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shoeshine boy
Posts: 1679
Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:44 am
Location: me, 3 years Super League

Re: Expansion

Post by shoeshine boy »

meow wrote:I bet you Atlanta learned their lesson. They should have a team if there is expansion
it would be useless but not for the reasons you think. right now the same morons who ruined the Thrashers (Atlanta Spirit Group) are still running the arena. all they care about is basketball to the point where they gave up their arena having an event 44 extra nights a year.
the other major issue is transplant loyalty. metro Atlanta is full of Northern US and Canadian transplants but they won't give up their childhood teams to root for a local product. when the Pens, Red Wings, Maple Leafs and Rangers came to town the arena was full of people in the visitors jerseys who have lived in ATL for years.
I AM a native Atlantan but a Pens fan. I'm a little too young remember when the Flames were here. in my late teens and early 20's we had a very successful IHL team here and that's when I got into NHL hockey. I chose the Pens because A) Jagr and Mario were unstoppable B) I liked the mascot. when the Thrashers came along I did my best to adopt them. even had season tickets the first few years. the Thrashers never really gave me a reason (such as winning) to choose them over the Pens.

(and no, your sarcasm wasn't lost in translation)