Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by MalkinIsMyHomeboy »

Also, as per my goaltending situation, I agree that both can be inconsistent. But both can also be lights out when they're on their game.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by MRandall25 »

count2infinity wrote:
Avyran wrote:
Strengths: Dynamic first line. Very mobile defense. Offensive-oriented squad will score a lot of goals & will fit Bylsma. Power play will likely be best in league.
Weaknesses: Not sure if it fits Sutter's physical, aggressive style. Whole team seems slightly non-physical, especially defense; could be overpowered as well. Bishop + Gibson is very uncertain (I'm not sold on Bishop, personally). Also, I hate Marchand. :lol:
Question: Is your fourth line going to be used consistently, or are they fillers for injury / etc?

Appreciate the comments. I do think a lot of this team will mesh well with Bylsma, however a lot of the team is much more defensive than you may think. Datsyuk and Hossa in particular are certainly high scorers but have been well praised (with good reason) for their defensive game as well. They are both very hard workers at both ends of the ice. Richards is a versatile 2-way player that has fallen on some hard years, but surrounded with the right people, I think he'll do quite well in that 3rd line center role.

I don't think this team is non-physical either. I personally remember watching Kovalchuk throw some big hits, we have Marchand the irritant, Richards is physical, Foligno and MacArthur are gritty. While I agree that the D isn't necessarily very physical (especially with Jackman out), it is full of great puck movers. It's going to be tough if there is a big, physical net front presence, but the league as a whole seems to be very skilled, and will likely be looking for tic-tac-toe passing rather than gritty driving the net style goals. I wanted to keep the D fast and have good vision and puck mobility.

Defintiely took a risk on the Bishop + Gibson combo. It's a very green tandem, but there is a lot of veteran presence in front of them. I think the two of them will be just fine in net.

I hate Marchand as well, but he's a guy that you love to have on your team.

4th line will likely not be used as often as some other team's 4th lines in the league. I'd imagine them to get about 8-10 minutes a game (assuming no injuries and no non-stop special teams type of games)
To build on the physicality argument, I wouldn't necessarily say Sutter's teams have been overly physical. They have the right amount of physicality to match their skill level. His teams throw hits when they need to, not necessarily just to do so.

We also believe Sutter will have players on our team with similar styles to the ones he has/had in LA. Datsyuk is an excellent analog, IMO, for Kopitar. Both are centers who excel at the defensive aspect of the game, but are also highly capable of handling the offensive side of their game. Subban is probably the closest player to Doughty's level: an offensive defenseman who can take games over offensively, but still has the ability to come back and play defense when needed. Kovalchuk could be our version of this year's Marian Gaborik. Spezza could fill the role of Jeff Carter, etc. We feel that most of the guys we drafted have analogs on the current Kings roster that Sutter has made successful, and thus, we feel he is a good fit for what we wanted our team to accomplish: strong offensive, but defensively responsible play.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by Staggy »

Alright some quick thoughts and questions on all the rosters. Avyran and Mikey covered a lot so I'll try to focus on things they didn't mention.

Pluses: Getzlaf and Benn may be the best tandem in the league and will be a nightmare for defenders every single shift. Extremely skilled 4th line. Very good defensive crew, all smart players and good skaters.
Minuses: I'm unsure about the second line. I don't mind the composition of it but I think it's underwhelming when comparing it to most of the other second lines in the league. 4th line is pretty small so I'm not sure how they'll hold up against bigger units.
Questions: My main questions are what you're looking for out of your second line and how you think they'll fare, and also if your team will try to mirror a roided up version of Tippett's Coyotes' or play a little more open.

Pluses: Awesome top 6. Taylor Hall on your second line is a huge advantage and he will likely be dynamite with Spezza. Nasty first powerplay. Goals will come easily.
Minuses: They might go in easily too. I like the second pairing the best, but can both those guys play on their off side? Hossa and Datsyuk didn't show great chemistry when they played together, but that was also 6 years ago and things change.
Questions: I see some of the King's parallels on offense that you were mentioning and the top 6 will provide plenty enough offense to win a lot of games. I'm mainly concerned with the goals against, as I'm not sure I see the Sutter fit with the defense.

You guys mentioned not having line combos yet so there's not much for me to go on here but... I would like the look a lot better if one of MacKinnon or Couture was the third line center. I like having one of Hanzal or Ott center a line at this level, but not both of them. Mack with Kreider would be electric and give the opposition fits. One cool thing is I don't think a team with the best goalie in the league has ever had the worst goaltending situation before. I expect an add/drop to take place, because it's just not realistic to go through an entire season with one goalie. Hank getting hurt or even just exhausting as the season goes along will cripple any chance the team has.


Pluses: Crazy good first line. Right up there with Montreal in terms of best line I've seen so far. Second line will be excellent if the Sedins can bounce back. Very good top 3 defenders.
Minuses: Not great bottom 3 defenders. Nothing else sticks out too much, I don't like Dwight King there and I think Grabner is useless in this type of league but your 12th or 13th forward isn't really going to matter.
Questions: May be more of a coaching topic but will there be a lot of line matching going on here? Mostly wondering about whether Couturier will be used to shut down other team's number one center. That top 5 man unit will terrorize any line, let alone if they spend a good amount of time against weaker pairings.


Dynamic offensively. Really strong top 9 wingers. Elite gamebreaker in Kane, a few more gamebreakers in JVR, Gaborik, and Tarasenko, and a 40 goal man in Patches. Kopitar, as great as he is, seems slightly out of pace. As others have said, are you going to go all out offense and unleash him like he's never been before? Or are you planning for his elite two way play to trickle down the lineup a bit? I'd go option 1 and just let it ride. Defense is underwhelming and I haven't seen Rinne play at a level capable of bailing out a team in a couple years now. Still, I'd enjoy watching them try to win game 6-5. Fun team.

Los Angeles:

Woah, I was certain I had the most centers in the league... Awesome collection of two way centers. Nice mix of elite two wayers and offensive creativity. Maybe too many guys playing out of position but I'm sure they can adapt. The team seems like a Boston hybrid, only with a better group of forwards and a worse group of defensemen. I'm not in love with the d core here. Very solid first pairing, but Lindholm, Staal, and Johnson scare me at their respective spots. Fine goalie in Lehtonen. Obviously there is an abundance of two forwards here so the plan will be for them to cover up the areas of the defense that are weak, correct? You certainly have the group to do so. The opposition will have a tough time gaining any zone entry at all and if they do your forwards aren't likely to miss many coverages. Overall, there are some concerns with defense and goal scoring, bu this team seems like it will be a tough out in the playoffs.


Very good forward group top to bottom. I might flip flop Nyquist and Hornqvist. Hornqvist seems better fit to crash the net while Tavares and Sharp do their thing. Dropping Nyquist down gives you a gamebreaker on your third line and adds speed to the line as well. One of the better 4th lines I've seen. I like your top 4 defensemen, the bottom pairing seems like they could get in some trouble though. Goaltending is where I raise my eyebrows though...Fleury wasn't bad in the playoffs last year, even quite good at times. I just don't know if he can be a reliable playoff starter at this level unless he's sheltered. While I don't think your D is bad at all, what is your gameplan to help Fleury out? Teams will be rolling 3-4 scoring lines and there will be onslaughts, I'd almost prefer to start Halak in this kind of league.

St. Louis:

Nice team top to bottom. I see the top line as sort of the Kunitz-Crosby-Dupuis line of this league. Crosby is flanked by two good wingers, certainly not elite players but enough to make him one of the top 2 scorers in the league, and he'll give a healthy boost to Ryan and Oshie's totals as well. One of the best 3 or 4 lines in the league, but like the Pens' line it mostly because of Crosby. Great makeup for the second line and I like the wingers on the 3rd. I'm not 100% sold on Vermette there but he works out okay and completes a deadly top 9. Not a fan of the 4th line, but they won't really hurt you in limited playing time. Great goalie. All the defensive pairs look solid although the bottom pairing looks like they may get pinned quite a bit. Not many questions here, should comfortably make the playoffs.

New York:

Incomplete so not much to say, solid foundation though.


Another solid team. As the description states, nothing flashy (outside of Duchene's skating) just a team that gets the job done. Defense looks really strong, I like the idea of not making a Suter-Weber super pairing and instead deciding to spread out the big guns. Obviously goaltending not a concern at all, Price is a top 5 goalie. I'm slightly unsure where all the goals are going to come from though. The meshing on the scoring forwards just seems a little...off to me. Staal and Simmonds sound good together but are either of them crafty enough to get the puck to the other for prime scoring opportunities? I'm not so sure. The bottom 6 looks solid but they won't create many goals. I'd bank on a high percentage of goals coming from the powerplay which leads to my big question. Why is Simmonds not planted in front of the net on the PP while Weber rips 100 mph slappers? This is a strong team though and goals will be hard to come by for both teams in the game.


Wow that top line is good. Eerily similar to the Parise-Seguin-Ovechkin line. They could put up 260 points and 120 goals between them. The whole top 9 looks very good. The speed of that 4th line scares me a bit though. I just see them losing too many foot races, getting dusted in transition, and mostly just being completely lost against fast teams. Once again, 4th line so not a huge deal. Very good goaltending in Varlamov. Pietrangelo is awesome, great defensive player. The remaining 5 (maybe not Maatta) are just all offense, all the time and will likely give Varlamov night terrors. I think this team is somewhat similar to Hartford, lots of goals both ways.

I know I didn't state explicit questions for most teams, I mostly just threw out what I saw from looking over each team. Feel free to point out places you disagree with my analysis or explain how one of my concerns aren't actually a big deal and the like.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by Avyran »

Staggy wrote:Los Angeles:

Woah, I was certain I had the most centers in the league... Awesome collection of two way centers. Nice mix of elite two wayers and offensive creativity. Maybe too many guys playing out of position but I'm sure they can adapt. The team seems like a Boston hybrid, only with a better group of forwards and a worse group of defensemen. I'm not in love with the d core here. Very solid first pairing, but Lindholm, Staal, and Johnson scare me at their respective spots. Fine goalie in Lehtonen. Obviously there is an abundance of two forwards here so the plan will be for them to cover up the areas of the defense that are weak, correct? You certainly have the group to do so. The opposition will have a tough time gaining any zone entry at all and if they do your forwards aren't likely to miss many coverages. Overall, there are some concerns with defense and goal scoring, bu this team seems like it will be a tough out in the playoffs.
meow wrote:LA - Best goalie tandem. How many centers do you need man?? Lack of PMD. Good coaching staff.
Mikey287 wrote:- Responsible top-line that is well-constructed. Three natural centers on the second line make for some creative maneuvering, though, Marleau has spent half his career at wing anyhow...Kesler seems kind of superfluous there all things considered. Nothing stands out about the other two forward lines, they'll work hard. It's a not a fast group overall at forward certainly.
- I like Lindholm, but maybe he's up a rung too high at this level. JMFJ is adventurous but there's worse players in this show.
- Lehtonen is not known for his puck playing ability at all, but Mike Smith is probably the league's best at it. I think the coaching is good and won't require a lot of speed to accomplish what their goal is...you nailed in your description, there is no gamebreaker anywhere in the lineup, except maybe Lehtonen...but you think about Boston, and who is the gamebreaker? Basically Rask...the coach is a great fit, and he knows how to utilize Bergeron and Chara, of course...
Great comments, Staggy/Mikey/meow (on both my team and the whole league). Really, really fun to read this stuff. :fist:

Quick note: I moved Trevor Daley up to 2nd line defender and shifted Lindholm down to third; am contemplating swapping one of my extra players for a yet-undrafted defender to provide more help. Bit of a loss of size & physicality because of this, but I'm hoping that M. Staal and his love of cross-checking people in the head will make up for it.

I will say, I completely dropped the ball when it came to drafting defenders, though. Three stats took precedent in my mind too much: TOI, blocked shots, & hits. I wanted a defensive line that could clear the space in front of Lehtonen / Smith and let them do their thing. However, I don't know how to quantify puck-moving ability, and so I kinda missed that one (still don't know if there are any advanced stats that show this ability). Hoping Johnson/Daley/Lindholm are good enough at that to let Chara/Staal/Braun focus on defense.

As Staggy noted, the plan is to lean heavily on my responsible forwards and rely on possession. With the best faceoff team in the league by far, I was hoping that I would be able to control the flow of the game. My swap of Stepan & Bergeron hopefully answers the question that Mikey had, and actually provides a lot more balance than I expected. I was set on having Kesler & Bergeron (two Selke's) together to just completely shut down the opposition for some reason - however, Staal/Bergeron/Read can do just as good of a job and allow Stepan / Marleau to focus more on offense if necessary. That line + the Palat/Toews/Backes line should provide a decent amount of offense.

I picked most of the centers based on the fact that they can play off-center. Backes can play RW (and has with Steen at times), Marleau plays everywhere, Kesler has played RW with the Sedins, Staal has played LW for Pittsburgh, and Nielsen plays anywhere & everywhere for NYI. Even Schenn and Hodgson have both been used in wing position. Plus, those players all have the hockey smarts (IMO) to quickly pick up not playing center, and because this team doesn't rely on a standard LW/C/RW line combo, I'm hoping that means the players will be able to roam and do their thing more: Backes and Kesler hitting everything that moves, Bergeron / Palat / Toews / Stepan acting as roamers & picking off passes, etc.

You can say I picked the name LA for a purpose; I was inspired by their team effort this year to win the cup. With Julien leading the show, this team does not win or lose by one person's effort, and I'm glad everyone has picked up on that and noted the team will be hard to play against.

I think that both of my goaltenders will actually share the season's load; Smith could return to his Vezina-contending form with this group of forwards in front of him + Julien's system, and that would especially help the defense in their puck-moving. However, Lehtonen is just such a quality goaltender that I hold him the starter (even though he did not have the best playoffs... against freakin' Anaheim). I'm not sure where I get the idea that Lehtonen moves the puck well, Mikey, but Hockeynews & other places also seem to hold that idea. Dunno if there are any other sources I can point to that would help back my side though.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by meow »

Staggy wrote:St. Louis:

Nice team top to bottom. I see the top line as sort of the Kunitz-Crosby-Dupuis line of this league. Crosby is flanked by two good wingers, certainly not elite players but enough to make him one of the top 2 scorers in the league, and he'll give a healthy boost to Ryan and Oshie's totals as well. One of the best 3 or 4 lines in the league, but like the Pens' line it mostly because of Crosby. Great makeup for the second line and I like the wingers on the 3rd. I'm not 100% sold on Vermette there but he works out okay and completes a deadly top 9. Not a fan of the 4th line, but they won't really hurt you in limited playing time. Great goalie. All the defensive pairs look solid although the bottom pairing looks like they may get pinned quite a bit. Not many questions here, should comfortably make the playoffs.
Excellent post, Staggy. I'll dive into my team's critique. I wanted to give Crosby some familiar style players that we've seen him succeed with. He hasn't consistently had someone with Ryan's skill-set flank him, but Oshie and Kunitz are very comparable players. Similar size, playing style, work ethic, attitude. Vermette is underrated around here, generally I feel. I love his game, but it is kind of vanilla. Steady and stable game from him, which is really what I was looking for in a 3rd line pivot at this level.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by mikey287 »

I like the changes to your lineup, meow. Vermette is as hard to sell as Turris because if you don't see them, you don't get the scope of their game. The difference is that Vermette is on your third line and Turris is on my second...I wonder if Plekanec is more highly thought of here than Turris...I guess so...

I've been a big fan of Vermette for a while now...
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by meow »

mikey287 wrote:I like the changes to your lineup, meow. Vermette is as hard to sell as Turris because if you don't see them, you don't get the scope of their game. The difference is that Vermette is on your third line and Turris is on my second...I wonder if Plekanec is more highly thought of here than Turris...I guess so...

I've been a big fan of Vermette for a while now...
I thought about the Plekanec, Turris situation a bit more. Pleks, plays a little heavier game, which is probably better at this level of a third line center opposed to a second line center. Turris is a softie, but the cerebral level is off the charts. I'm not as sold on Turris' defensive style as you are. You'll have to sway me because I think he is fairly average at that end of the rink.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by mikey287 »

I wish it was easier for me to cut up video...I could put together a great little package probably of what Turris and MacArthur did at both ends of the rink last season...namely, Turris, as he was the center.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by MRandall25 »

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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by Idoit40fans »

MacArthur is the glue that holds the entire sport together.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by mikey287 »

Staggy wrote:Alright some quick thoughts and questions on all the rosters. Avyran and Mikey covered a lot so I'll try to focus on things they didn't mention.

Pluses: Getzlaf and Benn may be the best tandem in the league and will be a nightmare for defenders every single shift. Extremely skilled 4th line. Very good defensive crew, all smart players and good skaters.
Minuses: I'm unsure about the second line. I don't mind the composition of it but I think it's underwhelming when comparing it to most of the other second lines in the league. 4th line is pretty small so I'm not sure how they'll hold up against bigger units.
Questions: My main questions are what you're looking for out of your second line and how you think they'll fare, and also if your team will try to mirror a roided up version of Tippett's Coyotes' or play a little more open.
Agree, agree, agree, agree.
Agree, agree, not too worried about it depending on the matchup. There's a few fourth lines in this league that this group will skate circles around. Some tough matchups will undoubtedly exist though.
We're going to play a pretty close to the vest style of game. All these players are responsible and skilled. So we're gonna play defense that leads to offense. The original concept for Scotty Bowman's neutral zone trap was to create offense, because it created a situation where pucks were turned over in the NZ, allowing for odd-man rushes. As the skill in the league diminished or diluted, teams like the Panthers became more and more passive...they elected to nearly penalty kill for most of the game. The Habs had the skill to turn turnovers into goals...this Habs team has that. They are loosely modeled on those dynasty clubs.
Staggy wrote:California:
Pluses: Awesome top 6. Taylor Hall on your second line is a huge advantage and he will likely be dynamite with Spezza. Nasty first powerplay. Goals will come easily.
Minuses: They might go in easily too. I like the second pairing the best, but can both those guys play on their off side? Hossa and Datsyuk didn't show great chemistry when they played together, but that was also 6 years ago and things change.
Questions: I see some of the King's parallels on offense that you were mentioning and the top 6 will provide plenty enough offense to win a lot of games. I'm mainly concerned with the goals against, as I'm not sure I see the Sutter fit with the defense.
Agree totally. 300 GF, 270 GA. Gonna be tough to keep pucks out of the net against a lot of clubs. Top six is filthy though.
Staggy wrote:TBD:
You guys mentioned not having line combos yet so there's not much for me to go on here but... I would like the look a lot better if one of MacKinnon or Couture was the third line center. I like having one of Hanzal or Ott center a line at this level, but not both of them. Mack with Kreider would be electric and give the opposition fits. One cool thing is I don't think a team with the best goalie in the league has ever had the worst goaltending situation before. I expect an add/drop to take place, because it's just not realistic to go through an entire season with one goalie. Hank getting hurt or even just exhausting as the season goes along will cripple any chance the team has.
Yeah, Ott is probably a fringe center at this level at best. Hanzal is terrific though. He's a quality third line center at this level I think, depending on role. Lundqvist playing 82 games will prove to be too much of a disadvantage I think to overcome...even if it's just not in the regular season, I can't see this team getting out of the first round. But that's not where we're at yet...
Staggy wrote:Seattle:

Pluses: Crazy good first line. Right up there with Montreal in terms of best line I've seen so far. Second line will be excellent if the Sedins can bounce back. Very good top 3 defenders.
Minuses: Not great bottom 3 defenders. Nothing else sticks out too much, I don't like Dwight King there and I think Grabner is useless in this type of league but your 12th or 13th forward isn't really going to matter.
Questions: May be more of a coaching topic but will there be a lot of line matching going on here? Mostly wondering about whether Couturier will be used to shut down other team's number one center. That top 5 man unit will terrorize any line, let alone if they spend a good amount of time against weaker pairings.
There isn't a ton of winger support defensively on this team. No one is really much above average defensively...forechecking is a different story, but in terms of actual identification of defensive assignments, this team is lacking. In a tough spot, you'd almost have to pair up Stoll and Couturier to get a lock down line. Hagelin and Cogliano are fast, but they don't always know where they're in a hurry to go...
Staggy wrote:Hartford:

Dynamic offensively. Really strong top 9 wingers. Elite gamebreaker in Kane, a few more gamebreakers in JVR, Gaborik, and Tarasenko, and a 40 goal man in Patches. Kopitar, as great as he is, seems slightly out of pace. As others have said, are you going to go all out offense and unleash him like he's never been before? Or are you planning for his elite two way play to trickle down the lineup a bit? I'd go option 1 and just let it ride. Defense is underwhelming and I haven't seen Rinne play at a level capable of bailing out a team in a couple years now. Still, I'd enjoy watching them try to win game 6-5. Fun team.
Yeah, there really isn't much choice but to just 80's Oilers this group...just let it fly and hope Rinne makes the "next save" - the 9 best forwards on this team are as good as any in the league probably...
Staggy wrote:Los Angeles:

Woah, I was certain I had the most centers in the league... Awesome collection of two way centers. Nice mix of elite two wayers and offensive creativity. Maybe too many guys playing out of position but I'm sure they can adapt. The team seems like a Boston hybrid, only with a better group of forwards and a worse group of defensemen. I'm not in love with the d core here. Very solid first pairing, but Lindholm, Staal, and Johnson scare me at their respective spots. Fine goalie in Lehtonen. Obviously there is an abundance of two forwards here so the plan will be for them to cover up the areas of the defense that are weak, correct? You certainly have the group to do so. The opposition will have a tough time gaining any zone entry at all and if they do your forwards aren't likely to miss many coverages. Overall, there are some concerns with defense and goal scoring, bu this team seems like it will be a tough out in the playoffs.
The familiarity of centers having to come back deeper should aid an average defense, probably. The out of position-ness might be tough to overcome in the voters' minds...really asking a lot from this forward group, both defensively and offensively...
Staggy wrote:Iceland:

Very good forward group top to bottom. I might flip flop Nyquist and Hornqvist. Hornqvist seems better fit to crash the net while Tavares and Sharp do their thing. Dropping Nyquist down gives you a gamebreaker on your third line and adds speed to the line as well. One of the better 4th lines I've seen. I like your top 4 defensemen, the bottom pairing seems like they could get in some trouble though. Goaltending is where I raise my eyebrows though...Fleury wasn't bad in the playoffs last year, even quite good at times. I just don't know if he can be a reliable playoff starter at this level unless he's sheltered. While I don't think your D is bad at all, what is your gameplan to help Fleury out? Teams will be rolling 3-4 scoring lines and there will be onslaughts, I'd almost prefer to start Halak in this kind of league.
Interesting suggestion, not bad (re: Nyquist/Hornqvist).
Staggy wrote:St. Louis:

Nice team top to bottom. I see the top line as sort of the Kunitz-Crosby-Dupuis line of this league. Crosby is flanked by two good wingers, certainly not elite players but enough to make him one of the top 2 scorers in the league, and he'll give a healthy boost to Ryan and Oshie's totals as well. One of the best 3 or 4 lines in the league, but like the Pens' line it mostly because of Crosby. Great makeup for the second line and I like the wingers on the 3rd. I'm not 100% sold on Vermette there but he works out okay and completes a deadly top 9. Not a fan of the 4th line, but they won't really hurt you in limited playing time. Great goalie. All the defensive pairs look solid although the bottom pairing looks like they may get pinned quite a bit. Not many questions here, should comfortably make the playoffs.
Generally, agree with this.
Staggy wrote:New York:

Incomplete so not much to say, solid foundation though.


Another solid team. As the description states, nothing flashy (outside of Duchene's skating) just a team that gets the job done. Defense looks really strong, I like the idea of not making a Suter-Weber super pairing and instead deciding to spread out the big guns. Obviously goaltending not a concern at all, Price is a top 5 goalie. I'm slightly unsure where all the goals are going to come from though. The meshing on the scoring forwards just seems a little...off to me. Staal and Simmonds sound good together but are either of them crafty enough to get the puck to the other for prime scoring opportunities? I'm not so sure. The bottom 6 looks solid but they won't create many goals. I'd bank on a high percentage of goals coming from the powerplay which leads to my big question. Why is Simmonds not planted in front of the net on the PP while Weber rips 100 mph slappers? This is a strong team though and goals will be hard to come by for both teams in the game.
Again, pretty much agree. It's a solid construction. But not anything great, especially at this level. With Michel Therrien at coach, goals are gonna be manufactured, not created organically, so...you either favor that or you don't...
Staggy wrote:Colombus:

Wow that top line is good. Eerily similar to the Parise-Seguin-Ovechkin line. They could put up 260 points and 120 goals between them. The whole top 9 looks very good. The speed of that 4th line scares me a bit though. I just see them losing too many foot races, getting dusted in transition, and mostly just being completely lost against fast teams. Once again, 4th line so not a huge deal. Very good goaltending in Varlamov. Pietrangelo is awesome, great defensive player. The remaining 5 (maybe not Maatta) are just all offense, all the time and will likely give Varlamov night terrors. I think this team is somewhat similar to Hartford, lots of goals both ways.

I know I didn't state explicit questions for most teams, I mostly just threw out what I saw from looking over each team. Feel free to point out places you disagree with my analysis or explain how one of my concerns aren't actually a big deal and the like.
Agree, again.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by Kraftster »

I will finally get to dig into this this weekend.

I have to say, in trying to get caught up, this back up goaltender business seems a bit absurd. We genuinely thought rosters were uniform until the final few picks, and I didn't even really have a moment to think about the brief add/drop period this week. If our 23 rounds of full participation gets pissed away because of our Hextall pick at the end, then so be it, I guess, but it seems a little bit much to me.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by count2infinity »

The instruction post from mikey clearly states we're putting together teams to play an entire season and playoffs if we make it that far. I don't think that it's unreasonable to say your team over a season would be worse off with only one goalie. That being said, since the add/drop was so short, I'd have no problems with allowing you to drop someone and add a back-up goalie if you'd like to do that.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by mikey287 »

Yeah, I mean, I don't have that big of a problem with adding a backup goalie (unless there's major protest), but I find it odd that you wouldn't put together a full legal gameday roster of 20 dress-able skaters when there were 25 opportunities to do so... :lol:

Or not, I mean, Grant Fuhr played 79 games a few years ago...
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by meow »

Thy can add a back-up goalie, but it has to be Brzy.

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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by Idoit40fans »

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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by mikey287 »

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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by mikey287 »

Regular season 1st place voting has begun here: http://www.letsgopens.com/scripts/phpBB ... =6&t=64476" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by MalkinIsMyHomeboy »

mikey287 wrote:RNH being a top PKer at this level. He hardly kills in the 30-team league he once played in...
Forgot to respond to this but I never meant for RNH to be on my top PK. Accidentally switched Johnson and him on the roster.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by count2infinity »

may I suggest if we are keeping the playoffs to only participants voting, each organization only gets one vote. I feel it would be unfair for organizations with multiple people to get multiple votes (even though I'm part of one of those organizations and it would favor me).
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by mikey287 »

That's fine, and I have no problem with that...but obviously teams in their own playoff series do not vote for their own series. So if I had an asst GM, neither of us are eligible to vote for the Toronto/Montreal series at all...I included asst. GMs because I would guess I wouldn't get votes from at least 2 of the other participating members...

However you guys want to do it is fine though...
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by count2infinity »

ohhhh...forgot that we don't vote on our own series, then i have no problem with assistant GMs voting.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by meow »

I'd rather each team only gets one vote, but I won't be pissy if we decide to let ass gms vote as well.
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by mikey287 »

meow wrote:I'd rather each team only gets one vote, but I won't be pissy if we decide to let ass gms vote as well.
I'd rather it be that way too. But I also want a fair sample size...I'm not positive I can accomplish that without AGMs...
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Re: Draft Dispersal Game - Roster Thread

Post by Avyran »

Could also ask a few outside folk to come in & judge as well... folks that we all agree upon. Could help with sample size.

It's not like Jesse, Gaucho, or anyone else will be horribly biased toward one person or anything.