Other NHL games 2014-2015 season

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Re: Other NHL games 2014-2015 season

Post by neophool »

Duncan Keith. What a hockey player.
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Re: Other NHL games 2014-2015 season

Post by Malkintent »

The Hawks are a great team, exciting to watch, but I admit I hate them mostly out of jealousy. I hate that they got away with those Keith and Hossa contracts. Blatantly cap circumventing. I'm sick of hearing about Toews. Good player but I honestly don't get the same vibe watching him as I do watching Crosby, Malkin, Ovechkin, etc. If he switched teams with Crosby or Malkin I doubt he would be so "clutch". On top of that, the Hawks NEVER seem to lose their best players for any length of time. Kane was supposed to be out until the Finals, yet he comes back in time for the playoffs and doesn't miss a beat.

Yes, I'm salty.