NHL Wars Post-Game Show

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Re: NHL Wars Post-Game Show

Post by dagny »

Night 1
Zarovich (SK) kills Dagny
Shocker. :pop:
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Re: NHL Wars Post-Game Show

Post by Kicksave »

redwill wrote:
Kicksave wrote:
redwill wrote:
Sort of like shooting a dead squirrel?
Kind, except after you kill the squirrel you find out that squirrel was going to try and kill you.
Or that the squirrel never even knew you existed, as in JS(c)'s case.
He could of, eventually.
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Re: NHL Wars Post-Game Show

Post by dagny »

Troy Loney wrote:
IrishEyes wrote:
Troy Loney wrote:Whatever....her reaction reminded me of how Sdm dealt with being bad & saved (pretending like it never happened)....if your the angel and you get saved when they try to kill you, you should tell the village, at no point should the villains have more information about the good role players than the goons do...i'm sorry, i know it was only like a day and a half, but you have to know in a game like this, if your rescued in the write up than your going to garner suspicion, and also not saying anything lets someone like malk come in and cause all that confusion.
How could I come out and say that I was the angel and saved myself that night? I'd have been dead the next night. That doesn't make any sense.

we don't knwo that you can't save yourself every night.
When the goons are blocked from killing the angel, they aren't told it's the angel, right?

If they are, then I agree, might as well come out then, especially if you can't protect yourself everynight, in the hopes that there is another RP out there with protection capabilities.

The JOAT could have protected you, at least to extend you for a couple more nights. However, I think that point is moot in this game, as our JOAT did nothing.
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Re: NHL Wars Post-Game Show

Post by redwill »

Kicksave wrote:
redwill wrote:
Kicksave wrote: Kind, except after you kill the squirrel you find out that squirrel was going to try and kill you.
Or that the squirrel never even knew you existed, as in JS(c)'s case.
He could of, eventually.

After 5-10 million years of evolution, maybe.

(OOPS! Sorry to mention evolution, PFIDC)
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Re: NHL Wars Post-Game Show

Post by dagny »

shafnutz05 wrote:Every time I go back and read Malkamaniac's four pages of hysterics I laugh out loud
It was fantastic to behold.
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Re: NHL Wars Post-Game Show

Post by dagny »

Kicksave wrote:
shafnutz05 wrote:Every time I go back and read Malkamaniac's four pages of hysterics I laugh out loud
it was people were actually believing him that had me laughing.
Indeed. :lol:
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Re: NHL Wars Post-Game Show

Post by dagny »

Juice wrote:I'm so glad shafnutz played well this game. I really think he was just a little too nervous last game having a role. I really don't want to see anyone become the butt of the jokes and get snap-lynched every game.
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:............. Infinity............
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Re: NHL Wars Post-Game Show

Post by dagny »

wallflower wrote:
Zarovich wrote:I'm glad Juice was killed by goons first night when I killed dags. I'm sure one or both would have come after me early and I would have been screwed lol
It's funny, I had a feeling you were a role player who could kill when dags was taken out immediately. If only because her threat to come after you in the next game. :lol:

I was really impressed with how long you lasted as the serial killer. :thumb:
I was trying to think, who would want me dead right away? My initial thought: "Is NAN playing?" :lol:

Then, I thought: "It couldn't be shafty, he's an obvious good guy." :lol:

Funny thing is, I had completely forgotten about Zaro, and about my "grudge"........ I won't now. :twisted:
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Re: NHL Wars Post-Game Show

Post by cup keeper »

Troy Loney wrote:Good call cup keeper...i knew right after you made your post....good call....i can't believe they lynched you after that post...bad village
I had to make my post late at night because I thought there was a chance that I would be killed in the morning when I wasn't around because sdm and count2infinity were on my behind the whole game.

After making it I figured no one would believe me and would immediately waive me. Of course this happened and I was hoping when I turned up green, people would look at shafnutz especially when two more superstars bit the dust during the subsequent night phase. If I would have been able to word my post a little better I think I could of got at least some following.

shaftnutz, the thing that made you stand out to me was how you completely changed after you were converted. During the previous day phase you were pushing hard for us to wait and you wanted to take out kicksave. After the barbershop write-up you came out throwing a vote on beerman who no one had talked about all game. Then you also hinted that zarovich and I were on your radar. You went from having a single focus each round to throwing out as many names as you possibly could.

As far as malks goes, WOW! I'll admit you had me so confused with all the jumping around you were doing. If I had the chance I was going to vote kicksave to throw it into a coinflip but somebody changed their vote before I could get completely caught up. Nice play coming out as the superstar doc. It was similar to pavel coming out as seer in the last slug warz. You buy yourself village trust for a day by being the first one out with the revelation.

Having been on the bad side in my last game it helped me pick up on the strategy the goons were using as the numbers started dwindling.

Great game everyone! Thanks mods! I'm good to go for another one of these whenever.
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Re: NHL Wars Post-Game Show

Post by slappybrown »

Can you move this one over as well dags, please?