Imagination land wars game thread

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Re: Imagination land wars game thread

Post by JoseCuervo »

i like how after tfrizz was protected, you pretty much all knew he was bad... then you voted with him for jays
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Re: Imagination land wars game thread

Post by Malkamaniac »

JoseCuervo wrote:i like how after tfrizz was protected, you pretty much all knew he was bad... then you voted with him for jays
We were all bad that voted. PfiDC was the only one who voted otherwise.
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Re: Imagination land wars game thread

Post by dagny »

sdm5055 wrote:
MWB wrote:This was definitely the most frustrating game because of lack of participation and people asking to be voted off. Bad guys, did it frustrate you also, or not? I assume part of your strategy was to pick off the active players and be left with those not talking.
well dagny pulling what she did was a mess IMO I didnt understand it and still don't, but it didnt hurt us haha
although we would have kept her around since she was way off base
I was hoping for things like this:

dagny wrote:
tfrizz wrote:
dagny wrote:So far, it's been beneficial for the baddies to keep me alive because it keeps suspicion focused on me. It's time to get rid of me to eliminate that, so you guys can try to actually salvage this game.

Unless there's a consensus on someone else, lynch dagny
I don't even know how to read this... it's either a brave move by a baddie, or a selfless move for the good of the village.

lynch dagny.
For example, this person wasn't even on my list, but this post could be a tell. This person seems to know I'm good, but wants to cover his *kittens* when that comes out.

Perhaps more info can be gleaned once it's confirmed I'm blue.

When we lost our last RPer, I thought somebody needed to do something drastic. Something to get the blood pumping and get some reaction. I'd used the "vote me off if they'll vote you off", earlier in the game:
dagny wrote:
jaysmiter wrote:
the wicked child wrote:dags, I believe it was even though you quoted the KS stuff, you put that aside and said you were willing to vote for Loney or BadHands.

Now a few people are like "zomg Loney!"...

odd is all.
Seems to be a lot more evidence for kicksave over loney or bh...yet, she won't consider a vote for him?

I never said I wouldn't consider a vote for him. I said I was waiting for an answer, and there are like 5 people I'd like to vote for, but we can only vote for one. Do I have to keep repeating what is already posted?

You've got this agenda for me. Vote me off. You're annoying me enough that I'm happy to go if it means they take you out next. I'll even vote for myself. You're stuck on me, with nobody else in mind. That will not help the village. So, let's remove the confusion.
At the time I posted that, it was purely to prod jays because I wanted a read on him. I do my best to keep him in the game when I'm pretty sure he's on my side. So I wanted to know if he was good. Nothing really came of it, other than a reaction from jays, which didn't tell me anything, other than... voting for myself will get a strong reaction from jays. :lol: Which, didn't come into play in my mind, until the day I decided to do something drastic.

The day I actually did vote for myself, we didn't know anything, I didn't KNOW anything, I started realizing my suspicions were becoming all over the place. (I also thought there were a lot less players left.)

Trying to get strong reactions was about the only way left I could think of, to try and glean anything, plus I had a sense of panic because I knew I'd be working all the time the next few days.

Since EVERYONE left was suspect, and there was no way for anyone left to "prove" their trustworthiness, other than death, I hoped there might be something in the reactions that might give the village something to go on. Not the votes, the reactions.

I didn't know if I'd actually get voted off. I almost didn't. :lol: I was making it up as I went along, and in response to replies. But, I waited to quote tfrizz, til there were some reactions already. After that, I really did want to be killed, so that that post would have credibility.

But, I couldn't come right out and say all that.

I had no way to be sure, at the time, if tfrizz tipped his hand there, but it at least was a possible "something". I thought for sure that npv would use it to bolster his case against tfrizz once I was confirmed blue.

By the time I died, I was almost convinced about jays. He did a great job of deflecting attention away from any suspicion I cast on him, and turning my arguments around on me. But nobody would know that, except me, unless it was confirmed I was good. Or, maybe I only recognized it because it reminded me of how he acted when we were both bad, I dunno. As soon as I was confirmed dead, I asked about 2 people, to tfrizz, in the chat. Him, and jays.

I didn't know, for sure, he was the recruit, til I asked tfrizz. Then I was kicking myself for trying to be subtle in this early post, in case I was wrong. :face:
dagny wrote:I'm assuming jays got a package, unless the way he's posting is a ramification of something else.

But, after being told there was a recruit, we can't overlook that he's obviously got some kind of requirement he has to post under. I would think if he were the recruit, the game mod wouldn't give him a requirement that would stick out like a sore thumb, but we never know.

I'm leaning toward package.
At that point of the game, while I was really suspicious of jays for posting the way he was right after there was a recruit, I really did have a hard time believing he'd draw such attention to himself. But the rest of it was just my way of asking if he got a package, without asking if he got a package. I was hoping I could get a read, or he would give info, in his reply. I'm pretty sure he didn't reply, which turned out to be the best move, as there was no discussion resulting from it. Until a few phases later, where someone finally asks him directly if he got a package, and he says he can't say. That's when I finally got the read I was looking for, but I was dead. :lol:

Ultimately, I knew I wasn't gonna have much time, for a few days, to actively participate,, and I (mistakenly) thought it was already crunch time for the village.

I've always been afraid to do anything too "reckless" in these games, for fear of getting killed. Fantasy Wars helped open that door for me. Then, finally seeing the game from a baddies perspective opened it a little more, because you have to be prepared to sacrifice yourself early and watch your whole team alienate themselves from you, if the heat gets too high, on you, for the good of your team.

I didn't know it going into it, but actually following through (with being eliminated) turned into another step through that door. Looking back at that day, and now knowing who is good and who is bad, it's another learning experience for me, plus it made easier to accept getting killed in the game, or even just being more patient, when on the chopping block, as opposed to freaking out. I used to get sooooo mad when I died, because I was ALWAYS GOOD! :lol:
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Re: Imagination land wars game thread

Post by dagny »

jaysmiter wrote:unlynch twc
lynch jaysmiter

It's just best for the village ;)
....and THAT.. is how you play the game. :thumb:

Edit to add: Oh, that's in reference to finding a way to reach the limit needed, before the time limit, without having to re-focus the vote. :wink:
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Re: Imagination land wars game thread

Post by dagny »

MWB wrote:Real nice job by malka... I thought you were good the whole time.
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Re: Imagination land wars game thread

Post by dagny »

wallflower wrote:
jaysmiter wrote:
wallflower wrote:I thought it was pretty obvious what was going on when sdm came out at night and voted for jays. And then jays kept saying how "honest" he was and pointing out that sdm had also voted for him. :lol:

Regardless, it was too late anyway.
Eh...I would have done that no matter the plan.

It's only fair to the game that every vote is counted and done right, you know?
It made me laugh how you did it though. "Oh I'm such a nice and honest guy I'm going to point this out. Repeatedly." :lol:
Ditto. :lol:
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Re: Imagination land wars game thread

Post by jaysmiter »

Clearly you don't follow sports, dagny.

Don't you know that, if you want to get a reaction from me (or anyone), you should have asked if my mother was a prostitute.
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Re: Imagination land wars game thread

Post by MWB »

jaysmiter wrote:Clearly you don't follow sports, dagny.

Don't you know that, if you want to get a reaction from me (or anyone), you should have asked if my mother was a prostitute.
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Re: Imagination land wars game thread

Post by dagny »

jaysmiter wrote:Clearly you don't follow sports, dagny.

Don't you know that, if you want to get a reaction from me (or anyone), you should have asked if my mother was a prostitute.

I think, now that the explanation is out there, and you know what I was really trying, that you'd understand best.

You had the unique perspective of seeing me in action before, making it up as I went along, flying by the seat of my pants, and being the only one who knew exactly what I was doing, when I had to come up the Tear of Tragedy story, in the game you modded.

This was a bit different, but I think people forget that not everything is what it seems in posts while the game is ongoing. You find out what was really going on in the person's head, after it's all over.
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Re: Imagination land wars game thread

Post by jaysmiter »

dagny wrote:
jaysmiter wrote:Clearly you don't follow sports, dagny.

Don't you know that, if you want to get a reaction from me (or anyone), you should have asked if my mother was a prostitute.

I think, now that the explanation is out there, and you know what I was really trying, that you'd understand best.

You had the unique perspective of seeing me in action before, making it up as I went along, flying by the seat of my pants, and being the only one who knew exactly what I was doing, when I had to come up the Tear of Tragedy story, in the game you modded.

This was a bit different, but I think people forget that not everything is what it seems in posts while the game is ongoing. You find out what was really going on in the person's head, after it's all over.
Oh...I've seen you in action before...

Oh yeah... :slug: