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Post by PittPensFan »

LeopardLetang wrote:
PittPensFan wrote:Well, by a stroke of luck one of the computers here works, so I'll be able to re-vote. I think iEUX's outburst would be counterintuitive to a wolf and we lynched bhaw for practically the same reason (mouth-running). I'll change my vote to mumbo, though.

unlynch Kicksave

lynch mumbobob
was there really a stroke of luck here? :D

this vote was important as it was a vote to get the heat off iEUX. jose said mumbo, i went with it, then came iEUX and PPF
No. That was a bold-faced lie. :lol: This post by the vig was my favorite:
MWB wrote:Really... pittpensfan and canaan are sitting in front of their computers laughing at us right now.
He probably had no idea how right he was. And he may have been thinking about capping me. But you guys talked him into Senka.
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Post by JoseCuervo »

PittPensFan wrote:
LeopardLetang wrote:
PittPensFan wrote:Well, by a stroke of luck one of the computers here works, so I'll be able to re-vote. I think iEUX's outburst would be counterintuitive to a wolf and we lynched bhaw for practically the same reason (mouth-running). I'll change my vote to mumbo, though.

unlynch Kicksave

lynch mumbobob
was there really a stroke of luck here? :D

this vote was important as it was a vote to get the heat off iEUX. jose said mumbo, i went with it, then came iEUX and PPF
No. That was a bold-faced lie. :lol: This post by the vig was my favorite:
MWB wrote:Really... pittpensfan and canaan are sitting in front of their computers laughing at us right now.
He probably had no idea how right he was. And he may have been thinking about capping me. But you guys talked him into Senka.
Yea, I was scared then and really started pushing senka into the mix once Irisheyes mentioned him.
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Post by JoseCuervo »

Haha, I didn't even realize that I've been the alpha wolf twice. Score.
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Post by IrishEyes »

iEUX wrote:also, a fun fact:

apparently (my boys told me), the one night I was all hammered and kept on referring to this beautiful blonde girl as 'my Angel' and nearly got into a fight with some kid because 'hes out here acting like an F'in vigilante'.

Thats when you know youre too involved with WW. Im so glad this is over.

Normally I would say we "owned" the village. But clearly, the village "owned" me for 1 weeks time. :lol:
I'm a red-head. :P

Well played, wolves. Well played.
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Post by PittPensFan »

bhaw wrote:How did you guys get PPF to log in last night and cast the final vote after being absent for all those days?

I was around constantly. I, being the n00b of the group, decided that it would be best if I laid low because I'd likely give myself away. But I was very active PM'ing and putting forward nomnom candidates. I only appeared in the thread to get the noose off iEUX's neck. At the endgame, I was worried that Jose had outsmarted himself. This is how the endgame went behind closed doors:

iEUX wrote: think thats damn near insanity.

i was just getting ready to pop up. smiter knows i was around at this time last night. now what should I do? now i think i almost have to shut up. but what if im needed

wow jose u just pushed us headlong into the endgame im absolutely about to have a nervous breakdown

you just made it so i cant leave this thread now at all period. im putting on some coffee

Jose wrote:Yea, I didn't get to go out tonight. Lame, right?

I was bored and wanted bhaw to post that in the morning, but whatever. I asked him earlier if he was waiting on me (while irisheyes wasn't active) and he said yea. I assumed irish just has herself on autoprotect so before she had a chance to see that this was her chance to possibly save the village... I sent it.

Oh well, stay quiet. We never know what people will think. I'm totally arguing against jaysmiter though. Pick someone and if we have to we can debate amongst ourselves in the thread. Hopefully somebody casts a vote and if not, then I will. People will hesitate at first, but we'll see what happens.

this may sound weird, but I might say pick ppf- we can then argue that the wolves wouldn't have picked canaan to eat to out the last quiet guy. And that the wolves wanted that to happen.
iEUX wrote:yeah i didnt go out either. but so what. this game is absolutely on the line tonight.

i wasnt ready for this final round under these circumstances. at least errey piped in and smiter seems like a nightcrawler......

im glued to it at this point and dont have real obligations until monday.....

i just hope a few hours pass before anything happens.....
Jose wrote:they better because I'm going to sleep and don't plan on getting up real early
iEUX wrote:things could go awry quick at this point. i have no clue how i want to play this now because the timing is so out of line with how i foresaw it in my brain.

i may have to take a daring approach or something. ill just go with what happens. i think we can lock this////

PPF you there?!!
Jose wrote:don't be too risky...at all

IE has the trust of the village, nobody thinks kicksave is a wolf either- it's down to us three, smiter, and errey. That poor timing by errey may have screwed him up too. The fact is though, we can do this. iEUX, you're pretty much safe. PPF, slight danger, but may be out of it because of canaan's death. Me, more danger due to all the callouts- pretty much everyone said "jose is a wolf...but lets get this guy first" They're idiots. They'll kill themselves, I'm pretty sure.

We just don't need to be rash or even to hasty on the lynchings. If everything fails, we lose one of our own and have to get the next lynching. It's bottom of the 9th and their are 2 outs, we gotta make the right pitches to get a perfect game here.
iEUX wrote:im sittin on nails over here

i know those fools are online too......

im not going to say anything....i dont wanna be blamed for effing this up....keep me posted on what youre gonna say and whatnot
Jose wrote:I'm going to sleep.

Just be calm, nobody will throw a crazy lynch out there. If they do, tell them to take it back before the wolves get into the game.
iEUX wrote:I cant believe this ended up being our final round strategyy....

eat and then go to bed. and hopefully we wake up and the village has hung one of thier own without us....?

ugh. alright. f it. ill go to sleep too. we'll see what they do.
PPF wrote:I had the temerity to go to bed at 1:30 am. :lol: It's alright, nobody even casted a vote during the night (everybody was like us, sleeping). And KS immediately threw something at jay (but not a vote, so don't bite the bullet). I'm working from 12-5 eastern and then going out with the lady love at 6. I'll be on until 11:45.
Jose wrote:ok, i'm trying to make some sense in the village so they don't make it too easy for us
PPF wrote:Alright, but don't outsmart yourself.
Jose wrote:uh oh..I might have
PPF wrote:It's alright for now. If KS votes for you, you're in trouble. smiter was going to vote for you anyways.
Jose wrote:well, if i do die, you guys have the perfect argument to take errey down next round because I defended his lynching
iEUX wrote:ok. 2pm. im in. you guys there? what should i do?
PPF wrote:If one of the villagers votes for jay, we're victorious.
iEUX wrote:ok lets just wait for the jay vote?
PPF wrote:I think somebody will lynch him.
iEUX wrote:ok good. i think if i vote jaysmiter right now, irisheyes, errey, or kicksave will join me and you can pop in as #4 and kill it
[quote="PPF]Do it, but do it wisely. Jose almost outsmarted himself.[/quote]
iEUX wrote:yeah Jose has completely changed the landscape of this endgame from what i thought it could be. i wish wedve worked a little closer on this.

im trying to adjust accordingly. i think IE will just come on along with it. i really hope so
PPF wrote:Alright. Now let's just hope somebody else takes it.
iEUX wrote:one of errey, kicksave, or IE is going to bite my smiter post.

I know it. plus I have to set it up this way because I GTG grocery shopping and wont be in here to serve as a 1-2 snipe

we couldve closed this out earlier if I had been here, im sorry guys.

Cuervo sitting on Jay opens the door for me to do this and its perfect because my cat is whining and im goin to the market
PPF wrote:Don't get too enthusiastic. That may turn it towards you a bit.
iEUX wrote:yeah i was thinking that a bit during the third post.

it is very zealous, but i think its also congruent to my image...

somebodys gotta bite on it. three confused players somebodys got to bite it.
iEUX wrote:there it is......

haha i hope irisheyes or errey ends it.

come on baby!!!!!
Jose wrote:PPF- Do it!!!!!!!!
PPF wrote: :twisted:

Wolves win. Flawless victory. Fatality.
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Post by bhaw »

I like the motivational speeches: "The fact is we can do this!"
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Post by JoseCuervo »

Sorry for calling all of the villagers idiots...I didn't mean it. Though you were all over the place the entire game...
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Post by bhaw »

whatever jerk face!
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Post by JoseCuervo »

I was caught up in the moment of having everyone suspicious of me but not having the faith to lynch me
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Post by JoseCuervo »

From my PMs,
JoseCuervo wrote:Well, it was a great run.

We are by far, the greatest wolves ever. And that was the stupidest village.
Nevermind, maybe not...
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Post by LeopardLetang »

i want to mention that it was cool of kicksave to defend himself (in his own way) until we finally could believe him and then for him to be active afterwards to keep his trust. it's so important to have a player or two other than an outed role player for the village to trust.

from my perspective, the big mistake of course was my trusting iEUX. he acted so much like an over-eager villager that wasn't really sure what was going on. and then continued to make confusing posts that i ended up just pretty much ignoring him haha. the key is that there is so much more motivation for the wolves to win than for the village.

but gameplay-wise, i think a huge key was lynching a quiet TW. that was pretty much the last straw for the village when it came to lynching non-active players. there were only really two left then, canaan and PPf and i felt like we couldn't afford to go with another shot in the dark. so it was either errey, smiter, cuervo or iEUX. and once i was wrong on wienand, i couldn't pick any of those with any surety.

the day i got lynched, i wonder if my plead to the angel would have gotten the vote off me and gained me the full trust.

anyway, i've enjoyed reading every word of this sum up. iEUX had me suckered. and for a while Jose did too. and PPf stuck his neck out there perfectly when needed. great job battling with jaysmiter at the end. i would have trusted him but you guys fought hard there and made it at least too tough to be certain. this was after i was dead or just before or both i guess.

it's a compliment to jaysmiter that i thought there was a chance he was lying at the end. that's what i meant when i finally came back and said i could have just gone with jaysmiter. meaning, trusted him. he was calling me to come back and help. but then i got this horrible feeling that although it seemed impossible, that he was lying and dragging me back to do his wolfy bidding. in short, i had no confidence left in myself for the game. i just gave up. wolves never give up.

at least i got lynched which was deserved and no filthy quadruped got his fangs near me.
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Post by JoseCuervo »

I really think that when jaysmiter lynched you, the game was over. I thought you were playing very well despite trusting iEUX, and jaysmiter just put a nail into his own coffin with that one.

And by the way NAN, we're still hungry for the other 3. write her up.
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Post by Twisted Wrister »

So I, by working 50 hours this week, won the game for the wolves.
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Post by LeopardLetang »

Twisted Wrister wrote:So I, by working 50 hours this week, won the game for the wolves.
heh. you helped. when i was reading back in prep for my big write-up, i noticed and remembered your post about not being around the day we lynched you. crap.
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Post by JoseCuervo »

Twisted Wrister wrote:So I, by working 50 hours this week, won the game for the wolves.
you certainly helped us get out of that one round where the village just lost it. I was afraid we were about to also.
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Post by Twisted Wrister »

yeah, I come back from work and I'm like crap, I didn't get to defend myself, although, I didn't have much of a defense planned.
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Post by Senka »

i was taking out JC my next night but i got shot. and that was the only one i was confident in. i even PM'd him and said "i think you are a wolf. you were my next hit" haha
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Post by JoseCuervo »

Senka wrote:i was taking out JC my next night but i got shot. and that was the only one i was confident in. i even PM'd him and said "i think you are a wolf. you were my next hit" haha
And I said, suck it...you're dead.

I think people had me pegged as a role player, mostly the vig, so when MWB came out it was all down hill from there.
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Post by Senka »

JoseCuervo wrote:
Senka wrote:i was taking out JC my next night but i got shot. and that was the only one i was confident in. i even PM'd him and said "i think you are a wolf. you were my next hit" haha
And I said, suck it...you're dead.

I think people had me pegged as a role player, mostly the vig, so when MWB came out it was all down hill from there.

yeah i was kinda upset about it, but i just had to watch the game unfold and see how it went. I really had no idea though you kno my senka speculation haha.

I was convinced it was not iEUX and it was Jay.
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Post by Idoit40fans »

Wow, i'm so glad everyone got eatified.
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Post by MWB »

Idoit40fans wrote:Wow, i'm so glad everyone got eatified.
See, aren't you happy I shot you now? At least you didn't have deep ties with the failing village.
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Post by newarenanow »

Final Day

(from bhaw posts......) Once the gallows broke, the villagers beat and dragged jaysmiter, a regular villager, up to the Mellon Arena, where they hang him from the bottom of the scoreboard. Waiting for his body to change, the village realizes that they have made a mistake, and now the numbers are even.

Final Night

Going to bed, the remaining villagers don't know if they will wake up the next morning. Once night falls on the arena construction site, Jose, PittsPensFan, and iEUX, the three bad wolves, enter each tent, tearing apart the final three villagers.

Full from their 3 course meal, the wolves let out a loud Howl, celebrating their victory over the villagers of NANville. Unfortunately, with no villagers remaining, the new arena is not built, and the Penguins move to Kansas City. Will the three wolves follow and terrorize the villagers at KC new arena?????

We will see in WWVI, coming around Xmas time...................

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Post by newarenanow »

Sorry for the lame write up. I wasn't home all weekend, and only got to check in Sunday morning for a few minutes. I was hoping to write up something better, and had some ideas, but because it ended on the weekend, and the natives were getting restless, I just posted the three wolves so you guys could discuss.

bhaw did a good job taking over. Thanks.

As for the game itself, it was fun modding. It was fun knowing everything that was going on and having Jose let me read the PMs made it even more interesting.

To me, this just proves that the game is a crapshoot, especially at the beginning. You can talk all you want, but they all just become a bandwagon vote because not everyone has the same ideas at the beginning.

Good job.
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Post by JoseCuervo »


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Post by newarenanow »

That's a pretty sweet picture.