Official GDT: Pens vs Canes 12/21/23

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Re: Official GDT: Pens vs Canes 12/21/23

Post by ThronedFlame »

Zalapski33 wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:03 pm Sidney Crosby gave a memorable performance in this Win.Everything his career has been about was out there on display tonight.
Ned with a solid strong game.His composure was big late.He needs to stay as the guy going forward.
PP once again reared its ugly head and just about cost them this game.
Malkin is in a fog that isn't lifting.Awful effort,poor decisions,not a threat to do a thing offensively right now.Whatever is going on there is a serious
First game I’ve gotten to go to in a long time… man the PP is just as ugly in person as it looks on the TV. And Malkin just looks aimless…. He just skates around in the periphery and occasionally tries to skate the puck into the offensive zone with speed, but just gives up as soon as anyone attempts to get in his way. He needs to move down to the third line for a bit and be forced to grind it out.

Also have I been gaslit for the last decade? Was Jeff Carter actually any good at some point in his career? Watching this version of him would suggest otherwise
Coffey Break
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Re: Official GDT: Pens vs Canes 12/21/23

Post by Coffey Break »

Antonio wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:44 pm Jesus Crosby trying to single handedly will them to victory after single handedly earning them a point. He keeps showing game after game, year after year, why he's a true generational talent. Times like this really highlight why people who put malkin in the same universe as Crosby are just so wrong. Malkin has been a great top tier talent but he's not and will never be a Crosby level talent.
I've never understood this infatuation with Pens fans that feel the need to put one guy down for the other. Newsflash - they play for the same team. How about we just enjoy 2 generational talents while we have them?

It's the same typical bulls*** that spews downhill because of a certain PGH radio host that's been trying to run 71 out of the town since 2009.
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Re: Official GDT: Pens vs Canes 12/21/23

Post by Antonio »

It is not putting him down and not to run him out of town, but just to highlight how much better Crosby really is compared to any other player that has come along in the last 2 decades. Malkin has been a great talent for sure, but Crosby keeps showing how much greater he is than everyone else who has laced them up. Great as Malkin has been, I don't think he is a "generational talent." That is a label that is supposed to represent players that come along 1 every 10 years or so...Crosby yes, Malkin no. Malkin has been a true elite top tier center but there are several of those in the league. It is not an insult to the guy, which I know some people get all sensitive over, like they gave birth to him. It is just my opinion...does not mean I don't think he has been a great player and I know he will be a HoFer.

I will say however, that yeah I thought they should have moved on from Malkin last year instead of resigning him, and sadly he is showing why I thought it was time to move on. I never understood the infatuation fans have with certain players like they are sacrosanct over others and have to stay on the team well past their prime usefulness when the team could be better by moving them.