Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

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Twisted Wrister
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by Twisted Wrister »

Yeah, I know my bad, my bad. But hey the week could lead to more recruits.
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by LeopardLetang »

wow. the mole is confusing me. i'd prefer if he made more theoretical sense. as in, the mafia would know who he was. conversely, theoretically, the mole might not know who the mafia role players were since if he got caught they wouldn't want him to know much. perhaps he could know who the lowest ranking mafia role player was and report only to him. i think that if the mole researched a civilian or other mafia role player, the mod could just report no information.

if the mole only ever knew the lowest ranking mob man, it could create something kind of cool. it could create an extra power for the detective. if the detective found the mole, the next night, instead of using his power, the detective would be given the identity of the mole's superior. so if you find the mole, the next night you'll get that one mob man that the mole reports to. this mob man might be called the lackey or wise-guy (some lower level man).

so who would be the middle power mob man? i still like the idea of a suicide killing like the yakuzza. he would always have the option of taking a guy out. so if the mole reports who the detective is, the yakuzza might think it worth sacrificing himself to kill him. it's a simple role that isn't confusing yet adds another option.

i think the idea of the detective shaking down the mole if he finds him helps even out the advantage given by the mole. the mole wouldn't need to be neutral or vague. he would be on the mafia's team, but wouldn't need to be killed for the innocents to win. also, since he's not vague, if the mole found the doctor, the mod would tell the godfather "the mole has found the doctor, jaysmiter" and the mod would tell the mole, "jaysmiter is the doctor."

and finally, i really like the idea of adding freemasons. with so few people we have, we could maybe just have 2 freemasons. they should just be 2 regular villagers that are allowed to communicate with each other (pms) and know for certain that they are each innocents. if they always worked together to lynch someone, perhaps they would seem suspicious to other freemasons actually are.

also, since the mole's researches can be specific, the mod could say, mole has found that loaf is a freemason. the mob could then decide if that person is dangerous enough to kill or instead always skip that person since they know he's not the doctor, etc.

ok. thinking stuff through some. since the mafia knows who their mole is, they could kill the mole if they feared he was going to get caught by the detective. perhaps, if the mafia decided to kill off the mole the night after the detective found out the mole, they could save letting the detective know the wise-guy.

for example, detective finds mole night 3. night 4 mafia kills mole therefore detective doesn't learn who wise-guy is.

(what happens if the wiseguy is arrested? who does the mole report to? hmm)
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by LeopardLetang »

i'll try to make it simpler to look at.

(first, i thought to counteract the freemasons, the godfather could be given the ability of the silencer too. and he should be allowed to silence himself.)

so in all, i propose this as the mafia team:

1. Godfather gains ability to silence someone each night who will be the auto-lynch of the day if they post.

2. Yakuzza may sacrifice himself and choose another player to take with him

3. Wiseguy receives pms from mole but cannot pm the mole back.

4. Mole researches players for the mafia and knows the identity of the wiseguy from the start. the mole gets pms from the mod about role players and pms the wiseguy at his leisure. if the wiseguy dies, the mole cannot pm anyone else (even the mod) and will have to release his gathered info during the day, if he wishes, at risk of getting lynched. the mole does not need to be killed to end the game in villager victory.

proposed innocents team:

1. Doctor simply protects someone each night as usual

2. Outlaw (Rogue Cop) acts as vigilante as usual

3. Detective is the seer and if he finds the mole, the next night the mod sends him the identity of the wiseguy unless that same night the mob kills the mole (through luck or intuition)

4. Freemasons (2 for this case) are innocents that can pm each other and know that each other are innocents.

what are opinions on these ideas? i'm likely missing something that would make something i propose not work well. but every time i've thought something might not work, i sit here to say that but then realize it still could work. so. i don't know.

(only other idea i was kicking around involved the freemasons. i imagined that they could have a power where they could try to recruit new freemasons. they could put a recruiting credit on one player each night. once they got 3 credits on a player (assuming the player does not die before) that player will be sent an invitation from the mod to join the freemasons. this player might be a civilian, a doctor, etc, or even the mole or godfather. maybe through pming each other the freemasons will get suspicious of their recruit and decide he might be on the mafia's team. or other strategies)
Last edited by LeopardLetang on Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by beerman »

wow, i'm confused
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by PittPensFan »

No Yakuza. Freemasons sound interesting. The relationship between the mole and the wiseguy is interesting. However, I'd like the mod to still be the middle man between the mole and the wiseguy. I don't think the mole should have any direct contact with the Mafia at all.
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by wallflower »

Oh wow. This is getting way more complicated than I thought it was going to be...
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by LeopardLetang »

well, it doesn't have to be wallflower. we don't want to lose any new recruits over it.
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by wallflower »

I thought it was pretty much going to be the same as WW only with different titles & the addition of the mole.

I know there's a lot of different ways to play the game (and roles to add) but I figured we were still keeping it relatively simple.
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by newarenanow »

I think adding one or at most 2 new role players/altering existing ones is fine, but let's keep it simple.
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by beerman »

newarenanow wrote:I think adding one or at most 2 new role players/altering existing ones is fine, but let's keep it simple.
Yeah I agree, one for now is probably good, play a few games and add another if we feel like it but ease into it a bit rather than adding 3-4 new roles right off the bat.
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by LeopardLetang »

the mole is what is confusing to me. i tried to clarify his role but in the process i ended up coming up with new ideas.

but i think adding the freemasons and giving a mafia member the ability to silence someone each night would be simple and fun.
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by Twisted Wrister »

Lets just keep it simple for the first game, see how things play out. Sort of a beta test game. Just go with the Mole/Mod combination and see how it works, for now.
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by Senka »

okay i kid you not... i like 3 mafia, the doc vig and detective... thats the regular ones. i love the freemasons idea though, thats sweet. and a slight advantage to the village. So to compensate, the mole is on the mobs side.

here my only thing with the mole. i dont like that hes either or. like i think hes a side car of the mafia. because if he plays on both, then he can technically be a second seer with the information he knows. in discussion hes going to know just as much as a seer technically. so i think in essence if he spoke through the mod to the mafia... he'd be on their side. He gets to act as a mafia SEER every other night (like the vig) and is told ROLE or TOWNSPERSON. then the mafia knows that *so and so* is a ROLE or a TOWNS... the Mole gets to decide the person they want to inveestigate FOR the mafia, since he works for them, but doesnt get to discuss it with anyone, because he doesnt know anyone.. this adds the factor that he can investigate the mafia itself.. so its not ALL positive.

In a sense, the Mole is on the mafia's side. doesn't know who he works for. iNVESTIGATES A PERSON every other night. the mafia is told ROLE or VILLAGER. as is the mole. thats my most equal understanding of how the mole wpould be essential. if he is on either side, then i dont like the idea at all, because youre essentially helping the seer by adding another one.

sorry if this is confusing at all. its meant for TW to read and think about, but if others want to feel free. if you are confused dont worry, because this isnt real. But the freemasons is sweet. even if they cant talk to the other person by PM, they are simply given a name... like my PM would say "you are a freemason. your other freemason is LeopardLetang" and he would get the opposite one ... still not allowed to PM but i know a name that is safe.

I didnt know TW already made up his mind. but as a disclaimer the MOLE is a mafia sidecar or a freewilling person?
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by Twisted Wrister »

I get what you were getting at there Senka, the Mole is the Mafia seer, but he can choose not to help them at all. He is a free spirit after all.
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by Dean Wormer »

Is there still room? If so, I'm in. If not, I'll catch it next time.
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by LeopardLetang »

oh u in
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by Twisted Wrister »

You are in Dean, we are starting on hangover Monday after the Super Bowl
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by Senka »

Bump. new signees?
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Re: Mafia Sign-up Thread!!

Post by Twisted Wrister »

Last chance for any signups!