History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by crayz »

top 3 are senka, zaro, and bhaw....gonna sleep on it and vote in the AM.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Senka »

hopefully redwill is red. he'll clear me.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

Ok, let's get some confusion out of the air. I can't help much, but i think I can get us pointed in the right track.

I am the cop.

redwill is a regular mafia guy. i researched him and he's bad.

leave crayz alone, he's cool.

unfortunately the bad guys or the village have killed my other research targets, so I can't tell you anything else. I was blocked on night 1 and night 3. Night 2 I researched dagny, but she died the same night. I researched night 4 redwill, night 5 litt, night 6 crayz.

I just went back through the thread and even though this means i will likely die (if we still have an angel player, please protect me tonight!!!!)

IE and twc are pretty high suspects on the bad side. I didn't research them, but if you go back and vote knowing who is good and bad based on what i say, it is very obvious that they are trying to protect players like nan and redwill until they have to make the switch.

I'd say cup keeper and TL are decent next candidates and you can throw npv in there, although I think he's just a terrible villager.

i know people would keep going back and forth with me, and I was super confrontational because I figured the mafia would assume i'm just a normal villager and the seer is laying back.

2 options: if you believe me, redwill doesn't have any special powers, so leave him be and go for IE or twc today to see if we catch a role blocker or something else. if you don't believe me, take out redwill for proof, i will likely die at night, and then go for twc and ie. I'd also suggest taking a look at the thread knowing this is was the order i knew things:

night 1 - I was blocked
night 2 - i saw dagny was a mason but she died the same night
night 3 - I was blocked (this is why I think redwill was discovered by canaan - I think we had to alternate nights until he died, now I can see every night... either that or role blockers really didn't like me and someone from the dead gallery threw a nice turd at the wall that stuck)
night 4 - redwill is a normal mafia
night 5 - Litt is good (after the conversion, so he wasn't converted)
night 6 - crayz is good

Again, if we still have an angel, please protect me after this day phase!!!!

I really hope I'm right with twc and IE, but knowing nan and redwill are bad, their voting pattern and their comments are pretty damning.

TW cleared himself pretty well b/c he jumped on nan and redwill both early. I think, if I'm right, senka is good.

just remember:

definite - redwill
almost definite - twc and ie
really good feeling - cup keeper, tl, and/or npv

if you guys can even get 1 other than redwill out of that list, I think you'll do fine.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

^ i just didn't want to take this info to my grave... I knew i was the target of the town and likely the vig, and i'm sure after going for redwill this round, the bad guys would be on my trail. If you take it in the light of knowing who is bad and looking at voting patterns earlier in the thread, you can find some good stuff.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

also, don't forget who the good people are when re-reading... not just the dead people, but crayz is definitely clear.

oh - i also wanted to add relantel to the list with TL, cup keeper, and npv with npv being the least suspicious of those 4.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

unlynch redwill

lynch twc
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

the wicked child wrote:Call me crazy here, but if the mob wanted bhaw dead, why wouldn't they just kill him? Why "frame" him by killing LITT?

No offense to LITT, but he wasn't really contributing a lot that I recall before his crusade against bhaw earlier today. Killing him wasn't really helpful to the mob IMO unless they thought he was a RP for some reason... perhaps they thought he was the Cop.

Right away 4 different people pop in with 4 different votes, thus ensuring chaos will ensue yet again.

lynch bhaw

Aside from causing chaos each day, the NAN thing was just too convenient for my liking. The LITT killing stands out to me as not being a frame job - it just doesn't add up to me.
In hindsight, this is hilarious because you were protecting both NAN and redwill with your votes :lol:
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Senka »

unlynch redwill

lynch IE.

thanks bhaw.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Corvidae »

bhaw wrote:unlynch redwill

lynch twc
Whoa, I thought you might be the Cop because of the MWB thing but I see you didn't even research him.

Unlynch Zaro, lynch TWC. I'd also like to consider Zaro soon because of his earlier claim (even though he retracted it).
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

Senka wrote:unlynch redwill

lynch IE.

thanks bhaw.
I'll go with either IE or twc, whoever the majority of non-suspects like best. I just picked twc b/c i'm gonna take out my ex-co-mod.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

Corvidae wrote:
bhaw wrote:unlynch redwill

lynch twc
Whoa, I thought you might be the Cop because of the MWB thing but I see you didn't even research him.

Unlynch Zaro, lynch TWC. I'd also like to consider Zaro soon because of his earlier claim (even though he retracted it).
the thing with this was that he used it to say redwill was bad. I guess if we voted redwill and got red, it would build credibility, but it wouldn't last long. i guess it's worth a look.

After the day phase, I'll see who people want me to research, and if I miraculously make it through the night, we'll have another name.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Corvidae »

I won't be on until later so hurry up and pick so I can vote.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Corvidae »

^ later tomorrow I mean. Either or is fine. IE voted for Red as well so flip a coin.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

Corvidae wrote:I won't be on until later so hurry up and pick so I can vote.
Either works...
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

heads - twc
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Senka »

unlynch IE, lynch twc
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Corvidae »

Then unlynch TWC and lets try lynch IE first for the quietness.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Corvidae »

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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

just remember to ignore EVERYTHING redwill says from here on out and vote him out when you're ready. He's going to try to throw out misinformation if he starts talking.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

Corvidae wrote:Then unlynch TWC and lets try lynch IE first for the quietness.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by cup keeper »

I know bhaw has me as a suspect but why let a mafia live?

My vote is staying with redwill. We have something to work with from bhaw, I say we take out the one we know and go from there.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

cup keeper wrote:I know bhaw has me as a suspect but why let a mafia live?

My vote is staying with redwill. We have something to work with from bhaw, I say we take out the one we know and go from there.
simple... we KNOW redwill can't do anything special. you can always kill him off if you get into an emergency situation where if you vote wrong, game over.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

Also, let's say I'm wrong with twc and he's good and i die at night. there's only one bad voice from the dead instead of 2.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by Corvidae »

sigh, lets try this again...

Unlynch IE, lynch TWC

My recommendations for research are Zaro and cupkeeper, and we just lynch IE next.
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Re: History Mafia -- GAME THREAD

Post by bhaw »

I also want to heavily suggest people go back and reread (or just skim b/c who wants to read 52 pages) the thread and make their own determinations based off of my info and who has been good that has died so far. Obviously these are my opinions and I can't say i know for sure.

slappy also appeared to be good, but I forgot to mention him. That's based on who and when he voted.

I also think the bad guys worked out the nan coming out so most of them were already on nan prior to him saying he was bad. That's my theory on that. IE just wasn't around and threw in the extra nan vote after it was determined to help clear herself.