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Troy Loney
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Post by Troy Loney »

Malkamaniac wrote:and if they tried to recruit the seer last night and nothing happened, if they nom him, we're screwed to the max.
the seer isn't really worth much w/out the angel...he needs cover to find out info, and he has none w/out the angel...best case i think is he finds one slug then sacrifices himself.
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Post by newarenanow »

Troy Loney wrote:
Malkamaniac wrote:and if they tried to recruit the seer last night and nothing happened, if they nom him, we're screwed to the max.
the seer isn't really worth much w/out the angel...he needs cover to find out info, and he has none w/out the angel...best case i think is he finds one slug then sacrifices himself.
Especially if it's the alpha slug.
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Post by Zarovich »

This is the weirdest start to SW/WW that I have ever seen. The slugs get out to a huge advantage and then do nothing? Very odd.

I can see salting Dan H to see if he is a slug. He would be a sacrifice and if he turns up a villager, we look at the PFiDC votes.

This would be the best strategy.
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Post by shafnutz05 »

Zarovich wrote:I can see salting Dan H to see if he is a slug. He would be a sacrifice and if he turns up a villager, we look at the PFiDC votes.

This would be the best strategy.
Thank you!! As far as I am concerned, a vote for anyone else is nothing better than an educated guess. Even if we are right with someone (i.e. Senka), we will still not be sure where to go from there. If we are right about Dan H...WOW. That could turn the entire game around. Unfair or not, we will then look at the FIRST person to start the vote for PFIDC (sdm), and work our way down from there. We don't have an angel, we don't have a nom nom bird. At this point, this is the only theory that has a shot at establishing a chain of events.
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Post by newarenanow »

Zarovich wrote:This is the weirdest start to SW/WW that I have ever seen. The slugs get out to a huge advantage and then do nothing? Very odd.

I can see salting Dan H to see if he is a slug. He would be a sacrifice and if he turns up a villager, we look at the PFiDC votes.

This would be the best strategy.
I'll go with this.

salt Dan H
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Post by Letang Is The Truth »

Malkamaniac wrote:Defending PFiDC has got me concerned. LITT, You know yourself PFiDC plays this I could or couldn't be or maybe I am or not game. He's done it every game that I have played.

Plain and simple it confused the village yet again and he paid for it. A roleplayer in any case like that should remain quiet, and had he wanted to stay in the game for one extra night he would of said what he was, instead he said once again. You won't want to do that to me, I could go after your. Boy, nothing like proving either you are an RP or you aren't an rp.

But what I want to know now LITT. Since your most likely dead from the slugs with your adamant posturing to defend PFiDC(which either makes you an RP or a slug trying to gain cred) what do you have to say?

At this point I'm not salting anyone until answers have been made.
i just think its strange that so many people would be willing salt a possible RP on the first night. i understand that he has been confusing in the past but he had hardly said anything except implicating himself as an RP. he could pull it every game but i thought it was transparent from what he was saying that he was the vig, i wouldnt wanna salt him.

also, if i was a slug, why would be defending him so hard. im just a villager.
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Post by Malkamaniac »

i just think its strange that so many people would be willing salt a possible RP on the first night. i understand that he has been confusing in the past but he had hardly said anything except implicating himself as an RP. he could pull it every game but i thought it was transparent from what he was saying that he was the vig, i wouldnt wanna salt him.

also, if i was a slug, why would be defending him so hard. im just a villager.
Thing is, PFiDC says he could or could be every game...what exactly made this game different, it's just this time people called the bluff and got him. I didn't vote for him, and I wouldn't of anyways. PFiDC's best situation should of been to keep quiet, but he didn't and he and all of us paid for it.

I'm also not stating your a slug. Just to be clear, which is also why I'm not voting against you. It's just odd that you of all people, as we played this game over the summer you know as well as I what he did all the time. It wasn't any different.
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Post by Letang Is The Truth »

ya i know but it was the first day, im not going to risk going after someone on the first day. that just seems odd to me.
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Post by newarenanow »

Malkamaniac wrote:
i just think its strange that so many people would be willing salt a possible RP on the first night. i understand that he has been confusing in the past but he had hardly said anything except implicating himself as an RP. he could pull it every game but i thought it was transparent from what he was saying that he was the vig, i wouldnt wanna salt him.

also, if i was a slug, why would be defending him so hard. im just a villager.
Thing is, PFiDC says he could or could be every game...what exactly made this game different, it's just this time people called the bluff and got him. I didn't vote for him, and I wouldn't of anyways. PFiDC's best situation should of been to keep quiet, but he didn't and he and all of us paid for it.

I'm also not stating your a slug. Just to be clear, which is also why I'm not voting against you. It's just odd that you of all people, as we played this game over the summer you know as well as I what he did all the time. It wasn't any different.
Hindsight is 20/20, but I agree in a way.

I just think it's because in the past, some people, including pfidc, was a regular villager and tried to play it off to be a RP just to survive instead of looking out for the best interest of the village.

And while using past games can be helpful sometimes, it can also hurt. But you never know. If you cry wolf too many times, people won't listen after a while.
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Post by Malkamaniac »

If you cry wolf too many times, people won't listen after a while.
Sooner or later people will get wise to it. I wouldn't have voted him first, and I didn't. I think however this game is beneficial to be quiet with this type of time format given what roles you could have.
Troy Loney
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Post by Troy Loney »

also, if i was a slug, why would be defending him so hard. im just a villager.
So in the future you can use your stance as a way to try and prove your villager status....capiche?

You know that voting patterns are the easiest thing to look at to try and spot a slug.
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Post by Troy Loney »

Malkamaniac wrote:
If you cry wolf too many times, people won't listen after a while.
Sooner or later people will get wise to it. I wouldn't have voted him first, and I didn't. I think however this game is beneficial to be quiet with this type of time format given what roles you could have.

But still...if somone comes out on the first day and is like...don't salt me, i'm a RP...the vote should change.....its just a selfious thing for a regular vilager to do...a slug will use it to draw out the real rp...a villager will just cause confusion and might make the real RP make a mistake.....but still...we got what we deserved by killing off a rp by being stubborn...

(i didn't vote for pfidc btw :P )
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Post by Pavel Bure »

MWB wrote:I certainly don't agree with LITT's thinking regarding pfidc, but I'm also not convinced that it makes him a slug.

Pavel, the way you are framing this situation with LITT is that he has one of two options... either seer or slug. You've said this a couple of times and now you want him to explain himself. Well, if he's a slug he's not going to say he is one. If he's the seer, there's no way he should say that is his role. His current explanation, while I don't agree with it, is somewhat logical. I'm not really sure what else you're wanting him to say, unless you're wanting him to say he's the seer.
This is part of what I wanted, although you gave him an out now. It is a risk to pound on LITT because of his quick defense of a role player and him possibly being the seer. However like I said there's only 2 ways he could have for sure known to not salf PFIDC. I already laid out those 2 reasons and at this point we have 4 slugs left. The more logical thought process would be that like I said he was a slug trying to make it seem that he was latching onto a townie to build cred.

The other part of what I posted was to see who came to his defense and how they did it. You were pretty quick (in terms of number of posts after the question I asked) to come to his defense instead of letting him answer first and then defending him. You think I don't realize he wouldn't say he's a slug? In the process of him explaining himself and being asked questions it's pretty easy to pick out if he would be lying about why he chose to defend PFIDC.

I'm in agreement with you that if he is the seer then he shouldn't say much so at this point, with him being the only other townie to hint at having something useful that the next suspects should be the ones that hopped onto the end of PFIDC's train without reasoning. I have to go to class so I'll look at it when I get back. Day 1 started on page 4 of the thread if you want to go look for yourself.
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Post by Dan H »

I'm willing to eat the salt if it helps clear things up, but I'm not a slug. I contest the "not myself" and "erratic" claims - Shaf, would you care to explain what I've done to make you think that? I'm still suspicious of Juice, to the extent to which I can tell anything this early on.

Most importantly: I think the slugs may have made a head-games play last night. They know there are only two ways a "nothing happened" result could occur at this point: if they don't eat/convert anyone, or if they try to convert the seer. They may have intentionally not sent in a PM to make the seer panic, think "zOMG I need to come out and say what I know now because I'm gonna get slooged tonight," and identify himself. Then, they get the seer out of the way and can just prey on the rest of us hapless villagers. So, seer, whoever you are, my suggestion to you is to only come out right now if you've already learned enough to really help us. It may be worth it if you know a slug. It's probably not worth it if all you've got is a villager or two.
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Post by Pavel Bure »

I'd also take a look at people going out of their ways to tell us that they didn't vote for PFIDC. We can all read. We know who did and didn't vote for him. Saying you didn't without someone asking you just doesn't look good.
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Post by Dan H »

Oh, and salt Juice
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Post by Letang Is The Truth »

salt pavel bure

i think im right with going after people who voted for pfidc and i think pavel is trying to protect his slug friends
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Post by shafnutz05 »

Pavel Bure wrote:Ha this slug group is a joke. Kill the doctor and then don't kill anyone at night well played. :lol:

Now on to to serious business.

LITT you came to the defense of PFIDC instantly. Why is this? IMO it seems that you were making this move to build cred with the town since you knew he was town. That points to one of two things. 1. You are the seer and investigated PFIDC or the more likely of the two 2. You are a slug and are trying to gain cred for "defending" a townie you knew would be lynched. I'll save my vote to salt you until you get in here to explain yourself.
Pavel, you are making me very suspicious. You're "haha...those slugs are so stupid" schtick is a bit odd....especially because if you are a villager you are essentially just asking to be eaten. Not to mention the fact that you said that the slugs killed the "doctor"? Who is the doctor?

This post, along with the one you just posted, are long rambling diatribes against one player that are very representative of a rookie slug. Not to mention the fact that, if you ARE a villager, and LITT is indeed the seer, you just deliberately outed him, and gave the slugs a good target to NOM tonight. Seems like a loose theory to me.

I am still not sure about Dan...but Pavel has my spider sense tingling. If I am wrong on this....well I don't know.

unsalt Dan H
salt Pavel Bure
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Post by Dan H »

I think the "doctor" term is the Mafia equivalent of the Werewolf angel / Slug Wars manduca sexta.
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Post by shafnutz05 »

Pavel is acting like one of these guys

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Post by crayz »

Gardener still has a good shot at helping us through this. If I were them, I would do the following approach:

Every night search for a slug, if I get one write it down...do not share. Do not do anything obvious like next day call out that slug. Just play the game like a normal villager. Make random accusations (especially at known villagers) so the slugs stay off your trail. Once you have 2-3 slugs (if not all of them) or its getting late in the game...make a post...I'm the gardener, I found out a, b, c are slugs...vote them off. More then likely i'll die tonight, but you now have a list to work off.

It's all luck that the gardener finds slugs and the slugs don't nom the gardener luckily.

be our eyes mr(s). gardnerer :thumb:
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Post by slappybrown »

shafnutz05 wrote:
Pavel Bure wrote:Ha this slug group is a joke. Kill the doctor and then don't kill anyone at night well played. :lol:

Now on to to serious business.

LITT you came to the defense of PFIDC instantly. Why is this? IMO it seems that you were making this move to build cred with the town since you knew he was town. That points to one of two things. 1. You are the seer and investigated PFIDC or the more likely of the two 2. You are a slug and are trying to gain cred for "defending" a townie you knew would be lynched. I'll save my vote to salt you until you get in here to explain yourself.
Pavel, you are making me very suspicious. You're "haha...those slugs are so stupid" schtick is a bit odd....especially because if you are a villager you are essentially just asking to be eaten. Not to mention the fact that you said that the slugs killed the "doctor"? Who is the doctor?

This post, along with the one you just posted, are long rambling diatribes against one player that are very representative of a rookie slug. Not to mention the fact that, if you ARE a villager, and LITT is indeed the seer, you just deliberately outed him, and gave the slugs a good target to NOM tonight. Seems like a loose theory to me.

I am still not sure about Dan...but Pavel has my spider sense tingling. If I am wrong on this....well I don't know.

unsalt Dan H
salt Pavel Bure
That seems too on the nose, especially for someone who has clearly played the game a lot.
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Post by slappybrown »

Dan H wrote:I think the "doctor" term is the Mafia equivalent of the Werewolf angel / Slug Wars manduca sexta.
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Post by Malkamaniac »

crayz wrote:Gardener still has a good shot at helping us through this. If I were them, I would do the following approach:

Every night search for a slug, if I get one write it down...do not share. Do not do anything obvious like next day call out that slug. Just play the game like a normal villager. Make random accusations (especially at known villagers) so the slugs stay off your trail. Once you have 2-3 slugs (if not all of them) or its getting late in the game...make a post...I'm the gardener, I found out a, b, c are slugs...vote them off. More then likely i'll die tonight, but you now have a list to work off.

It's all luck that the gardener finds slugs and the slugs don't nom the gardener luckily.

be our eyes mr(s). gardnerer :thumb:

You'd have to expect the gardener to hit 3-4 times. lol we're doomed.
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Post by shafnutz05 »

slappybrown wrote:That seems too on the nose, especially for someone who has clearly played the game a lot.
Doesn't "on the nose" mean dead right? lol