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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Lesky »

TheHammer24 wrote:
jeffshly wrote:
Lesky wrote:I would have expected Shero to give Svoboda a call and said. You got 30 minutes to accept the contract or else we move on. That would have been more fair, and at least that would have given Jagr the chance to accept the offer in the end!
Who's to say that Shero didn't do exactly this?
Lol; yeah I am under the impression that that is exactly what happened.
Why would Shero not have mentioned it then? It would have taken 10 seconds to say it would have saved the fans from speculating.

I think he never did that simply because he never wanted to sign Jagr, he only wanted to save himself from backslash from the fans. Better the fans
hate Jagr than dislike Shero!
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Lesky »

TheHammer24 wrote:
jeffshly wrote:
Lesky wrote:I would have expected Shero to give Svoboda a call and said. You got 30 minutes to accept the contract or else we move on. That would have been more fair, and at least that would have given Jagr the chance to accept the offer in the end!
Who's to say that Shero didn't do exactly this?
Lol; yeah I am under the impression that that is exactly what happened.
Why would Shero not have mentioned it then? It would have taken 10 seconds to say it would have saved the fans from speculating.

I think he never did that simply because he never wanted to sign Jagr, he only wanted to save himself from backslash from the fans. Better the fans
hate Jagr than dislike Shero!
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Lesky »

TheHammer24 wrote:
jeffshly wrote:
Lesky wrote:I would have expected Shero to give Svoboda a call and said. You got 30 minutes to accept the contract or else we move on. That would have been more fair, and at least that would have given Jagr the chance to accept the offer in the end!
Who's to say that Shero didn't do exactly this?
Lol; yeah I am under the impression that that is exactly what happened.
Why would Shero not have mentioned it then? It would have taken 10 seconds to say it would have saved the fans from speculating.

I think he never did that simply because he never wanted to sign Jagr, he only wanted to save himself from backslash from the fans. Better the fans
hate Jagr than dislike Shero!
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Lesky »

TheHammer24 wrote:
jeffshly wrote:
Lesky wrote:I would have expected Shero to give Svoboda a call and said. You got 30 minutes to accept the contract or else we move on. That would have been more fair, and at least that would have given Jagr the chance to accept the offer in the end!
Who's to say that Shero didn't do exactly this?
Lol; yeah I am under the impression that that is exactly what happened.
Why would Shero not have mentioned it then? It would have taken 10 seconds to say it would have saved the fans from speculating.

I think he never did that simply because he never wanted to sign Jagr, he only wanted to save himself from backslash from the fans. Better the fans
hate Jagr than dislike Shero!
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Lesky »

TheHammer24 wrote:
jeffshly wrote:
Lesky wrote:I would have expected Shero to give Svoboda a call and said. You got 30 minutes to accept the contract or else we move on. That would have been more fair, and at least that would have given Jagr the chance to accept the offer in the end!
Who's to say that Shero didn't do exactly this?
Lol; yeah I am under the impression that that is exactly what happened.
Why would Shero not have mentioned it then? It would have taken 10 seconds to say it would have saved the fans from speculating.

I think he never did that simply because he never wanted to sign Jagr, he only wanted to save himself from backslash from the fans. Better the fans
hate Jagr than dislike Shero!
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Lesky »

TheHammer24 wrote:
jeffshly wrote:
Lesky wrote:I would have expected Shero to give Svoboda a call and said. You got 30 minutes to accept the contract or else we move on. That would have been more fair, and at least that would have given Jagr the chance to accept the offer in the end!
Who's to say that Shero didn't do exactly this?
Lol; yeah I am under the impression that that is exactly what happened.
Why would Shero not have mentioned it then? It would have taken 10 seconds to say it would have saved the fans from speculating.

I think he never did that simply because he never wanted to sign Jagr, he only wanted to save himself from backslash from the fans. Better the fans
hate Jagr than dislike Shero!
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Lesky »

TheHammer24 wrote:
jeffshly wrote:
Lesky wrote:I would have expected Shero to give Svoboda a call and said. You got 30 minutes to accept the contract or else we move on. That would have been more fair, and at least that would have given Jagr the chance to accept the offer in the end!
Who's to say that Shero didn't do exactly this?
Lol; yeah I am under the impression that that is exactly what happened.
Why would Shero not have mentioned it then? It would have taken 10 seconds to say it would have saved the fans from speculating.

I think he never did that simply because he never wanted to sign Jagr, he only wanted to save himself from backslash from the fans. Better the fans
hate Jagr than dislike Shero!
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Gaucho »

drnort wrote:
Steve wrote:I usually try to avoid the "jump to conclusions" mat - but for the Pens to withdraw their offer 10 minutes before free agency starts - there's obviously more here to this story.

it seems that Jagr or his agent could have done something to piss off the Pens or #66.

Anyway, Shero isn't going to overpay for Jagr. Let someone else do that.

My bet is that Shero made a firm offer....said there was no room for negotiations. Jagr/Svoboda came back to him this morning and said we will sign for $xx. Shero said "forget it".

They called his bluff and thought they could get more money out of him.
What bluff?
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by newarenanow »

I don't blame the Pens and Shero one bit.

They came out 3 days ago with an offer, stated it was the best offer he can make, and was very upfront with their intentions.

The Jagr camp wanted to get into a bidding war, which is fine.

If Jagr truly wanted to play here, he would have accepted 3 days ago, or at least by yesterday.

I knew the Pens were going to move on. They aren't going to get burned again. If Jagr calls back and says that he truly wants to accept the $2MM, it may work, but I also think that the Pens may not offer it again, as Shero was skeptical about Jagr's intentions intitally, and this may have proved him right.

I'm not going to hate Jagr, and I hope his legacy here lives, but it certainly does bother me, and I know he won't be welcomed by many, many Pens fans ever again.

If he just said he planned on coming to the NHL and was looking for one last season, and did not involve the Pens and all of this media circus and have his agent spewing "his heart is in pgh" crap, then I would have been 100% fine.
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by AlexPKeaton »

I dunno why people are hating on Jagr/Svoboda. They wanted to listen to other offers. That is not evil or dastardly, that is perfectly normal, that is exactly what TK and Talbot and Rupp are doing.
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Idoit40fans »

Shero pulling the offer now is just as childish as anything Jagr and his agent have done. If you want to be firm, you tell him to sign the deal at noon or don't bother signing it.
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by darkstar57 »

Kerry Fraser wrote:
66 Fighters of Foo wrote:While I'm dissapointed Jagr won't be playing for the Pens, I'm totally fine with Shero's move. I don't know who to blame, Jagr or Svoboda, but they strung the Pens out way too long. If Jags wanted to play in Pittsburgh, it wasn't a complicated decision to make.

Unless some news comes out that this was a total fumble by Svoboda, it's hard not to think Jagr damaged his relationship with The Penguins, and Mario, even further.

I'm hoping some news comes out that explains why it came to this. If Jagr's getting grossly overpaid by some team, fine. But if he signs for just above what Shero offered him, not-at-all fine.
Jagr's to blame. I highly doubt he's not in control of his agent's every move. I've never booed Jagr before, but I can't wait to boo his Judas ass each time he comes to this building.
Dude calm down a little bit. no matter what anybody said on either side, there was never a def Jagr would sign with the pens, a lot of this got blown out of proportion because of the media and that's what happens in the 24/7 new cycle, they prey on every little bit of information they can get.

Jagr helped us win two cups, we didn't part on the best of circumstances, and this whole FA thing has been weird, but you know what.

When the season starts, we will have both 87/71 back in uniform and whether we signed jagr or not, 87/71 will either take us to another cup or wont.
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Bathgate »

I think it’s very sad that this episode certainly adds to the local distaste for Jagr that started with the way that his playing career with the Pens ended and that it probably guarantees that he will never be honored by retiring his number. If he returns with another team, the scene will be ugly.
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by bhaw »

Idoit40fans wrote:Shero pulling the offer now is just as childish as anything Jagr and his agent have done. If you want to be firm, you tell him to sign the deal at noon or don't bother signing it.
You have to withdraw it. Telling him "don't bother signing" is not legal language. Technically, Jagr could still sign unless the contract is withdrawn.
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by jprolley »

while its disappointing that jags won't be in a pens uniform again, i applaud RS for this move. enough of the BS.
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Lesky »

TheHammer24 wrote:Why in the World was Lesky so invested in this process.
Because Jagr made me a Penguins fan in the first place!
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by jeffshly »

McKenzie just reported on the TSN draft show that the Pens announced Kennedy is resigned - 2 yrs, $2M per year!
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by jamespensfan »

FallenHero96 wrote:Well any bridges Jagr had left standing are sure burned now. Sad.

So much for doing right by Mario.
It is typical of him. The biggest baby ever. Lets see if he has the balls to show up for 20th anniversary cup celebration.
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by winger »

Shero, please go sign Rupper as well at a fair price
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Kovy27 »

Good thing Jagr would play for league min in Pittsburgh, if Mario called him. He's a liar and a **** drama queen.
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Dan H »

Maybe Jagr orchestrated all this as an absurd evil scheme to teach LGP readers what it feels like to be "dying alive."
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Idoit40fans »

bhaw wrote:
Idoit40fans wrote:Shero pulling the offer now is just as childish as anything Jagr and his agent have done. If you want to be firm, you tell him to sign the deal at noon or don't bother signing it.
You have to withdraw it. Telling him "don't bother signing" is not legal language. Technically, Jagr could still sign unless the contract is withdrawn.
You're making an oddly technical argument here. I'm not even going to clarify what I was saying because it was so obvious.
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Sarcastic »

pfim wrote:Kennedy has nothing to do with this. Shero isn't giving up a 24 year old for one year of a 39 year old who spent the past few seasons chasing a paycheck in a subpar league
That's a strong statement and right on the.. ugh.. money.
Kerry Fraser
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by Kerry Fraser »

I hope Jagr breaks his leg the first game wherever he plays. **** him.
Last edited by Kerry Fraser on Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Penguins want Jagr back?!

Post by drnort »

Gaucho wrote:
drnort wrote:
Steve wrote:I usually try to avoid the "jump to conclusions" mat - but for the Pens to withdraw their offer 10 minutes before free agency starts - there's obviously more here to this story.

it seems that Jagr or his agent could have done something to piss off the Pens or #66.

Anyway, Shero isn't going to overpay for Jagr. Let someone else do that.

My bet is that Shero made a firm offer....said there was no room for negotiations. Jagr/Svoboda came back to him this morning and said we will sign for $xx. Shero said "forget it".

They called his bluff and thought they could get more money out of him.
What bluff?
I simply worded that incorrectly.

They thought Shero was bluffing and would pay more. They were wrong.