Stupid tab advertisement

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Re: Stupid tab advertisement

Post by BigMcK »

Admin, up until this morning, Google Ads owned a increase of space at the top of the screen. Now, on a 3 inch vertical screen, Ads own 2/3. A basic Motorola g7 play, no ad block app, and cookies settings for essential. I see 1 post headline with author and 1/2 of the following post headline without any information.

Any help to minimize Ad footprint is appreciated.

Thank you,
Site Admin
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Joined: Sat Jan 28, 2006 12:04 am

Re: Stupid tab advertisement

Post by Admin »

I have been working on this. Not 100% fixed since Google doesn't respect my authority want to play nice with ad sizes but you should not be seeing larger ads on the site. Still working on it.

I really appreciate your patience and not blocking ads. Again, I'm just trying to cover costs.