*RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by slappybrown »

I am guessing NAN has not voted.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by MRandall25 »

He is one of them.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by slappybrown »

I was joking -- he's clearly already quit, no? He didn't even do a promo.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by Crankshaft »

c'mon nan.
Last edited by Crankshaft on Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by slappybrown »

huh? BicMcK posted
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by slappybrown »

Is there a time limit (ie, how about now)?
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

Vote deadline is 5:00pm just waiting on one more I believe
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

All votes in write up coming
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by shafnutz05 »

Has THG posted yet? He's my opponent
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by redwill »

No posts from thg, nan, or MWB, and only a nominal post from relantel.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »


Jim Ross: Well here we go ladies and gentlemen. The WWF proudly brings to you King of The Ring, brought to you by Snickers!

Jerry Lawler: Oh boy JR, I'm going to be snickering tonight once Y2J loses that title to The Rock!

Jim Ross: I think the fans would have to disagree with you there King.

Match 1: X-PAC vs. TAZZ (KoTR Challenge)

(X-Pac steps out from behind the curtains. The crowd voices their displeasure as he makes various gestures, and hops up onto the ring apron.)

Jim Ross: Not sure what to make of this King, a relatively negative reaction for a former fan-favorite.

Jerry Lawler: He's a has been!


(The crowd roars, as the curtains shuffle. Tazz rushes the ring with no hesitation, and slides in immediately starting to land blows with X-Pac. The sold-out audience cheers as Tazz lands several blows. He works X-Pac into the corner, and begins slapping as the fans "Woo!" their approval. The bell finally rings.)

Jerry Lawler: Aw I hate those damn woos.

(Tazz whips X-Pac from turnbuckle to turnbuckle. He rushes again, pulling a dazed X-Pac from the corner. He sets him up for a suplex.)

Jim Ross: Quite an energetic start for the human suplex machine, Tazz and right now...GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY, one suplex!

(Tazz holds onto X-Pac after a single suplex, lifting him back to his feet. He repeats the move.)

Jim Ross: Two suplexes, will he try again?

(Tazz lifts X-Pac a third time off the mat, and performs a third suplex, bridging into a cover.)

Jim Ross: Cover already!

(Earl Hebner counts 1...2....3!)


Jim Ross: What in the world was that!?

Jerry Lawler: A five second match, ha ha! Looks like that nut Tazz will be moving on to the next bracket.

Jim Ross: Well I was hoping for a little more than that, and I'm sure the folks watching at home were. Tazz has beat out X-Pac in our first match, though.


(Following the match, the camera cuts to the backstage area. Triple H is shown lacing up boots in the locker-room. The crowd cheers).

Jim Ross: There's Triple H, The Game who will do battle with Edge later tonight in a match that was singled out by Mr. McMahon.

Jerry Lawler: Yeah, that punk Edge only has himself to thank for that.

Jim Ross: King of course alluding to the fact that Vince's son, Shane McMahon, will be the guest referee during that contest, but right now the King of The Ring challenge continues, with Mick Foley versus The Big Show, next!

Match 2: MICK FOLEY vs. THE BIG SHOW (KoTR Challenge)

(The crowd cheers as Mick Foley's music and video play on the Titantron.)

Jerry Lawler: I guess the big question of the night is, what persona has Mick Foley chosen?

Jim Ross: Certainly that is something to consider, King.

Jerry Lawler: I think he has a disorder of some kind! Schizophrenia!

(Mick Foley comes out dressed as Cactus Jack, brandishing a 2x4.)

Jerry Lawler: What is this!? He can't do this!

Jim Ross: Well, I think Mick can carry whatever he wants as long as he doesn't make use of it during his match.

(Mick Foley marches to the ring, saluting the audience by raising his fist and weapon He slides into the ring, a blank stare turning into a whacky, almost toothless grin. The crowd pops.)


(The crowd's chants quickly turn to boos, as The Big Show saunters out from behind the curtains. Slowly, he makes his way to the ring, climbing over the top rope and raising his chokeslam fist. The bell rings.)

Jim Ross: Here we go folks.

(Mick Foley circles The Big Show looking for an angle of attack. The Big Show stands tall near the center of the ring, eyeing Mick down. Finally, Mick makes a move. They grapple, but The Big Show easily pushes Mick away. Mick Foley goes back in, and grabs The Big Show, bringing him down to one knee.)

Jim Ross: One thing you have to admire about Mick Foley, is that he never shies away from an opponent, no matter how big they are.

Jerry Lawler: That's something he regretted when he went toe to toe with The Undertaker!

(The match goes on for a good 5 minutes, with both contestants landing spots. The Big Show counters most of Mick Foley's moves, but Mick dodges a few himself. Finally, a turning point. Mick Foley beats The Big Show down into a prone position. He lands a DDT.)

Jim Ross: Good god, Mick with a DDT on the WWF's largest superstar!

Jerry Lawler: Get up, get up Show! Don't let this clown win!

(Mick rolls into a cover. Earl Hebner starts the count 1.....2....The Big Show kicks out at the last second.)

Jerry Lawler: Yes!

(Mick stands up, looking out at the fans, as his dazed opponent remains laying on the mat, slowly rolling over. The crowd starts to chant "Foley, Foley, Foley," and Mick reaches into his sweat-pants, producing a sock.)

Jerry Lawler: No!

(Mick puts the sock on his arm, preparing for the Mandible Claw. He doesn't notice that The Big Show is now standing. The Big Show tries to rush Mick, but is still dazed from the DDT. Both competitors go over the top rope. Earl Hebner starts the count 1.....2....3....4.....5.....Mick Foley is the first to his feet. He slowly climbs into the ring, and re-exits. He grabs The Big Show, and bounces his head off of the stairs. The Big Show slowly gets up and rolls back into the ring. Mick Foley grabs his 2x4, and throws it over the top rope. Earl Hebner objects, as Mick re-enters the ring. The Big Show sees the 2x4, clutching his busted open forehead. He grabs it and swings at Mick who ducks. The blow knocks Earl Hebner to the mat.)

Jim Ross: Oh my god, The Big Show....just nailed Earl Hebner with that 2x4!

(Mick Foley immediately goes to work on The Big Show, landing blows left and right. Earl Hebner calls for the bell.)


Jerry Lawler: WHAT?!! HE CAN'T DO THAT!

Jim Ross: He certainly can King, and he just did!

WINNER: MICK FOLEY by Disqualification

Jim Ross: Well we hope Earl Hebner is okay to continue the show tonight, we just received word that they're checking up on him backstage.

(Backstage, Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon and a number of paramedics are surrounding Earl Hebner.)

Paramedic: We recommend taking him to the hospital, this looks like a concussion.

Vince McMahon: I don't care, dammit! We're not PAYING him to get hurt, we're paying him to work dammit! You get back in that ring and finish the show!

Jim Ross: Good God, Mr. McMahon showing his heartless side.

(The Big Show approaches the crowd.)



Shane McMhon: Hold on hold on hold on big guy. Let's just chill for a second a'right?

The Big Show: It was an ACCIDENT and you ***ing know it!

Vince McMahon: All right, all right fine. I am rescinding Earl Hebern's decision. The two of you will face off again, on Monday Night Raw.

(Mick Foley runs in off camera and continues to attack The Big Show as the camera cuts.)

(Glass breaks suddenly.)

Jim Ross: Uh oh.

(The crowd explodes.)


(Stone Cold Steve Austin appears from the curtains.)

Jim Ross: 20,000 on their feet at the sound of the rattlesnake's music!

(Stone Cold jumps into the ring.)


(Al Snow paces out from the top-ramp, carrying his head, head-banging with the music. The crowd doesn't know what to make of it.)

Jerry Lawler: Another nutjob here in the WWF. This is ridiculous, we got this guy, Mick...can't we find some more sane talent?

(The music dies as Al Snow stands outside of the ring looking up at Stone Cold.)

Jim Ross: Well, Mr. Snow is a little hesitant to get it going here. Earl Hebner is still dazed out here, I can see it.

Jerry Lawler: Let's hope he doesn't mess this one up, just like he screwed over The Big Show!

(Al Snow slides in the ring and the bell rings. Stone Cold immediately hits the Stone Cold Stunner.)

Jerry Lawler: WHAT!!!!

(Stone Cold with the pin. Earl Hebner counts slowly, 1....2........3)



Jim Ross: Stone Cold certainly made quick work of that.
Match 4: KANE vs.ROAD DOGG JESSE JAMES (KoTR Challenge)

(The Road Dogg comes out, with microphone in hand. The crowd cheers.)

Road Dogg Jesse James: That's right! The Road Dogg...is back! For the very first tiiiiiiime! Facing off against that...buh buh Big...uh uh Ugly...ruh ruh Red muh muh Machhiine!

Jim Ross: Road Dogg sure can work the crowd.

(Road Dogg prepares himself in the ring. Kane's music plays and the lights go down. The crowd grows silent and still. Pyro explodes, but Kane is nowhere to be seen.)



Jerry Lawler: Maybe some stage fright for Kane? I don't know, this has been one boring show JR!
(Backstage, Farooq is getting ready in the locker-room. He is wearing a black panthers outfit, with a white tie, tied around his neck. It hangs loosely over his t-shirt. He paces back and forth, throwing air punches. The crowd immediately starts to boo disdainfully.)

Jim Ross: The WWF Intercontinental Title is on the line, next!.

Match 5: BIG BOSS MAN vs. FAROOQ (WWF Intercontinental Title [Vacant])


(The crowd boos as Farooq steps out from the back. He waves the crowd off, and dawns a stern look. He makes his way to the ring.)

Jim Ross: Well Farooq is no stranger to the police, and the Big Boss man of course being in the public service, and now bodyguard for several high profile superstars. This is going to be interesting.

Jerry Lawler: JR, I have a feeling the Big Boss man is going to return to the precinct empty-handed tonight!


(The Big Boss Man steps out onto the ramp with aviators, carrying his night-stick. He charges the ring, and slides in as Farooq immediately rushes him. The bell rings. Big Boss Man and Farooq line up, exchanging blows. The Big Boss man tosses his night-stick out of the ring at the request of Earl Hebner, and starts to circle the mat. Farooq and Boss Man tie up.)

Jim Ross: These are two competitors who are wiling to do whatever it takes here. The Intercontinental Title is on the line.

(Farooq gets an edge, ties up with Boss man and connects with a body-slam. Boss Man rolls up rather quickly, and Farooq goes to work throwing punches. Boss Man counters his third hit, and begins to hit back. The crowd pops.)

Jerry Lawler: Come on Farooq! Use that beautiful black body of yours!

Jim Ross: I don't see what his body has to do with this, King.

Jerry Lawler: It's beautiful! Muscular, strong...come on JR, you know what I mean!

Jim Ross: I'll take your word for it, King.

(Farooq whips Boss Man in the ropes, and hits a hard clothesline, drawing an "Oooo" from the crowd. Farooq raises his fist in the air, causing a negative chrous of boos. Boss Man slowly gets up, and charges Farooq. The two tie up, and Boss Man manages to throw Farooq halfway across the ring.)

Jim Ross: Good god, what a throw. Both of these men are tough athletes.

(Farooq rises to his feet, as Boss Man charges him into the corner turnbuckle. Boss Man climbs to the top rope, with Farooq underneath him and begins wailing on him. The crowd counts as the punches land. "One!" "Two!" "Three!" "Four!" Boss Man stops, and holds his hand up. Farooq uses the taunt to his advantage, and powerbombs Boss Man into the center of the ring. He covers him. Earl Hebner counts 1.....2.....)

Jim Ross: Kick out by Boss Man!

Jerry Lawler: Come on ref! That was a slow count!!

Farooq stands up, holding his hand up to Earl Hebner as if he was going to strike him. Hebner stumbles back, and Farooq makes his way to the corner turnbuckle. He climbs up, and attempts a frog splash, but Boss Man rolls at the last second. Farooq's body slams into an empty canvas, and he bounces up in pain, taking a knee. A grimace stretches across his face. Boss Man lifts Farooq and hits a side pump-handle slam. He goes for a cover. Earl Henber counts 1.....2..... kick out by Farooq.)

Jerry Lawler: Ha ha!

(Both athletes are dazed. Suddenly, a swarm of cops join the two at ringside.)

Jerry Lawler: What is this?!

(Farooq starts arguing with the cops, who are holding up a search warrant and court summons. As Farooq is arguing with them, Boss Man seizes the opportunity. He pins Farooq from behind. Earl Hebner counts 1....2.....3)

Lilian Garcia: Your winner, and NEW WWF Intercontinental Champion...



Jim Ross: The cops at ringside are arresting Farooq!

(The police tackle Farooq, and cuff him. They cart him off as Big Boss Man celebrates in the ring, holding a thumbs-up to the police commissioner.)

Jerry Lawler: Wait a minute, I want to see that warrant! What's going on!

Jim Ross: I'm sure there was probable cause as Farooq is involved in some pretty nasty groups.

Jerry Lawler: I'll bail ya out Farooq! Just hang tight in the slammer!


(Shane McMahon struts down to the ring.)

Jim Ross: Well, Shane McMahon is here as the special guest referee for the next contest between Triple H and Edge.


Match 6: EDGE vs. TRIPLE H (KoTR Challenge)


(Triple H walks out from the back, staring at ring. Bottle of water in hand, he slowly makes his way to the ring apron. He climbs up. The crowd is uncertain how to react, afraid that Triple H has allied with Shane McMahon. As Triple H enters the ropes, he stares at Shane, who nervously looks back at him. The two stare at each other for a beat, before Shane breaks and looks up the ramp.)



(The crowd roars as Edge's music hits. Triple H preps himself in the ring, knees bent, ready to go. The crowd parts behind him, as Edge rushes from the back through to the front row. He climbs the security barriers and slides in beside Triple H. The bell rings. Triple H and Edge immediately lock-up.)

Jim Ross: And here we go folks, the much anticipated contest of Triple H vs. Edge. We're in for a technical show-down.

Jerry Lawler: Mr. McMahon knew what he was doing here!

(Triple H grapples Edge into a side headlock. Shane McMahon immediately asks Edge if he taps, but Edge breaks the hold, pushing himself off against the ropes. He runs at Triple H, who hits the canvas, forcing Edge to jump over him. Edge bounces off the other rope, and connects with a flying knee, sending Triple H spiraling. Shane McMahon gets in Edge's way, preventing him from doing more damage.)

Jim Ross: Oh for the love of God Shane, let them wrestle!

Jerry Lawler: Come on JR, he's just making sure The Game isn't hurt!

Jim Ross: Yeah right...

(Edge gets around Shane, but Triple H has recovered. Triple H eblows Edge, and sends himself off of the ropes. He hits the dazed Edge with a boot to the face, and Edge hits the ground. Triple H stands over Edge and bends down, slowly picking Edge up off the mat. He gets a few hooks in, and ties up with him, putting him in another side headlock. He brings Edge down for more leverage. Edge begins to recover, turning the headlock into a side-slam. Both competitors lay on the ground and Shane starts to count. Edge is the first to his feet. He goes for the turnbuckle, as Triple H is still getting up. Triple H counters, and hits the ropes, causing Edge to bust his nuts on the turnbuckle.)

Jerry Lawler: Ha ha! Better watch that legacy Edge!

(Shane approaches Triple H, telling him not to do that. Triple H ignores Shane, and heads for Edge who is still on the turnbuckle. Triple H climbs up two, and suplexes Edge to the mat below.)

Jim Ross: Great athleticism by The Game.

(Triple H rolls to his feet, staggering over to Edge. He attempts and elbow drop, but Edge rolls out of the way just in time. As Edge struggles to his feet, Triple H winces in pain at the missed move. Edge stands up, and again climbs the turnbuckle. He has enough time to get to the top. The crowd roars, as Edge flies through the air. Camera flashes go off from every angle, and Edge connects perfectly with an elbow to Triple H. Triple H goes down, and Edge goes for the cover. Shane McMahon is watching the top ramp.)

Jim Ross: Come on Shane, what the hell are you doing!? 1....2....3!

Jerry Lawler: Easy JR, Shane's just making sure that nobody is coming out to interrupt the match.

(Edge shouts at Shane, who turns and starts the count. 1.........2........Triple H kicks out.)

Jim Ross: Fairness is what Vince McMahon preached the other night, but it's not what is in practice tonight.

(Edge approaches Shane and starts yelling at him. Shane holds his arms up and signals that he wasn't watching. As he does this, Triple H stands behind him. Edge turns and Triple H, hits a face-buster. Edge flies back against the ropes, and bounces straight back to Triple H who kicks him in the gut. Edge bends down in pain and Triple H prepares the pedigree.)

Jerry Lawler: Look out!

(Triple H pedigrees Edge, rolling him over. He goes for the cover. Shane promptly hits the mat. 1....2....Shane stops counting suddenly. Triple H breaks the pin, thinking it's over, but realizes it's not. He stares straight at Shane. Suddenly...)


Jerry Lawler: WHAT!


Jim Ross: What in the world is going on!?

(The Rock runs out from the back, as Shane holds Triple H back. Triple H pushes Shane McMahon away, and faces off. The Rock grabs a chair from ringside. Edge grabs Triple H's leg, and The Rock jumps up onto the apron. He slams Triple H with the chair, and Triple H hits the mat. He enters the ring, grabs Edge and puts him right over Triple H. Shane slowly crawls to the pin and counts 1,2,3. The bell rings.)

Jerry Lawler: HA HA! Edge! Edge wins!

Jim Ross: Edge sold himself out to the McMahon's!?


(The Rock and Shane McMahon grab Edge, and shuffle him off to the back, as Triple H slowly regains his composure. He exits the ring and runs after them to the back.)

Match 7: KURT ANGLE vs. THE GODFATHER (KoTR Challenge)


(Backstage, Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, The Rock and Edge are in Vince's office.)

Vince McMahon: Alright, alright calm down.

Shane McMahon: YEAH Rocky! You showed that punk Triple H what was up!

(The Rock raises and eyebrow and looks at Shane.)

Edge: Guys, guys, guys the aftermath and fall-out are huge, I need your protection from Triple H. I can't deal with this as I work my way through the King of the Ring challenge.

Vince McMahon: Enough, we'll deal with that later. Now listen, I've arranged for security to be present tonight at ring-side. Rock, nobody's going to mess with your match okay? It's going to be you, and that lousy cheating punk Chris Jericho.

The Rock: The Rock says he doesn't care if it's Chris Jericho, Triple H, Edge, or the Dalai Lama; The Rock's going to do what he does best, and that's kick his CANDY ASS all over...Cleveland.

Shane McMahon: BOOYA-!

(The Rock holds his hand up to Shane's mouth. Just as he does, the door pounds. The camera cuts to the outside, where Triple H is kicking at the office. He gives up after a few kicks, and starts walking down the hallway, furious. Farooq is being put into the back of a police car complaining. The Road Dogg approaches Triple H and the two begin to converse. Stone Cold is drinking beer, watching the mayhem unfold, laughing to himself.)

Jim Ross: What a night it's been folks, and we're finally here. The main event. The WWF World Heavyweight Championship is on the line. The Rock and Shane McMahon face off with Chris Jericho, next!

Match 8: THE ROCK vs. CHRIS JERICHO (WWF World Heavyweight Title [Vacant])


(Chris Jericho enters to a huge roar from the crowd. His charismatic entrance brings him into the ring, but before anything happens he grabs a microphone.)


Chris Jericho: Now I've seen what's been going on here tonight, and I'm quite disturbed. Not that Vinny seems to be running things from the back, but that these 2-dollar prostitutes are selling themselves so cheaply to the McMahon pimp outfit. You see, I happen to think there's more at stake than kissing my boss right on his big ass, and taking what I'm given. So Rock...Shane...bring your sorry selves down here and let's get this -


(Shane McMahon and The Rock enter the spotlight.)

Jim Ross: Well here they come. The Rock and Shane McMahon.

(The Rock and Shane McMahon rush the ring, The Rock slides in. The bell rings, as Shane McMahon paces the outside of the ring. Earl Hebner calls him in, but Shane abstains for a few more seconds as The Rock ties up with Y2J. Y2J gets the upper-hand, pulling The Rock down into an arm-bar. Shane McMahon enters the ring, and starts beating on the prone Y2J, but Earl Hebner breaks it up. Shane holds his arms up, as Hebner is distracted. Y2J breaks the bar, and whips into the ropes. The Rock counters, but Y2J rushes him and hits a spinning heel kick. The Rock goes down instantly, causing Shane to break Hebner's attention, and go after Y2J.)

Jim Ross: What is Shane thinking!?

Jerry Lawler: Look out Shane!

(Shane swings at Y2J who holds him at arms length, laughing. Shane ducks back and tucks into the ropes. Y2J rushes him and sends him flying over the top rope. The crowd goes wild. The Rock stands up, and grabs Y2J. Y2J turns and kicks The Rock, but it doesn't have much effect. Y2J grapples with The Rock. He applies a side-grab, but The Rock counters.)


(Y2J goes down hard, and the canvas echoes throughout the arena.)

Jim Ross: What a move!

Jerry Lawler: Cover Rock!

(The Rock bides his time, standing to his feet slowly. He watches as Y2J stands up, hoisting his arms up. The Rock charges, and hits a belly spear, but Jericho turns it into a DDT. Again, the crowd goes wild. Shane McMahon hits the ring, and starts complaining to Earl Hebner. Jericho immediately counters, grabbing Shane and whipping him into the ropes. Shane helplessly flails his arms as he forcibly moves to the middle of the ring off the ropes. Y2J connects with a clothesline, and Shane goes down hard.)

Jerry Lawler: Get outta there Shane!

(The Rock staggers to his feet, and runs at Jericho. Jericho sees him at the last second and dodges, as The Rock heads into the turnbuckle. The Rock makes a quick recovery turning, and catching Y2J off-guard. Surprised, Jericho loses his edge. The Rock lines him up for a Rock Bottom.)

Jim Ross: Look out!

(Jericho wiggles free from the hold, sending himself into the ropes. He runs for The Rock, who hits him with a high-elbow. Jericho crashes to the mat, in the dead center of the ring. The Rock looks up at the fans, who start booing. Chris Jericho has a chance, he knees The Rock in the groin. The Rock cowers in pain as he sprawls out next to Y2J.)

(Suddenly, Triple H runs in from the back. As Earl Hebner checks on The Rock and Y2J. Triple H goes after Shane McMahon. Shane starts to run, panicking. He runs around the ring, pursued by Triple H. Triple H tackles Shane and starts pummeling him.)

Jerry Lawler: Hey hey hey, get someone down here

(Y2J gets to his feet and looks out at the commotion. The Rock gets up, staggering, as Earl Hebner goes to break up the fight at ringside. Triple H slides a chair into the ring. Y2J grabs it and lays out The Rock. Triple H distracts Earl Hebner just long enough.)

Jim Ross: All hell has broken loose at ringside!

(Y2J hits the Lionsault from the ropes and covers The Rock. Earl Hebner slides in the ring and begins the count. 1....2....3....)


Lilian Garcia: Your winner, and NEW WWF World Heavyweight Champion...



Jerry Lawler: NO! ...THE PLAN....I....IT'S...THE PLAN BACKFIRED!

Jim Ross: What goes around comes around King. That's all we have for this evening folks, we'll see you on August 23rd, at:


Match 1: TAZZ vs. EDGE (KoTR Challenge)


Match 4: BIG BOSS MAN vs. KURT ANGLE (WWF Intercontinental Title [BIG BOSS MAN])

Match 5: THE BIG SHOW vs. MICK FOLEY (KoTR Rematch)

Match 6: TRIPLE H and CHRIS JERICHO vs. THE ROCK and EDGE (Tag-Team Match)
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by redwill »

Farooq from jail:

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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by MalkinIsMyHomeboy »

Were any rep points handed out? I'm confused...
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by Crankshaft »

Me too. So many swerves. The whole aligning with the McMahons goes against pretty much everything in my promos.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by the errey i breathe »

Crankshaft wrote:Me too. So many swerves. The whole aligning with the McMahons goes against pretty much everything in my promos.
Yeah tell me about it, Edge aligning with the McMahons certainly wasn't something I saw coming given my promos
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by PensFanInDC »

I rather liked my match outcome. Well done on that at least.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

MalkinIsMyHomeboy wrote:Were any rep points handed out? I'm confused...
Will be pm'd today
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by DocEmrick »

Sorry guys, we've had like 3 other people drop-out in confusion.

For now the game is cancelled. We have uneven numbers, and people are semi-confused (save for like 4 of you).
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by count2infinity »

I'll drop if it makes things even. Reading some of the other peoples posts, I'm way outclassed here.
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by Crankshaft »

Vince McMahon turned out to be Vince Russo :lol:
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by slappybrown »

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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by redwill »

Farooq wrote:DAMN!!

I guess this beautiful black man gotta sit in the white man's House fo-eva!!

At least a nice dog rescue brought me a dog!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by PensFanInDC »

FWIW this is a really cool idea that I think can be done with some tweaking. It would also help to have all participants, ya know, participate

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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by BigMcK »

Redwill, if I knew who you were in real life, and saw you walking on the sidewalk toward me --- I would cross to the other side of the street. You, my man, are scary crazy.

Peace out, brother. *thumbs up*
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Re: *RAW is WAR*: Game Thread

Post by BigMcK »

This was a very ambitious game with so many plotlines, twists and turns.

Thanks for hosting a creative writing contest with pictures and videos. Cheers.