For your consideration as far as my standing I've never been this active in any game because I have been red so many times that I didn't want to make a mis-step and get voted off. I'm just a regular this time so i feel more comfortable throwing more stuff out there.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

Corvidae wrote:
bhaw wrote:I also want to heavily suggest people go back and reread (or just skim b/c who wants to read 52 pages) the thread and make their own determinations based off of my info and who has been good that has died so far. Obviously these are my opinions and I can't say i know for sure.

slappy also appeared to be good, but I forgot to mention him. That's based on who and when he voted.

I also think the bad guys worked out the nan coming out so most of them were already on nan prior to him saying he was bad. That's my theory on that. IE just wasn't around and threw in the extra nan vote after it was determined to help clear herself.
Actually, if you look at it, I think he threw himself out there to detract votes from Red, since he knew one of them would go. But then again, you'd think they'd want to keep NAN over Red since NAN was a Bad Cop.

The main reason I say IE next is because you and Senka have her listed. Senka also tagged Red so I'm feeling that he's probably good.
I agree... i would have listed twc in my top 3 as well, but i was undecided on whether to come out, so I didn't want to align 100% with senka since people were still on him.

I think NAN really had to stop playing b/c of his eye thing, so he sacrificed himself to save redwill (and possibly npv who was pretty close that round too).
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

cup keeper wrote:Ok, bhaw I'll go with you on this. unlynch redwill lynch twc

I'd like to believe you unconditionally but I've played this game enough to know that manipulation is the key to success for the mafia so you better not be toying with us.

For your consideration as far as my standing I've never been this active in any game because I have been red so many times that I didn't want to make a mis-step and get voted off. I'm just a regular this time so i feel more comfortable throwing more stuff out there.
well you'll know about me soon anyways -

if twc is red, I was right and you can get redwill next round
i'm going to die tonight - either that or I'll be protected and there will be no kill b/c the mafia will have tried to kill me and failed (lulz) - and if that's the case i'll have more info (possibly on you) to help prove myself.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

also, this is why i'm encouraging people to re-skim the thread so they can make their own conclusions. if you think i'm still full of it after that, by all means vote for me then follow my advice when i come up as the cop.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Corvidae »

bhaw wrote:I think NAN really had to stop playing b/c of his eye thing, so he sacrificed himself to save redwill (and possibly npv who was pretty close that round too).
Kind of makes me feel bad for voting to Blind NAN in the Hollywood Wars Spectator thread...

Anywho, I'm just don't know about NPV anymore. At first I thought "meh, nothing sticks out" then when he went nuts on MWB I thought "probably good," but now I'm not so sure. It would have to be one hell of an act if he were a bad guy, but I'd still move him up the research ladder behind Zaro.

And as for you, obviously, if you're playing fake Seer again, we'll know once Red is dead. You most certainly aren't the Bad Seer since that was NAN, and even if you were, you guys would just kill TWC at Night.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

oh, I almost forgot - I was told at the beginning I have another power that will be revealed to me when the time comes. I would assume it has to do with being able to talk to the vig or canaan if i researched them and found out their role, but I don't know for sure. hopefully it wasn't something like "if you post the number 7 in a thread title in the pens related section, you learn all the mafia's identities."
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

here is why cup keeper was on my list beyond his votes: when nan was going down in flames, he threw out a cup keeper vote out of nowhere. A strategy the bad guys use to make people think "well, if nan was bad and he voted for him, he must be good." Then, as soon as the sdm vote picked up steam, he retracted the cup keeper vote and went to sdm. nothing concrete, but it's there. but that's why he's on the 2nd tier of suspects.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

he also pushed to keep votes off redwill. I don't remember what he did during the nan votes.

TL was the first one to act on the sdm vote... possibly he saw an out for nan when i threw out the quiet people strategy. he also had a voting pattern that was suspect.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Corvidae »

bhaw wrote:oh, I almost forgot - I was told at the beginning I have another power that will be revealed to me when the time comes. I would assume it has to do with being able to talk to the vig or canaan if i researched them and found out their role, but I don't know for sure. hopefully it wasn't something like "if you post the number 7 in a thread title in the pens related section, you learn all the mafia's identities."
I have a small idea of what it is but I'll keep it to myself for now. I don't think they can kill you...
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Senka »

heres my ideas... i think cup keeper is making an obvious push for being red. its just like too obvious? idk. but leaving redwill makes complete sense...

twc im not sure about but i had that hunch. IE only because she said "oh i WOULDVE switched" after it was too late for nan. but thats about all i had to go on...

as far as your mvp, lvp goes, im not red. so id go with an mvp if it pans out. and for the record. i do agree with the whole ck. I actually had a huge question mark on LITT as well, but i was clearly wrong there :[
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Senka »

and heres the thing -- sometimes if we just follow the GREEN person its not always for the best. people vote with who they can trust. I know in previous games, people have just climbed on board with you and never defyed you. All im saying is if someone DOES have something to say, say it. I just happen to agree with the IE/twc idea... and the ck one def grows on me. but again, dont just follow bhaw on this basis... (unless hes down with the mvp/lvp title) lol I was always all about the "follow me"... but it sucks when you're wrong lol.

Im on board tho (atleast for now)
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Twisted Wrister »

Well GL bhaw,

Unlynch TL

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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Zarovich »

bhaw wrote:Ok, let's get some confusion out of the air. I can't help much, but i think I can get us pointed in the right track.

I am the cop.

redwill is a regular mafia guy. i researched him and he's bad.

leave crayz alone, he's cool.

unfortunately the bad guys or the village have killed my other research targets, so I can't tell you anything else. I was blocked on night 1 and night 3. Night 2 I researched dagny, but she died the same night. I researched night 4 redwill, night 5 litt, night 6 crayz.

I just went back through the thread and even though this means i will likely die (if we still have an angel player, please protect me tonight!!!!)

IE and twc are pretty high suspects on the bad side. I didn't research them, but if you go back and vote knowing who is good and bad based on what i say, it is very obvious that they are trying to protect players like nan and redwill until they have to make the switch.

I'd say cup keeper and TL are decent next candidates and you can throw npv in there, although I think he's just a terrible villager.

i know people would keep going back and forth with me, and I was super confrontational because I figured the mafia would assume i'm just a normal villager and the seer is laying back.

2 options: if you believe me, redwill doesn't have any special powers, so leave him be and go for IE or twc today to see if we catch a role blocker or something else. if you don't believe me, take out redwill for proof, i will likely die at night, and then go for twc and ie. I'd also suggest taking a look at the thread knowing this is was the order i knew things:

night 1 - I was blocked
night 2 - i saw dagny was a mason but she died the same night
night 3 - I was blocked (this is why I think redwill was discovered by canaan - I think we had to alternate nights until he died, now I can see every night... either that or role blockers really didn't like me and someone from the dead gallery threw a nice turd at the wall that stuck)
night 4 - redwill is a normal mafia
night 5 - Litt is good (after the conversion, so he wasn't converted)
night 6 - crayz is good

Again, if we still have an angel, please protect me after this day phase!!!!

I really hope I'm right with twc and IE, but knowing nan and redwill are bad, their voting pattern and their comments are pretty damning.

TW cleared himself pretty well b/c he jumped on nan and redwill both early. I think, if I'm right, senka is good.

just remember:

definite - redwill
almost definite - twc and ie
really good feeling - cup keeper, tl, and/or npv

if you guys can even get 1 other than redwill out of that list, I think you'll do fine.
The write-up was pretty clear on night 3 that Jaysmiter was blocked and killed by the mafia on night 3. I could be wrong but I call shenanigans and I am sticking with TL this day.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Zarovich »

mac5155 wrote:Night had fallen over the village of is history but there was much activity on the Morse code.

The mafia had snuck out to go for a kill. They traveled far and wide until they came across an individual wearing red. The mafia tied him to a chair and knocked him out.
jaysmiter - Joseph Stalin
...was defenseless. He could not be protected!! Someone had disabled his powers! Onoez!
When the village awoke to find Stalin, the lapel on the inside of his trenchcoat read
jaysmiter - Joseph Stalin
Still alive:

1. count2infinity - Benedict Arnold
2. slappybrown - Helen Herron Taft
3. npv708 - Aaron Burr
4. IrishEyes - Calamity Jane
5. Troy Loney - JP Morgan
6. Hockeynut! - Sitting Bull
7. relantel - John Adams
8. MWB - Robert E. Lee
9. Twisted Wrister - John F. Kennedy
10. Zarovich - Ben Franklin
12. crayz - Henry Ford
13. Kicksave - Andrew Carnegie
15. Corvidae - Richard Nixon
16. Redwill - Emperor Pedro II of Brazil
19. bhaw - Jesse James
20. cupkeeper - Robert Morris
21. tfrizz - Al Capone
22. PensFanInDC - George Patton
23. Senka - Joseph Schantz
26. the wicked child - George Washington
27. Azkar - Betsy Ross
28. LetangIsTheTruth - Jonas Salk
29. newarenanow - John Hancock

There are now:
5 Mafia Members
4 Town RPs
14 Townies

In the encyclopedia with two dates:

canaan - George Washington Carver - TOWN DEUPTY killed by the Mafia on Night 1.
thehockeyguru - Ferdinand Magellan - regular Townie lynched on his boat on day 1.
Dagny – Pocahontas – Mason killed by the Mafia on Night 2
Malkamaniac – Abe Lincoln - Regular Townie killed by the Assassin on Night 2
sdm5055 - Franklin D Roosevelt - Mason lyched by the Townies on Day 2
jaysmiter - Joseph Stalin -TOWN DOCTOR bound and killed by the Mafia on night 3

With 23 alive it takes 12 to lynch

EDIT - :scared:
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Zarovich »

Just sayin'
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Troy Loney »

lynch twc

I don't get how LITT dying makes me a suspect...
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by beerman »

twc - 5
troy - 2
senka - 2
bhaw - 1
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by count2infinity »

i'll let one more vote off TWC and i'll jump on in case he's a bomb... i haven't been right on anyone thus far (of course npv and senka have yet to die, so i don't know about them) and i'm just a regular, so i'd rather it be me than anyone else.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by the wicked child »

I am just a regular townie.

I don't trust bhaw. He claimed to be the Cop with ZERO pressure on him, and claimed to be blocked on a night that our Doctor was blocked and killed. Unless there is a JOAT out there that just happened to block Jays that night, it makes no sense.

Draw you own conclusions though.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Troy Loney »

unlynch twc

lynch redwill

I'm not going along with this....i say we kill redwill and find out for sure instead of letting bhaw string us around for a day or two.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by count2infinity »

well, we have 2 rp's left... one's a cop and the other is more than likely a vig. i doubt a JOAT is out there unless he's on the bad side.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by count2infinity »

Troy Loney wrote:unlynch twc

lynch redwill

I'm not going along with this....i say we kill redwill and find out for sure instead of letting bhaw string us around for a day or two.
despite suspicion of TL, i'm going to have to agree here. rather than blindly following bhaw, why don't we take out redwill (who most had suspicion of already) and see if he's telling the truth as some pointed out that there could be a glitch in his story.