LGP Political Discussion Thread

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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by eddysnake »

shafnutz05 wrote:
HomerPenguin wrote:You think that's bad? Look at what else they're covering up!
I am constantly astounded how many people believe in this reptilian stuff.....it is actually beyond belief. I am pretty sure Hillary Clinton is reptilian...
wow, that's the first time i've ever heard of this reptillian business and it's probably the funniest thing i've read in a long time. I love it!
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by HomerPenguin »

shafnutz05 wrote:BTW, I should clarify that one of them was released under Bush, in the interest of fairness.
Right; in the interest of fairness, not accuracy or anything like that. Good of you to be fair.

A Yemeni, Hani Abdo Shaalan, who was released from Guantánamo in 2007...

The deputy head of al-Qaeda in the country is Said Ali al-Shihri, 36, who was released in 2007...

Ibrahim Suleiman al-Rubaish, who was released in 2006, is a prominent ideologue featured on Yemeni al-Qaeda websites.


Among others who returned to terrorism was Abdullah Saleh al-Ajmi, a Kuwaiti who killed six Iraqis in Mosul in 2008.
One, four, 50, what's a few terrorists here and there?
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Troy Loney »

HomerPenguin wrote:
shafnutz05 wrote:BTW, I should clarify that one of them was released under Bush, in the interest of fairness.
Right; in the interest of fairness, not accuracy or anything like that. Good of you to be fair.

A Yemeni, Hani Abdo Shaalan, who was released from Guantánamo in 2007...

The deputy head of al-Qaeda in the country is Said Ali al-Shihri, 36, who was released in 2007...

Ibrahim Suleiman al-Rubaish, who was released in 2006, is a prominent ideologue featured on Yemeni al-Qaeda websites.


Among others who returned to terrorism was Abdullah Saleh al-Ajmi, a Kuwaiti who killed six Iraqis in Mosul in 2008.
One, four, 50, what's a few terrorists here and there?
Obviously Obama needs to deliver "we're coming for you bin laden" speech.....thats the only way to deal with terrorists.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

Bush was lax towards the administration in regards to freeing terrorists without regard to consequence. I will freely admit that. But like many other issues (like spending, bailouts, etc), Obama makes Bush look almost reasonable (emphasis on almost).
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by slappybrown »

shafnutz05 wrote:Bush was lax towards the administration in regards to freeing terrorists without regard to consequence. I will freely admit that. But like many other issues (like spending, bailouts, etc), Obama makes Bush look almost reasonable (emphasis on almost).
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

I think I am viewed by some on this board as a "BushBot".......believe me, that could not be further from the truth. He was horrible, especially later in his 2nd term, on a wide variety of issues. Where do I start: bailouts, spending, security, Supreme Court nominations, illegal immigration, etc etc. Which is why I have to give Obama credit...he is actually succeeding in making an increasingly large number of people (including myself) wish that we had Bush back.

The broken promises and blunders probably do not help. This has been the most opaque administration in recent memory, rivaling even that of Nixon himself. Just look at the healthcare debate...a small group of liberal Democratic operatives are forging a bill behind closed doors, barring Republicans and cameras. They are refusing to let the American public see what is in it...I wonder why it is so unpopular? This after the Great Unifier said that he would air all of this on CSPAN...what an absolute joke this guy has become.

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/201 ... sed-doors/
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

Slappy give me a break. You can look at my posts from before and I have never been a Bush-praiser. I have been very open about my criticisms of him....but I am not going to pretend I don't think Obama is 100x worse. That is not "jumping around".
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by slappybrown »

shafnutz05 wrote:Slappy give me a break. You can look at my posts from before and I have never been a Bush-praiser. I have been very open about my criticisms of him....but I am not going to pretend I don't think Obama is 100x worse. That is not "jumping around".
Homer called you out on the facts surrounding the release of the prisoners in your article, and then you jumped to some odd point about bailouts and the like that had nothing to do with what the discussion was. Thats what jumping around was in reference too.

I know you have criticized Bush in the past, I've read those posts.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

Fair enough...I do tend to jump around a little. Are there any libertarian countries in the world?
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by slappybrown »

shafnutz05 wrote:Fair enough...I do tend to jump around a little. Are there any libertarian countries in the world?
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by HomerPenguin »

shafnutz05 wrote:Fair enough...I do tend to jump around a little. Are there any libertarian countries in the world?
Somalia is lovely this time of year.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01 ... -coverage/

CSPAN laying down the gauntlet....asking the Democrats to keep the promise they made prior to the '08 election. I wonder if they will even respond? This entire process has relied on subterfuge thus far, so I kind of doubt it.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Geezer »

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01 ... lass-hard/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Middle class to get it in the old wazoo as usual.

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01 ... -coverage/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Someone besides Fox calling out the first bullsh****r for a change. Likely they'll just duck the baltant campaign lie but they are craven enough that they may come up with some show session to pretend that Barrack isn't as big of a phony as most politicians.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing- ... en-process
But Pelosi said Congress has already been transparent throughout the process.

"There has never been a more open process for any legislation," Pelosi said at a press conference. Pelosi also hinted that holding informal negotiations--likely without TV cameras--might be the most practical way to push the legislation through.

"We will do what is necessary to pass the bill," Pelosi said.
Seriously..........wow. This witch of a woman needs to be either committed to a mental asylum, impeached, or arrested. I cannot believe the crap she gets away with. This process has "NEVER BEEN MORE OPEN"?! Her and Harry have handcrafted their bill behind closed doors, and are about to consolidate the House and Senate bills in their private chambers rather than going to a conference committee. This entire bill has been about corruption, kickbacks, and outright bribery of elected officials. I think all of the Botox in her stretched out face is affecting her ability to think.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Geezer »

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01 ... e-mandate/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Good news for you youngsters. In addition to the massive social security baby boom yimebomb that's going to break your backs .the pie-in-the-sky healthcare fiasco is going to also pick your pockets.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Kaizer »

I'm really starting to regret supporting Obama lately.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Shyster »

On the “government in health care front,” here’s an example of how the government is “simplifying” things. The stimulus bill included something called the HITECH act, which provides money incentives for health care providers to adopt electronic health records (EHR) systems (which are supposed to save tons of money). The act gives incentives for about 5 years, and then starts to penalize providers and hospitals who don’t have electronic systems. Whether you get money or are later penalized depends upon whether you are a “meaningful user” of an EHR system. The Department of Health and Human Services was told to define “meaningful use.” On December 31, HHS released the proposed meaningful-use regulation. 555 pages. It took the government 555 pages to define a two-word phrase. And this regulation only covers one small part of an act that merely hands out some incentive cash. How much paper would it take to print all the rules and regulations for a governement-run health care program?
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

Kaizer wrote:I'm really starting to regret supporting Obama lately.
I have a feeling millions of people are saying the same thing, if not in an LGP political thread :P
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Guinness »


Al Qaeda seems to be intentionally luring the U.S. into poor, volatile nations with a ripe, marginalized population ready to be plucked up into the "Jihad".

The Empire will undoubtedly, in all it's clumsy, ham-fisted glory, "kick the hornet's nest", because we "got to git teh terr'ists", ironically creating more jihadis, more flag-draped caskets, and more debt.

Indeed, bin Laden must be laughing his ass off at us.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by HomerPenguin »

Guinness wrote:Al Qaeda seems to be intentionally luring the U.S. into poor, volatile nations with a ripe, marginalized population ready to be plucked up into the "Jihad".
Yes, although, to be fair to all concerned, they figured that strategy out only after we plunged into Iraq without any luring on their part.
Indeed, bin Laden must be laughing his ass off at us.
One would certainly think so. We routinely jump through every hoop he lays out for us plus a whole bunch more that he couldn't possibly have imagined. He's now apparently managed to leverage a guy stuffing explosives down his pants in Nigeria into full nude body scanning at every US airport. How that's going to stop a guy with explosives down his pants getting on a plane in Nigeria is anybody's guess, but that's not really the point of this Kabuki Theatre.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by SoupOrSam »

shafnutz05 wrote:http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01 ... -coverage/

CSPAN laying down the gauntlet....asking the Democrats to keep the promise they made prior to the '08 election. I wonder if they will even respond? This entire process has relied on subterfuge thus far, so I kind of doubt it.
Check Mate. NOBAMA for sure. He's a 4 and out! YAY. There is NO WAY they live up to it. There is so much crap in there they don't even want their own people to know. Obama will never comment on it. It will probably be swept under the rug and the media(besides Fox) will just allow it. It's comical...
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by Guinness »

HomerPenguin wrote: Yes, although, to be fair to all concerned, they figured that strategy out only after we plunged into Iraq without any luring on their part.
Yes, that unhappy little misadventure was entirely of our own making. They've made good hay of it, dragging us into Yemen, Pakistan, and a multiple of other 'stans'. The costs - in civilian and American servicemen, not withstanding treasure and expanding hatred of the Empire - seems completely irrelevant to the Imperialists.

Osama bin Laden may well go down in history not only as a brutal murdering terrorist, but as perhaps the only man instrumental in the collapse of two empires.
One would certainly think so. We routinely jump through every hoop he lays out for us plus a whole bunch more that he couldn't possibly have imagined. He's now apparently managed to leverage a guy stuffing explosives down his pants in Nigeria into full nude body scanning at every US airport. How that's going to stop a guy with explosives down his pants getting on a plane in Nigeria is anybody's guess, but that's not really the point of this Kabuki Theatre.
At some point, we must either openly declare the Bill of Rights to be entirely null and void, or grow a set and stand up to this insipid Leviathan.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by bh »

Shyster wrote:On the “government in health care front,” here’s an example of how the government is “simplifying” things. The stimulus bill included something called the HITECH act, which provides money incentives for health care providers to adopt electronic health records (EHR) systems (which are supposed to save tons of money). The act gives incentives for about 5 years, and then starts to penalize providers and hospitals who don’t have electronic systems. Whether you get money or are later penalized depends upon whether you are a “meaningful user” of an EHR system. The Department of Health and Human Services was told to define “meaningful use.” On December 31, HHS released the proposed meaningful-use regulation. 555 pages. It took the government 555 pages to define a two-word phrase. And this regulation only covers one small part of an act that merely hands out some incentive cash. How much paper would it take to print all the rules and regulations for a governement-run health care program?
Yeah, I just can't see any way the they are going to SAVE money going this route. This thing is going to move us one step closer to insolvency. There are so many things that need fixed.
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

I think what is funny is that the Democrats aren't even trying to make this bill sound good anymore. Americans overwhelmingly hate this thing, and they simply do not care. They are willing to give up reelection to get this thing passed, because it represents the crux of what they have been trying to accomplish for the last 50 years. The end objective, of course, is stricter control over the citizenry, and more intrusion into your private life. There are steps you take to help an economic recovery, and thus far they have chosen the opposite path every time. I am convinced they simply do not care at this point....once people are relying on their government, the economy simply will not matter.

Obama has repeatedly endorsed cap and trade legislation in the midst of this recession, even as every single study shows that it will destroy millions of jobs and set our economy back two decades. Then, he has the chutzpah to tell us that all of the "green jobs" will somehow make up for this. Now, I have just heard that he is going to revisit amnesty in 2010. In the midst of a severe recession, he is now advocating the free legalization of 12 million illegal immigrants. And why? To build up the Democrat voter rolls? This government is completely running rampant, and the citizenry is getting more and more pissed off. The degree of hatred towards Reid, Pelosi, and to an increasing extent Obama, is reaching a level that even I am surprised at. It's a shame we have to wait until November to start the Election Day Massacre
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Re: LGP Politcal Discussion Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

http://www.breitbart.tv/the-c-span-lie- ... otiations/

Obama promised a total of EIGHT TIMES to broadcast the healthcare negotiations live on CSPAN...a promise he has since completely abandoned, and Pelosi continuously refuses to make the nature of the talks public. Ladies and gentlemen, our current government is the most corrupt and dishonest we have seen in decades, and that is saying a lot. What is even more sad is that the majority of the mainstream media CONTINUES to give this administration a free pass on the countless broken promises and outright lies the president and his staff have gotten away with. As a point of comparison, look at the way they released the attack dogs on the Bush Administration....the contrast is, quite frankly, appalling.