Mike Yeo Chopping Block

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Is it time to fire Mike Yeo?

Poll ended at Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:56 pm

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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by booboo »

Pens15 wrote:But yet I suspect that Malkin and Sid like things the way they are. Set plays would seem to limit their creativity.
If that is true, then call Geno and Sid PP coaches and save money on Yeo's salary.
He is useless any way you look at it.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by tksmr2 »

Here's one.. after the game Kunitz's commented on the powerplay at one point in between periods. Yeo apparently told the teams 1 for 6 isn't that bad.. Well, they scored there one goal at that point in time with a 2 man advantage.

1-6 and only scoring on the 2 man advantage.. is really unacceptable for this team. I could see if they were getting stoned by Tim Thomas left and right on the powerplay.. but this team should be down right 'deadly' on the powerplay.. and it's soooo.. bad that you don't really want them to have the powerplay, b/c the other team has more of a threat to score than they are.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by penny lane »

http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsbu ... 16242.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Sergei tries his hand at coaching the pens power play. :)
"It wasn't working," defenseman Sergei Gonchar said of Malkin's power-play positioning at the left point. "We tried a different look and we scored a goal."
That is no small feat. The Penguins have tallied on only 50 of 309 power-play chances this season, most of which Malkin has spent working the left or right point — a 16.2 percent efficiency rate that Gonchar said yesterday "is a long way from where we should be."
The Penguins are ranked in the bottom third on the power play. They finished no lower than fifth with a rate no worse than 21 percent each of the past two seasons.
"That is where we should be with the players we have," said Gonchar, whose presence at the right point was sorely missed when he sat out the Penguins' first 56 games because of a left shoulder injury.
Gonchar said "it's tough to judge" if Malkin should remain up front on the power play. "It's nice to have a variety of looks," he said.
"Maybe as a forward he feels a little bit more comfortable, but that's only my guess," Gonchar said of Malkin, who during the Stanley Cup final last season told the Tribune-Review he was not comfortable with the defensive aspect of playing the power-play points.
"That was only one period with that look, but it worked - and we need to have more periods like those."
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by SoupOrSam »

1-6 isn't TERRIBLE by itself for a game. It's the fact that it has become normal for the PP to operate that low. Add in the fact that specific to this game the PP allowed a SHORTIE and we have completely erased that PP goal...not to mention the huge momentum swing a short-handed goal produces. This PP has zero excuse for not converting at a higher percentage than it has all season. You cannot expect to go anywhere in the playoffs without special teams coming up huge. Special teams and defense makes and breaks teams. It's a shame that a PP consisting of Crosby, Malkin, and Gonchar alone is as bad as it is. Yeo is a flat out idiot. I do not care to play armchair coach, but I will say anyone here would have made changes long ago. Malkin on the left point is about as dumb as it could be. Yeo should be fired for putting the leading scorer in the NHL on the left point if for no other reason.

Yeo is a moron, a joke of a coach, and must have some secrets on someone. He should have been fired LONG LONG LONG before MT ever was. I blame whoever I have to. Mario FAIL, Shero FAIL, Iceburgh FAIL. This team should be making opposing coaches cry about penalties during post-games so I can read about it the next day...
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by pfim »

Malkin on the left point was dumb, but really the problem with the PP has been gaining control of the puck in the zone. Their rushes up ice have been stagnant and every time they dump the puck in, it's an easy out for the other team.

And I realize Gonchar isn't out there for his defense, but someone please tell him that he still needs to defend when he's on the PP. I've never seen someone so lazy in his own zone.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by Mad City Mike »

pfim wrote:Malkin on the left point was dumb, but really the problem with the PP has been gaining control of the puck in the zone. Their rushes up ice have been stagnant and every time they dump the puck in, it's an easy out for the other team.

And I realize Gonchar isn't out there for his defense, but someone please tell him that he still needs to defend when he's on the PP. I've never seen someone so lazy in his own zone.
Another problem is how many faceoffs they lose to start the PP. Then that leads to your problem. it seems they just have Gonch or Malkin bring it up, and the rest of them just stand still at the blue line. Then when the puck carrier is slowed, he dumps it in, and nobody has any speed to go get it. They do not attack the zone as a 5-man unit. The opponents know this and just line up across the blue line.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by darkstar57 »

I like Malkin-Crosby-Guerin with Gonchar and Letang on the first power play.

I would run Sykora-Staal-Kunitz out on the second unit with Gonchar and Eaton, if Gonchar need to come off i replace him with... Gill. The reason i saw Gill is he does have a good tendency to wrist the puck to keep it into the zone, if he just throws it at the net it could lead to a tip in.

I think next year you will see Gonchar - Letang on the points of the 1st pp with gogo taking charge of the second unit
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by Henry Hank »

I'm admittedly ignorant here, but how much power does Yeo really have? People seem to think he's the ultimate authority on the PP for the team and he decides absolutely everything about it. Doesn't Bylsma have any input? Yeo is his subordinate. I'm guessing that Yeo gets input from Bylsma and got input from Therrien, and I'm also guessing that Bylsma ultimately is the one who decides who's going on the ice in real game situations. Don't get me wrong, the lack of success on the PP this year is inexcusable and someone has to be held accountable - that starts with the guy who coaches the PP - but I also think Yeo gets far too much grief. Bylsma has his say in the matter, and I'm guessing as the man above Yeo in rank, is the final voice on any coaching decision, and the players have their part in it as well. Like I've said before, whenever the Pens were great on the PP the last few seasons, it was always in spite of Yeo, but once they struggle, it's only because of him. That's bad logic.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by slappybrown »

Which 4 of you jokers voted no?
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by Sarcastic »

ivand87 wrote:Letang and Gonchar should be the point men and Malkin should play the right wall, Crosby should move from the left and behind the net and support Malkin on the right corner. Then you stick Guerin in front of the net.

THAT'S IT. It's so SIMPLE. Yeo sucks, just fire him!
I think that's what they were doing toward the end of the Boston game. Umbrella. Gonchar in the middle (the highest), Letang on the left wall, Malkin on the right wall. And I agree, ivand, that is how it should be. Have those guys shoot the crap out of the puck. Then have Crosby move around the net, behind, and so on and just plant Guerin or Kunitz in front. Go to Guerin or Kunitz, based on who's fresher or something. Like Detroit do it with Holmstrom and Franzen. Leave the PP this way and just work on execution.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by Three Stars »

Henry Hank wrote:Like I've said before, whenever the Pens were great on the PP the last few seasons, it was always in spite of Yeo, but once they struggle, it's only because of him. That's bad logic.
That's like the foundation of Penguins fandom right there. When the Penguins do badly, it's because they suck. When the Penguins do well, that's in spite of all the ways that they suck, and is merely delaying the inevitable.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by Bob McKenzie »

Three Stars wrote:
Henry Hank wrote:Like I've said before, whenever the Pens were great on the PP the last few seasons, it was always in spite of Yeo, but once they struggle, it's only because of him. That's bad logic.
That's like the foundation of Penguins fandom right there. When the Penguins do badly, it's because they suck. When the Penguins do well, that's in spite of all the ways that they suck, and is merely delaying the inevitable.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out some of the poor things working on the PP.

Fans have a right to express their concern or point out issues they see.

I have to agree with many of the fans on this one. If you have THAT much talent on the PP and consistently see the same things done over and over again which in the end provide negative results, I don't see what the problem is for pointing that out.

So...should Mike Yeo be praised for the great results on the PP?
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by SoupOrSam »

***, ppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhleeaaaaaaassseeeee. Questioning anyone's fandom is absurd. My fandom tells me that Yeo needs a stray puck to the groin in practice. My common sense tells me Yeo is a moron. Yeah the players have failed miserably at executing. They have also failed miserably in the try department when it comes to chasing down pucks the majority of times. However, Yeo has failed at designing a PP that exhibits numbers that even remotely resemble a powerplay boasting two of the top three leading scorers in the league along with a debatable top5 PP QB. Yeo needs his head smacked off the turnbuckle.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by PittPensFan »

SoupOrSam wrote:***, ppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhleeaaaaaaassseeeee. Questioning anyone's fandom is absurd. My fandom tells me that Yeo needs a stray puck to the groin in practice. My common sense tells me Yeo is a moron. Yeah the players have failed miserably at executing. They have also failed miserably in the try department when it comes to chasing down pucks the majority of times. However, Yeo has failed at designing a PP that exhibits numbers that even remotely resemble a powerplay boasting two of the top three leading scorers in the league along with a debatable top5 PP QB. Yeo needs his head smacked off the turnbuckle.
And then a superplex and the Figure-Four Leglock.
Henry Hank
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by Henry Hank »

So...should Mike Yeo be praised for the great results on the PP?
Personally, I think it's only fair that the coaching staff - along with the players - get credit for success. I think it's just as fair that the players - along with the coaching staff - get blamed for failure.

My opinion is that the wolves have been waiting a couple years now to go all out on busting Yeo and are really lapping it up now that the PP actually is stuggling. He was unfairly targetted from the start.

I think the typical line of reasoning has been very flawed. If the Pens' talent in the past was enough to get by despite poor planning/teaching by Yeo, why isn't it enough now? Or if Yeo's coaching is so bad that it's bringing the talent down now, why didn't it before, especially on teams that didn't have the talent they now have (e.g. the 06-07 Pens).

Maybe I'm in the strong minority, and I don't care, but I think the fundamental flaw on the PP is part of a fundamental flaw in the mindset of the team that is only now being changed. This team has been too willing to try to finesse perfect plays on the PP instead of going for simple shots, and they turn the intensity down too much instead of bringing it. I don't think you can pin that on Yeo because this team's penchant for passing up shots reached a level of absurdity this season, even outside the PP, before Bylsma took over. They've also been missing a net presence and haven't gotten good work from their point men. Personally, even though the results haven't been there yet, I think the PP has looked a lot better with Gonchar, Kunitz, and Guerin in terms of puck movement, getting good looks, putting it on net, and creating opportunities.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by Bob McKenzie »

PittPensFan wrote:
SoupOrSam wrote:***, ppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhleeaaaaaaassseeeee. Questioning anyone's fandom is absurd. My fandom tells me that Yeo needs a stray puck to the groin in practice. My common sense tells me Yeo is a moron. Yeah the players have failed miserably at executing. They have also failed miserably in the try department when it comes to chasing down pucks the majority of times. However, Yeo has failed at designing a PP that exhibits numbers that even remotely resemble a powerplay boasting two of the top three leading scorers in the league along with a debatable top5 PP QB. Yeo needs his head smacked off the turnbuckle.
And then a superplex and the Figure-Four Leglock.


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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by PittPensFan »

The beginning of the end for Yeo with most of the fanbase was the disastrous PP in the Cup Finals. You can make an argument it cost them the Cup.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by Bob McKenzie »

Henry Hank wrote:
So...should Mike Yeo be praised for the great results on the PP?
Personally, I think it's only fair that the coaching staff - along with the players - get credit for success. I think it's just as fair that the players - along with the coaching staff - get blamed for failure.

My opinion is that the wolves have been waiting a couple years now to go all out on busting Yeo and are really lapping it up now that the PP actually is stuggling. He was unfairly targetted from the start.

I think the typical line of reasoning has been very flawed. If the Pens' talent in the past was enough to get by despite poor planning/teaching by Yeo, why isn't it enough now? Or if Yeo's coaching is so bad that it's bringing the talent down now, why didn't it before, especially on teams that didn't have the talent they now have (e.g. the 06-07 Pens).

Maybe I'm in the strong minority, and I don't care, but I think the fundamental flaw on the PP is part of a fundamental flaw in the mindset of the team that is only now being changed. This team has been too willing to try to finesse perfect plays on the PP instead of going for simple shots, and they turn the intensity down too much instead of bringing it. I don't think you can pin that on Yeo because this team's penchant for passing up shots reached a level of absurdity this season, even outside the PP, before Bylsma took over. They've also been missing a net presence and haven't gotten good work from their point men. Personally, even though the results haven't been there yet, I think the PP has looked a lot better with Gonchar, Kunitz, and Guerin in terms of puck movement, getting good looks, putting it on net, and creating opportunities.
HH, going back to the beginning of the season, what does the PP look like (the most prevalent things to look for)?

Pre Gonchar coming back:

Pass to Malkin at the top of the umbrella for a slapshot

Post Gonchar coming back:

Pass to Gonchar at the top of the umbrella for a slapshot

Sid rarely shoots on the PP and it shows as I believe he only has 3 PPGs the entire season.

Between Sid's lack of shooting and the shot being taken from the top of the umbrella 90% of the time, I'd say that falls on the coaching. You as a coach should recognize what is working and what isn't and then instruct the players regarding that. If it isn't working, then fix it.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by Bob McKenzie »

PittPensFan wrote:The beginning of the end for Yeo with most of the fanbase was the disastrous PP in the Cup Finals. You can make an argument it cost them the Cup.
It played a major part. If we convert on a few of those PPs, there is a game 7.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by Bob McKenzie »

Henry Hank wrote:I think the PP has looked a lot better with Gonchar, Kunitz, and Guerin in terms of puck movement, getting good looks, putting it on net, and creating opportunities.
I would agree with that. They do look better.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by Henry Hank »

PittPensFan wrote:The beginning of the end for Yeo with most of the fanbase was the disastrous PP in the Cup Finals. You can make an argument it cost them the Cup.
This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say that people have unfairly had it out for Yeo.

The Pens' PP success rate in the Finals was 5/27 (18.5%). It was 5/19 (26.3%) after the team decided to show up starting in Game 3. The Pens scored five ES goals in the entire series and it was the PP that cost them the Cup? I remember the 5-on-3 that they blew late in Game 4 - I was there - but that's such misplaced criticism. Especially considering how strong Detroit's PK is, an 18.5% success rate is far from disastrous. The PP is the only place where they generated offense in the Finals.

That wasn't the beginning of the end for Yeo. People have been whining about him for at least three seasons now and only until this year has the PP been poor for any considerable stretch.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by mac5155 »

pens8771 wrote:how Yeo stayed before Savard is beyond me
different systems being implemented. savard and MT were defense first.
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by theAmbassador »

Isn't Yeo been working with the defense now?
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by penmyst »

None of us are pro hockey coaches, so we aren't full of the solutions. But the bottom line is that when your team isn't producing, the coach is the one in the line of fire. Axe MT about that.

This PP, even w/o Gonchar much of the year, has been pathetic. That might be expected if you had curtain jerkers out there. But you have the top 2 points leaders in the league. And STILL you are nearly in the bottom 5 of the league for PP%. That's flat out, unadulterated crap. It's unacceptable. I don't care what they were doing last year or the year before that.

Let me restate, they have the top 2 points leaders in the league. And STILL you are nearly in the bottom 5 of the league for PP%.

Crosby does not belong in Malkin's spot. For crying out loud he has 3 PP goals on the year. THREE. T H R E E. That (Malkin not being on the RW boards) alone should be enough to fire the GD PP coach. What comes first the stupid coaching strategies or the ineptitude on the ice?

Why the french toast isn't Yeo locking himself in a room and watching video breakdowns of the top 5 PP units in the league and stealing some ideas? For the love of all gods this isn't rocket science!

That's why I won't defend the guy. HE is responsible for the PP sucking out loud, and even if his head rolling doesn't guarantee improvement, it can't really get any worse. Did I mention they are nearly in the bottom 5 PP units of the entire league?
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Re: Mike Yeo Chopping Block

Post by Waffles »

He works PP and Defense.