Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by Senka »

Cupkeeper is very "actors friendly" and has a disclaimer for everything.. I used it last time I was a bad person. its a trust thing.

Honestly wouldnt mind going that way ... But im confident on NPV.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

Senka, if the Azkar vote loses steam, i would be more than happy to follow your logic on NPV. Good point about CK too...my vote is sticking with Azkar for now, but those two are also solid suspects.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by Senka »

Idk... i know JAYS has been the most talkative person.. and i really dont trust him at all. I cant believe Azkar is anything at this point.. and is he is, hes not on my map. JAYS likes the cupkeeper vote, and that actually makes me want to keep cupkeeper here longer...

I have mine on NPV and its a hunch, an overall choice, and just a few things ive noticed over the course of the game so far. JAYS is still the obvious choice here for me? It makes it so obvious to me hes bad, and im just not grasping it. 2 issues with this -- hes bad, playing the role of Town Mod, telling and convincing everyone. OR they are keeping him around because we're all running around clueless... I was opening voting with Troy Loney this time around. I thought it was possible he was bad, but it'd also help me understand a few things, based on who voted with me and what he came up if he died... being killed overnight killed my theory and didnt help me with vote patterns much.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by Senka »

Shaf, You're either Stalker or good. I have my own ideas. My first post about YOU and NPV i meant to put jays. i know it looks bad, but i really think yur ok at this point. Maybe later things will change, but just saying. If AZ is around in 2 days ill vote for him, but its not my priority right now. I hope people eventually step back from it atleast for now.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by jaysmiter »

So...wait...Senka...my brain hurts.

4 posts ago NPV and Shaf were your top two. Now...Shaf isn't even in the top 5?

Ignoring the fact that now PFiDC and I are in your top 3 for a minute...

During the break, NPV and PFiDC were not the most active. I was pretty active, yeah...because I'm currently underemployed and I don't do much around the holidays. So, I get bored and check this. I've always been active in games with a role or not.

But, NPV and PFiDC? Those guys weren't active in the least during break. PFiDC has barely been around and NPV pops up occasionally. So...I think you might wanna go back and check that out.

I mean, I don't have a major problem with an NPV or PFiDC vote (both of whom I've voted for already)...but, they're not tops on my list right now.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by dagny »

:pop: :pop:
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by Senka »

jaysmiter wrote:Either Azkar, cupkeeper, TW, or DanH...aka the quiet ones.
THIS. this is why i dont trust him. His list doesnt match ANYTHING ive noticed all game. weeding out non-voting people only helps the bad side. if they are bad and not voting, LEAVE THEM HERE. :face:

Im sorry, but i think NPV and JAYS are quite possibly both bad. Weeding out silent people doesnt help anyone but RED. think about it. If it wasnt Jays, id maybe let it slide, but Jays is smarter than that and has played a long time...
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by Senka »

I actually started typing based on what i remembered. theni started looking at the votes and stuff and it didnt add up. i tried to straighten out. Im in shambles... but I know how i feel about JAYS, NPV for sure. i want both fired soon. Other than that, If jays shows up bad, cupkeeper is safe, if jays is good, I go after keeper. Killing azkar will help us with nothing. Killing silent people is only good in the VERY beginning... after so long you cant learn anything from them, and they arent voting... so i mean idk. Im not on board.

My suggestion is 100% Jays/NPV.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by Senka »

I feel like i wrote a book. :pop:

Im gonna go eat popcorn with Dagny.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by cup keeper »

Fire NPV

I'm with senka on this.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by jaysmiter »

Senka wrote:
jaysmiter wrote:Either Azkar, cupkeeper, TW, or DanH...aka the quiet ones.
THIS. this is why i dont trust him. His list doesnt match ANYTHING ive noticed all game. weeding out non-voting people only helps the bad side. if they are bad and not voting, LEAVE THEM HERE. :face:

Im sorry, but i think NPV and JAYS are quite possibly both bad. Weeding out silent people doesnt help anyone but RED. think about it. If it wasnt Jays, id maybe let it slide, but Jays is smarter than that and has played a long time...
What EXACTLY have you noticed all game? At least there's some consistency in my line of thinking. You just spreadshot and hope something hits. It's more hurtful to the village than any "quiet" people hanging around.

I don't mind letting TW go for now...because, I think you're right on that. Not posting at all just doesn't even make sense. In fact, he might not even know he's playing. His post in the sign up thread was "I may or may not be in yet. Its time for me to make my return" and has posted 4 times since then. When I was looking at post count before, that's ALL I was looking for and just noticed this.

Other than that. you mean to tell me that having people around that are doing nothing is helpful to the village? You mean to tell me that you don't think there's at least one quiet bad guy? If anything...this makes me more suspicious of cupkeeper.

He was pretty quiet all game with a nice convenient excuse, now that he could possibly be the only one left on his side he feels like he has to talk and apparently can do it now.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by Senka »

Okay. lets say someone with 7 or 0 posts is bad... if they arent swinging a vote, what harm are they causing? if they are good, we learn nothing from their fire. that doesnt make any sense at all??
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by jaysmiter »


TwistedWrister has posted 4 times total ON THE WHOLE BOARD since the sign-up thread.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by jaysmiter »

Senka wrote:Okay. lets say someone with 7 or 0 posts is bad... if they arent swinging a vote, what harm are they causing? if they are good, we learn nothing from their fire. that doesnt make any sense at all??
It makes sense...except the quiet ones Azkar and CupKeeper ARE voting. And for good people, too.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by mac5155 »

Senka wrote:Okay. lets say someone with 7 or 0 posts is bad... if they arent swinging a vote, what harm are they causing? if they are good, we learn nothing from their fire. that doesnt make any sense at all??
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by npv708 »

Hello, Hello...

Well what do we have here...

First off, Senka, You think I've been active? Really, I think it can be done through code (I don't know how though, people did it in other games) but I would love a post count for this thread. I have not been active, my largest activity was posting gifs and a few votes. Other than that I've barely caught up on the thread, I'm working on my master's thesis and have little time as it is, but If you want to fire me you're just killing an actor, but whatever...I'm not too concerned about it, right now.

And for the record, Senka, this is what I think of you:

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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by cup keeper »

jaysmiter wrote:
Senka wrote:Okay. lets say someone with 7 or 0 posts is bad... if they arent swinging a vote, what harm are they causing? if they are good, we learn nothing from their fire. that doesnt make any sense at all??
It makes sense...except the quiet ones Azkar and CupKeeper ARE voting. And for good people, too.
Aside from the early votes for THG and redwill based off of fluky mechanics of the board everyone has voted for good people.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by jaysmiter »

cup keeper wrote:
jaysmiter wrote:
Senka wrote:Okay. lets say someone with 7 or 0 posts is bad... if they arent swinging a vote, what harm are they causing? if they are good, we learn nothing from their fire. that doesnt make any sense at all??
It makes sense...except the quiet ones Azkar and CupKeeper ARE voting. And for good people, too.
Aside from the early votes for THG and redwill based off of fluky mechanics of the board everyone has voted for good people.
Agreed. I'm just saying...his rationale was slightly off. The quiet ones are voting...almost every vote. Yet, we're letting you guys hang around for what? To jump on some votes here and there and nothing more?
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by Senka »

still no point in voting for them. and i wont. if everyone wants to, go for it.

For the record i liked how when i said if you (jays) got fired and came up clean, id go after cupkeeper, but he went for NPV. :lol:
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by jaysmiter »

Senka wrote:still no point in voting for them. and i wont. if everyone wants to, go for it.

For the record i liked how when i said if you (jays) got fired and came up clean, id go after cupkeeper, but he went for NPV. :lol:
It's a lose-lose for either of us with your phrasing. If I vote for him and he comes up green, it comes right back to me. If he votes for me and I come up green, it comes right back to him...if we vote for someone else, you say we're dodging it. If one of us comes up red, you'll immediately think the other is red.

I am more than willing to leave DanH and TwistedWrister alone. I'm not willing to leave Azkar and CupKeeper alone...they're not contributing anything other than votes. That's not good people to keep around and you know it. You're better than that.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by mac5155 »

npv was second to last on zaro and sdm was last on him.
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by mac5155 »

i could go with npv but not sure still
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by sdm5055 »

MWB wrote:I never understand why people say they are sticking with a vote and not changing it. I would suggest that bhaw called me out and got killed as a framing of me.
why would I change if I think your bad?

I thought you were bad before bhaw brought up what he did thats why I voted for you before
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by MWB »

sdm5055 wrote:
MWB wrote:I never understand why people say they are sticking with a vote and not changing it. I would suggest that bhaw called me out and got killed as a framing of me.
why would I change if I think your bad?

I thought you were bad before bhaw brought up what he did thats why I voted for you before
Maybe I've missed it, but what's the reasoning?
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Re: Hollywood Wars: Game Thread

Post by MWB »

I agree with a lot of what senka is saying. I could go with an npv vote for sure. Not really sure what to make of jays, along with cup keeper. Like I said earlier though, npv seems to be playing it like he did last game when he was bad.