LGP Political Discussion Thread

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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by RxBandit66 »

Even if Coakley somehow manages to win in a squeaker, which I don't think she will, it still speaks to the fact that most Americans don't like a one-party government.

It's not really a question of what party it is or which hot button issue is up for debate.

Nobody likes the feeling of tons of legislation slipping through without transparency, and either do I. It looks at the moment like the Democrats (like the GOP did before them) have blown their opportunity to be in the majority. Greed/power/money/arrogance was to blame in both cases.

And we were all the punchline of the joke.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Guinness »

RxBandit66 wrote:Greed/power/money/arrogance was to blame in both cases.
May they each and all choke on it.
And we are all the punchline of the joke.
Fixed. :)
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by SoupOrSam »

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

I am trying to find a credible link, but Drudge just posted that Barney Frank was on camera calling for the Senate rules to be changed AGAIN. If this is true (and I have no reason to think it ain't), this is unbelievable. Can the Democrats be getting any more desperate? I love hearing all of them cry in their beer about how ironic it is that the guy that might take Teddy's seat is going to be the vote that crushes his nationalized healthcare dream. If the president doesn't recognize this as a massive condemnation of the policies he has pursued so far, he is beyond hope.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Guinness »

shafnutz05 wrote:this is unbelievable.
Not really.
he is beyond hope.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

I just realized that I tied in his campaign slogan to that statement...didn't even notice before :)

And no, it's not unbelievable. It amazes me that anyone that has heard Barney Frank talk about anything on TV can vote for him.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by PittPensFan »

shafnutz05 wrote:I am trying to find a credible link, but Drudge just posted that Barney Frank was on camera calling for the Senate rules to be changed AGAIN. If this is true (and I have no reason to think it ain't), this is unbelievable. Can the Democrats be getting any more desperate? I love hearing all of them cry in their beer about how ironic it is that the guy that might take Teddy's seat is going to be the vote that crushes his nationalized healthcare dream. If the president doesn't recognize this as a massive condemnation of the policies he has pursued so far, he is beyond hope.
The fact that the Massachusetts race is even a remote contest can't bode well for the Democrats' prospects at midterms. The people are likely going to take the keys to kingdom away from them since they've accomplished nothing in a full year with complete run of things. It looks like 1994 all over again.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

PittPensFan wrote:It looks like 1994 all over again.
Complete with the desperate push for nationalized healthcare....eerily similar. More Republicans in Congress will actually force the president to moderate himself......although the way it is sounding, I don't think he is going to let that stop him.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by pittsoccer33 »

the senate has already voted on and passed a health care bill but it displeases alot of the statists in the house. if the supermajority is taken away from the dems in the senate it is a possibilty the house could vote on the senate bill and pass that as the health care legislation.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

Exit polls taken at Massachusetts cemetaries show Coakley with an insurmountable lead.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by RxBandit66 »

None of it really matters anymore to me, because no matter what stimulus stuff gets passed, my wife and I narrowly missout on EVERY benefit, and so does everyone else I talk to.

That healthcare bill will keep getting revised and reworded until the only people that benefit from it are people on welfare and rich special interests. The lobbyists will get their cut of the profit, the rest will go to the indigent, and the taxpayers will get a foot up the rear end. As usual.

I have no confidence that either political party can, or will right the ship. It's time for a new political party IMO, one that is fiscally conservative and a little more liberal on the social issues. Create one controlling party in the center that can meet the demands of the masses, and kick all the wingnuts to the curb.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Geezer »

shafnutz05 wrote:Exit polls taken at Massachusetts cemetaries show Coakley with an insurmountable lead.
The motor voter law from the 90's opened thd doors for the voting fraud that's increasing in the country. The fact that you don't need to show ID will result in more election cheating in the future.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Guinness »

What if the Federal Government grossly violated the Constitution? Could states withdraw from the Union? Lincoln said no. The Union was "indissoluble" unless all the states agreed to dissolve it. As a practical matter, the Civil War settled that. The United States, plural, were really a single enormous state, as witness the new habit of speaking of "it" rather than "them."

So the people are bound to obey the government even when the rulers betray their oath to uphold the Constitution. The door to escape is barred. Lincoln in effect claimed that it is not our rights but the state that is "unalienable." And he made it stick by force of arms. No transgression of the Constitution can impair the Union's inherited legitimacy. Once established on specific and limited terms, the US Government is forever, even if it refuses to abide by those terms.
FROM conservative to... ;)

Very interesting read, in my opinion, regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Geezer »

shafnutz05 wrote:Exit polls taken at Massachusetts cemetaries show Coakley with an insurmountable lead.
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01 ... tts-rolls/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
This is a serious issue in our country. Damaging voting integrity presents a real danger to democracies.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by DelPen »

Geezer wrote:
shafnutz05 wrote:Exit polls taken at Massachusetts cemetaries show Coakley with an insurmountable lead.
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01 ... tts-rolls/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
This is a serious issue in our country. Damaging voting integrity presents a real danger to democracies.
Not sure why anyone thinks requiring ID to vote intimidates voters. Anyone who does not support voter verification supports fraud.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Firebird »

Coakley concedes....scott brown wins! Wooooohoo!
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by cs6687 »

So Coakley's people tried to pull a Black Sheep and lost? Nice.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Firebird »

Unreal....fox is the only media outlet covering this.

Cnbc has a bill gates warren buffet...cnn is in haiti....
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

Scott Brown wins by roughly 7 points.......

In the bluest state in the Union, that is a freaking landslide. What an amazing message the voters of Massachusetts just sent to Washington. THIS IS A VICTORY FOR SMALL GOVERNMENT AMERICANS!!!
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

Firebird wrote:Unreal....fox is the only media outlet covering this.

Cnbc has a bill gates warren buffet...cnn is in haiti....
CNN has Haiti all over their front page....they have been trying to ignore this story as much as possible
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by AlexPKeaton »

Well hopefully he is actually a conservative... cut spending, balance the budget. That is all I want right now, a return to surplus and a strong economy. The dems pushing a costly healthcare plan when the economy is in shambles is their downfall. They should have led with extreme finance reforms, and they would still be rolling strong. There is not a political party anymore that is worth a damn, but at least this is good news in the short term. I want health care reform, but not when the country is massively in debt.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

AlexPKeaton wrote:Well hopefully he is actually a conservative... cut spending, balance the budget. That is all I want right now, a return to surplus and a strong economy. The dems pushing a costly healthcare plan when the economy is in shambles is their downfall. They should have led with extreme finance reforms, and they would still be rolling strong. There is not a political party anymore that is worth a damn, but at least this is good news in the short term. I want health care reform, but not when the country is massively in debt.
From what it sounds like, he is fiscally very conservative, but socially more liberal.....granted, I am a LITTLE more conservative on the social side, but I am not complaining at all. The fiscal side of things is what is much more concerning to me....social issues are way, way in the back of my brain right now. This is awesome!
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Firebird »

Oh, how awsome would it be for the libs to delay brown being seated.
There will be riots in the streets
Last edited by Firebird on Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by DelPen »

Most of the country is fiscally conservative and socially liberal.